"The Power Outage!" is the 980th episode of SML Movies and is a collaboration special with the mobile game Dragon City.
The power went out!
Just minutes after looking at a big chance of storms for the week, Marvin sees Brooklyn Guy waiting outside his home in the rain. He comes inside to take a shower while Marvin and Rose have a small argument about the weather girl, Rose suspecting him of falling smitten for them. When Brooklyn returns from his shower, the power in the house cuts out. Marvin asks Brooklyn to fix it as an electrician, but he calls Lightning McQueen for help instead.
On the call, Brooklyn realizes that, actually, he isn't talking to Lightning McQueen and that he was just losing his mind and believed he existed. He heads downstairs to find the circuit breaker, but hears repeated car noises and unintentionally spots Lightning McQueen in the house. Brooklyn runs away from him before waking up in the hospital, where he gets the real story: he was giving someone a speeding ticket during his police officer job before heading into Marvin's house and having several hallucinations about the whole ordeal.
- Marvin
- Jeffy
- Brooklyn Guy
- Rose
- Woody (cameo)
- Crystal
- Lightning McQueen (dream only)
- Susan
- Cody (sponsor)
- This episode was uploaded a year after "Jeffy's Witness Protection!", three years after "Flushed Away!", and sixteen years after "American Idol Mario Edition. Episode 6".
- This is the third video in 2024 where Cody appears without Junior and Joseph.
- This is Lightning McQueen's first appearance in 2024, his first appearance in the Human Puppet Era, his first appearance in the 2020s and his first appearance since "Chef Pee Pee's Date!".
- This is one of the rare episodes where Goodman isn't the news anchor.
- This is the 50th video to have a Nicktendo animation.
- This is the fifth time that an SML video has been sponsored by Dragon City, with the first, second, third and fourth being Cody's Love Triangle!, Brooklyn Guy's Missing Wife!, Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Part 3 and 4, respectively.
- This is the third time where Jeffy and Rose were crying together, with the first two being "Doctor Jeffy!", and "Jeffy's Pet Dinosaur!".
- This episode marks the soonest between two sponsored videos, released two days after the previous one.
- This video reveals that Woody has a side occupation as a news anchor besides shrimpo hunting.
- This is Woody's second appearance in 2024 since "Shrek's Endless Cheesecake!".
- In the weather forecast, thunderstorms are shortened as t'storms.
- In the thumbnail, Jeffy has a flashlight and a lightbulb, but that never happened in the video.
- Brooklyn Guy is also wearing his casual black shirt in the thumbnail, even though he wasn't wearing it during the video.
- The thumbnail background is of a significantly lower quality than most of the other thumbnails for SML videos.
- In the weather forecast, the dates are taken place in February 2024.
To see full results of this poll, see here.