"The Grinch!" (stylized as "The GRINCH") is the 931st episode of SML Movies and is the fourth and final Christmas special of 2023.
Hank hires the Grinch to steal Jeffy's tree!
At his family's request, Marvin puts up lights on their house for Christmas. Hank comes to him and brags about his own Christmas lights, which he believes will win him an award for the best lights in the neighborhood. Fueled by jealousy, he hires Brooklyn Guy to put better lights up for him to outdo Hank. Shortly after, Marvin is presented with the trophy for the best lights.
Hank becomes furious when he loses the competition, and resorts to hiring the Grinch to mess up his house. The Grinch deactivates their lights and steals their Christmas tree shortly before Rose is due to host the party. The guests come in, but immediately leave after seeing the absence of the Christmas tree. Marvin calls Brooklyn again to file a police report.
Brooklyn takes Marvin to Hank's house to interrogate him. Hank immediately admits to it and shows them the tree, but he leads them to a trap set up by the Grinch. Brooklyn calls for help, and Santa Claus shows up. He gets in a fight with the Grinch and defeats him. Marvin and Brooklyn take the tree back to home, and his family decides to smoke a can of Who-Hash.
- Marvin
- Jeffy
- Brooklyn Guy
- Rose
- Hank
- The Grinch
- Timmy (Mentioned)
- Susie (Mentioned)
- Suzanne
- Steve Staleburger
- Santa Claus
- Tyrone
- Judy
- Shrek
- Craig the Devil
- Crush
- This video was uploaded a year after "Jeffy's Santa Freak Out!", four years after "The South Pole Santa!", five years after "How Black Yoshi Stole Christmas!", 6 years after "Jeffy's Bad Christmas!", seven years after "Happy Merry Christmas!", 15 years after "Christmas special/ what i got!!" and 16 years after "Christmas "2007"".
- This is Shrek’s only physical appearance in 2023 and his first appearance since "Jeffy Gets Arrested!".
- This is the first Christmas special to feature Shrek since "The Christmas Special!".
- Shrek is still in his plush/ogre form. This could possibly mean they could still use his plush, though it is most likely just because it was a tiny cameo as opposed to a major role, as with his other two post C&D appearances.
- This the first Christmas special to feature the Huckerdoos (in this case Hank and Suzanne).
- This was the final appearance in 2023 for Hank, Suzanne, Craig, Crush, and Santa Claus.
- This is the last Christmas special in 2023.
- Judy reuses the same "Llamakkah" sweater Cody made in Junior's New Year's Resolution!.
- In the description, "Jeffy's" is missing a apostrophe.
- The title contains an exclamation mark, but the thumbnail does not. This is most likely because it uses the logo from the 2018 animated film.
- At 8:55, Lance's head is seen.
- Despite living with Marvin, Shrek shows up at the front door as if he doesn't live there.
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