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Youtube-face Warning About The President's Chef!:

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"The President's Chef!" is the 150th episode of SML Movies.


Chef Pee Pee is asked to come to Washington D.C to cook for President Barack Obama!


The episode begins with Bowser Junior making a whippy the whip cream man. Chef Pee Pee comes in and gets angry at Junior for making it, and they turn on the T.V.  

He sees the president making a speech, asking for a new chef. He says that any chefs that want to work for him can write a letter to him.  

Chef Pee Pee writes the letter and quickly receives a call saying he has been chosen to come to Washington D.C. for the final test. He lies to Bowser that he needs to see his grandma and Bowser Junior too that the grandma hates kids and toys and gets ready to go.  

He is too busy to see Bowser Junior slipping into his bag. When they arrived in Washington D.C, Junior pop out of the bar. Chef Pee Pee saw him and got angry at Junior once again.  

He then hears a ring at the door soon after discovering. He opens it, and a secret service man (Mr.Dinkle) comes in. He pushes Pee Pee onto the bed and scans the room before letting Obama in. Obama comes in and asks Chef Pee Pee to make him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, stating that he is a "simple man."  

Bowser Junior then asks Obama if they can do something fun, and they go around D.C. looking at the monuments and tell Junior not to touch them. Barack Obama also said many false information about some of the monument too.

Once they finally get back, Chef Pee Pee is done with the president's sandwich and the latter wants everybody to leave so he can eat the sandwich in peace. Unfortunately, he finds it disgusting,

When he and the secret service man get out of the room, Obama tells Pee Pee he will write to him with the news of if he has been granted the position or not, but this is right before Junior decides to, for an unknown reason, go to the National Archives to steal the Declaration of Independence. Then, he and Pee Pee go home, and Bowser tells Pee Pee that a letter came. He sees the letter laid out, with a souvenir snow globe just above it. It reads that his sandwich was awful, and he was not granted the position. Also, Bowser Junior ends up ripping the Declaration of Independence. As of a result, they are owned by the British. 

The video ends with Candy's father preparing to take a picture of The White House but finds Candy twerking along with Obama and the others.



  • This video also marks the first appearance of Barack Obama and Mr. Dinkle.
  • This video reveals that Chef Pee Pee had a great great grandmother who doesn't like children and toys (The last part could be made up).
  • This video reveals that Chef Pee Pee has Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • Mr. Dinkle was recycled from the Mr. Winkle puppet.
    • This is ironic as Mr. Winkle is generally a criminal and Mr. Dinkle arrested criminals.
  • In a dabhdude live stream, it was revealed that Logan had James Campbell distract the security guard so they could do the Declaration of Independence scene because the guard wasn't letting them do it. As revealed in the reaction video, this was apparently because "cameras can damage it".
  • This video reveals that Barack Obama calls Abraham Lincoln his "n*gga".
  • Barack Obama in the video is possibly the Tyrone Calvin puppet with an Obama mask and Mr. Winkle's shirt on.
  • This is the first time Candy's Father says anything else besides "Hey, have you seen my daughter?" or "CANDY!!!"
  • This episode was uploaded 1 year after "Shrek's Crappy Wish".
  • It was Lance's least favorite video of 2015. As suggested from the post video in "Mario's Turtle Problem!".
  • This is the 150th SML Movie.
  • There is a similar video to this called "President Jeffy!".
  • Prior to the deletion of SML Plush Show, this video had been age restricted as of October 29, 2020. The exact reason why is unclear, though it’s likely because of Barack Obama saying the n word.


  • Junior stealing the Declaration of Independence and looking for a hidden treasure map is a reference to the movie "National Treasure".
    • Junior's line during the Declaration of Independence room scene is an actual quote from the movie.
  • Bowser makes a reference to the Deez Nuts meme by WelvenDaGreat.


  • Junior strongly disliked Barack Obama in "Bowser Junior's Game Night 2", but in this episode, he seems to like him. However, it's possible he now likes him.
  • When Chef Pee Pee said that the US was owned by the British after Junior ripped up the Declaration of Independence, this would be impossible because the British Empire was disbanded on July 1, 1997, which made all the countries owned by the British independent.
    • It could be assumed that Chef Pee Pee meant the Commonwealth of Nations, which consisted of former colonies of the United Kingdom.
SML Movies