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"Shrimpo Hunter Episode 2" is the 2nd episode of the Shrimpo Hunter Series.


Woody is spying on the Shrimpo on the branch. He's using his binoculars as his hands to search for Shrimpos. Woody got closer to it when the branch flew Woody away. He landed on the grass.  

After that, there was a PLEASE STAND BY.  

Next, Woody climbs on the fence to spy on the Shrimpo on the other side. Woody then uses the Shrimpo call to try and get it to come out a bit more from the corner of the fence, but it doesn’t work. Next he sneaks up on the Shrimpo and uses his boot to force it out and the Shrimpo moves. Woody then tries to grab it but it bites Woody. Shortly after Woody gets a little impatient and he panicked as he tries to think of something but he gets nervous and he jumps at the Shrimpo, knocking it down towards him which makes him freak out and run away. As he runs away yelling for help, he reaches a wall and reveals how he pooped his pants and he decides to give the Shrimpo time to rest meanwhile he changes his underwear.

5 minutes later, he got a sniper rifle, a butterfly, a tomahawk, and a rocket launcher. Woody wants to try and catch it alive but if he has to, he will resort to killing it. Woody takes out his sniper rifle which is he manages to hit the Shrimpo with, would pin the Shrimpo to the ground, leaving it immobilized.

However he misses his shot and switches to his tomahawk which he believes he will be able to hit the Shrimpo with as he was a knife throwing champ in 1985 and he was able to hit the bullseye from 200 yards with a tomahawk, then he throws it but he misses once again. He then unfortunately has to resort to killing it with his rocket launcher. After praying for the Shrimpo, he was able to hit it thanks to his Shrimp-o Vision sights, and the video ends with the Shrimpo Hunter outro.


