"Jeffy's 18th Birthday!" (previously known as The SuperMarioLogan Movie!, or also known as SuperMarioLogan The Movie!, or simply The SML Movie!, and The SML Movie: Jeffy's 18th Birthday!) is a 37-minute special, and the 737th episode of SML Movies. It was Logan's most ambitious and hyped project yet. This was originally supposed to be an hour long film intended to release in 2017. But that version got canceled, and instead, got remade into this.
It's Jeffy's 18th birthday!
New Version[]
The video starts off with both Brooklyn Guy and Simmons checking on Bubbles' cell. Later, we are shown that Nancy is seen rushing to finish digging a hole in the Concrete wall. Off-camera she finishes and escape the prison which Brooklyn Guy and Simmons notice and find out she dug a hole and escaped the prison. The prison goes into lock down and Nancy is seen escaping the prison. In the next scene, Screwball can be seen coming out of his van with red spray paint and spray paints "FREE CANDY" on the side along with looking at a drawing for accuracy. Screwball then drives off with the van to kidnap some children as he begins his usual hobby. While driving, Nancy spots his van and flags him down. When she asks Screwball to give her a ride, he initially refuses, but then accepts after she offers him $50,000 to help kidnap Jeffy. After Screwball picks up Nancy, Brooklyn Guy and Simmons report the escape to the chief and when the chief threatens to fire Brooklyn Guy by the next day if they didn't find Nancy, they try to find her.
Meanwhile, Marvin sets up Jeffy's 18th birthday party and makes Rose proud. Chef Pee Pee goes out to get 50 more balloons, and when Marvin spills the beans, Rose finds out that Marvin wants Jeffy gone so he can get rich and she protests against it.
Marvin wakes up Jeffy to wish him a happy birthday and gives Jeffy a box of candy for breakfast and a crown that says, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". Jeffy takes off his bunny suit and puts his regular clothes on, just around the same time Chef Pee Pee finishes making Jeffy's cake. Marvin asks Chef Pee Pee where the 50 balloons are, and he responds saying that the store didn't have any. Jeffy goes on to say how cool the birthday is, and Marvin spills the beans about the money again. Jeffy then asks Marvin if he can throw and break a glass cup which Marvin hesitantly agrees and almost gets mad at Jeffy but remembers about the money. Jeffy's friends then arrive to the birthday party.
Jeffy's friends then arrive to the birthday party and talk about everything Jeffy can do because he is now 18 years old. Patrick then talks about regarding that he wants to own a gun, and Cody then threatens to run away from him when he turns 18.
The white van saying "FREE CANDY" then arrives to the SML house. After Jeffy and friends discuss about the LGBTQ napkins, Screwball arrives at the house, waiting to kidnap Jeffy. Marvin opens the door, not knowing about Screwball and Nancy's plan on kidnapping Jeffy. Screwball pretends to strip, satisfying both Jeffy and Cody. When he tries to take Jeffy to his van to get his balloons, Marvin refuses so Screwball gets angry and he said that he is going to take Jeffy to his van whether Marvin likes it or not .So Marvin kicks Screwball out, despite his apology.
Screwball returns to the van and explains the situation to Nancy, who is furious. She starts insulting him. Screwball is terribly upset about being yelled at and tries to think up a plan. While this happens, Jeffy hits his piñata with a bat, and everyone gets their candy. During the commotion, Screwball fishes up Patrick and shows him to Nancy. Nancy corrects him, saying that Screwball took the wrong kid. Nancy tells Screwball that he needs to die since he knows about the van. Patrick, oblivious, doesn't know where he's at and likes the van, and so refuses to tell anyone. Nancy instead spares his life and orders him to run and to NOT stop for anything or even look back (under the threat of death). Patrick agrees and runs away.
Everyone is about to sing Jeffy Happy Birthday, and Jeffy requests the song to be sang to him 18 times and for the attendees to dress up like him while doing so. We then cut to the red couch, where Marvin and Rose are complaining about the outfits, with Marvin trying to cover up the fact that he is only doing this for the money. On the news, it's then revealed that Jacques Pierre Francois, Jeffy's biological father is still alive, and Goodman talks to him. Jacques reveals that he used a decoy which was a pig, and threw it off a bridge and since it splattered into pieces, it was unrecognizable. Goodman rants about how he paid $200,000,000 for a now worthless painting, only For Jacques to reply "That is, as you Americans say, too bad so sad." When Goodman asks if he will pay Jeffy, the camera pans over and Jacques denies it and tells Jeffy to fuck off. He then goes off to celebrate at "McDonalking". Marvin, obviously, is furious about this since now he and Jeffy won't get any money. He and Rose argue and Marvin threatens to kick Jeffy out of the house since Jeffy won't be inheriting anything from Jacques.
Screwball and Nancy then pull up by the house, Nancy tells Screwball to play silly music by the house to lure the kids out and to snatch Jeffy. Junior, Joseph, Cody and Jeffy all come out for the "ice cream." Cody points out the suspicion and tells them it isn’t a good idea, but Junior, Joseph and Jeffy are oblivious and go to the van anyway. They meet with Screwball who tells them that "he has all the candy" and to meet him at the back of the van. Cody becomes even more suspicious, but the oblivious Jeffy, Joseph and Junior disagree and go to the back of the van anyway.
After Screwball comes from the back of the truck, Joseph asks for a Snickers bar but there's really only tape and rope. Screwball says there are no Snickers. Then Junior asks for a Starburst, but he doesn’t have it either. Then Marvin in the Jeffy costume notices the truck and intervenes. Telling all the kids to get out when he arrives. But at the right moment Screwball, thinking Marvin is Jeffy, catches him and they drive off.
Rose lights the candles, and they sing Happy Birthday to Jeffy. He blows out the candles, and Rose, and the other attendees, sing it again while Nancy pulls over in an open area. We cut to the red couch, the party having just ended. Jeffy and Rose watch the news. They learn that Nancy has escaped from solitary confinement. Jeffy gets scared, but Rose reassures him that she'll protect him from Nancy at any cost. Jeffy changes the channel to porn, which Rose tries to turn off but fails. Meanwhile in the van, Screwball says he has Jeffy, but when Nancy looks over to see him, she realizes it's actually Marvin, recognizing him as "the bozo who put her in jail" and Marvin recognizes her as Jeffy's real mom. She then tells Marvin that he'll be held hostage, until Jeffy gives Nancy his money. Despite Marvin's attempt to tell her that she is out of luck due to Jacques being alive and refusing to give Jeffy a single penny, she threatens to kill Marvin by the end of the day if she doesn't get the money.
Nancy decides to call Marvin's family using Screwball's phone. She calls Jeffy first, who picks up his phone, and in a improvised accent tells Marvin that he got the wrong number. Nancy then calls Rose and forces Marvin to talk to her, with Rose accusing him of “calling from a side chick's phone". Marvin tells Rose he is kidnapped, but Rose calls him "a liar and a deadbeat father" and promptly hangs up. Afterwards, Nancy decides to call Rose herself from her own phone. Rose picks up, and Nancy threatens Marvin's life if Rose doesn't give her $5,000,000. Rose initially doesn't believe her, thinking that this is a another scheme from Marvin. Once Nancy reveals the details, Rose tells her that she unfortunately, she does not have the money. Nancy threatens to kill Marvin immediately, until Rose offers to call her back in 5 minutes. Nancy, however, had unfortunately called from a blocked number, to she gives Screwball's phone number to Rose. (Which turns out to be 555 555 5556)
Brooklyn Guy arrives to the house, saying that "there is a goon on the loose" (referring to Nancy). Rose reveals that said goon has Marvin hostage and that she has her number. (Not knowing that said phone number is actually Screwball's)
Brooklyn Guy shows Rose his car, shows the features and takes a ride around the neighborhood, despite Rose's protests. Afterwards, they go back inside and Brooklyn Guy calls Nancy on his own phone. He informs Nancy that he and Simmons are working for the police department and they threaten to "kick her ass". Nancy then reveals, much to Brooklyn Guy's dismay, that she has a hostage. (Namely, Marvin). Brooklyn Guy asks her demands. She then tells Brooklyn Guy and Simmons to bring Jeffy and $5 million dollars to a field in 1 hour, and to not bring weapons, which Brooklyn Guy reluctantly agrees.
Meanwhile, Nancy reveals to Marvin and Screwball that she has a gun and plans to shoot if necessary. Screwball says that that's unfair since the cops don't have one, but Nancy tells him that he doesn't care about fairness. Brooklyn Guy, Simmons and Jeffy then pull up, with Brooklyn Guy telling Jeffy to stay inside the car for his own safety. Brooklyn Guy then closes the door on his hand, and reveals himself to Nancy. Nancy then shows a gun, threatening to shoot Marvin if she doesn't see the money. Brooklyn Guy and Simmons say it's not fair, but Nancy says she doesn't care and to give her the money, threatening to shoot Marvin, Brooklyn Guy, and Simmons one after the other. They then reveal that they don't have the money, due to being tricked into not bringing weapons. Nancy then loads the gun, threatening to kill Marvin, but Brooklyn Guy offers to trade Jeffy instead. Nancy agrees, and Jeffy comes outside the car and towards the officers. Nancy then releases Marvin and tells Jeffy to come over to her. Marvin runs to Brooklyn Guy, Simmons and Jeffy.
Realizing that they have no other choice, Jeffy relentingly agrees to walk over. Nancy takes Jeffy, offering to make another deal with the cops when they "decide to stop playing games". She then closes the van door and Screwball drives away. Marvin demands the cops do something, to which Brooklyn Guy reminds him that they are unarmed. Simmons reminds Brooklyn Guy that they have a sniper rifle in the trunk, to which Brooklyn Guy orders Simmons to "camp out somewhere" and shoot the van's tires. Simmons agrees and Brooklyn Guy and Marvin enter the police car and start chasing the van.
In the van, Nancy realizes that they're being chased and tells Screwball to speed up. Jeffy takes the opportunity and hits Nancy, causing her to drop her handgun, causing them to fight for it. After Brooklyn Guy makes some "corny cop puns", we cut back to the van where Nancy has gained the upper hand, and has the gun pointed at Jeffy's head. She reveals to Jeffy that she never loved him and calls him an "accident" even threatening to kill Jeffy and bury him in the deepest hole she can find after she "gets her money", causing Jeffy to scream for help. Back in the car, Brooklyn Guy runs out of gas while trying to do a pit maneuver. As a last resort, he tells Simmons to shoot the tires, which he agrees to, but he accidentally shoots the gas cap, causing the van to explode, presumably killing everyone inside. Devastated, the officers and Marvin return home where Rose reunites with Marvin and asks what happened and where Jeffy is. Marvin explains what happened. He and Rose then mourn for Jeffy's death. Brooklyn T. Guy and Simmons are then seen outside, where Brooklyn Guy reprimands Simmons and explains "the difference between gas caps and tires".
Just when it looks like as if this is all over for them, they suddenly hear a voice, realizing that Jeffy is on the couch, telling he had to walk 50 miles getting eaten by mosquitoes on their birthday. Rose and Marvin are overjoyed about this, and Jeffy reveals how he survived.
Before the van exploded, Screwball tells Nancy that they're running out of gas, to which Nancy tells Screwball to "find a gas station". with her distracted, Jeffy takes Nancy's gun before shooting her in self defense as Nancy pleads for her life. Jeffy jumps out and calls his mom a bitch. Rejoicing for joy, Rose and Marvin reunite and they both hug him, Marvin apologizes to Jeffy and tells him that even though he is 18 now, he can stay with since he is so used to him, he can't imagine life without him, and he doesn't care about the money. He knows he was mad, just because he thought he was getting money, and they all hug each other.
Screwball rings on the door to apologize. Marvin is shocked, but Screwball revealed that he also got off the van before it exploded, due to him hearing Jeffy shoot Nancy, and getting scared by it. Afterwards, Marvin kicks Screwball out and calls the cops. Screwball is arrested by Simmons while Brooklyn Guy goes to talk to Mario. Once he sees Jeffy, he gets happy since he thinks everyone survived. Jeffy reveals to him that he shot Nancy to death, which makes Brooklyn Guy even happier, due to not having any paperwork and getting to keep his job. Guy then says the video is about him and should have been titled "Brooklyn Guy's 45th Birthday", and then with that, the special finally ends.
Old Version[]
The movie starts off with Mario and Jeffy. Jeffy hears the ice cream truck, and asks Mario to buy him some ice cream. But it turns out the ice cream truck is driven by Screwball and Loan Dolphin. They were hired by Nancy to kidnap Jeffy, but they kidnap Mario instead. Jeffy tells Chef Pee Pee and other characters about Mario being kidnapped. Only Chef Pee Pee sees the problem in the whole thing, and every other character doesn't care. Then 2 days later it cuts to the living room, and the whole house is in chaos.
This is because Mario is the one in charge of the house, he pays the bills and house payment. Bowser gets mail saying that the power will be cut if it doesn't get paid. He asks Chef Pee Pee where Mario went. Chef Pee Pee explains to him that Mario got kidnapped, and nobody knows where he went. Bowser states that he knows a guy that can track Mario down, but he's long gone.
Just then he hears Bowser Junior and his friends talking about Dr. Fredrick Finkleshitz, and his ability to turn dead objects back to life. Bowser requests that Junior tell him where to find Fredrick Finkleshitz. Bowser brings the body pieces of Mama Luigi with him. Dr. Finkleshitz staples, and glues Mama Luigi back together, and uses a marker as a conductor for lightning, and brings him back to life. Bowser quickly lets Mama Luigi know what happened with Mario. He starts tracking Mario down. We cut to Nancy and Mario. Nancy wants Mario to sign Jeffy over so that she can get Jeffy's inheritance money. Mario is about to sign a paper but then Mama Luigi, Bowser, and Chef Pee Pee find the Headquarters. A fight breaks out, and Mario is saved.
Mama Luigi interacts with some of the characters, new and old. There would've also been a scene where Mama Luigi and Jeffy have a grunting contest for about 5 seconds.
"The words disappeared."
This page has no plot or the plot is incomplete. Please help by adding some. |
New Version[]
- Jeffy
- Marvin
- Rose
- Nancy (Final Appearance and Death)
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Screwball
- Simmons
- Bubbles
- Junior
- Cody
- Patrick
- Jacques Pierre François
- Mr. Goodman
- Chief
- Chef Pee Pee
- Joseph
- Ken
Old Version[]
- Mario
- Luigi
- Mama Luigi
- Rosalina
- Jeffy
- Black Yoshi
- Shrek
- Toad
- Woody
- Tony the Tiger
- Chef Pee Pee
- Bowser
- Charleyyy
- Craig the Devil
- Bowser Junior
- Dr. Fredrick Finkleshitz
- Doofy the Dragon
- Thomas
- Chompy
- Joseph
- Cody
- Ken
- Patrick
- Mr. Goodman
- Hansel
- Chief
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Simmons
- Wario
- Nancy
- Screwball
- Loan Dolphin
- Jacques Pierre François (indirectly mentioned)
It was either December 2016, or January 2017 when Logan contacted Zeke on Facebook. In the message Logan told Zeke that he is making an SML movie, and he really wants to include Mama Luigi in it. Zeke told Logan that he will think about the decision. Logan told him that he will pay him to play Mama Luigi in the movie, that made Zeke agree to work with him, and that he would figure out a date so that he can film. In Febuary to April Zeke tried figuring out a date so that he can film, but every time it kept failing. He finally scheduled for May 15th, and he would film for a week. During the one week Zeke met a lot of cast members, he even became good friends with Tito. Logan and Zeke planned to do an HD remake of Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures, but Lovell was high, so it got scrapped. On May 16th they started filming the movie, Zeke did voice clips for Mama Luigi and Wario. They even brainstormed the plot, and ideas for the film.
Logan Thirtyacre confirmed in multiple vlogs that the movie will center around the main protagonist of the SML series, Mario. He also confirmed that the main antagonist would be Nancy. According to the trailer, it was revealed that someone was kidnapped. Fans had speculated that Jeffy was the one kidnapped, but Logan later clarified that it was in fact Mario that got kidnapped due to his hat being on the road. Logan also explained that if Nancy were to kidnap and kill Jeffy for the inheritance money left by Jacques Pierre François, Mario would still get the money since he still had custody of Jeffy. It has been also said that a desert will be involved, and Logan could have secretly gone there to film without telling his fans. The possible plot of a rescue mission is in hand. According to a Chilly vlog, Logan visited a prison-type place with Chilly Jimenez, Tito Jimenez, and James Campbell. It is most likely going to be the prison that Nancy was in when she was arrested back in "Jeffy's Parents!". Also on Instagram, Logan posted a picture with Chris Netherton and Nancy at the prison-type place that he visited, so there will be scenes taking place there.
According to Logan, almost every single character that has appeared in an SML video will appear in the movie in some capacity. He has also said that most of the appearances will contribute to the plot, rather than being pointless cameos. The movie will partially take place in a desert, and there will be a scene with an ice cream truck. The movie will be based around Mario and be about one hour in duration. Logan has stated in a Chilly vlog that he tried to get most of the movie recorded before June 27, because Lance is going to be in Hawaii and Las Vegas, but the weather in Cantonment, FL (where Logan and the crew live) kept Logan back. However, in another vlog, Logan states that the movie is being delayed due to the rainy weather, Lance being in Hawaii, and still having to make the two videos a week (though he did miss a video due to that one taking a long time to edit). In the comment section of "Chef Pee Pee's Accident!", he has stated that he will be uploading a short trailer for the movie the weekend of July 1, which has since been uploaded on Chilly's channel. On July 17, 2017, Logan visited a fort in Florida to film a scene that takes place in a prison. He also said that he made prison outfits for the film.
Lovell's Absence[]
A video uploaded on Chilly's vlog channel on July 30, 2017 showed Logan explaining that the movie is about 3/4 done (75%). But the problem is that Lovell, the voice actor who plays important characters like Chef Pee Pee, Bowser, Joseph, etc., wasn't with the filming crew, the reason being that he's finally getting help for something that he's been dealing with for a long time. Over much of August, there was not any Chef Pee Pee, Joseph, Toad, etc., until "Chef Pee Pee The Octopus!" was released. And also, according to Logan, the fans decided to wait for Lovell to return, rather than cutting most of his scenes out of the movie, in an attempt to get it released by mid-August.
This is a rare occasion where many of SML's fans were very good and supportive of Logan and the crew. They were able to watch the Logan vlogs on Chilly's channel and could understand his recent stress with the demonetization and the drama, and therefore were very easy on Logan and Lovell, allowing them to take their time with the movie.
Because the hype was at the time so big for the movie, fans were willing to wait until September for the movie just so the ending could be perfected with Lovell's characters. This contradicted what Logan thought his fans would want.
On August 16, 2017, Logan took Instagram to share the good news that Lovell is back earlier than expected and that they are going to be filming the rest of the scenes for the movie.
As of May 2019, almost 2 years after the planned release of the movie, there are rumors that the movie has either been canceled, shelved due to monetization, or it's just taking Logan a really long time to make the movie. Nobody knows what is actually happening concerning the movie as Logan won't give any updates. In July 2019, after a year of no updates, Logan said he would upload the movie on SuperBowserLogan once it is finished.
On March 4, 2020, Chilly, Logan's girlfriend, stated that the film was canceled a year ago, and as stated, Logan was "too scared" to do an announcement of the film's cancellation and hoped that everyone would forget about the film.
On May 12, 2020, Lance stated in the comments section of the SML Q&A that there would be an entire SML Movie update video. However, every time Lance mentions it, he tries to come up with excuses for Logan and them not to do it. Either stating it has to be sunny outside and/or it has to be a good day, only for it not to be made. So it may had either just been a rumor, or it was planned out, or Logan and the crew didn't want to make it.
In June 2020, a YouTuber by the name of CDusk flew out to Pensacola in order to get interviews from Logan, Chilly, Tito, and Crowd Killer who were involved in the SML Drama. When interviewing Chilly and Tito, CDusk asked Chilly about the tweet she made on March 4th, 2020 about the film's cancellation. Chilly claimed that only 2 minutes of the film were done, and Tito stated Logan stopped the film's production after he filmed the scenes at Fort Pickens. However, on the contrary, Logan, during his interview, said that he wants to complete the movie, with the entire plot written and half of the movie being already shot. He stated that production on the movie is on a hiatus due to Pablo not filming in-person with the SML crew; the reason being he is following safety precautions to keep his parents safe from COVID-19. The interviews were uploaded 3 months later and Pablo eventually returned to in-person filming. On November 4, 2020, Logan and the crew tested positive for COVID-19; the sole exception being Pablo. In "Jeffy and Junior's Gold Play Button!", it is stated that the movie is still in production and is currently still in the works, hinting that production may continue in the near future.
As of January 2021, almost 4 years after the film's planned release, Logan hasn't announced any updates on the film's production. Rumors still persist that the movie may have either been postponed, canceled, stuck in development hell, or if it's being reworked on. Nobody knows what is actually going on since Logan himself has not confirmed anything and has been silent about the film for most of 2020. As of now, the film's status remains unknown.
In February 2021, Nintendo sent a cease and desist letter to Logan, which states that he cannot continue his SML YouTube channel with the use of the Mario plushies anymore. As a result, this means that the film is unlikely to be released with its original plot. However, if there ever comes a movie later down the line, it'll most likely be using the Human Puppets and will not involve characters such as Mama Luigi, unless a Human Puppet is created for him.
On June 30, 2021, Rad SML Thumbnails has announced on Instagram that the film will be released on SML+ in Thanksgiving 2022. Rad has also confirmed the movie will be fully remade with Human Puppets, since Logan will not be using any copyrighted characters such as Nintendo characters on his own streaming service. However, all of this was confirmed to be false by Logan himself.
On July 29, 2022, SML crew member Anthony Miller stated in a YouTube livestream that "Jeffy's 18th Birthday!" will indeed be the SuperMarioLogan Movie. However, the movie would not either follow the same concept as the original idea or this was just speculation generated by him.
On August 18, 2022, in a pinned comment of "Junior's Teeth!", Logan confirmed that "Jeffy's 18th Birthday!" will be released on August 21, 2022.
On August 19, 2022, in a vlog on Chilly's channel, Logan confirmed that the final scene of "Jeffy's 18th Birthday!" needs to be recorded for him to start editing the film before August 21.
During the 2nd BTS for "Junior's Teeth!", Lance confirmed that this video will be a long video. He also mentions that it might not make the upload day due to monetization.
On August 20, 2022, in a vlog on Chilly's channel, Logan stated that background music is the final key factor for the special to be finished and ready to upload along with monetization wait time. He also estimated that the video will be delayed a day or two, Chilly later confirmed that the video has been finished and is awaiting monetization.
On August 21, 2022, once again in a quick vlog on Chilly's channel, Logan confirmed that the video has passed monetization and will officially be released at 4PM CDT/CST. He also posted a screenshot of a white van with the words "Free Candy" on the side, confirming that this video, is in fact the long-awaited SML Movie (with the only difference being the van from the ice cream truck due to Logan selling the Ice cream truck). Logan has also stated in the vlogs that 3 characters in the special would perish, with one of them being permanently killed off from SML. However, he had lied with only one being permanently killed off which was Nancy, though two other characters were temporarily assumed to have died in the climax of the video, before being revealed as alive in the end, being Screwball and Jeffy.
The video idea was originally suggested by a fan named King James in the comment section of "Jeffy's Stupid Home Video!" Logan even responded saying, "I will if I hit a million subscribers!" When Logan officially announced the production of the movie during the post-credits scene in "Bowser Junior Gets His Nose Pierced!", there were many positive reactions as fans even commented on their excitement for the upcoming movie. Lance, on April Fools' Day 2017, while Logan, Chilly and Tito were in Chicago, did an April Fools' video, which claimed to be the SuperMarioLogan Movie, but it ended up being Jeffy watching paint dry for 58 minutes as an April Fools' Day prank. The video was later renamed "Jeffy's Fun Day!", in order not to confuse it with the real one.
Trailer (old version)[]
New Version[]
Old Version[]
New Version[]
- This video took a week to film as stated by Logan in Chilly's vlogs and Lance in his vlogs.
- Also, in the vlogs, it was stated by Logan that this is Logan's biggest project yet.
- This is the most expensive video Logan has ever created, costing around $50,000+ dollars.
- This video is the culmination of the arc that began way back in "Jeffy's Parents!", five years prior.
- This is the Second longest SML video by 37 minutes and 54 seconds, surpassing "Bowser Junior Goes to Disney World! Part 1" by 2 minutes and 18 seconds.
- This episode was uploaded a year after "Jeffy's 17th Birthday!", three years after "Jeffy's Birthday Trip!" and six years after "Jeffy's Birthday!".
- This is Nancy's final appearance overall, as Logan himself confirmed that she won't appear in any future SML videos unless it was in a Jeffy flashback. This is also her first and only appearance in 2022, and her first appearance since "Jeffy's 17th Birthday!" one year back.
- However, In Jeffy Plays Grand Theft Auto 6, Brooklyn Guy breaks the fourth wall talking about canon and non-canon deaths in SML and also stated that Nancy might return.
- This is Patrick's first appearance in 2022 and his first appearance since "Jeffy's Show And Tell!".
- It's revealed that Jacques Pierre François faked his death for his artwork to go up in value.
- This video marks the return of "The tits" joke.
- This episode also marks the return of the "¡Sí papi!" joke.
- The van in this episode was a 2003-2007 Chevrolet Express 2500.
- This video is the fastest amount of viewership in a special SML episode, with over 1 million views in 3 hours.
- Logan said in one of Chilly's vlogs that three people will die but only one person died which is Nancy. The three people who were supposed to die were Nancy, Screwball, and Jeffy.
- Running gags: Brooklyn Guy and Simmons chanting and singing whenever Rose says something good or bad about Nancy and Brooklyn Guy interrupting Rose by talking about his new Hyundai Sonata.
- This is the first video to feature an actual vehicle being destroyed and totaled, not counting minor damage (scratches and dents) on vehicles from other episodes.
- At 17:45, Cody can be seen getting hit by the door when Screwball was opening it.
- On August 23, 2022, it was revealed that the Nancy puppet was still in the van when it exploded, which pretty much seals up any hope of Nancy coming back to any future SML videos. However, Logan did say that Nancy might come back in flashbacks, but no future SML videos due to her being fatality killed by her son Jeffy.
- This was confirmed not to be true because Nancy’s puppet was still intact in one of the phone call scenes. (which was synced after the van was exploded)
- This is the second episode in 2022 to feature numbers in the title, the first being "Saw 2".
- With a total of 6 Behind the Scenes videos as confirmed in the 5th part of the BTS, this episode currently has the most BTS videos out of any SML video, beating "Junior Goes To Legoland!", which had 4 BTS videos.
- At 0:01, the sound for the text is taken from Among Us.
- Since this is the SuperMarioLogan Movie, Mr. Goodman technically won his bet in The Bet! since Mr. Goodman made a bet saying that this movie would not release until the end of June of 2017. And since this movie was released in 2022, Mr. Goodman's money has been doubled.
Old Version[]
- One of the main problems with filiming the movie is Lovell. As stated by Zeke, Lovell hated Elaina because he believes she called the cops on him for doing drugs. This was so bad that videos had to be filmed on seperate days.
- Logan and Zeke thought of many ideas of how Mama Luigi would interact with some of the characters. One of them would be that Rosalina would fall in love with Mama Luigi. However. all of this is just brainstorming.
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Pilot Reservation[]
Weird place to reserve it but I can't let lost media claim another one.
HD Images[]
Obscure Leaked HD Images[]
Behind The Scenes[]
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bkWsFb_QYgARLMrq7whz4-3fv5X2eovV
- https://archive.org/details/dont-hug-me-im-scared-pilot-2018-780p-camrip (not all in order)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-tosLFHP2U (trailer)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXljGjGelP0
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3g4riR-xsQKpjr-aznnri-PFn-ouh6nh