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"The Grinch Happy Meal!" is the 1,086th episode of SML Movies.


Junior and his friends want The Grinch Happy Meal!


The video starts at McDonalds Headquarters, where Steve Staleburger tells Ronald McDonald that Santa Claus is here to talk about being on the Happy Meal box. Ronald whispers "Perfect" as he turns around to Santa, which he says "Santa my god, put it, there" as he gives Santa a handshake. Ronald asks Santa if he's on the Naughty and Nice Lists before saying "Don't tell me" as he says he's naughty as shit as he then laughs and coughs on Steve. Ronald then says "So Santa, let's talk money", which Santa replies with "Let's talk cheese". Ronald says he loves cheese on his Quarter Pounder as he then asks Santa what's it going to take for him to get his face on his Happy Meal box in the form of a song. Santa says he's going to need $100 million, which Ronald and Santa then laugh as Ronald tells Steve that Santa's on crack, but Steve tells him he is Santa Claus and he wants money, which Ronald says he's right as he says they got to talk business as he turns back to Santa, and tells him I'm a businessman, you're a businessman, let's talk business". Ronald tells him to push the $100 million to side as he offers him a 3-year supply of Quarter pounders, and a small French Fry. Santa says he's on a diet and he does like burgers, but he will need some "Moola" too. Ronald thinks he's talking about wanting to watch "Moola 2: The Hawaiian Bitch" as he tells Steve to get Santa some tickets to "Moola 2: The Hawaiian Bitch" in IMAX, but Steve tells Ronald that Santa is not talking about "Moana", but he's talking about wanting Money. Ronald then says "Obviously Steve, I'm not a dumbass" as he says he got his doctorate from Mayor McCheese, which he repeats this to Santa. Ronald then asks Santa if they have a deal, but Santa says he needs $100 million or he's out of here, to which Ronald points to the exit and tells him to get out, which Santa then proceeds to leave as Ronald hurls out insults. Steve repeatedly yells out "Ronald", which he does this until Ronald stops hurling insults and says "WHAT!?", which Steve tells him he's just angry. Ronald says he is angry, and he's pissed off as he then says he wants to get back at Santa. Ronald then starts thinking of who hates Santa the most, which he asks Steve who hates Santa the most, which Steve says it's The Grinch, but Ronald tells him he's talking about the "Green Guy", which Steve says that's The Grinch. Ronald tells him that's who he's talking about as he tells him to get him The Grinch. Steve then says "Okay" as he leaves to get The Grinch. The video then cuts to Steve, telling Ronald he got The Grinch, which Ronald says "Perfect" as The Grinch walks in and sits down, which Ronald says he's "Ugly as shit", which The Grinch takes it as a complement, saying "Thank you". Ronald then says he smells like garbage, which The Grinch says he lives in the garbage as Ronald then asks him if he hates Santa, which The Grinch says he does as he says he hates Christmas and everything about Christmas. Ronald says "Perfect" as he says that's why he thinks he'll be a perfect fit for his face on his Happy Meal box. The Grinch asks what's in it, which Ronald says there's nothing it in right now, but eventually, it'll have Chicken Nuggets, maybe a Burger, some French Fries, and a drink. The Grinch then asks if it will make kids happy, which Ronald says yes, only for The Grinch to says he doesn't want to do it because he doesn't want to make anyone happy, and he wants them to get nothing. This shocks Ronald as he calls The Grinch a genius as he tells Steve they'll give them nothing and they'll call it "The Grinch Happy Meal" because they get nothing because he stole it as he then says people are going to be paying premium Happy Meal prices for an empty box. Ronald then says they're going to make billions as he tells The Grinch he got himself a deal as he then gives The Grinch a handshake. Ronald then tells Steve to get to making it as he then says "Go, Sell it".

At the Red Couch, Junior asks his friends what they want to do today. Joseph asks Junior if he heard about the drones flying around in New Jersey as he asks "What do you think they are", which Junior says they are Drones, causing Joseph to say "Oh" as he turns away from Junior as Cody then tells Junior and Joseph they have a Grinch Happy Meal in McDonalds now as he shows them a TikTok video of it. Junior asks Cody if he's on TikTok now, which Cody says he is as he says sometimes, they are boring as he says Junior's always like "What do you guys want to do today?" and Joseph's like "I don't know dude, I'm bored" as Joseph then asks Cody if he heard they're going to ban TikTok for real, but Cody says they've been saying it for like a year now, which Joseph says they actually mean it this time like they gave a date and everything. Junior asks Joseph if he's being serious, which Joseph says he is being serious while Junior says "They have Grinch Happy Meals at McDonald's?" as he says they should totally get some, which Cody says "Yeah!" while Joseph says it would be sick as Junior then says they need to see if Chef Pee Pee will take them as Junior and Joseph then were about to leave, but Cody pulls Junior in as he tells Junior and Joseph to look at the news as the news then comes on, with Mr. Goodman reporting that the McDonald's Grinch Happy Meals are banned in the United States because people hate The Grinch and they love Grinch, and Canada is going to be the only place that will sell The Grinch Happy Meal. He then says the spokesperson for McDonald's, Ronald McDoanld has something to say as the video cuts to Ronald McDonald, saying "THIS IS BULLSHIT!". After the news, Joseph says "No way dude, this blows like a whale you know" while Cody says ok. Junior then makes a Cody's Mom joke, saying he didn't know Cody's Mom sucked people off, which Cody says "There it is" as Junior then says "All right guys, let's go to Canada". Cody asks why, which Junior says it's because they need The Grinch Happy Meal, which Joseph agrees, saying it's a collector's edition and they need it as Junior says they need the box, but Cody says they can just get a regular Happy Meal. Junior says no and they need The Grinch box with the toy, but Cody tells him it's all the way up in Canada, they live in Florida, which he says it's like the farthest north he can go. Junior doesn't understand it as he says the farthest north he can go is the North Pole, which Junior calls Cody an idiot while Joseph calls Cody "stupid". Junior then says he thought he was smart as he tells him to take the glasses off, but Cody says his glasses aren't a symbol of intelligence, and he has them so he can see. Junior then tells Cody since he lost the argument, he needs to go to Canada to get their Happy Meals. Cody questions this as he asks how the hell is he going to get to Canada as he doesn't have a password, and he doesn't have any money, which Junior says he doesn't need a password to go to Canada if he's in America as he just needs his birth certificate as he asks if he has his in his back pocket, which Cody says he does, but it's for emergencies. Junior then tells him to go to Canada, but Cody says even if he can go to Canada, he doesn't have any money for plane tickets, which Junior asks if he has $1,000 in Delta Airlines flight credit on his account, which Cody says he does, but it's for emergencies. Junior then tells him again to go to Canada since he's the only one that gets the plane tickets, but Cody complains about how The Grinch Happy Meals are all the way in Canada. Joseph says he'll easily pass as a Canadian and they'll give it to him as he looks like a Canadian, he likes Maple Syrup and Degrassi. Cody says he does like those things as he then says he'll go to Canada as he then leaves while Junior tells him to make sure to get three Happy Meals for them.

Sometime later, Cody comes back, with three Grinch Happy Meals, which Joseph says "Thanks Buddy!" while Junior asks Cody why he's so mad, which Cody says "Why am I mad? you want to know why I'm mad" as he goes on a long rant on why he is so mad, which is presented with an animation. After Cody's long rant, he says "And there, there your fucking Happy Meal boxes". Junior then says "Okay, let's open them up guys" as Junior and his friends all go to open their Grinch Happy Meals, only to find nothing, which Junior tells Cody there's nothing in there while Joseph says "Dude, the box is empty". Cody is more mad now as he says "You have got to be fucking kidding me", which Junior asks Cody what he did wrong, only for Cody to say "Fuck you" as he says he didn't do anything wrong and he got his box, but Joseph tells him he forgot the food, which Junior agrees with Joseph as he says there's nothing in The Grinch Happy Meal box, which Cody says maybe Customs took it as he says he doesn't know and he does not care anymore. Junior says they wanted the toy and all the stuff that came inside, which Joseph agrees with Junior as Cody then tells Junior and Joseph he is not going back to Toronto and they can't make him go back to Charlotte Airport as he says he's never laying over there, but Junior tells Cody they want the came that came with The Grinch Happy Meal. Cody suggests they should go get normal McDonalds and put it in the box, but Junior insists on wanting The Grinch toy as he says there had to be a Grinch toy. Cody then says "I don't know what to tell you" as he says he's not doing it again, which disappoints Junior as he says they're going to call The Grinch, which Joseph says "Mhm" while Cody says "Call The Grinch?", which Junior says they are going to call The Grinch and ask him why his meal came with nothing. Cody then asks Junior what's his number, but Junior tells him maybe The Grinch doesn't have a phone but they can summon him. Cody then says "Summon The Grinch!?", which Junior says yeah as he explains that he only attacks on Christmas, so they can make him think today is Christmas and he'll show up, which Joseph likes the idea like Cody tells Junior he's sure that The Grinch has a calendar and he thinks he knows when Christmas is, but Junior doesn't think so as he says if they go lay down in his bed and go "Can't wait for Christmas tomorrow", he thinks The Grinch is going to hear it and he's going to attack. Joseph says they could put snow down on the ground like "Ooh it's snowing". Cody tells Joseph that it doesn't always snow on Christmas, and then tells Junior he doesn't think The Grinch is listening. Junior says he maybe is as he then says "You know what he loves? He loves to steal the last can of Who-Hash". Joseph says "You're right dude" while Cody asks Junior if he has an abundance of Who-Hash, which Junior says he does, but if they go get Chef Pee Pee to make a Who-Hash Casserole, and they leave out one can, then they have one last can of Who-Hash. Cody then tells Junior he doesn't know what they are talking about and he doesn't know what Who-Hash is, but Junior tells Cody to lay down in the bed, and he'll grab one can of Who-Hash and put it between us, meaning it's going to be the last can of Who-Hash, and The Grinch will wake them up when he tries to steal it. Cody says he likes the part when he lays in bed as he goes to lay down while Joseph and Junior leave, which Junior says he'll get the can of Who-Hash.

The video then cuts to Cody, laying down on the bed in Junior's Room. Junior comes in, throwing the can of Who-Hash, which hits Cody in the head, causing him to get mad, saying "Wow Junior Wow, Are you kidding me!?" as he tells Junior "You have the whole bed and that's where you throw it", which Junior tells him he said "Heads up" and he was trying to toss it in bed as he says it's heavy. Junior then puts moves the can to be on the left side of Cody as he tells him that the can's between them, and when The Grinch tries to reach for it, he'll wake them up. Junior then covers himself up as he asks Cody if he's comfortable, which Cody says he's snug as a Bug in a Rug as Joseph then comes in and lays next to Junior, which he says "I ain't going to lie dude, it's pretty gay, you know, laying in the bed with three men" as he then calls it some "Charlie shit". Junior gets confused as he says he doesn't get it, which Cody tells Junior he means the show Two and a Half Men with Charlie Sheen, which this starts a conversion about Human Fractions, which it goes on until Junior tells them to just go to bed as he gets comfortable while Joseph gets up and leaves, saying "I'm not staying dude, that's what I was trying to say, it's kind of gay", which Junior says he could of just said that as Junior was about to say something else, but gets interrupted by the blanket as he moves it to him, saying "You're taking all the blanket Cody, damn", which Cody says he wasn't as Junior then says to make sure The Grinch knows there's the last can of Who-Hash, which he does so by says "Oh no, there's one last can of Who-Hash, no-one steal it please" as he then falls asleep while Cody sassy he's not snug as a Bug in any Floor accessory as the video then cuts to The Grinch, saying he hates Christmas as he uses a torture device on a Christmas toy. Max then comes in, barking to The Grinch, which he asks Max what he wants as he says "Can't you see I'm suffering", which Max barks some more to The Grinch. This shocks Grinch as he says "Wait, someone has their last can of Who-Hash?" as he then says it's not Christmas yet. The Grinch then says he must steal the last can of Who-Hash as he then gets up and leaves as the video cuts to Brooklyn T. Guy, who says he sure love sitting in his squad car and drinking a nice cup of Hot Chocolate as he takes a sip. He then sees The Grinch goes to the house on his left, which he asks himself if it's the Grinch, but then says it can't be as he says it's not even Christmas yet and he's not allowed to steal things before Christmas. Brooklyn Guy then says he better get out and see what he's doing as he gets out of his squad car, which he goes up to The Grinch and says "Hey bud, come talk to me for a minute, cut all that out". The Grinch asks if he's talking to him, which Brooklyn Guy says he is as he says "You're not thinking about robbing that are you?", which The Grinch says he is. Brooklyn Guy tells him he's not because he's only allowed to rob people on Christmas, but The Grinch tells him they have put out last can of Who-Hash before Christmas, which Brooklyn Guy says he doesn't care if they have a whole Feast of Roast Beast as he says he's not allowed to purge until Christmas. Brooklyn Guy then asks if he has any weapons on him, which The Grinch says he doesn't and all he has is his wallet as he reaches for it, only for Brooklyn Guy to say he didn't say he can reach for anything as he starts shooting at The Grinch. Cody overhears this as he says "Jesus Junior, do you hear all the gun fire outside your window? It's like you live in Ukraine". Junior gets up as he says it maybe be the neighbor shooting a raccoon, but Cody says there would be nothing left of the raccoon by that point as he says maybe it's a Bear. Junior then notices The Grinch hasn't taken the last can of Who-Hash yet, which Cody says maybe it's because he's afraid to walk through the warzone outside or because he's not real and he's a Dr. Seuss character. Junior tells him not to say that, which Cody apologizes, saying it's been a long day as Junior says if The Grinch isn't going to show up, then there's one other way to get The Grinch Happy Meal, which is talking to Santa Claus. Cody questions this, saying "What?", which Junior tells him they need to fly to the North Pole before Cody interrupts him, saying he is not going back to the Charlotte Airport, and they cannot make him go back to Charlotte.

The video then cuts to Santa's Workshop, where Santa's Elves are building toys, which Santa tells them they have less than a week till Christmas. Pepper tells Santa he has visitors, which this shocks Santa as he tells Pepper to let them in, which Junior and Cody then come in, which Junior says "Hi Santa Claus". Santa asks them what do they want, which Cody says for one, he would like him to demolish the Charlotte Airport, which Santa says "Consider it done" as he says he hates the place because every time he goes there, he wants to kill himself. Cody says he knows how he feels as Junior tells Santa the thing he wants is The Grinch Happy Meal, which he explains to Santa that McDonalds in Canada has The Grinch Happy Meal, and they don't sell it in America, so they flew from Florida to North Pole to ask him to get them The Grinch Happy Meal from Canada. Santa says "So you flew all the way from Florida to North Pole, to ask me to get you a Happy Meal, when you could have just went there and got it yourself", which Junior tells him he sent Cody to Canada, but he did it wrong. Cody says he did it fine, but Junior says he didn't get the toy so he was wondering if he can just get them The Grinch Happy Meal with the toy in it, only for Santa to say "What the fuck is wrong with you guys" as he then tells them to get out. Cody then says "Um ok" as he then asks Santa for one more request, which is to poof them back home as he says if he has to get on one more airplane, he's going to lose his mind. Santa tells Cody to consider it done as Junior was about to say something before he got interrupted by the poof that Santa sent out to poof Junior and Cody back home, which back at home at the Red Couch, Cody tells Junior it was a colossal waste of time. Junior says they never got The Grinch Happy Meal, only for Cody to tells Junior "The box is right here" as he bashes himself to the Happy Meal boxes, telling Junior "It's right fucking goddamn sucking here", which Junior gets scared and runs away as Cody jumps on a Happy Meal box, flatting it.




  • In the description, "Grinch" and "Happy Meal" are not capitalized.
  • Santa Claus says he hates going to the Charlotte Airport, but he travels by sleigh, so this makes absolutely zero sense.
  • In this video, Who-Hash is treated like a food, with Junior revealing that it can be made into a casserole, but in "The Grinch!", Who-Hash was rather strangely treated like marijuanna, with Marvin and Rose revealing that it can be smoked.


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