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"The Christmas Play!" is the 1,085th episode of SML Movies.


Jackie Chu is making his class do a Christmas school play!


The video starts at Y U DUMB? Elementary School, where Jackie Chu is telling the class that today is the last day of School before Christmas Break. He then says it means that tonight, there is going to be a Christmas School Play. Junior says he hates the plays because he can never remember his lines, which Joseph agrees with Junior. Cody then says he hopes he gets a good part as Jackie Chu then tells the class that he will be passing out the scripts, which he tells them to memorize them as they have a very important guest attending the play. Jackie Chu then introduces the special guest, who's Santa Claus, which Santa walks in, saying "Ho ho ho!". Jeffy gets excited as he says "Holy reindeer shit, it's Santa" as the class then says Hi to Santa. Jackie Chu asks Santa if he has anything to say to the kids, which Santa says if they don't put on a good show for him tonight, they are going to get coal for Christmas, which Jackie Chu asks the class if they heard that. Cody says "Gulp" out loud, only to have his desk flipped over by Junior as he found it gay, but Santa says he saw it. Jackie Chu then tells the class that he is going to pass out their scripts right now as he gets them out and passes them to the class. Joseph says he always wanted to be the "frozen waterman" while Cody tells Junior that they have duet, which Junior says he doesn't know how to sing. Jackie Chu then tells the class to go home tonight, memorize their lines, and come back later for the play. Junior asks his friends if they want to go back to his house and go over their lines, which Cody, Joseph, and Penelope all say yeah. Junior then says "Let's go" as they all proceed to grab their scripts and leave to go to Junior's House.

At Junior's House, Junior tells his friends to go over their lines, which Joseph says his lines is pretty easy, so he's going to go play video games as he then leaves, taking his script with him. Junior says "Lucky!" as Cody tells Junior they have to go over their duet of Baby It's Cold Outside. Junior says the song sucks as Junior and Cody starts practicing, singing Baby It's Cold Outside, which they do this until Junior gets to the "What's in this drink?" part of the song, where Junior says "What did you put in my drink?", which Cody says he doesn't know, and he probably just slipped something into his drink, which Junior and Cody then talk about that part of the song. Junior then says his voice is really bad and he's kind of sick as he asks Penelope if she wants to sing it with Cody, but Penelope says no because it's not her part as Junior then tells Cody that he can't do it because he can't sing. Cody asks Junior who he's going to do it with as Timmy Huckerdoo comes in to ask Cody if he's ready to hang out, but Cody says not right now as he's practicing for the school play. This interests Timmy as he says he loves Theater as he then asks if he can be in it, but Cody says no because he doesn't go to their school. Junior tells Cody it would be amazing if Timmy did the song with him, but Cody says he doesn't go to their school, and the teacher's not going to let him, which Junior says their teacher can barely see with his slant eyes, meaning he won't notice. Cody agrees with Junior, saying he's right as he asks Timmy if he can sing, which Timmy says he can as he asks for a line. Cody says they can't actually sing Baby It's Cold Outside word-for-word because of copyright as Junior tells Timmy to sing "Cody it's warm inside", which Timmy does so, which Cody says it was pretty good. Junior then tells them to go over and they are doing the duet. Cody then tells Timmy "Come on, let's make it gay" as they then leave as Junior tells Penelope that they need to get some guns for props. Penelope says "Ok" as Junior tells her "Let's go get them" as they then leave.

At the School Christmas Play at Y U DUMB? Elementary School, Rose tells Marvin she's so excited to see Jeffy in his school play, but Marvin says he can't believe they let him into a school play as he says he's not smart enough to remember lines, but Rose tells Marvin that Jeffy is smarter then he think he is as Karen and Brooklyn T. Guy then come in, which Karen says she loves being inside a theater as it's so fancy, but Brooklyn Guy tells Karen that it's a School Gym. Karen then says "I feel so Hoity-Toity, Boiney", only for Brooklyn Guy to tell her to never say it again. Karen then asks Brooklyn Guy if he's so excited to see his daughter in the show, which Brooklyn Guy says "Yeah, that's great" as he then asks how long she thinks it is as he says he's just trying to mentally prepare himself as he then says "Is this going to be a 3 hour Broadway bullshit or 30 minutes", which Karen says it'll be somewhere in between those times, but Brooklyn Guy grunts as he says he could be at home, watching sports. Karen tells him he can watch sports anytime and the play is a once in a lifetime chance for him to see his daughter in the show, but Brooklyn Guy says they do like 15 of the plays a year. Karen then says "Boiney!?", which Brooklyn Guy then sighs as he says he's going to go look for Popcorn, but Karen tells him not to as she says he already looked for Popcorn when they got there, and they didn't have anything, which Brooklyn Guy says he knows, and it sucks. Karen then tells Brooklyn Guy to sit down and enjoy the magic of the show, which Brooklyn Guy says he will sit, but he will not enjoy it.

Jackie Chu then comes on stage, thanking the parents, ladies and gentlemens, and then "he she's and they's and them's and it's" for coming to the school play as he presents to them "Christmas Time the Musical" as the play starts with Junior, Penelope, Timmy, and Cody, singing a song about Christmas time. After singing the song, they then transition it into a song about Diddy's Wonderland, where Jeffy comes on stage with a P. Diddy mask. Junior, Penelope, and Cody then go off stage as Timmy and Jeffy finishes off the song, after which, Marvin asks Rose if Jeffy was P. Diddy, which Rose says "Uh huh" as the video then cuts to the next scene in the school play, where Timmy thanks Cody for saving him from P. Diddy, which Cody says he would be a real pain in his ice, which the audience laughs as Timmy tells Cody he thinks it's time for him to head home. Cody then says "Wait, you're leaving already?", which Timmy says he is as he's been here for so long, he has to go home. Cody says "But you haven't evened sucked my-" as he gets interrupted by Timmy, who starts singing the next song, "Timmy, It's Warm Inside", which is about him having to go home. Cody then transitions the song to the part where he and Timmy make jokes with a Coca-Cola can, which the audience is shocked about it while Jackie Chu tells Cody and Timmy (mistaken as Junior) to knock it off with the "Gay shit" while Judy and Tyrone act like they don't know Cody. The video then cuts to the next scene in the school play, where Penelope tells Junior they are almost done, which Junior says he looks so good as Cody and Timmy then come on stage, where Cody asks Junior if they are building a "frozen waterman", which Penelope says "Why yes Cody, we are" as Junior asks if he likes him, but Cody asks if he's alive as they then sing the next song called "Snowy the Frozen Waterman", which is a parody of Frosty the Snowman, complete with Joseph making rapping interjections. They end the song with them saying "Please don't sue us" endlessly. Brooklyn Guy then asks if it's like a rip-off of Frosty the Snowman, which Karen says she thought it was delightful. Joseph, playing Snowy the Frozen Waterman, says "Happy Birthday, little n****s!", which Junior, Timmy, Cody, and Penelope say "Hi Snowy" in sync. Joseph then asks what do they want for Christmas, which Junior tells him the only thing they want for Christmas is a TV, which Snowy says he can get him a TV for free. Junior asks how it's possible, which Joseph says it's easy and let him show him as he pulls out a gun, and starts singing the next song, which is in the tone of We Wish You a Merry Christmas. After the song, Junior says "Wow Snowy, is that all it really takes to get free TV on Christmas?", which Joseph says "Hell yeah kids!" as he then says "All you need is your blickey, and say it with your damn chest". Junior then says "Come on guys, let's try it" as they then pull out their blickeys and continue singing what they were singing earlier. Brooklyn Guy notices one of them is holding a real gun as he says "Wait a minute, is that a real fucking gun" as he runs on stage, which Jackie Chu runs off stage as Brooklyn Guy puts on his police uniform, saying "Alright, Alright, that's enough, this play is over!", which Penelope doesn't like her dad being on stage as she says "Dad! What are you doing?", which Brooklyn Guy says it's a real handgun in a school play. Joseph tells him he got it from the Prop Department, which Brooklyn Guy says the school needs to be investigated then as he then confiscates the gun from Josephs hand. Penelope still doesn't like what's happening as she says "Dad! You're embarrassing me!", but Brooklyn Guy asks her "What if he would have Alec Baldwin you huh?" as he then tells everyone else to go home, which disappoints Junior and his friends as they then go home.

Back at Junior's House, Junior asks his friends how do they think they did during the school play, which Timmy says he loved it, which Cody agrees as he says he and Timmy killed their shit, and he just wish the teacher would have let them keep going as they then talk amongst themselves while Penelope says she was pitchy while Joseph says he had the best part, which Junior agrees as he says he was the "frozen waterman". Joseph then says "And my blickey, don't forget the blickey dude", which Junior says "Yeah the blickey" as he then asks if they think Santa liked the play, which Cody says better liked it or else he would be homophobic, which Joseph adds on, saying "Yeah, and Racist". Junior says he guess they'll find out on Christmas and see if they get coal or not, but then says "Santa's right there, he's coming" as Santa then comes in, saying "Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas", which Junior and his friends all say Hi to Santa. Junior asks Santa if he enjoyed the play, which Santa says "Did I enjoy it?" as he then says he laughed his "Jiggleballs" off, which excites Junior and his friends. Junior then asks if they are going to get coal for Christmas, which Santa says they are not and they can get whatever they want as he then asks what do they want, which Cody says he wants a Koozie for his "Coke can dick", which Timmy also asks for that, Junior says he wants to stop being sick so his voice goes back to normal, Penelope says she wants a bottom lip, and Joseph says he wants a family. Santa tells them to just be good for a couple more days and let Santa see what he can do, which Junior, Joseph, and Penelope mumble while Cody says he and Timmy are going to be pretty naughty. Penelope then says she was going to yell at her dad later for ruining the play, and Joseph says "I'm probably going to say n***a before the day over with" before then realizing he already said it, which he says "Oh damn I said it". Junior says he might say it by the end of the day, which Joseph says "What?" while Cody tells Junior to please not say it.



  • This episode was uploaded a year after "Junior's Loyalty Test!", three years after "Elf On The Shelf!", and seventeen years after "Wii Games "2007"".
  • This episode was uploaded on the day of the release of "Sonic the Hedgehog 3" and "Mufasa: The Lion King".
  • This is the first school play video since "Goldilocks!".
    • This is the only school play video to be released in 2024.
    • This is also the first school play video where Brooklyn Guy appears.
    • This is the first school play video to be age-restricted.
  • This is Penelope, Jackie Chu, Tyrone, Judy, and Bully's final appearances in 2024.
  • Cody compares his wiener size to that of a Coca-Cola can, similar to Walter Babst, a predator from the Dateline NBC television show, To Catch A Predator, which is a show that was previously parodied.
  • Junior's and Marvin's voices sound slightly deeper and raspier because Logan had bronchitis. This is also why Junior had no vocals in the first song, revealed by Logan in a vlog.
    • Junior acknowledges this near the end of the video.
  • Different puppets were used for Junior and Joseph, as Joseph's eyes are bigger, and Junior's mouth doesn't close fully.
  • This is the first time any Huckerdoo family joins in a school play. In this case, it's Timmy.
  • This video is the 4th consecutive Christmas video in a row.
  • This is the first time in a while that Junior flips Cody's desk over.
  • This video was age-restricted on December 25, 2024, presumably for any combination of the various sexual references, including references to oral sex in graphic detail and rape with P Diddy, and Joseph pulling out a gun at school.
    • While Logan would normally delete a video that gets age-restricted, he enjoyed this video enough that he didn't care and kept it up anyways.[1]



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SML Movies