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"The Clock Problem!" (Stylized as “The Clock PROBLEM!”) is the 1,090th episode of SML Movies, the first video of 2025, and the first episode of Season 17.


All the clocks are all being destroyed!


The video starts at an evil lair, where Clock Man/Refrigerator Man and Alarm Clock Boy/Freezer Boy are laughing as they brainstorm an evil idea: destroying all the clocks around the world so only they can know the time in the world, and so if people want to know the time and be woken up on time for work, they would need to pay them both. The two then says it's a brilliant idea as Alarm Clock Boy then asks Clock Man how they are going to break the clocks around the world, which Clock Man says they'll break them with his Clock-Smashing Hammer as he then orders Alarm Clock Boy to hand him his hammer, which Alarm Clock Boy does so as Clock Man then laughs and says "Now, broadcast us to the world". Alarm Clock Boy says "With pleasure" as he then starts typing on his laptop. The video then cuts to the Red Couch, where Brooklyn T. Guy says “Wow guys can you believe it's already almost 2025?”, but Marvin takes his Beer bottle away as Brooklyn Guy messed the line up the first time, saying “Wow guys can you believe it’s already almost 20205?” instead of “Wow guys can you believe it's already almost 2025?”. Marvin then says 2024 went by really fast, which this ends up starting a discussion between Marvin and Brooklyn Guy about 2024. Marvin then changes the topic to what are their New Year Resolutions, which Brooklyn Guy says it's to stop drinking because apparently, he needs to stop, which Marvin agrees as he says he can't remember dates. Marvin then asks Jeffy what's his New Year Resolution, which Jeffy says it's to not scoot his ass across the ground like a dog when he shits his pants. Marvin and Brooklyn Guy like the New Year Resolution as Marvin asks Rose what's her New Years Resolution, which Rose says she just wants to feel better as she's sick. Brooklyn Guy then asks Marvin what's his New Year Resolution, which Marvin says his is to not wear a tie anymore, which this starts a conversation between Marvin and Brooklyn Guy about Marvin's tie. Marvin then ends the conversation with "Well, let's turn on some TV to watch the ball drop", which this excites Brooklyn Guy as he says "Let's watch Christopher Walken's New Year's Rockin' Eve". Marvin tells Brooklyn Guy to hit it, which Brooklyn Guy proceeds to hit the remote with his eye as the video cuts to Christopher Walken's New Year's Rockin' Eve", where Christopher Walken welcomes the viewers to Christopher Walken's New Year's Rockin' Eve. He then introduces himself as he then says the musical guest is going to be him, hitting the cowbell. He then says he's going to start hitting it as the broadcast then gets hijacked by Clock Man and Alarm Clock Boy, which they introduce themselves to the viewers as they then show the viewers that they have intentions of destroying their clocks. They then end their broadcast, saying "Hold on world, because we will be back shortly with more demands" as the video then cuts back to the Red Couch, where Brooklyn Guy says "Those guys are fucking idiots" while Rose asks Marvin if he thinks they really are going to come in and break all their clocks, which Marvin says there's no way they can physically go and break every single clock in the world, which Brooklyn Guy agrees with Marvin as he and Marvin says there are many things in the world that can tell time. Brooklyn Guy then says "Let's go back to watching Christopher Walken" as he then presses a button on the remote.

Back at the evil lair, Clock Man tells Alarm Clock Boy they just embarrassed themselves in-front of the whole world. Alarm Clock Boy says he thought it was a good plan as Clock Man then asks how are they going to destroy all the clocks in the world now, which Alarm Clock Boy suggests they should EMP the whole world, but Clock Man says they don't have an EMP as they aren't the military, they are High School dropouts in his mother's basement, and they only have clocks and his hammer. Alarm Clock Boy then gets mad at first, but then suggests they should go door-to-door, and smash everyone's clocks in the world, which Clock Man likes the idea as he says if Santa Claus can travel the world in one night, then they can as well, he then tells Alarm Clock Boy to broadcast them to the world, which Alarm Clock Boy laughs as he then types on his laptop again. The video then cuts to Christopher Walken's New Year's Rockin' Eve, where Christopher Walken says he likes it when things are good like kitty cats as the broadcast then gets hijacked again by Clock Man and Alarm Clock Boy, where Clock Man says they have perfected their plan as he says that he and Alarm Clock Boy are going to travel the whole world in one night, and destroy everyone's clocks, which Alarm Clock Boy says "Like Santa Claus". Clock Man then tells the viewers to not lock their doors as it would make it harder for them and delay the inevitable as they then leave, saying they have many clocks to break. After their broadcast, Rose and Marvin get worried as Rose says "Oh no Marvin, they're going to break into our house" while Marvin asks what do they do. Brooklyn Guy tells them to lock their door, which Marvin likes the idea as he tells Jeffy to lock the door, which Jeffy says "Aye, Aye Captain" as he then leaves while Marvin tells Brooklyn Guy "Good thinking, I don't know how you thought of that". The video then cuts to Jeffy, walking to the front door, where he tells himself he got it as he then locks the door and doorknob, but ends of getting confused as he tries different combinations. Jeffy ends up leaving the door with the lock in the vertical position and the doorknob lock in the horizon position, which he says he thinks that's good as he then goes back to the Red Couch, and announces that the door is now lock. Marvin nods and then says "Let's enjoy our New Year's".

Clock Man and Alarm Clock Boy then arrive at their first house, where Clock Man tells Alarm Clock Boy that this is their first house, which Alarm Clock Boy says "Our first victim". Clock Man then says on the count of three, they will bust into the house, break all of the clocks in the house, and then run out. Clock Man then counts from three as he and Alarm Clock Boy then bust into the house. Inside the house now, Clock Man asks Alarm Clock Boy where the clocks are at, which Alarm Clock Boy points to the first clock he sees, being an alarm clock. He tells him to go on with breaking it, which Clock Man proceeds to do so as he hits the alarm clock with his hammer. After hitting the alarm clock with his hammer, Clock Man says "To the kitchen" as he and Alarm Clock boy then go to the kitchen, which Alarm Clock Boy spots their next clock, being the clock on a microwave. Clock Man tells him to get the time off, which Alarm Clock Boy does so as he presses on the timer button on the microwave to turn the clock off. They then spot the stove, which Alarm Clock Boy does the same thing he did to the microwave. They then leave, saying "On to the next house", which they end up being stopped by Hank Huckerdoo, who asks them what they are doing in his house, which Clock Man makes a pun as he and Alarm Clock Boy then continues on leaving while Susanne Huckerdoo tells Hank she thinks they destroyed their clocks, which Hank then proceeds to make an wiener-clock joke. Susan then asks him why doesn't he ask the babysitter as she then leaves while Hank says she's probably right as the video cuts to Simmons, having finished installing a new smart refrigerator in Chef Pee Pee's Kitchen, which Simmons tells Chef Pee Pee "Alright, there's your brand new smart refrigerator". Simmons then explains some of the features of the new smart refrigerator, which impresses Chef Pee Pee as he says "Dang, that's fancy as fuck" as he then thanks Simmons. Simmons then says he hopes he enjoys it as he then leaves while Chef Pee Pee clicks on the YouTube app on the refrigerator. The video then cuts to Clock Man and Alarm Clock Boy, having arrived at their second house. Clock Man tells Alarm Clock Boy that this is their next victim as Alarm Clock Boy then then opens the door, which he tells Clock Man what he said worked as the door is unlocked. They then go into the house and notice the smart refrigerator, which both of them are impressed about the smart refrigerator's features. Clock Man then sees a whiteboard app, which he asks "What is this white board?", which Alarm Clock Boy says he doesn't know as he clicks on the app and draws a clock. This impresses Clock Man as he says he doesn't want to destroy it, he wants to keep it for himself as he then says destroying all of the clocks in the world is almost impossible, but if they stole all the refrigerators in the world, then only they would be able to keep things cold, and people would have to pay them to keep their food cold. Alarm Clock Boy likes his idea as they then leave while grabbing the smart refrigerator.

Back at the Red Couch, Marvin says the ball is about to drop, meaning it's almost 2025, but Rose tells Marvin to shush and she's going to go sleep as she then falls asleep. Marvin tells Rose she can't go to sleep before the ball drops as he then makes a balls joke as he and Jeffy then bounce on the couch. Brooklyn Guy then says "Marvin", which Marvin and Jeffy then stop bouncing on the couch as the video then cuts to Christopher Walken's New Year's Rockin' Eve, where Christopher Walken says it's time to drop the ball as the broadcast shows the ball dropping, but then gets hijacked again by Clock Man and Alarm Clock Boy, which they tell the viewers that the reason why their clocks aren't broken is because they have moved on from clocks to refrigerators and freezers. Clock Man then says if they steal all the refrigerators in the world, then they have to come to him to keep their food cold while Alarm Clock Boy says they would need to come to him if they want to freeze their pizzas or ice cream as he then laughs. They then say they can call them Refrigerator Man and Freezer Boy as Freezer Boy then shows off Frozone to show how cool he is while Refrigerator Man tells the viewers to still leave their doors unlock as they are still coming tonight to steal their refrigerators, which Freezer Boy adds on, saying "And freezers" as they then leave. After the broadcast, Brooklyn Guy says "God, not these assholes again, trying to steal all the refrigerators is impossible", which Marvin agrees, saying they are so heavy as he then questions how would they store all of them. Marvin then says they just missed the ball drop because of them, interrupting their broadcast as Marvin then says "Happy 2025 everyone". Marvin then makes a balls joke as he and Jeffy then start bouncing on the couch again. The video then cuts to Refrigerator Man and Freezer Boy, who are back at their first house, which Refrigerator Man says "Now to break in and steal their refrigerator", which Freezer Boy says "And freezer", but Refrigerator Man tells him that he believers their freezer is attached to the refrigerator, which Freezer Boy says he must have not seen a Deep Freezer, to which Refrigerator Man tells him they'll steal that too if they have it as they then bust into the house, and heads straight to the refrigerator. Refrigerator Man then tells Freezer Boy to steal the refrigerator as they then grab the refrigerator, and try to steal it, but they ended up killed as Hank uses his gun, and shoots at them. Hank then says "Fucking dickheads, breaking my clocks and trying to steal my refrigerator" as he then leaves the kitchen.




  • In the description, it says “All the clocks are all being destroyed!” instead of “All the clocks are being destroyed!” with the word "all" seen twice.
  • Brooklyn Guy says “Wow, guys! Can you believe it’s already almost 20225?” instead of “ 2025”.
  • From 9:10 to 9:12, Pooby’s nose can be seen.From SML Movie- The Clock Problem!
  • At 0:36, Clock Man accidentally calls Alarm Clock Boy, “Alarm Clock Man”.


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