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"Shrimpo Hunter Episode 1" is the first episode of the Shrimpo Hunter Series.


Woody is in the wild African bushes searching for the rare African Shrimpo. Woody calls for the Shrimpo, and manages to capture it.

Woody uses his hands as his binoculars to search for Shrimpos. Woody pulls out his gun to shoot the Shrimpo. Woody then finds the Shrimpo's tail. Woody assumes that it's from another cowboy who's obsessed with NASCAR and beer.

On the phone with Mario, he doesn't agree with Woody's show.



  • The intro theme song was made by FlashFireEX.
  • This is the very first video with a custom thumbnail.


  • At the beginning, Woody says "another episode" even though this is the first episode.
  • Despite Woody calling Mario, the picture shows Shrek instead.