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"SQUID GAME 2 Part 2" is the 1,097th episode of SML Movies and the second part of "SQUID GAME 2".
More squidy.
The video starts with everybody, walking into a room with a bunch of beds. Marvin asks what room is it, which Brooklyn T. Guy says he think they are their beds as he looks at the bunch of beds that are in the room. Hansel says he loves the place because of the beds, which Brooklyn Guy comments on how he sounds like Slinky Dog from Toy Story. Rose then tells Marvin she doesn't want to be here anymore, which Marvin agrees with Rose as he says he doesn't want to be there either as he says dying over money isn't worth it, but everyone else disagrees with Marvin as Barbara Guy says she needs money. Chef Pee Pee then says he needs the money because he slaves in the kitchen everyday while Screwball says he needs money for blow. Brooklyn Guy then says he also has a lot of debt as Marvin asks who do they need to speak to in order to get out. Square Guard then comes in, welding a gun, saying hello. Brooklyn Guy says hello back, which Square Guard welcomes them to "The Squid Games". Brooklyn Guy asks why is it called that, which Square Guard says he'll know if he makes it to the last round. Brooklyn Guy then asks if they get their $400 Billion now, but Square Guard says he'll now announce the winnings of the first games as he tells them to look up, only for him to say "Made you look" after everybody looks up. He continues to make jokes until he says "Seriously though piggy bank as fuck, look up" as the video shows the number of players going down to 10, the piggy bank lowering and being filled with the winnings from the first games, and the prize money counter going to $7.6 Billion. Square Guard tries to say the number of total winnings from the first game, but talks to Brooklyn Guy as he tells him he can't see through the mask, which Brooklyn Guy tells him that it says $7.6 Billion. Square Guard then says "$7.6 Billion", which everyone likes the amount as they say they want to take the money and leave, but Square Guard says if they leave now, the total winnings will be divided to the eliminated player's families, which everyone dislikes that except for Judy, who says she would like to take that because her husband died and shew could at least get half of it. Marvin then says they are not going to stay and get killed over money as he then says "I think we should all leave". Square Guard asks if he would like to take a vote, which Marvin accepts the offer as he then says "Whoever wants to leave and live, say Yippee", which everyone, including Square Guard, says "Yippee" except Screwball, Chef Pee Pee, Barbara, Jeffy, and Hansel. Brooklyn Guy, shocked about Square Guard saying "Yippie", says "You too?", which Square Guard says yeah as he says he wants to go home. Brooklyn Guy then says "Anybody who doesn't want to leave, say Not Yippee, which everyone says "Not Yippee", except for Jeffy, Marvin, Rose, and Brooklyn Guy. This upsets Square Guard and Marvin, which Marvin asks what if he refuses to play, which Square Guard simply tells him he'll be eliminated, which Marvin says "But you won't kill me, I just get to leave?", but Brooklyn Guy tells Marvin he thinks he's saying he's going to shoot you, which Marvin then reluctantly agree to play the games. Square Guard then says dinner will be server shortly as he then leaves. Hansel then says "Dinner and a bed, I never want to leave" while Marvin says he can't believe they voted to stay as he says they all are going to die from the games. Square Guard then comes back with a carton of Eggs, saying "Dinner time!", which Hansel says "Eggman!", which Marvin says "Jim Carrey?" while Brooklyn Guy asks if Eggs are what they are getting for dinner, which Square Guard confirms that is as he then says they are hardboiled. Brooklyn Guy then says "So you have a budget of $400 Billion, and the best you can do is an Egg?", but Square Guard tells him he just does what he's told as Chef Pee Pee and Marvin then asks for an Egg. Brooklyn Guy tells them to hold on as he says he can't survive the whole night on just an Egg as he suggests he eats as many as he can until he's full, and then they can have the rest, which upsets Chef Pee Pee and Barbara as Chef Pee Pee says "Over my dead fucking body, you just heard me say I was starving" while Barbara tells Brooklyn Guy he's being selfish and to get her an Egg as Marvin then says "Yeah, give us an Egg". Brooklyn Guy then says "Oh yeah, what are you guys going to do? stick your hands up my ass? I dare you pussy" as everybody then argue. Player #001 then comes in and tells everyone to stop arguing as they are scaring him. Brooklyn Guy asks who he is, which Player #001 says he is Player #001, and he's been here the whole time, but Brooklyn Guy doesn't believe him as he says "No you haven't. Player #001 says he has, but Marvin asks him if he was there during Red Light Green Light, which Player #001 says he was as Marvin then asks him how many players were shot the first round, but Player #001 says he doesn't know because he's old and he can't remember as Brooklyn Guy then asks if they can agree they've never seen Player #001 before, which Marvin says yeah as he says they've never seen Player #001 before and they don't know who he is, but Player #001 tells him to shut up. Marvin then asks when is the next game as he says they want to play, which Player #001 says Tomorrow before then saying "I don't know, silly old man". Square Guard then says the next games are tomorrow, but Marvin says they don't want to wait till tomorrow and they want to hurry up and get out as he then asks if they can play the next game right now. Square Guard asks if they would like to play the next game now, which everybody says yes. Square Guard then says "What about the Eggs?", which Brooklyn Guy says he'll take them, but Marvin says they'll eat them later as he then says "Let's go play the games now". This upsets Square Guard as he says he worked so hard on them, but Marvin says he doesn't care as he says "Let's go play the next game!", but Brooklyn Guy tells Marvin he worked really hard on the Eggs as he then was about to say something else, but gets interrupted by Marvin, pushing him as he gets closer to Square Guard and tells him "We want to play the next game now, take us", which Square Guard says "Okay" as he then tells everyone to follow him as they all then leave.
The video then cuts to Square Guard, telling everyone to form a single file line, which everyone does as Brooklyn Guy then starts hitting Marvin, telling him "It's just like Kindergarten, except you die", which Marvin tells him to stop it. Brooklyn Guy asks Marvin what he think the game is as he then sees cookies, which he says "I bet you have to eat the cookies as fast as you can, and you can't leave any crumbs, so you got to pick them out of your teeth with a toothpick". Marvin asks if he thinks so, which Brooklyn Guy says yeah as Marvin then asks what are the shapes for, which Brooklyn Guy says he doesn't know as he then asks if anybody knows what the game is about as the video then zooms into Jeffy as a flashback from SQUID GAME then plays. After the flashback, Jeffy says "I've played these games before" as he then says "You definitely don't want triangle" because he claims it's super hard as he then suggests everyone should pick the leaf". Brooklyn Guy then tells Marvin to pick the leaf, but Marvin says there's not that many leafs, which Brooklyn Guy says means they're definitely going to win. Square Guy then "Once you pick your cookie, go find a place to sit down, by yourself". Brooklyn Guy says it really is like kindergarten as he then says luckly, he likes to eat his cookies in peace as Marvin then goes and picks a triangle cookie, saying he doesn't trust Jeffy. Jeffy, seeing this, says "Fuck!" as Brooklyn Guy then goes and picks the leaf cookie, only to then eat it, telling Square Guard to time him. Square Guard asks him what is he doing, which Brooklyn Guy says he thought he was supposed to eat the cookie as fast as he can, only to then get called an idiot by Square Guard as he then points his gun, at Brooklyn Guy but Brooklyn Guy says he can't shoot him because he didn't tell him the rules, causing Square Guard to put his gun down and give him another leaf cookie, which he tells him not to eat it, which Brooklyn Guy says he won't eat it as Jeffy then comes and gets a triangle cookie. Brooklyn Guy, now sitting with his cookie, tells Marvin "What do you think you do with a cookie and a toothpick other than eat it" as he then asks if he thinks they are going to let the Cookie Monster into the room, and they have to protect the cookie with the toothpick, but Jeffy says wrong. Marvin then notices Jeffy has a triangle cookie, which he asks him why he pick a triangle as he says he said to pick leaf, which Jeffy says he has a big heart and he was trying to help as Square Guard then explains the rules of the game, which the game is Cookie Time, which what they have infront of them is a cookie and a shape that they pick, which what they are going to do is take the toothpick, and break the shape out without breaking the shape. Brooklyn Guy says "Wait, so I'm supposed to break the shape but I'm not supposed to break the shape?", which Square Guar says "Yes, your supposed to break the shape, but not the cookie". Rose asks what's the cookie made out of, but Square Guard says "Doesn't fucking matter", which Rose says "Yeah, I'm gluten free", but Square Guard says he didn't make the cookies, Circle Guard made the cookies. Chef Pee Pee then says his cookie is "down circle" as he then asks if he even has to do it, which Square Guard says he has to break the circle out of the circle. Brooklyn Guy says it's so confusing, which Square Guard agrees with Brooklyn Guy, saying "I know". Eventually, Square Guard says he's starting the timer as Marvin says he doesn't get it as he asks if he's supposed to chisel the shape out of the cookie, but Brooklyn Guy says he doesn't know as he says Square Guard sucks at explaining instructions, and they should of gotten Circle Guard or a PowerPoint presentation. He then says he doesn't know what their hiring processes are, but basic vocabulary should be the minimum as Marvin then hears sounds from Jeffy, which he tells him he's not supposed to eat it, but Jeffy says he's not eating it; he's licking it like a "girl's dirty pooper" as he then continues while Marvin tells him "Well you die, you die". Rose then says it fun as she says it's like tracing while Judy says she broke her cookie as she then asks for another one, only to then get eliminated. Brooklyn Guy sees this and says he understands the rules now as he says "You have to break the shape out of the cookie without breaking the shape". Marvin asks why didn't he explain it because he thinks it's awesome, which Brooklyn Guy says "Yeah" as he then says "See how easy that was, you know what, I want to apply for the position of square man" as he then asks Square Guard how much he makes, which Square Guard says he makes minimum wage, causing Brooklyn Guy to change his thought and say he would rather do the cookie as he then continues working on his cookie.
The video then cuts to Chef Pee Pee, saying "Stupid ass circle" while Screwball says he doesn't know what he's doing as the video shows them working on their cookies. Chef Pee Pee tells Screwball he's "shit out of luck" as he has a circle, he's a chef, and he knows it's sugar as he says if he press hard on the middle, the shape should fall out as he tries it, only for his cookie to break, causing Chef Pee Pee to panic as he gathers his pieces, and trades cookies with Screwball, which Chef Pee Pee then yells out "Oh he broke his shit, he broke his shape" causing Screwball to get eliminated. Chef Pee Pee then continues working on breaking the shape out, saying he can't do this and he's got to win the money as the video then shows Player #001, asking Square Guard to do his cookie, which Square Guard tells him to do it since he wanted to play the game so bad, but Player #001 says the game is so boring as he then says "Do it for me". which Square Guard sighs as he then does Player #001's cookie, only to break it, upsetting Player #001 as he says "Why, you idiot", but Square Guard says it doesn't matter as he won anyways, which Player #001 likes that as he announces that he won first as he then says he's going to go eat his boiled Egg as he then leaves. Square Guard then checks on everyone who say they are finished, which they all passed as they all got their shape out without breaking it. Square Guard then checks on Brooklyn Guy, which he says he's not done. Square Guard then checks on Brooklyn Guy again after checking on Rose, which Brooklyn Guy claims he's doing a really good job, but he's going to get nervous and break it if he looks at it as he then tells him to go away, which Square Guard goes away as he then reveals to Marvin that he broke his cookie. Marvin asks how did he break it, which Brooklyn Guy says it's a leaf and he can't chisel it. Marvin asks what he's going to do, which Brooklyn Guy asks for his, but Marvin says Square Guard knows he's a leaf, which Brooklyn Guy says "Yeah you're right" as he then eats his cookie, and then says he's done. Square Guard comes and asks where's the cookie at, which Brooklyn Guy says he ate it as he claims he ate it because he finished as he then says all his friends saw it. Brooklyn Guy then says "Right Marvin?", which Marvin confirms he did finish it as he claims that he tried to get his attention, just that he wasn't paying attention, but Square Guard says "You wouldn't lie to me would you", which Marvin says he's not as he then asks Jeffy and Rose if he did it, which Jeffy says "Yeah!" while Rose says she didn't see as Square Guard then says if they lie to him, then they don't get an Egg, which Brooklyn Guy says he really wants an Egg, but Marvin tells him he'll die if he tells the truth, which Brooklyn Guy says he's right as he then tells Square Guard they are telling the truth while Marvin says they all pass. Square Guard then says "Passed" as he then leaves, which both Marvin and Brooklyn Guy sigh of relief as Marvin says "Thank god oh that was close" while Brooklyn Guy says "God I really did want that Egg".
At the resting area, where Sqaure Guard congratulates everybody for passing the second game, but Brooklyn Guy says it really wasn't a game, it was just food and he thinks they should get two Eggs for doing it so good. Square Guard then says he will now announce the earnings after the second game, but Marvin says there's no point in announcing the earnings as he says it's not like they can take the money if they quit as it goes to the dead families. Chef Pee Pee agrees with Marvin, saying "Yeah, fuck that dead family shit", which Brooklyn Guy says "Yeah" while Marvin asks where's the old man at, which Player #001 says "I'm right here" as the camera pans up and shows Player #001, sitting on the top part of the bed. Brooklyn Guy says there's something weird about Player #001, which Marvin agrees with Brooklyn Guy as he then asks if they can play the third game, but Square Guard declines, saying "Nope, sleep tonight, play tomorrow". Brooklyn Guy says he doesn't think he's going to be able to sleep as he has seen people get shot in the head today, which Square Guard agrees with Brooklyn Guy, saying "Yeah I know, I had to pull the trigger, it's pretty fucked up". Marvin then asks if they can at least get their Eggs, which causes everyone to join in on Marvin and start chanting "Eggs, Eggs, Eggs", causing Square Guard to bring back out the carton of Eggs, saying "Egg time!". Everyone gets excited, but then Front Man comes in and tells Square Guard he failed him. Square Guard asks how did he fail him, which Front Man explains that Brooklyn Guy did not pass the last game as he ate his cookie. This upsets Square Guard as he says "You lied to me" in a sad voice, which Brooklyn Guy says he didn't want to get shot as Front Man then kills Square Guard, causing Brooklyn Guy to get upset as he says "Noooo, my Eggs!". Front Man then says there will be no more cheating as he then points his gun to Brooklyn Guy and asks "Is that understood?", which Brooklyn Guy says he understands as Front Man then asks if everyone understands there will be no more cheating, which everyone says they understand. Brooklyn Guy asks if they can have Circle Guard since Square Guard is dead, but Front Man says "Tringle Man, get in here", Brooklyn Guy asks who's that as Triangle Guard then comes in, which Front Man hands Triangle Guard a gun. Triangle Guard asks what does he do with the gun, which Front Man says he'll shoot them if they don't play the game, they lose the game, or they cheat, which Triangle Guard says "Okay" while Brooklyn Guy asks what's wrong with him, which Front Man says he was dropped on the head, meaning he's half deaf as he then says "So be nice". Marvin then says he wonder's what the next game is, which Brooklyn Guy looks at the viewers and tells them to find out next time on "Squid Game 2-3".
- Marvin
- Jeffy
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Hansel
- Rose
- Chef Pee Pee
- Barbara Guy
- Judy
- Tyrone (mentioned)
- Screwball
- Jackie Chu (flashback)
- Front Man
- Square Guard
- Triangle Guard
- Circle Guard (mentioned)
- Player #001 (debut)
- Slinky Dog (mentioned)
- Jim Carrey (mentioned)
- Cookie Monster (mentioned)
- Cookie Time:
- Resting Area:
- This video was uploaded 2 years after "Junior's Retirement Plan!" and 9 years after "Black Yoshi's Girlfriend Problem!".
- A flashback from the first SQUID GAME video is shown in this video.
- In the introduction of the video, the bed scene is filmed in the same location as the Sister Location set.
- Brooklyn Guy once again mentions getting hands shoved up his ass.
- Rose's obsession with stars is shown again for the first time since 2021, as she chose the star shape for her cookie.
- Chef Pee Pee's PNG from "Chef Pee Pee Quits! Part 4" makes a comeback in this video's thumbnail for the first time in 10 years.
- This is one of the few modern-day SML videos where the Red Couch is completely absent.
- When Square Guard takes out eggs, Hansel says "Egg Man!" and Marvin says "Jim Carrey?". This is a reference to Jim Carrey, playing Dr. Eggman in the Sonic The Hedgehog movies.
- At 1:32 until 1:37, Lovell is seen behind the characters.
- At 10:05, Anthony Miller can be seen in the left corner.
- Brooklyn Guy doesn't know who the Triangle Guard is, despite previously stealing and wearing his suit.
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