SML Wiki
SML Wiki

Look if you don’t like foul language I will be saying a little here btw

Now if you don’t know Logan made a video recently on chilly’s channel explaining how he won’t burn Jeffy because youtube didn’t give his ads back by July 21st or something like that. Now while yes he is correct, come on Logan why are you being a pussy dude! I get it, it would take a little time for me to accept that I have to burn my money making puppet but still do it for the fans, not for the 6 year olds who laugh at this autistic puppet for saying curse words! It gets me angry. Logan, it took me awhile to realise this but I think I finally realized that you aren’t the person I thought you were. Your a evil youtube creator who lies to his fans and milks a autistic puppet to make money of 8 year olds. Your disgusting Logan. I’m sick and tired of your bullshit now. You lie to your fans about Dates on the movie and now this shit. In conclusion, Logan go fuck yourself you little bitch and listen to your actual fans.
