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“SQUID GAME 2” is the 1,091st episode of SML Movies and is the sequel to "SQUID GAME".
Marvin really needs money!
The video starts with Jeffy, telling Marvin that they banned "The Hub" in Florida. This shocks Marvin as he says "They banned The Hub?", which Jeffy says yes as he says it means no more "Splooge-a Palooza" as Rose then comes in, saying "MARVIN! MARVIN!", but Marvin tells her to hold on as Jeffy's telling him something very important as he then tells Jeffy "What do you mean they banned The Hub?". Jeffy tells him that there is no more Hub in the entire State of Florida. Marvin asks how could they do that, but Rose tells Marvin that their bills are past due as she shows him a sheet of paper with their bills on it. Marvin tells her they are always past due, but Rose says it's January, their Property Taxes are due, and they owe A LOT of money. Marvin asks Rose what does she want him to do about it, which Jeffy says "Get a job". Marvin says there is no job that will pay all the money they owe, and they might as well just give up and lay down because of "The Hub" being banned. Jeffy says that's the spirit as their doorbell then rings, which Marvin gets up and says it must be the Pizza he ordered. Rose asks how's he going to pay for it, which Marvin says "You don't think I have a way to get a pizza for free" as he then tells Jeffy to pass him the Cockroach. Jeffy then passes him the Cockroach as Marvin explains that they put the Cockroach on the Pizza, and then they get it for free. Marvin then walks to the door, holding the Cockroach, saying "Hello Yummy", only to find out that it was Mr. Goodman standing at his front door with a Baseball Bat and a Baseball. Marvin then drops the Cockroach as Goodman then asks if he was holding a Cockroach while saying “yummy”. Marvin confirms that he indeed was as Goodman then asks if it was his dinner, but Marvin says no as he says he thought it was Pizza. Goodman asks if he thought the Cockroach was Pizza, but Marvin says no and he thought the Pizza Man was at the door, and he was coming to get his Pizza. Goodman then questions if he was going to pay for it with a Cockroach as he asks what Pizza place accepts Cockroaches as payment. Marvin tries to say something, but then drops it, asking Goodman what he's doing at his house. Goodman says he came by to say Happy New Year as he then asks if he has his House Payment, which Marvin asks if he doesn't have it, is he going to hit him with the Baseball Bat, which Goodman says "Of course not Marvin, can't a man just carry a Baseball Bat for his own protection?", which Marvin says he guesses so as Goodman then asks again if he has his House Payment. Marvin says no, causing Goodman to ask him if he can hold his Baseball as he wants him to pitch it to him so he can hit it. Marvin grabs the Baseball, and pitches it to Goodman, but ends up getting hit with the Baseball Bat by Goodman, which Goodman says "Darn it I missed, Strike one". Marvin says he doesn't have his House Payment, but he promises he'll have it soon, which Goodman tells him if he doesn't have his House Payment by tomorrow, he's going to use his Baseball Bat to play Whack-A-Mole with his head. This scares Marvin as he says he'll have his House Payment by tomorrow, which Goodman says "Alright" as he then says "By tomorrow or Boop" as he taps his Baseball Bat on his head, and then leaves. Marvin then walks to the stairs as he asks how he's going to get his House Payment by tomorrow as he then says he's so screwed. The doorbell then rings, which Marvin goes to answer, thinking it's Goodman back at his house, but it turns out, it's Jackie Chu, who says it seems that he's struggling, living a life with no hope of a future. Marvin tells him that he owes a lot of people money, Jackie Chu then asks if he's ever played Ddakji, which he calls "Paper Square Game" as he then holds out a Red Square and Blue Square made out of paper. Marvin tells him no and he doesn't have time for games as he has to pay a lot of money by tomorrow, but Jackie Chu tells him he could make a lot of money, playing the game, which Marvin then accepts the offer as he and Jackie Chu then have a montage of them, playing Ddakji.
At the end of the montage, Marvin is shown with a bruised face as says he’s got it this time as he then throws his Red Square at the Blue Square, flipping it over. This excites Marvin as he says he did it while Jackie Chu congratulates him, and gives him his $10,000. Marvin gets more excited as he grabs the $10,000, saying he loves it so much. Jackie Chu then says if he wants to play more games, then there's a card for him as he hands Marvin a card with a Circle, Triangle, and Square on it, which he tells him to call the number on the back. Marvin then grabs the card, and thanks Jackie Chu as they then go on their way. Marvin then goes back to the Red Couch, where Rose asks Marvin where's the Pizza, but Marvin tells her they don't need pizza as he then slams down the $10,000 he got. Rose asks Marvin where it came from while Jeffy asks Marvin if he suck a "Pee-pee" for it, but Marvin says he did not. Rose then asks why his face is bruised, which Jeffy says it must of been a "Big pee-pee" slapping him in the face as Jeffy then slaps himself with the remote. Marvin says it was not a "Pee-pee" and there was none of it on his face as he then says there was a guy at the door, who said if he played games with him, he would give him money. Jeffy says he definitely sucked a "Pee-pee", which Marvin says he did not as Rose then says the $10,000 will pay a little over half of their bills. Marvin asks if it will pay all of their bills, but Rose says no as Marvin then says the guy gave him a card he could call to play more games for money. Jeffy then says he doesn't think he can call Circle, Triangle, Square on a phone, but Marvin says the number is on the back as he flips over the card, but Jeffy says it's still not enough numbers as he says he's still missing two digits. Marvin then says he's going to call the number he told him to call as he then has a conversation on the phone. After the phone call, Marvin says they are at the door, and it's really easy as he then explains how to play Ddakji. Marvin then says "Come on guys, we can win this" as Marvin, Rose, and Jeffy then go to the front door, which Marvin says "Guys, trust me, this game is super easy" as he then sees that it's a Pink Guard. Marvin tells him that last time, there was an Asian guy as he then gets tased by the Pink Guard. The Pink Guard then tases Rose while she says "Don't tase Marvin!" and Jeffy asks if he can lick it, as the Pink Guard holds out the laser and Jeffy puts it in his mouth, which caused Jeffy to be tased.
At the Police Station, Chief tells Brooklyn T. Guy to get in. Brooklyn Guy comes in and says "Yes Sir?", which Chief explains that there is an Asian Man who's been going around, giving poor people money. Brooklyn Guy says it doesn't sound like a bad thing, but Chief tells him he doesn't understand and explains that after he gives them money, he sends them to a private island where they play kids games, and if they win, they get $400 billion dollars. Brooklyn Guy says it sounds awesome, but Chief tells him it's not and if they lose, they get horribly murdered. Brooklyn Guy says "Oh okay, there's the catch" as Chief then explains that what he likes to do is go up to people, and make them play Ddakji, and then gives them $10,000. Brooklyn Guy asks if he does it every time, which Chief says he does it every time, leading to Brooklyn Guy saying he's got to find the guy to arrest him as he then asks if the drawing Chief has is what the guy looks like, but Chief says he doesn't know and he's never seen him, it's just what he imagined based on people's descriptions. Brooklyn Guy then says he'll be on the lookout and find the guy as he then leaves. The video then cuts to Hansel, laying on some concreate. Jackie Chu comes up to Hansel and asks if he would like to play a game for money, but gets stopped by Brooklyn Guy, who asks if he's the guy who pays people to throw paper. Jackie Chu says he's busy, which Brooklyn Guy says he knows, but tells him to listen as he says he has a lot of bills and he would really like to play "The Paper Game", which Jackie Chu says he's in the middle of doing something as he then tells him to go away. Brooklyn Guy then says Hansel is Drunk and Homeless, meaning he's not going to be good at the game according to him as he then tells him to let him to do it and give him the money. Jackie Chu tells him to go away again, but Brooklyn Guy threatens to arrest Hansel for public intoxication if he doesn't let him play and he doesn't care if he goes to the island as he says $400 billion is crazy. Jackie Chu tells him to go away once again, which Brooklyn Guy tries to say something, but gets tased by Jackie Chu. Brooklyn Guy then wakes up, tied up and on his couch. He also sees Karen, who is also tied up, which he asks her what happened. Karen explains that the Asian Guy came over and tied them up. Brooklyn Guy likes this as he says it means they get to play games, which Karen says she loves games as Brooklyn Guy tells her if they win, they can get $10,000 and if they are lucky, they can go to an island and win $400 billion dollars. Karen is amazed by this as Jackie Chu then comes in to ask if they want to play a game, which Brooklyn Guy accepts the offer and he would really want to play "The Cardboard Game" as Jackie Chu then asks if they have heard of Russian Roulette. Brooklyn Guy says it's not one of his favorite games as Karen then asks if it's the game that they play in casinos, which Brooklyn Guy says that's Regular Roulette. Karen asks what's the differences, which Brooklyn Guy explains that in Russian Roulette, you can get shot in the head and die, but Jackie Chu tells him to let him explain the rules as he explains that in Russian Roulette, there are five chambers in the gun, which he put a bullet into one of the chambers in the gun, and then he gives it a spin, and he puts it to his head as he pulls the trigger, but nothing shoots out of the gun. Brooklyn Guy says they should play a different game, which Jackie Chu suggests they play Rock Paper Scissors, which Brooklyn Guy says that's more like it as he and Karen then play Rock Paper Scissors, which Karen picked Rock while Brooklyn Guy picked Paper, meaning Brooklyn Guy wins the game. Jackie Chu says that now, Karen has to play Russian Roulette as he then pulls the trigger, but nothing shoots out of the gun. This goes on until Karen plays Russian Roulette again, which Jackie Chu pulls the trigger, causing the gun to shoot out the bullet that he put in it, killing Karen. Brooklyn Guy says he's not as sad as he thought he can be as he then asks if he can go to the Island, which Jackie Chu says "Sure" as he then tases Brooklyn Guy.
At the Island, Marvin and Everybody else gets up. Marvin asks what's going on while Barbara Guy says "Fuck". Brooklyn Guy notices that Barbara is there as he says "Mom?", which Barbara says "Oh hey Brookie" as she then asks what's he doing there. Chef Pee Pee questions how they got there, which Tyrone says he thought he was winning some money as he asks what happened. Marvin then says "Rose, where are you!?", which Rose says "I'm over there" as she is seen, standing next to Judy. Marvin says "Okay, good" as Judy then asks Tyrone where he's at, which Tyrone says "I'm right over here baby" as he is seen at the end of the row, standing next to Chef Pee Pee and Jeffy. Marvin asks where are they at, which Brooklyn Guy says he thinks it's the Island with the $400 billion dollars. Marvin is shocked about hearing $400 billion dollars as Brooklyn Guy asks Marvin what happened to his face, which Marvin says he was playing a cardboard game, and he kept losing. Barbara says she got it the first try while Brooklyn Guy says he didn't even get to play, and the guy just shot his wife. Barbara says "Oh good, I hated that bitch anyway", which Brooklyn Guy agrees with Barbara as he says "Hey, we can finally agree on something. Marvin asks who's the Asian Girl and the Two Guards that are next to the Asian Girl, which Brooklyn Guy says he doesn't know as Marvin then yells out "Hey, what's going on, what game is this", An Unidentified female voice is then heard, saying they will be playing Red Light, Green Light. The voice then explains that they are allowed to move forward when it shouts out Green Light, and Stop when it shouts out Red Light, but if their movement is detected afterward, they will be eliminated. Brooklyn Guy says "$400 billion dollars to play Red Light, Green Light?" as he then says they are going down because of how easy it is. Tyrone says it's going to be the easiest $400 billion dollars he's ever made while Chef Pee Pee says it'll mean he'll never have to work for Braxton again. Marvin asks if they really are getting $400 billion dollars for winning Red Light, Green Light, which Brooklyn Guy says yeah as Jeffy then says "Wait a minute, I've played these games before", which Brooklyn Guy says everybody played these games before while Marvin tells Jeffy everyone's played Red Light, Green Light before as he then asks everyone if they have played Red Light, Green Light before, which they all say yeah as Marvin then says "See, everyone's played it". Marvin then says they are ready to start, which the game starts with Young-hee saying "Green Light", which everybody but Marvin and Jeffy move, which Jeffy asks if they go, which Marvin says yes as he and Jeffy then move. Young-hee then says "Red Light", which everybody stops. Screwball tells Crush that his pants fell down, which Crush bends down and sees his pants did fell down as he then says "Weiners out!", only to then get eliminated. Tyrone sees this and gets shocked about it as he then gets eliminated for moving, which Judy sees this as she asks if her husband got shot. Barbara asks if he was black, which Judy says yes as Barbara then confirms that he did get shot, which Judy says she's a widow now as Marvin then tells Jeffy that those two guys got shot, which Jeffy says he knows and he played the game before as he explains that if he moves, he dies. Young-hee then says "Green light", which everybody starts moving again. Young-hee then says "Red Light", which everyone stops, which Brooklyn Guy says he can see the finish line and taste the $400 billion dollars while Marvin asks Jeffy why he freeze, looking back. Jeffy says he did that because he wanted to look at a dead body like Logan Paul as he then makes a joke. Jeffy then goofs off as he makes noises, which each time, Marvin tells Jeffy to stop as he's going to get eliminated. Young-hee then says "Green Light" again, which everybody moves, and makes it to the finish line, which Brooklyn Guy says they made it. Rose then says "Oh no, Marvin and Jeffy!" while Brooklyn Guy says they are almost out of time as he then says "Come on Marvin, you can do it", which Marvin and Jeffy runs faster as Young-hee then says "Red Light", which Marvin and Jeffy then stop, which Marvin tells Jeffy that the finish line is almost there. Young-hee then says "Green Light", which Marvin and Jeffy jumps over the finish line, causing them to past the finish line, meaning they have now beaten Red Light, Green Light. Rose says she's so glad that he and Jeffy made it, which Marvin says "Oh my god, me too!". Brooklyn Guy then says "Now I guess we all get our $400 billion now right" as he then tells the viewers to find out next time on "Squid Game 2-2".
- Marvin
- Rose
- Jeffy
- Mr. Goodman
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Chief
- Karen
- Chef Pee Pee
- Jackie Chu (as The Recruiter)
- Tyrone
- Judy
- Barbara Guy
- Hansel
- Screwball
- Crush
- Ping and Pong (as Young-hee)
- Braxton (mentioned)
- Unidentified female voice (Island only)
- Unidentified male voice (Phone-call only)
- Square Guard (Background in Island only)
- Circle Guard (Background in Island only)
- This video was uploaded on the same day that Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl was released on Netflix
- This is Goodman, Karen, Jackie Chu, Tyrone, Judy, Barbara, Hansel, Screwball, Crush, Chief and Ping and Pong’s first appearances in 2025.
- This is Jackie Chu, Tyrone and Judy's first appearances since "The Christmas Play!".
- This is Chief’s first appearance since “The Alien Attack!”.
- This is Barbara's first appearance since "Magic Marvin!".
- This is Mr. Goodman’s first appearance since “The Rudolph Problem!”.
- This is Hansel's first appearance since "The Homeless Makeover!", he is also shown in his old look instead of his makeover.
- This is Screwball's first appearance since "The Santa Heist!".
- This Crush's first appearance since "Goodman's Bodyguard!".
- This is Ping and Pong's first appearances since "Bad Super Bowl Commercials!".
- Logan said he was disappointed because he was uploading such a good video during January, which is the month during which YouTube pays less for videos.
- At the end, Brooklyn Guy hints towards a part two of this video.
- This video was uploaded a year after "Junior Kidnaps Penelope!".
- In Logan’s vlog, you can see Marvin’s face is bruised, this is most likely from playing the game called “Ddakji”, which in Squid Game: Season 2, if you lost you had to get slapped and Logan said in the vlog he had to play the game with one hand as he was playing Marvin with the other one.
- In the same vlog, Logan reveals that the guard puppets were made by Elaina.
- This is the first video of 2025 to not have an exclamation mark on the title.
- This is also the first of 2025 to have numbers in the title.
- This is the fifth time an SML Movie's title is typed in full capital letters, the first being "SQUID GAME", second being "FRANKENSTEIN!", third being "IT", and fourth being "SUPERPOWERS 3".
- This is also the first video to have the title typed in full capital letters in 2025.
- This video is a clear parody of the Netflix series Squid Game: Season 2.
- Red Light, Green Light, Ddakji and Russian Roulette are obvious references to some of the games in Squid Game.
- Jeffy says "I've played these games before..." which was a popular quote from the show.
- Jackie Chu’s ethnicity was changed to Korean in this video. This is likely due to how Squid Game is set in South Korea, so Logan may have intentionally done it.
- However, because this video is non-canon, Jackie Chu's nationality is still in fact Chinese/Japanese. It has not been confirmed yet in a canonical video.
- It is also possible that Jackie Chu is lying about his nationality.
- However, because this video is non-canon, Jackie Chu's nationality is still in fact Chinese/Japanese. It has not been confirmed yet in a canonical video.
- Chief does not know who Jackie Chu is, but they interacted via a phone call in "Jeffy's 19th Birthday!".
- Jeffy recalls playing "Red Light, Green Light" and the other games, but he was killed in "SQUID GAME", so it's unknown how he remembers this.
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