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"The Santa Heist!" is the 1,082nd episode of SML Movies. It is also the 1,300th video overall that has been uploaded.


Santa needs money for the North Pole!


The video starts at Santa's Workshop at the North Pole, where Santa's Elves are seen, building toys. Santa Claus comes in to tell his elves "chop chop" as there are two weeks until Christmas, which Pepper tells Santa that he's trying and it's that he can't get the eyes out of the Mr. Potato Head while another elf says they are working on it. Santa then asks Orna what's he beating the soccer ball with a hammer for, which Orna says he doesn't know while Pepper tells him when he see balls, he's supposed to lick it, which Santa tells him that he's still weird, but he likes him. Pepper thanks Santa as Santa tells the elves that break time is in 5 minutes, but somebody's got to scoop the reindeer shit. Pepper asks if he can do it, which Santa confirms he can do it as Mr. Goodman then comes in, saying "Hey, how's it going?". Santa doesn't know him as he asks who he is, which Goodman tells him that he's the guy who purchased the North Pole after he didn't pay his property taxes in over 25 years. Santa tells him it's been a little tough lately, which Goodman says yeah as he says he can imagine when he's been giving toys for free, and giving coal away to kids who've been bad as he then says the place makes no money and it needs to shut it down. Santa asks Goodman where's the Christmas Spirit, but Goodman tells him he can't deposit Christmas Spirit into his bank account as he then says he needs $100 million from him by tomorrow or he's turning the workshop into a Walmart or an amusement park called North Pole land. Santa offers Goodman to let Pepper takes him out back, which shocks Goodman as he says "Pepper?", which Pepper says "Daddy, if I do it will you love me?", which Goodman says "Jesus Fucking Christ" as he then says he needs $100 million from him by tomorrow or he's going to be working in Walgreens, at the photo department, developing pictures. This shocks Santa as he asks where's he going to get that kind of money, which Goodman says he doesn't care as he tells him to pull it out of his "Holly Jolly ass" as he asks if Coca-Cola pays him to be in all those commercials, which Santa tells him they pay him in Coke, but it's not the stuff you drink. Goodman makes a connection as he says "No wonder it's always snowing in here" as he says he'll be back tomorrow to get his $100 million, but he's brining bulldozers to turn the workshop into a Walmart as he leaves while Pepper asks Santa if they are going to be homeless as the other elves get worried as they all say "Yeah Santa, what are we going to do?". Santa tells them to calm down as he says he'll figure it out as he then says "Santa always figures it out" as the video cuts to Santa getting into his car, which he drinks a bottle of beer as he says he is fucked. Suddenly, Brooklyn Guy knocks at the window, which Santa rolls it down and says "Yeah". Brooklyn Guy is shocked by what he sees as he says "Wait, Santa?", which Santa says yeah as he says "Ho ho ho and all that kind of stuff". Brooklyn Guy says he's sorry and it's just that his car matched the description of a car used in a robbery. This shocks Santa as he says "A robbery?", which Brooklyn Guy says yeah as he says somebody stole some money, and their car looked like his, but he knows it couldn't have been him, which Santa says it couldn't be him as Brooklyn Guy apologizes for the trouble as he leaves, telling him to just be on his way. Santa then says it gives him an idea as he says he can rob a bank to get the money to save the North Pole, which he goes with this idea as he says "That's it!" as he then laughs".

At the Red Couch, Duggie asks Marvin if he has $100, but Marvin says he doesn't, which upsets Duggie as he says he needs some money, but Marvin tells him he doesn't have any as Rose pulls out $100, saying she has $100, which this excites Duggie as he grabs it, but Marvin takes it back, telling Duggie to give it back to Rose as she's not giving him money, which upsets Duggie as he says Marvin is so mean and controlling. Marvin says he's not as he says that Rose is not going to give him any money because he doesn't need any money, but Duggie says he does need some money, which Marvin asks what's he need it for, which Duggie says he needs it for Christmas presents, but Marvin asks him what Christmas presents he's going to buy, which Duggie says he's not buying any, he just wants the $100 as a Christmas present as Marvin tells Rose "See, doesn't even need it" as he tells Duggie he's not getting any money as the doorbell then rings. Marvin goes to get the door as he tells Duggie to stay, which Marvin leaves as Duggie asks Rose if she still wants to give him the $100 since Marvin is gone, but Rose say no because Marvin said no, but Duggie asks Rose if Marvin told her to lick a dog turd, would she do it, which Rose says no as the video cuts to Marvin, opening the door to reveal it's Santa, who is looking for a Duggie as he asks Marvin if he has a Duggie, which Marvin says yes as he tells Santa that he's upstairs as he then asks if he's here to tell him that Duggie is a piece of shit. Marvin then yells for Duggie to come down, which Duggie comes down as he asks him what he wants before seeing Santa, which Duggie gets excited as he asks him what he is doing and if he's here to tell him he's on the nice list and give him $100, but Santa say no as he tells him he's actually on the naughty list, and that's why he needs his help. This shocks Duggie as he asks Santa why he's on the naughty list as he says he does so much for his friends and the community, and he even helped his cousin DooDoo Ass because he doesn't know how to wipe. Santa tells him he needs his help robbing a bank, which Duggie says he can help him rob the bank, but he does that, he'll definitely be on the naughty list, but Santa tells him if he helps him, he'll get him on the nice list, which Duggie says he can definitely do that as Marvin asks Santa why he needs to rob a bank, which Santa tells him that the North Pole hasn't been doing good lately, and he's a little behind on the rent, which Marvin asks how much as he says he can maybe cover it, which Santa tells him $100 million. This shocks Marvin as he asks if it's Goodman who wants his rent, which Santa says it is Goodman. Marvin says that Goodman's an asshole as he then says if anyone's going to help him rob a bank, definitely not Duggie as he says he'll get him caught, which this offends Duggie as he says "Come on Marvbips" as he then tells Santa he can definitely help him rob the bank as he tells him all he needs to do is look but more scarier, which he says he can help him with that as he and Santa then go to a room, where Duggie tells Santa they need to get him ready to go rob some banks, but first, he needs to cover up his identity as he tells Santa to pull his robber mask up, which Santa does that as he asks if it's better, which clearly is better as Duggie acts like Santa isn't here and he can't find him as he then asks Santa if he has seen Santa, which Santa says "I'm right here" as Duggie tells him he didn't recognize him because he concealed his identity as he then hands Santa a glock, which he tells him to grab it as they are going to practice robbing a bank as he tells him to say "Give me all that money", only for Santa to say "Give me all that money?", which Duggie tells him he said it like a question as he tells him he's supposed to yell at the top of his lungs as Duggie yells out "Give me all that money!", which Santa succeeds in doing so as they then continue practicing. Duggie then tells Santa to let's go rob the bank as they then leave.

At the gas station, Duggie tells Santa in their car at the parking lot that it's going to be his test robbery to see if he's ready to rob a bank as he tells Santa what he needs to do is go inside the gas station, pull out his gun, and tell them to run their pockets, which Santa says "Ok!" as Duggie says if he can do it, it means he's ready to rob a bank. He then tells him to remember to say it with his chest as he then tells him to say "Run them pop bipz", which Santa says ok as he then says "Run them pop bipz" while getting out and going into the gas station, which inside of the gas station, Santa walks to the counter as Cameel Habib Habab thanks him for choosing the gas station as he asks him what can he help him with as he then says "Oh hey Santa Claus, what can I do for you?", but Santa tells him he's not Santa, which Cameel says he gets it as he says he's in a disguise as he then asks him what can he do for him, only for Santa to pull out his gun and says "Give me that shit motherfucker", which confused Cameel as he asks him what's he talking about, which Santa tells him he'll pop a cap in his ass as he then says "Give me the shit". This continues until Santa says "Give me the fucking money motherfucker", which Cameel says "Okay! you could have said please" as he gets Santa his money, which Santa says "Please motherfucker" as Cameel hands him $60, telling him that's what he all has, which upsets Santa as he says "That's it bitch motherfucker, please!" as he then leaves, saying he'll be back. Santa goes back to their car at the parking lot, where Duggie asks Santa if he robbed him, which Santa pulls out the $60 he robbed as he says "Shit, what does that look like", which this excited Duggie as he says "Santa Plops done rob the gas station" as he then says it means they are ready to rob the bank as he then says "Let's go run that shit" as the video cuts back to the inside of the Gas Station, where Brooklyn T. Guy asks Cameel if he's telling him that Santa Clause came in, waving a gun around, yelling cuss words, and stole $60, which Cameel says he did as he tells him that Santa got mad and called him a "Motherfucker" several times, and a "Bitch", but Brooklyn Guy says it doesn't sound like Santa, which Cameel says it was him as he shows Brooklyn Guy security camera footage of the robbery, which Brooklyn Guy says it does look like Santa, but a lot of people dress up as Santa this time of the year and steal stuff as he says it doesn't mean it's him, but Cameel says he knows it's Santa as he says he heard his voice and he knows what Santa sounds like. Brooklyn Guy then says ok as he says he'll be sure to ask Santa next time he sees him as he leaves while Cameel says ok as the video cuts to the bank, where Susan Smith yells out "Next!", which Screwball comes in, going under the glass divider, saying he'll like to apply for a loan, but Susan tells him "Sir no, up here at the window", which Screwball comes up and says Sorry as he then comments about her panties as he then says he'll like to apply for a loan, but Susan tells him that she told him last time he was here that they do not give out loans to adopt children, but Screwball says that's what he wants this time as he says he'll like a loan for a new van and can of spray paint to write "Free Candy" on the side, but Susan declines, saying his credit score is just too low, which Screwball asks for different kinds of loans, only for each one to be declined as Susan tells him to get out, which Screwball says she's mean as he leaves and Duggie & Santa comes in, wearing ski masks and welding guns, which Susan asks them how she can help them, which Santa says they are here to fuck shit up as Duggie then says that's right as he then says "Run them pop bips" as Santa then holds up his gun, telling Susan to do it now, which terrifies Susan as she says she doesn't have any money at the counter and it's at the safe. Duggie tells her to open the safe as Santa then says the bank doesn't care about her and not to die over their robbery as he then tells Susan to open the safe up, which Susan opens the safe up as Santa and Duggie continue to point their guns at her, which Susan then says the safe is now open as Duggie and Santa go to the safe, which Santa opens it while Duggie stay at watch, which Santa finds a box of money, saying they are rich. Duggie tells him to grab some more money from the ground, which Santa does so as Duggie takes the box of money, and closes the safe door as Duggie says "Sorry Santa, I need the money way more than you do" as he then leaves while Santa pounds on the door. Brooklyn Guy then comes in, saying he got a call about a bank robbery, which Susan says yes as she says there were two robbers, which one of them got away while the other got trapped in the safe, which Brooklyn Guy likes this as he opens the safe door, saying he at least caught one of them as he gets to make fun of them, which he is shocked by what he sees as Santa walks towards him as he says "Santa Claus?", which Santa says "Yeah motherfucker, bitch please" as Brooklyn Guy says "Oh, so that was you at the gas station", but Santa says that wasn't him. Brooklyn Guy says he guess it was someone dressed as Santa as he says he has to arrest him for trying to rob the bank, but Santa says he's trying to save North Pole as he needs the money, which Brooklyn Guy tells Santa he could of done it some other way as he puts him in hand cuffs.

At the courthouse, Judge Pooby says he is the "Holly Jolly Judge Pooby", and today, they will be hearing the case of Santa Clause, who is being accused of trying to rob a bank as he asks Santa why he would try to rob a bank, which Santa says he didn't have any money to build toys for the kids, so he was trying to steal some money to fund the North Pole, which Judge Pooby says it was very sad as he asks Santa "Do you know what else is sad?", which he says "When I got this big ass lump of coal" in his stocking last year as he pulls it out, which Santa says he got it because his ass was naughty as Judge Pooby tells Santa to let him show him how naughty he can be as he sentences Santa to 30 years in Prison as he taps his candy cane like a gavel as Brooklyn Guy tells Santa to put his hands behind his back as he and Simmons put his hands behind his back and take him to jail as Santa says "You little fucker!" as Judge Pooby mockingly says bye to him. Brooklyn Guy then says "In you go Santa" as he puts Santa in his jail cell and closes the cell door. Santa tells Brooklyn Guy and Simmons that if they let him out, he'll give them a Mr. Potato Head, which Simmons says "Oh alright" as he goes to open the cell door as Brooklyn Guy stops him, saying they can't do that. Santa then gives them two other offers, being a Care Bear and Pepper taking them out back, only for both of them to be declined as Brooklyn Guy and Simmons go, but Santa asks Brooklyn Guy one last thing, being a little candy cane as he says he's a little hungry and he didn't eat before he got to jail, which Brooklyn Guy says yeah as he hands him a little candy cane as Brooklyn Guy and Simmons go while Santa licks the candy cane, saying he's trying to make it look like a key. Bubbles then notices Santa in his cell, which he can't believe it as he asks if he's dreaming and if Jesus bestow Santa upon him as Santa tells Bubbles not to get any wise ideas or he's going to stick the candy cane in his piss hole, which Bubbles says "All right, all right" as he says he doesn't want anything in his piss hole as Santa tells Bubble "All right, come on, let's get out of here" as Santa and Bubbles walk to the cell door, which Santa says "Let me see if I can try to find this hole" as he sticks his hand over the cell door bars and try's to search for the hole to stick his candy cane in to unlock it. Bubbles tells him to be careful as it's a tiny hole, which Santa says it's all right as he says he's using the tip to search for it while Brooklyn Guy says the inmates are so disgusting, as he thinks they're doing something else. Bubble asks if he has found the hole yet, which Santa says "No, there's too much black in way", which Bubbles tells him to keep shoving it in as he says he'll find the hole eventually. Santa then gives Bubble the candy cane, telling him to suck on it to make it go in while Brooklyn Guy says "This is nasty". Bubble then gives Santa back the candy cane, saying it should work now as Santa manages to find the hole, which he sticks the candy cane in to, which Bubbles gets excited about Santa finding the hole as Santa opens the cell door while Brooklyn Guy walks away, saying "Okay, I am walking away". Santa and Bubbles then walk out of their jail cell as the video cuts to Duggie, showing Marvin the box of money, which shocks Marvin as he says "You and Santa actually robbed the bank?", which Duggie says "No, I robbed a bank, Santa Claus got caught". This shocks Marvin and Rose as Marvin says "Santa Claus got caught!?" while Rose says "Poor Santa". Duggie tells them they aren't looking at the big "pip hips", which Marvin says "pip hips?" while Rose says "Oh those poor kids on Christmas Day won't have Christmas presents to open" as Duggie then says they can watch him buy some presents. The conversation then continues until the doorbell rings, which Marvin goes to answer it, saying it better not be the cops. Marvin opens the door to reveal it's Santa, asking where's Duggie, which Marvin says he's upstairs as he then yells for Duggie to come downstairs and to bring the money, which Duggie comes down with the box of money as he asks Marvin what he wants and why he told him to bring the money, which Marvin points him to Santa, which Duggie asks Santa what he's doing as he says he thought he got arrested, which Santa says he did as Duggie throws out some of the money from the box of money. Santa then says "You left me there", which Duggie says that isn't what happened as he makes up a lie, which Santa says he doesn't remember it like that, which Duggie says yeah as he then says it's because he's Santa Claus and he thinks of toys and stuff as Marvin tells Duggie to give him half the money as he did half the work, which Duggie says he doesn't want to, but Marvin tells him if he doesn't give him half the money, then he's on the naughty list forever, causing Duggie to give Santa the box of money, saying he can only have half of it, which Santa tells him to let him take it to the car and count it as he then walks away with the box of money as Duggie sighs and then says "Marvbips you know this is some bullshit right" as he says he got the money, meaning it's his money, but Marvin tells him he wants half to pay for the North Pole. Duggie then says he's taking a long time as he then asks Marvin if he's taking all the money, which Marvin says he doesn't think he'd would do that, which Duggie agrees with Marvin as he says that would mean he would have to put himself on the naughty list.




  • In the description, "North Pole" isn't capitalized.
  • The first behind the scenes thumbnail isn't customized, it just uses a screenshot for this video.
    • It could be just a placeholder.


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