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"Don't mind if I Huckerdoo!"
— Suzanne


Suzanne Huckerdoo is the wife of Hank, the mother of Timmy, and Susie and the adoptive mother of Joseph.


She wears a pink dress with black buttons and a teal belt, and teal shoes. She also wears a pearl necklace and pearl earrings, as well as a teal head band. She has red-orange hair and light yellow eyes.


As with her son, Suzanne is very depressed most of the time, as her husband does nothing but mow his lawn, and not interact with her and the kids more, even yelling at her sometimes. She ends up trying to hide this by acting friendly and gleeful.

Though not as overprotective as her husband, she does follow most of her husband's advice and makes sure that her children behave as much as possible.

She also happens to be very desperate for a new husband, as shown with her behavior around Marvin, who she constantly flirts with and tries to win over. Even going as far to put up with Jeffy's behavior just so that she can impress Marvin.

Likes and Dislikes[]


  • Hank Huckerdoo (when he's not acting abusive and neglectful)
  • Marvin
  • Chef Pee Pee
  • Timmy and Susie
  • Pool Boys.
  • Salad and Lettuce
  • The Huckerdoos (Most of them).
  • Baking cookies
  • Making Huckerdoo puns (such as “Don’t mind if I Huckerdoo” and “I sure Huckerdoo”)


  • Hank Huckerdoo (When he acts abusive and neglectful).
  • People who keep cussing.
  • Marvin (in “Babysitting The Huckerdoos!”)
  • The Hucker-Dont’s (Most of them).
  • Fun
  • Sugar (Because it makes her children go hyperactive).
  • Fire (Because it is dangerous).
  • Her husband mowing the lawn.



  • In “Babysitting the Huckerdoos!” she is visibly angry at Marvin after he supposedly did something inappropriate to her children, but in “Marvin The Pool Boy” she seems attracted to him, even after what he did in the other video.
  • She speaks in a Southern Belle-type accent.
  • She likes Marvin because of his facial hair, which she states in "Marvin The Pool Boy".
  • In “Junior The Crazy Boyfriend!” She seemingly makes a salad with candles added for Susie rather than a cake, likely because said pastry is high in sugar and calcium, which could possibly hyper-activate her daughter, as such did in “Babysitting the Huckerdoos!
    • The candles on the salad aren’t even lit, because Suzanne claims that fire is dangerous.
  • Fans have speculated that Suzanne is a re-incarnated Peach since they both wear pink dresses.
    • In "Marvin The Pool Boy!" she started to like Marvin because of his facial hair which why it takes place in the human puppet universe.
  • She is the third puppet created by the SML crew that her top can be removable. The first one is Lil' T and the second one is Braxton (although he rarely takes off his tank top). Cody doesn't count because when he takes off his shirt, a stunt double is used.
  • She is the only Huckerdoo member to not have a birthday themed episode.