For information about his Mario equivalent, see here.
NOTICE! Ya Boy Duggie was the November 2021 Article of the Month. |
Please note the following:
— Black Yoshi/Duggie begging Mario/Marvin for something.
"Marvin/Mario, I need to play me some Call of Duties" | ||
— Ya Boy Duggie/Black Yoshi when he asks Marvin/Mario if he can play Call of Duty
"Pookie, stop it." | ||
— When Duggie asks Booger to stop doing something bad.
Ya Boy Duggie or simply Duggie (formerly known as Black Yoshi) is a formerly-main, currently minor character in the SML series. He is currently the archenemy of Brooklyn T. Guy and a frenemy of Marvin.
He is portrayed as a stereotypical African American stereotype and is depicted as Yoshi's cousin who resides with Marvin. Duggie is often shown engaging in activities such as playing Call of Duty and making video game sounds in the living room. He frequently demands new Call of Duty games and map packs from Marvin, despite lacking a job to purchase them himself.
Despite claiming Marvin as his best friend [2], Duggie's actions consistently demonstrate a lack of genuine care or loyalty towards him. Instead, he is depicted as manipulative, often resorting to theft and dishonesty to fulfill his own needs. His relationship with Marvin is characterized by one-sided interactions, with Duggie frequently seeking financial assistance and material goods.
Duggie initially served as a prominent character alongside Mario as a replacement to the late Mama Luigi.
Duggie sung the "SuperMarioLogan Theme Song" with DeStorm.
Although he is a villain most of the time, he is an anti-hero on rare occasions. [3]
In most recent videos, Duggie continues to bother Marvin and asking him for money, and also continues stealing things.
In February 2021, Nintendo threatened to sue Logan for using their characters in his videos. Logan decided to heavily change his character of Black Yoshi into a new character named Duggie. Although the character of Black Yoshi already appeared in the SuperBowserLogan videos before Nintendo threatened to sue Logan, the thumbnails replaced Black Yoshi with Duggie and renamed the character as such to avoid further legal trouble from Nintendo.
The future of Duggie's character was uncertain until Logan confirmed that Duggie might come back during summer 2022, He eventually returned in "It's Ya Boy Duggie!".
He calls everyone "folk".
Black Yoshi, as his name describes, is a Yoshi who is black. He is African American. He once wore a silver chain around his neck and wore white boots, but as of "Black Yoshi's Money Problem!", he now wears a gold money chain around his neck and red shoes with white soles and shoelaces. He also wears a backwards cap on his head. He carries a gun whenever he decides to kill someone, which usually happens many times.
During some episodes, he is shown to have access to a whole variety of weapons including a nuke he used on Toad in "Toad's Mistake 2". However, he is usually seen with his gun, which happens to be a Nintendo Entertainment System Zapper.
As a puppet, Ya Boy Duggie is a dinosaur puppet that looks similar to Booger, except that he is black instead of teal, and also lacks a pencil. He wears a red backwards cap with the word "yolo" on it, a gold chain with a dollar sign on it, and black and white sneakers.
In most of his appearances, he is shown to be lazy, idiotic, violent, selfish, immature, demanding, greedy, whiny, racist, sexist, cruel, relentless and nonsensical beyond belief, in addition to being a stereotype for African Americans.
He is so deluded and unintelligent that he often makes nonsensical statements and even when people correct him or when he faces the consequences of his actions, he still follows with what he believes, no matter how untrue they may be. He also has a tendency to lie and steal a lot and has no qualms committing crimes and doing other horrible things that either rebel against society or affect others. He is a psychopath beyond belief, and he even goes as far as to stab Mario in the back. He never seems to learn his lesson after something bad happened to him.
He has no capacity for empathy, and when someone refuses to buy him something, he will commit any stupid and heinous act beyond belief, such as scamming people for fake payments or faking a disease for sympathy and money, which usually results in serious consequences for other people. He is known for constantly demanding people money (usually Mario), and even when said no, he will keep begging relentlessly. He even tries to sell certain stuff for ridiculously high prices. Black Yoshi is also a total hypocrite because whenever someone brings up the past, he goes on to say: "Why your white people always bringing up the past", later after he says this, he makes up stories about his so-called "ancestors" and the underground "choo choo" train.
He is mostly seen playing Call of Duty on Mario's PlayStation 3 (and later Mario's Xbox One) and wishes to never be disturbed or play Two Players Mode, as he will beat up or kill anyone that tries to do so.
He hates playing on Nintendo consoles such as the Wii U and the Nintendo Switch, most likely due its capability of playing on them, which are weaker than the other generation consoles such as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles (along with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles). They have more capability and are more functional than the portable consoles. Despite this, he still remembers his functionality in the Mario games [2]. He likes to play on the PS4 more than the Xbox One because of the limited-edition Call of Duty consoles and are more functional than the Xbox One.
Duggie, Jeffy, Junior, Bowser, Joseph, Jackie Chu, and Bully Bill are the dumbest major Characters.
Personality Traits[]
- Cocky (occasionally)
- Selfish
- Lazy
- Whiny
- Impatient
- Loud
- Kind (takes a while)
- Immature
- Idiotic
- Dim-witted
- Demanding
- Cruel
- Racist
- Stubborn (occasionally)
- Rude
- Stupid
Speech Impediments[]
Duggie seems to have speech problems and tends to mispronounce words.
Here's a list below:
- Purple - Pooplis/Purpulis/Purples
- Gingivitis - Gingerbreaditis
- Warfare - Welfare
- Money - Moofis (sometimes maaanny)
- Call of Duty - Call of Dooties/Call of Dooty (sometimes Call of Duty)
- Said - Says
- Shrimp - Scrimp
- Cable - Coobal
- Teeth - Teefs
- PS4 - PS Fo
- Got - Gots
- Took - Tooks
- Taxes - Cashes
- Thing - Thang
- Chicken - Chickessis (sometimes cheeken)
- Police - Po Po
- Luther - Rufus
- Fraud - Frog
- Folk - Fo (sometimes Foke)
- Constitution - Constimatouchis
- Olympics - Olympnics
- Rights - Ripes
- African-American - Afrisans Amarypoppins
- Alright - Aight
- Empty - Emptis
- Eviction - Infection/Efiction
- Dollars - Dolla
- Find - Findz
- Are - Is
- Total - Tootis
- Business - Biscuit
- 2 packs - 2 pack pack
- Popeyes - Poopis/Poopeyes/Poo Poo
- Bumble Bees - Boobules Bees
- Hakuna Matata - Hakuna Matootis
- Xbox - Eggsbokx/Eck Bock
- Certificate - Sertifisis
- Conclusion - Cancooshans
- Assuming - Asupapotamus
- Seed - Seadz
- Electricity - Electroosis/Electroosisis
- Mail - Moosis
- Shapes - Shappies
- Circle - Sirsle
- Triangle - Treeanglay
- Square - Squawree
- Hexagon - Hexagoonagoo
- Oval - Ooval
- Rhombus - Rahombabusbus
- Rectangle - Rectanglay
- Trapezoid - Trapezoleed
- Pentagon - Pentagogay
- Octagon - Octopus
- Hundred - Hunded/Huned
- Greedy - Gweed/Green
- Cutter - Cuttis
- Scooper - Scoopis
- Hammer - Hammis
- Wi-Fi - Woofus (sometimes Woofis)
- Connect, Disconnect - Conecctis, Dissconecctis
- Rock - Roh
- Paper - Pooper
- Scissors - Sisters
- Watermelon - Wussamelon/Woodis-Moodis
- Watermelon Cotton Candy - Woodis-Moodis Cootis Candice
- Lilo - Laquika
- Frozen - Frozenteeswoos
- Pocahontas - Pocahondrina
- Mulan - Mulantina
- Government - Govanmimps
- Christmas List - Chris-Mouse Lisp
- Ornaments - Orphans
- Vasectomy - Insect on Me
- Big Bad Wolf - Big Bad Woofus
- Disability - Disabilitis
- Finders Keepers - Findus Keepus
- Trick-or-Treat - Trickalis-Troopalis/Church's Chicken
- Call of Duty: Mobile - Cootis Dootis Moobis
- Want Some - Wassum
- Harriet Tubman - Harriet Inflatable Tubeman/Harriet Tubsmith
- Ancestors - Ancestis
- Five Dollars - Fi-Ollas (sometimes Fied-ollas)
- Five-Hundred Dollars - Fi-Huned-Ollas
- Thousand - Thowow (sometimes Thowee)
- Chicken Tenders - Chicken Tootis
- Biscuit - Bissisis
- Kool-Aid - Koowade (sometimes Koowaid)
- Lemonade - Lemosade
- That Purple Kool-aid - Dat Purpulis Koowade (even pointed out in one video by Cody, who thought it's actually Purples Koowade and not Kool-aid)
- Chores - Choes
- Birth - Birf
- Birthday - Birfdayz
- Today - Todayz
- Tooth Fairy - Toof Fairy
- Number - Numba
- Alphabet - Alfalfa
- Explain - Essplain
- Quarantine - Corn and Tea
- Store - Sto
- Past Due - Pafs Doo
- Investing - Investis
- Returning - Retootis
- Rosa Parks - Rosa Sharks
- Peanut Butter - Penis Butta
- Bacteria - Bactisisis
- Coma - Comma
- Treasure - Treasus
- National - Nationus
- Shipping - Shippus
- Martin Luther King - Martin Rufus King
- Declaration of Independence - Decoration of My Appendix
- Fire Station - Fa Station
- Good Boy Chart - Gud Boi Charps
- Abraham Lincoln - Mable Ham Lincoln Navigator/Abraham Lincoln Logs
- Emancipation Proclamation - Ants in My Pants Pronounciation
- Racist - Rackist
- Black - Bloock
- Ops - Oops
- Lamborghini - Lamogenie
- Credit Card - Chrisis Card/Crediss Card
- Bar Mitzvah - Bar Mitsfus
- Water - Wadduh/Woosis
- Cable - Cooble
- Gas - Gassis
- Car Payment - Whip Pooment
- Empty - Emptiss
- Riboflavin - Riboflabips
- Street - Screet
- Though - Doe
- Ask - Ax
- Drink - Drank
- People - Peeps
- Friend - Muh Homie
- Drugs - Dat Good-Good
- We Are Cool - We Coo'
- Marvin - Marfin/Marvimps/Muffin
- Backpack - Baakpaak
- Poopoo - BooBoo
- Ronald McDonald - Ronald Donald
- Snitches get Stitches - Snippips get Pippips
- Call of Duty Black Ops 4 - Call of Duty Bloock Oops Fo
- Red Handed - Red Handibs
- KFC - KayEfCee
- Half of Puff - Have o Puff
- Obama - Oobama
- Eggs - Ets
- Pepsi - Paapsee/Pepsis
- A Hundred Dollars - A Huned-Ollas
- Dollar Store - Dolla Sto
- Macaroni And Cheese - Macaronicheesles
- Harry Potter - Harry Poopis/Harry Pooter
- Dumbledore - Dumbledoofus
- Aunt Jemima - Aunt Jemoomoo
- Burglar - Burglerer
- What's A - Wussa
- Pepperoni Pizza - Pepperoosis Peesis/Pooperoosis Peesis
- Black History Month - Black Historis Momf
- Return on Purchase - Retootis on Investus
- Slaves - Savez/Savings
- Registration - Regiriastrasis
Black Yoshi was born on October 23, 1992, to a male and a female Yoshi in Compton, California, and grew up with Tyreese.
He had other siblings as a kid, which were also Yoshi's but with different colors. Many Yoshi's kept him company as a kid. As he mentioned during his childhood, they made popsicles out of everything, and he once remembered his mother got her shoe and mixed a piece of popsicle with it and made him eat it while his dad was working.
Black Yoshi would drop out of fourth grade because his English teacher, Mrs. Ipkiss, told him that she did not want to teach him how to read. After that, Black Yoshi couldn't even read pictures because of that incident and became dumb. He also lost his virginity when he was fourteen years old.
Black Yoshi is usually seen playing Call of Duty in the living room. In Black Yoshi and The Birds, he teamed up with the Angry Birds. He has appeared in the Bowser Junior's Summer School series, attending the same class as Bowser Junior. However, it is unknown how he got there.
In the episode "The Call Of Duty Problem", he wanted to kill Bowser Junior and then he shoots his brand-new Xbox One and then he takes Thomas because he kept insulting everyone on Call of Duty.
He is shown to be very stupid, lazy and whiny in new episodes, such as in "Black Yoshi's Money Problem!" where he borrowed $5,000 from a loan dolphin, and he spent all the money on things he didn't need. It was revealed that he dropped out of school in fourth grade. He constantly asks Mario for things including money, Call of Duty games, Kool-Aid, fried chicken, etc. He once tried to sell Kool-Aid for $500 (at one point he stupidly thought that raising the prices would help) which was stopped by Brooklyn T. Guy, and scam people for $1.5 million on GoFundMe in "Black Yoshi's Scam!", even if Mario offers to buy Black Yoshi the new Call of Duty game and nothing more, including additional map packs, Black Yoshi will get upset and not show appreciation. He never seems to have any capacity for empathy and never learns from his wrongdoings. Compared to Jeffy, however, he is more of a psychopath.
He also refused to pay back the dolphin and just played Call of Duty like nothing has happened. He even told the police that Mario and Bowser robbed a gas station, even though he told them to do it. Bowser realizing that he didn't want to get arrested in the first place and disgusted with the police's authorities shoots the cop and kills him.
He was panned in the episode "Black Yoshi's Blank Check!" for backstabbing Mario and wasting money.
In "Black Yoshi's Job Interview!", he said he can count to 17. And then Brooklyn T. Guy said the number after 17, which is 18. So, he can count to the number 18. Mario makes Black Yoshi get a job but he refuses to only play Call of Duty.
His reception has regained positive reviews with "Black Yoshi The Assistant!".
In "Black Yoshi's Chicken Sandwich!", Black Yoshi goes in a coma after Jeffy dropped a vacuum off of the balcony and slammed on to Black Yoshi's head. When Mario got a chicken sandwich from Popeyes, Black Yoshi got up from his coma.
In "Black Yoshi's Big Bamboozle!", he used Goodman's, Judy's and Brooklyn Guy's credit card numbers and got his nipples and balls bitten off.
In "Jeffy's Car Accident!", he got his nipples and balls healed by surgery before he got sent to jail for package theft and Mario refused bail him out due to his lack of money.
However after 5 months, he returned in "Jeffy The Good Boy!", where he asks Mario if he can buy both XBOX Series X and PS5, but Mario refuses. Then he gets grounded by Mario as punishment for his crimes.
He got back to theft in "The 6th Ring!" where he stole Tom Brady's sixth Super Bowl ring after he left it at Footlong Bangers. He was about to pawn it but Mario said if he returned it, he would get a reward. Black Yoshi rote a ransom notes and was about to be sent to Tom Brady, which did not happen.
Following Nintendo's Cease and Desist letter to Logan, Black Yoshi disappeared from the series. It can be assumed that Mario eventually became so fed up with dealing with Black Yoshi's behavior that he eventually kicked him out.
Ya Boy Duggie[]
Main Article: It's Ya Boy Duggie!
Black Yoshi returned in the puppet universe as "Ya Boy Duggie" as a puppet dinosaur. After Booger continued destroying the house, Marvin had called Brooklyn T. Guy to bring a dinosaur back from prehistoric times via a portal that brings back dinosaurs from the past. After the machine turned on, Ya Boy Duggie came from the portal and started talking. He wanted to eat chicken and he promised Marvin that he will be friends with Booger once he bought the chicken. After eating and introducing himself to Marvin and Rose he then drank KoolAid. After drinking the Kool-Aid Booger came in and Marvin told Ya Boy Duggie to stop Bogger from wrecking the house. He then started playing Call of Duty and then wanted the Map Packs. Marvin gave his credit card to Duggie to buy the Map Packs but then he bought a hat, shoes and a gold chain. After Marvin noticed, he wanted Duggie removed from his house. So, he called Brooklyn T. Guy to remove him from his house, but the machine didn't work, so Marvin agreed to keep Duggie along with Booger, as long as Duggie agreed to help with Booger. He got confused over a mucus booger and the dinosaur Booger, which he nicknamed Pookie. Duggie agreed to the rules and Marvin said he will feed him chicken and KoolAid every day.
He, along with Shrek and Woody will return as puppets in the puppet era. He will continue to mooch of Marvin just like he did in the plush era in future videos.
Black Yoshi is a ghost in the Luigi's Mansion series.
White Yoshi[]
White Yoshi is the alternate incarnation of Black Yoshi who appeared in Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures. He is usually playing Animal Crossing on his Wii instead of Call of Duty and is a lot kinder. He returned in "The Burger! and later in the The Opposite Ray! (named 'Your Pal' Douglas)
In the episode "Jeffy's Lunch Money!", Black Yoshi locks Jeffy in the closet while he's asleep, and then Black Yoshi disguises himself with a Jeffy costume, so he can trick Mario into giving him his lunch money.
Without shoes[]
In one of the older videos, Black Yoshi is seen without his shoes until "Black Yoshi's Money Problem!". He later then had without his shoes on "Black Yoshi the Assistant!", but later then had them back.
Your Pal Douglas[]
Your Pal Douglas is the opposite version of Ya Boy Duggie who appeared in The Opposite Ray! when Duggie gets shot by the Opposite Ray. He is much kinder then Ya Boy Duggie since he doesn't ask for Money as he says that he doesn't need the 50 dollars from Marvin that was asked when he was Ya Boy Duggie, and he is more willing to get a job then Ya Boy Duggie as he says that he will actually get a job after confirming that he doesn't need the 50 dollars from Marvin.
- Black Chrysler Sebring (possible model; formerly)
- Red Chevrolet Corvette C7 ZO6 (in Black Yoshi's Blank Check!)
- Green Dodge Challenger Hellcat (in Duggie's Robot Scam!)
- "Ooh, folk!"
- "My wuzzamelon seeds."
- "Ey Mario, man wassup folk?"
- "Oh man, I love me Some KFC chickessis, folk it so good it makes me wanna slap my mama!"
- “OH FOLK, I AIN’T GOING BACK!!!” (Black Yoshi before he shoots Goodman in “It All Comes to an End”)
- "You mean Pookie wrenched ass? POOKIE GET IN HERE BOY! Man! Stop being a dickhead."
- "I did what I can did."
- "Oh, I got some Koowaid!”
- "MARIO PLEAAAAASE, MAKE THEM UNBAN THE GAME" (said in Lance's Character Q/A 2)
- "One piggy, two piggy, three piggy oink! I need a million dollars really really bad!"
- "Man, you green for that."
- "Say bye-bye to your balls!"
- "Ooh folk, I love playin' me some Call O' Dootis!”
- "I ran really, really, really, really fast like I was in the olympnics.”
- 'Uh, uh, and all that." (impersonating Jeffy)
- “We just got some welfare; we just got some welfare!”
- “Ha, pfft! Black Friday sale, 'bouta get me a PS4!”
- "Can I hold 500 dollars?"
- "Can I has the key?"
- "Dear Toom Brady, you can get your supis bowel ring back if you give me a hunded thou-wow."
- “You told me to a write A letter, so I chose the letter A!”
- “Oh, you meant I should write some words!”
- "Here’s my gud boi charps, Mario!”
- "Yeah, scream all you want! Scream all you want because you’re still gonna die! You’re still gonna die, Jeffy!”
- "I dropped out of the fourth grade because Ms. Limpkiss said I ain’t color so good.”
- "Mario! The damn pigs arrested me for stealing, folk!”
- "I ain't going back!"
- "Pull dem boobies out!"
- "All I had today is a happy meal."
- "No, I’m not, man. Everything free on Black Friday!”
- "Alright, Jeffrey! Today is not your lucky day! I took my Xbox to GameStop, and they didn’t give me a single dime! So, you’re gonna die today, Jeffrey!”
- "Uh, sorry, folk. Uh, I don't deal with pee pee. That's gay, folk."
- Breaking News! Mario please give me the new Poopis chicken sandwich, PLEASE!!!!"
- "OH, MAN! YOU KILLED ME, FOLK!? I'm gonna go to your house, imma kill yo daddy, and b*ng yo mama, then I'm gonna marry yo mama, become your step daddy, we gon' have some kids, and then I'm imma keep b**ging yo mama!"
- ”I love that chicken from Poo Poo!”
- “I want a muffin.”
- "Hello, it is your pal Douglas." (After turning white in "The Opposite Ray!")
- "Ewwwww! It tastes like shit! I'd rather have the 500 dollars."
Before Season 9, The two first met in MLSDA, Mario tried making friends with Black Yoshi for Yoshi's sake but quickly realized that the gangster was nothing like his friendly cousin. The two's already tense relationship becomes hostile when Black Yoshi steals Peach's affection, accidentally kills her, and then tries sending Mario to jail. After proving his innocence, Mario tries kicking him out for all the trouble he's caused and unlike his cousin, he has done nothing but be a nuisance. This opinion quickly changes when Black Yoshi saves Mario from Zombie Peach only to be killed by Bowser, where Mario mourns him. Black Yoshi's death becomes one of the reasons why Mario embarks on an adventure to change the past.
In the main series, it's unknown how the two met or why Black Yoshi lives with him since Yoshi was an MLSDA-exclusive character, he could never have introduced them. The two constantly get on each other's nerves and Black Yoshi causes nothing but trouble for Mario. The two 'used to' have a stable relationship at the beginning but after they move into the apartment and Black Yoshi started to become a horrible yoshi being, it's become apparent that their relationship has become more hostile than friendly, showing that he has no respect in him.
Despite having no respect or appreciation for Mario however, Black Yoshi truly does think of Mario as his best friend and helps him out whenever he can. A prime example of this was when he was the one who brought Mario and Rosalina together when Mario was still moping over Peach. As repayment for hooking him up with Rosalina, Mario helps Black Yoshi when his girlfriend leaves him by setting him up on a dating website. Then Black Yoshi taught Mario to fight when Mario believed Rosalina's ex-boyfriend came to visit, Mario believed he would take Rosalina away from and decided to challenge the boxer. Despite his antics, Mario may have some form of appreciation for his former friend, considering the fact that he had yet to kick him out for all the trouble he causes him, a fact that's been lamp shaded a few times.
Ever since they moved into the new house since they got kicked out by Goodman, Black Yoshi's relationship with Mario has always been into enemy/neutral status. Black Yoshi always annoys Mario because he keeps asking him to buy him COD games, map packs, KFC, fighting and arguing with him more often and walking all over him. He relies heavily on Mario for money, so he will never wonder how Mario was worried about his own responsibilities. Mario also hates Black Yoshi because Black Yoshi calls him 'Folk' and freeloads off him.
Despite all their troubles in the past, Black Yoshi still finds him as a best friend, but Mario still needs him to learn his lessons and still refuses to buy him anything. Mario did call him out on his behavior in Black Yoshi's Call of Duty Loan!, but in later episodes, no matter how much time goes on, Mario will continue to put up with his behavior until he decides to finally kick him out.
Status: Enemies/Neutral/Sometimes Friends
Delilah is Black Yoshi's ex-girlfriend who both used to be together for 6 years (2010 - 2016). The two first met in Black Yoshi's Girlfriend when Black Yoshi saved her from a Drug Dealer who was about to kill her. Black Yoshi kidnapped the Drug Dealer and after offering Delilah a ride, allowed her to kill the Dealer. Black Yoshi quickly established control in the relationship, by informing her that she was his girlfriend, if she broke up with him, she'd be thrown onto the streets, how he'd be her pimp and make him money and then ordered her to make him food.
Delilah accompanied Black Yoshi when he went to Bowser Junior's Summer School though she never spoke one line throughout the whole series. Black Yoshi was kind enough to introduce her when Jackie Chu called attendance in Summer School. In Summer School 2's show and tell event, Black Yoshi used her and his copy of Call of Duty: Ghosts as his show and tell, calling her beautiful and cute in front of the class, showing he admired her beauty at least. In Summer School 4 he brought her a piece of Joseph's gum when she asked, showing a degree of kindness at least.
After 6 years, their relationship came to an end in Black Yoshi's Girlfriend Problem! It is revealed that Black Yoshi has become even more neglectful, lazy, and violent. Delilah sighs as Black Yoshi plays Call of Duty and ignores her though she finally catches his attention with an extremely loud sigh. When Delilah tells him that she's hungry, Black Yoshi spins it around and tells her to make him something to eat. Delilah tells him that she doesn't want to only for him to backhand her, cruelly telling her that he thought he heard extra mustard, before resuming to play COD. This final act of cruelty is the last straw and Delilah tells Black Yoshi that she's leaving him, and she runs out of the apartment.
When Black Yoshi chases after Delilah to go buy biscuits as she leaves, Delilah finally stands up to him and tells him to get his own food as she's leaving him. When an incredulous Black Yoshi asks who she's leaving him for, Delilah introduces Popeye, who is much kinder and very protective of her. After he failing to pick a fight with the gangster, Delilah takes Popeye and leaves for good.
Two weeks later, Black Yoshi is shown to have broken down over Delilah leaving him. However, he does not show any remorse for what he did and even when Mario and Rosalina suggested him to apologize to her for hitting her, he says he will keep hitting her if she won't make her a sandwich, indicating that he is not a good person at all. Eventually, he is set up by Mario on a dating website (perhaps as repayment for hooking him up with Rosalina) to help replace Delilah, though it turns out to be a disaster when the woman he starts dating is revealed to be a man. After the experience, Black Yoshi confides in Mario that he's over Delilah and being single isn't that bad, showing that he has no intention of ever getting back with her and meaning that he will never see or hear from her ever again.
Status: Enemies
Black Yoshi is shown to label Rosalina as a "hoe", he is shown to be attracted towards her in Mario's Turtle Problem!
Status: Neutral
Black Yoshi unofficially had a strong hatred for Jeffy. He was infuriated after he threw his Xbox One off of a three-story balcony in Jeffy's Mistake! He then tied Jeffy up and put a grenade in his mouth. When Mario for some reason tried to talk him out of obliterating Jeffy, Black Yoshi tried being reasonable and tried to get his busted Xbox One replaced and conceded to let Jeffy live if he could. Since this obviously didn't work, he was all but ready to blast Jeffy to death. Then it was revealed to just be Mario's dream.
While Mario still questioned the ethics of killing Jeffy, Black Yoshi reminds Mario that Jeffy hasn't done anything worthwhile in life besides breaking other people's things, and therefore they wouldn't be losing anything of value, and Mario concedes this point and lets him blow Jeffy to Hell. However, this was a dream from Mario, so it is unknown how much Black Yoshi really hates Jeffy.
In Jeffy's New Shoes!, Black Yoshi wanted the Bumblebee Shoes, and upon learning that Mario bought them for Jeffy, he got angry. Then he tried to steal Jeffy's Bumblebee Shoes, while Jeffy slept, tried to steal them, but failed, then enrolled in Jeffy's School, to steal his shoes and then succeeded in stealing his Bumblebee, telling him to fight with Bully Bill.
In Jeffy The Good Boy! Black Yoshi was willing to negotiate with Jeffy and make 2 plans so they both get what they want, despite the fact that they didn't get what they wanted.
Although they seem to get along, in Black Yoshi's House Arrest! he tricked Jeffy into putting the ankle bracelet on him saying it was his birthday present, Black Yoshi did it solely to escape house arrest and get away with it. Therefore, it could be said that Black Yoshi can take advantage of Jeffy's idiocy.
Overall, it seems Black Yoshi does not really care for Jeffy, but more or less just manipulates and uses him to get what he wants, as seen on multiple occasions.
Status: Neutral
Black Yoshi and Shrek have been shown to be great friends, such as in Toad Is Cool, where he and Shrek teamed up as rap partners to take down Toad and Ray Cheesy. In The Bird, he and Shrek teamed up to kill Skittles because she was annoying them.
Status: Friends
From the second he first saw him; Black Yoshi immediately grew to despise Toad. It was a staple of earlier episodes for Black Yoshi to harm or even kill him, like when he sold his Call of Duty in Toad's Stupid Idea, and when he scammed Black Yoshi for his Glock and possessions in Black Yoshi's Bad Deal. It doesn't help that Toad will often try to approach him despite not being wanted, but Black Yoshi hates Toad so much, that he'll do something to him without reason. In newer episodes, the two don't seem to interact as much, so it's unknown where their relationship lies at this point.
Status: Enemies (formerly)
Mr. Pig[]
Mr. Pig and Black Yoshi became friends after Mr. Pig was revealed to be from the ghetto. They started playing Call of Duty, eating animal crackers and drinking Kool-Aid together.
Status: Friends (Enemies in Black Yoshi and the Birds Episode 7)
Chef Pee Pee[]
In Older Episodes, Black Yoshi and Chef Pee Pee are friends. Unlike Bowser and Bowser Junior, Black Yoshi asks Chef Pee Pee nicely to make him food, which isn't seen when Black Yoshi usually interacts with the other characters. However, in newer episodes, He does the same thing to chef pee pee like he does to Mario. Even though they don't interact each other as much, but Chef Pee Pee seems to be getting sick of his antics.
Status: Enemies
Black Yoshi and Goodman used to be arch enemies. Goodman is a cop and Black Yoshi is a criminal. Usually, Goodman tries to arrest Black Yoshi, but he always outsmarts him. This was in older episodes. In later episodes when Goodman became a horrible human being millionaire and until when he stole his credit card information and bought all of this stuff, and, in retaliation, he bites his nipples off in Black Yoshi's Big Bamboozle!
Status: Enemies
Bowser Junior[]
Black Yoshi and Bowser Junior used to be enemies but are mostly neutral now. in Black Yoshi's Job, Junior kept being a racist jerk to him and cheating in dinosaurs when he was babysitting him, but Black Yoshi gave Junior his comeuppance. When Junior kept ruthlessly insulting everyone on Call of Duty, Black Yoshi blasted Junior's Xbox and took his Thomas as punishment for what he did.
In Black Yoshi The Assistant!, Junior, Joseph, and Cody already bought the new Call of Duty Legacy Edition, and Black Yoshi was too late. He then stole the game from Junior, as Junior made him his assistant, leading to Black Yoshi getting tortured for the first time. Junior even wore his shoes and neck chain, and when Junior told Black Yoshi to wipe him, he just shot him with his "Glock" and got his shoes and neck chain back, and finally played the new Call of Duty. In The Burger!, Black Yoshi interrupts Junior and his friends to leave the living room as he was about to play Call of Duty. But however, in The Bake Sale! and in Black Yoshi's Scam!, they seem to get along fairly well.
Status: Enemies/Neutral
Pookie (Tyrone)[]
Black Yoshi is good friends with Tyrone, who he calls "Pookie." It is unknown how they became friends, but Black Yoshi unintentionally got him arrested by helping Mario look gangster so that he could get someone arrested for a reward, unaware that it was Pookie.
Status: Friends
In Older Episodes, Joseph hates Black Yoshi because he annoys him while he's playing Call of Duty and won't leave him alone. This was best shown in The Call of Duty Blackout, where he hired the rat to take out Black Yoshi's power so he wouldn't annoy him while playing Call of Duty. Once Black Yoshi finds out, he goes to his house and shoots him. However, in newer episodes, he seems to be friends with him. But that was before Black Yoshi found out that he is CharleyBrown678, so it is excusable.
Status: Enemies
Brooklyn Guy[]
Black Yoshi's relationship with Brooklyn Guy (the current cop and at first a part-time police officer) isn't that good either and they are now official archenemies since Brooklyn T. Guy became a police officer since Goodman’s retirement. Black Yoshi usually gets in trouble with Brooklyn T. Guy whenever the latter is a cop and is seen at GameStop paying stuff to him.
He was arrested by him on Black Yoshi's Black Friday! for stealing things from Best Buy, but in The Call Of Duty Blackout, Brooklyn T. Guy thanked Black Yoshi for killing his unnamed son, who had been annoying everyone. Recently, in Black Yoshi's Call Of Duty Loan!, Black Yoshi didn't pay Brooklyn T. Guy back and Brooklyn T. Guy threatened Black Yoshi.
As of for now, Brooklyn Guy will continue to threaten him.
Status: Enemies
Rufus is Black Yoshi's twin cousin who made his one appearance in Black Yoshi's Birthday. Not much else is known about him except from the fact that he is identical to Black Yoshi.
Status: Identical
- Speaker Guy
- Mario
- Fake Santa
- Toad (Multiple Times)
- Peach (unintentional and as a zombie)
- Sonic
- Skittles
- Brooklyn T. Guy Jr.
- Bowser Junior (Twice)
- Joseph
- Officer Goodman
- Tyrone Calvin (unintentional)
- Bowser
- Jeffy (dream only)
Weapons: Black Yoshi has a wide variety of High-Tech weapons at his disposal which all includes:
- Nintendo "NES" Gun: Used to kill Zombie Peach, Zombie Mama Luigi, and Officer Goodman.
- Glock 17: An upgraded version of the Nintendo Gun, prefers power over speed and has access to one more Bullet Type.
- Glock 17 with Laser Sight: A Variant of The Glock 17 used by Tyrone in Black Yoshi's Blank Check to play "Real Life Call of Duty" with him.
- Crossbow: A Unique weapon that fires Arrows, not bullets, has a very high piercing rate, used to destroy the Call of Duty: Black ops 3 Wii-U in 's Call of Duty Black Ops 3.
- AR-15 with Foregrip and Holographic Sight: A Semi automatic rifle with a foregrip and Holographic Sight that bought with his Huge amount of Money in Black Yoshi's Blank Check!, used to unintentionally kill Tyrone when they were playing "Real Life Call Of Duty" Bowser Junior was also shown to have an AR-15 with a Foregrip but an ACOG Sight in Home Alone 2 where he was about to kill the Brooklyn Guy with it until Bowser and Chef Pee Pee came home.
Bullets/Projectiles Nintendo Gun:
- Normal Bullets (9mm) (9x19mm Parabellum): Normal everyday pistol round, has a very fast firing speed but doesn't have much damage which requires multiple shots to kill somebody. (Used on Electrician's Son, Zombie Peach, Zombie Mama Luigi it was unknown if either the Armor Piercing Round or 9mm killed Officer Goodman in Black Yoshi's Money Problem!
- Armor Piercing Round: Has more Damage but lacks speed making it single shot (Used on Toad in Toad's Mistake 2).
Glock 17:
- Normal Bullets (9mm) (9x19mm Parabellum): Normal everyday pistol round, has a very fast firing speed but doesn't have much damage which requires multiple shots to kill somebody. (Doofy the Dragon owns the same gun and often uses the gun and the 9mm to end his life, usually by shooting himself through his head.
- Incendiary/Explosive Round: Arguably the most powerful bullet as it has the power of the Armor Piercing Round but will explode when it hit something, it will incinerate whatever it got caught in or at least catch it on fire. (Used to destroy the Xbox One that Bowser Junior owned in The Call Of Duty Problem)
- Armor Piercing Round: Has the same aspects as the Nintendo gun and is used on Toad in Toad's Mistake 2.
- Bolts: Not a Bullet but a Projectile with a Very Sharp tip fired at high speed, Strong enough to Punch through a Wii-U.
- 5.56x45mm NATO: Unlike previous rounds, the 5.56x45mm NATO is an Assault Rifle Round and an Intermediate Cartridge and is comparable to a .223 Remington and is shown to be strong enough to kill Tyrone with a Single Round to the Head.
Explosive/High Tech Weaponry:
- Laptop: A Portable Laptop used to control The High-Tech Weaponry, either to call in an AC-130 and telling it where to shoot or to Summon the Tactical Nuke.
- AC-130 (Attack Cargo 130): A Heavily armored Gunship that Fires various Deadly/Devastating Rounds to kill Ground Troops, When Deployed a Voice Scream "ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE!"
- 20mm M61 Vulcan Minigun/Railgun for close Support.
- Bofors 40mm Explosive Round to raise some hell.
- Howitzer 105mm Explosive Round to decimate large groups of enemies.
- Tactical Nuke: The last resort weapon and the most powerful weapon, Black Yoshi used the Nuke when all of his attempts to kill toad failed, when deployed a Voice Scream "TACTICAL NUKE! IT'S ALL OVER!!!" (Used to Disintegrate Toad to Smithereens.)
- Hand Grenade: He got it from Loan Dolphin in Black Yoshi's Mistake! He didn't really use it, but then Mario accidentally throws it to his brand-new Xbox.
Temporary Abilities:
- Laser Vision: In Black Yoshi's SuperPowers!, he gained laser vision after eating radioactive fried chicken. He used this ability to turn regular chicken into fried chicken and as an attempt to kill Brooklyn T. Guy.
- Super Speed: In Black Yoshi's SuperPowers!, he also gained super speed. He used this ability to steal a PS4 Pro as well as purses.
Gamer Tags[]
Black Yoshi has had a number of gamer tags in which some were reported.
- BlackYoshiDaKilla (As of Black Yoshi's Koolaid) (Reported/Terminated)
- MidnightChocolate69 (As of Black Yoshi's Job) (status unknown)
- BlackerThanAfrica (As of Bowser Junior's Summer School 3) (status unknown)
- PurpleKoolAidindaHood (As of The Call Of Duty Problem) (status unknown)
- Black Yoshi has committed the fourth greatest number of crimes in the SML Universe.
- Due to the C&D letter from Nintendo, he was largely absent in the Human Puppet era up until "It's Ya Boi Duggie" where he was reintroduced with a new puppet design and name (Ya Boi Duggie). He along with Shrek and Woody are confirmed to return sometime in 2022 as human puppets.
- Because of this, he only made one physical appearance in 2021.
- Black Yoshi makes his Purple Kool-Aid Fried Chicken by cutting up watermelons, then putting the chicken in egg yolk, then putting the chicken in flour to make it cover in flour, then putting the chicken in Purple Kool-Aid, then putting the chicken in the pan, then repeating the process again, then putting all of the chickens in the pot and letting it cook for 3–10 minutes and finally dumping all of the Kool-Aid all over the chicken. Then, he puts the watermelon on top of the chicken (1 watermelon per each piece of chicken).
- His appearances are mostly rare, while he gets his own videos even less often. This is because his videos tend to get very few views because of how the Jeffy videos and Bowser Junior videos are more popular than his.
- This is also the case with Shrek, although Black Yoshi does appear more often than Shrek, and they both still make more appearances than some of the other former main characters from their era of SML, who either barely make one or two appearances yearly (Toad) or flat out don't appear anymore (Woody, Mr. Pig and Tony the Tiger).
- In newer videos, Black Yoshi uses significantly more slang than he used to. He ends many of his words with an unnecessary "z" and will occasionally replace the "y" sound with "iss(iz)". For example, his GoFundMe page is titled "I DON'T FEELZ GOODZ" and he often refers to Call of Duty as "Call O' Dutissiz."
- Black Yoshi has killed Toad more times than he's killed anyone else.
- Black Yoshi's favorite video game console is the PlayStation 5 (PS5).
- Black Yoshi has access to the most weapons of all the SML characters.
- Black Yoshi was created as a replacement for Mama Luigi after he died.
- Black Yoshi usually Pronounces Bowser as "Boozer." Which sounds like he is saying "booze", a type of alcohol.
- Black Yoshi usually calls people he just met or people whose name he doesn't like to say "Folk."
- Black Yoshi likes Call of Duty and "Black Man or Grape" Koolaid.
- Black Yoshi's Phone Number Is 555-OOH-FOLK.
- It was revealed in Black Yoshi's Girlfriend that he had a Chrysler Concorde.
- Black Yoshi appeared for the longest on the SuperMarioLogan Theme Song.
- He was the announcer for the SuperMarioLogan Theme Song.
- He has an unknown ex-wife, who is assumed to be Boukisha.
- Black Yoshi's gun is actually an NES Zapper, an accessory for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This Gun, however, has not been seen in later appearances.
- He may also have children, as he was forced to pay Child Support in Black Yoshi's in Trouble! & Black Yoshi's Kids.
- Black Yoshi is YouTuber Dafawfulizer's favorite character.
- It's revealed in Black Yoshi's Girlfriend that he does drugs.
- It's possible that Black Yoshi is dyslexic because in Black Yoshi's Job Interview!, it reveals that Black Yoshi has trouble reading and focusing. He can also read things if they're spelled in the way he says them.
- And due to his strange personality, Black Yoshi may very well be on the Autistic and/or ADHD spectrum.
- Black Yoshi is shown to be portrayed as a stereotype for black people, as he has obsessions such as purple Kool-Aid and Fried Chicken. He also speaks in a ghetto way, as that is also a racial stereotype for black people.
- He always asks Mario to buy something he wants but when Mario buys something else, smashes it. When he gets the right thing from Mario, he instantly loves it.
- His human puppet design seen in the SBL thumbnails was actually photoshopped from a Joseph puppet.
- According to Black Yoshi's GoFundMe page, his last name is Yoshi, meaning his full name was presumably Black Yoshi Yoshi, in a similar manner to Mario's full name being Mario Mario.
- Black Yoshi was the second oldest student in the summer school series.
- He can only read things that are written the way he pronounces them.[4]
- His favorite fruit is watermelon. He even eats the seeds, which are his favorite part of it.
- He can count up to 18.[5]
- He dropped out of school in 4th grade.[5]
- He can't read and he doesn't know the alphabet.[6]
- He can't swim.[7]
- In The Christmas Special! Mario gets Black Yoshi some Money Green J's but Black Yoshi never wears it in that video nor any other video.
- In Jeffy's Lunch Money!, it's revealed that he lost his virginity at the age of 14 while in Mississippi.
- It's revealed in a character Q&A, that the reason his shoes are bigger than his feet is that he stole the shoes from a kid at a playground.
- In Black Yoshi's Birthday!, It's revealed that Black Yoshi was born on October 23, 1992, which is shown on his driver's license.
- However, Black Yoshi was confirmed to be twenty-five years old in Black Yoshi's SuperPowers!
- According to The Car, he and Big Red may be the reason why Mario can't afford his non-existing house payments or his housemates desires like Call of Duty or Disney World.
- Black Yoshi has been shown to dislike Nintendo consoles. This is ironic due to him being a species from Nintendo.
- Despite being a Yoshi, he does not appear to have the traits Yoshi's normally have such as speaking English whereas Yoshis have their own language. Black Yoshi also doesn't seem to have the ability to lay eggs after eating something, does not eat with using his tongue, does not flutter jump, and he is very lazy, whereas Yoshi's normally are an active species. This is likely because he does have those abilities, but just doesn't use them.
- Black Yoshi's color resembles the Black Yoshi color scheme from Yoshi Touch and Go.
- He, Mario, Bowser, Shrek, Mr. Goodman and Toad are the only characters from the old era that are still in the show.
- Black Yoshi's new name "Ya Boy Duggie" is similar to "A Pimp Named Slickback" from The Boondocks.
- Black Yoshi is the first character who is played by Lance Thirtyacre to be transformed into a puppet.
- Black Yoshi's original human redesign that made him white was re-used for Randy, however certain features were removed.
- Unlike the other Mario characters as puppets, Black Yoshi is the only Mario character that isn't a human. His new puppet is also still similar to his original design.
- However, It is commonly speculated to be an early design for Black Yoshi on account of insiders in Logan's inner circle and Logan stated that Black Yoshi was originally going to be a human.
- As shown in The Car, Black Yoshi himself alongside Big Red, the birds, Shrek and Woody, are very possibly responsible for why Marvin became poor and having the lack of ability to afford his non-existing house payments or his housemates desires in later videos as they stole all the latter's money and bought a red Camaro, explaining why.
- ↑ Black Yoshi's driver's license "Black Yoshi's Birthday!" (
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 He mentions in "Jeffy's Lunch Money!" that they are best friends and he remembers when he used to let Mario ride on his back in one of his games, which turned out to be the green one. It was an excuse for him to get money from Mario.
- ↑ Example: when he was trying to help Mario get the homeless man out of the apartment.
- ↑ Jeffy's Wifi Problem! (
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Black Yoshi's Job Interview! (
- ↑ Jeffy's Wifi Problem!
- ↑ The Rings!