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SML Wiki

What Mario Thinks About the PS3 is a long lost video from SML. The original video was taken down because Freakofnourtre (an SML hater back in 2008) took the video out of context to make it seem like Logan was being racist (at one point in the video, Luigi said that the PlayStation 3 was "stupid and black", and Freakofnourtre made it seem like Logan was referring to African-Americans). Logan most likely took it down because of Freakofnoture's video. The full video is lost media, but SMLArchive posted a short 10 second clip that was recorded and posted it on YouTube. SMLArchive also saved the Freakofnourtre remix video before Freakofnourtre's channel got terminated.


  • The only characters known that are in the video are Mario and Luigi.
  • The only character seen in the footage is Luigi. However, Mario likely appeared due to his name being present in the title.
  • There are other remixes of this video made by Freakofnourtre, which could be found on SMLArchive's channel.
  • The video was uploaded no later than June 7, 2008, as there is a surviving video from that day documenting the "stupid and black" controversy. [1]