"Sleepy Jeffy!" is the 674th episode of SML Movies.
Jeffy is really TIRED!
Jeffy plays Fortnite trying to unlock the Spider-Man outfit. Marvin comes in and tells him that it's his bedtime, but Jeffy told him that it will take the whole night because he needs 64 more matches, in which he eventually succeeds but as a result of staying up all night, he is very very tired. Marvin comes in telling Jeffy it's time to go to school, but he doesn't want to, but Marvin makes him.
Jackie Chu is teaching a lesson on how the meteor killed the dinosaurs by playing a game in which the students have to try and dodge a ball and if they fail to dodge the ball, they get hit resulting in the dinosaurs in their world dies. Jackie Chu starts with Cody who isn't paying attention and gets hit by the ball. Jackie Chu then throws the ball to Junior who dodges the ball which results in it hitting Cody again. Jackie Chu then tries to throw the ball to Jeffy, but it hits Cody instead. Cody decides to stay under his desk to avoid getting hit with the ball, but Jackie Chu intentionally goes to Cody's desk and hits him with the ball. Cody then attempts to leave the school but once again, he gets hit with the ball. Jackie Chu then throws the ball hitting Jeffy, and to Bully but he catches it and throws it to Jeffy. Despite being tired, he still beats up Bully. Jackie Chu then throws the ball off the window hitting Cody, again.
Jeffy comes home and Marvin tells him to wash all windows with the spray, but he sprays it at Marvin's and Rose's eyes instead. Marvin then pressures him to drive them to the hospital, in which he did but they were pulled over by Brooklyn Guy, who called them "Junkies" and arrested them because he thought they were making him drive while high on cleaning supplies. Goodman would later report the news with the same topic. Marvin then forces Jeffy to make them dinner, who fell asleep on the kitchen and overcooked it causing a fire. He then sprayed at Marvin's and Rose's eyes again. Jeffy answers the door and Brooklyn Guy recognizes the "Junkies" and arrested them again, which later shows up on the news again. Jeffy later fell asleep and Brooklyn Guy arrests Marvin for the 3rd time, this time accusing him of hitting Jeffy. Marvin was later released feeling tired and rambles about Jeffy doing chores before eventually falling asleep ending the video.
- Jeffy
- Marvin
- Rose
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Jackie Chu
- Bully
- Junior (no lines)
- Cody
- Mr. Goodman
- Penelope (scrapped)
- This is the first appearance of Bully in 2022.
- This is the first time that Marvin and Rose get their eyes burnt. Not only that, but this is the very first time that Jeffy's parents get arrested together; however, this is for a false accusation.
- As shown in the first BTS, Penelope was brought to the school set, despite not appearing in the final episode and the crew seemingly not even recording a unused scene with her. It's likely she was originally planned to be in the video though.
- Running gags: Cody getting hit with a ball by Jackie Chu, Marvin and Rose getting arrested, and Marvin and Rose getting sprayed in the eyes by Jeffy.
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