SML Reacts (formerly known as Logan Reacts) is a series of videos on SuperLuigiLogan and later on Logan's personal channel that show Logan and members of the SML cast reacting to various SuperMarioLogan videos.
The SML Reacts series was originally discontinued on February 23rd, 2019 for an unknown reason. The last video to be reacted to by Logan, Lance and Pablo was "Smart Jeffy". Despite being discontinued, many SML members such as Lance and Elaina have reacted to SML Movies with Audrey on Audrey's channel. These aren't considerd part of the series however, since Logan does not react to them and are not reacted on a channel which Logan has created. The series is called Lance and Audrey Reacts and Audrey and Elaina Reacts.
On January 6, 2024, the main SML Reacts series returned with a reaction to "SQUID GAME", this time hosted on Logan's eponymous personal channel, though the reactions from this point on will only consist of videos from 2021 onwards due to the Ceast and Desist.
Cast Reaction[]
Logan Reacts[]
- "Logan Reacts: Drawing Jeffy!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Lightsaber!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Imaginary Friend!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Playtime 4"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Credit Card!"
- "Logan Reacts: The Elevator!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior Goes To The Sun!"
- "Logan Reacts" Cody The Magician!"
- "Logan Reacts: Where's Jeffy?"
- "Logan Reacts: Cool Cody!"
- "Logan Reacts: Forsaken"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior Learns Karate!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Painting!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Lottery Ticket!"
- "Logan Reacts: Mario The Babysitter!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior Loses Thomas!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's YouTube Channel!"
- "Logan Reacts: The Burger!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's World Record!"
- "Logan Reacts: Chef Pee Pee Quits! Part 4"
- "Logan Reacts: Mario's Hobo Problem!"
- "Logan Reacts: Netflix and Fun"
- "Logan Reacts: Pinch! Pinch! Pinch!"
- "Logan Reacts: Jeffy's TV Show!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Playtime 3"
- "Logan Reacts: The Past Machine!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser's Drivers License!"
- "Logan Reacts: Chef Pee Pee's Cooking Sucks!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior The Dog"
- "Logan Reacts: Stuck!"
- "Logan Reacts: The Bake Sale!"
- "Logan Reacts: Jeffy's Bedtime!"
- "Logan Reacts: Jeffy Has Hiccups!"
- "Logan Reacts: The Golden Egg!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Piggy Bank!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior Stubs His Toe!"
- "Logan Reacts: No Crust!"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior Loves Coffee"
- "Logan Reacts: Inside Jeffy"
- "Logan Reacts: Jeffy Goes To The Zoo"
- "Logan Reacts: Jeffy Finds A Treat"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Bad Luck"
- "Logan Reacts: The Warp Pipe"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Lemonade Stand"
- "Logan Reacts: The Perfect Plan"
- "Logan Reacts: The Drone"
- "Logan Reacts: The Cat In The Hat"
- "Logan Reacts: The Quiet Game"
- "Logan Reacts: Jeffy's Brain"
- "Logan Reacts: Cody The Vampire"
- "Logan Reacts: Charley And Friends The Movie"
- "Logan Reacts: Jeffy's Cellphone"
- "Logan Reacts: Jeffy's Ice Cream"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Biggest Fear"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Annoying Toy"
- "Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Pillow Fort"
SML Reacts[]
- "SML Reacts: Spoken"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Favorite Song"
- "SML Reacts: Bowser's Video Game"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Fishing Trip"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Bathtime"
- "SML Reacts: Joseph's House"
- "SML Reacts: Chef Pee Pee Quits"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Mistake"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Birthday Wish"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Flu Shot"
- "SML Reacts: The Alien"
- "SML Reacts: 2 Tickets"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy The Rapper"
- "SML Reacts: SuperPowers"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy Sneaks Out"
- "SML Reacts: Cody's Missing"
- "SML Reacts: The Button"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Haircut"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Dog"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Diamond"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Stupid Home Video"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy Loses His Teeth!"
- "SML Reacts: Bowser Junior's 1st Grade Part 1"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Fidget Spinner"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Sister"
- "SML Reacts: Bowser Junior's Home Alone"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Parents!"
- "SML Reacts: Black Yoshi's Blank Check!"
- "SML Reacts: Chef Pee Pee's Mistake!"
- "SML Reacts: The President's Chef!"
- "SML Reacts: Sicken"
- "SML Reacts: Broken"
- "SML Reacts: Cody's Sister!"
- "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Home Alone!"
- "SML Reacts: Smart Jeffy"
- "SML Movie Squid Game REACTION!"
- "SML Reacts: Cody The Movie Star!"
- "SML Movie: Goodman's Clone REACTION!"
- "SML Movie: Jeffy The Boxer REACTION!!!"
- "SML Movie: Jeffy Gets Framed REACTION"
- "SML Movie: Jeffy Gets Ignored REACTION!"
- "SML Movie: Jeffy The Explorer REACTION!"
- “SML Movie: Spin The Bottle REACTION!”
- “SML Movie: Junior The Snack Dealer REACTION!”
- "SML Movie: Career Day REACTION!"
Lance & Audrey React[]
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Love Potion!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Haircut!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Mario The Babysitter!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Junior's Pink Bib!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy Has Hiccups!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Flu Shot!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Piggy Bank!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Mr. Chef Pee Pee Head!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Bathtime!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: The South Pole Santa!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Inside Jeffy!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Shrimpo Hunter Episode 1"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Shrimpo Hunter Episode 2"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Officer Jeffy!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Mario's Valentines Day Problem!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Pet!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Youtube Channel!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Cellphone!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Clone!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Junior's iPad!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Pinch! Pinch! Pinch!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Yard Sale!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Special Easter!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: April Fools!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Precious The Rapper!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Precious's Pillow Fort!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Smart Jeffy!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Where's Jeffy?"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Cody The Movie Star!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Pokemon Card!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Cookie Jar!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Thank Ken?"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Magical Pencil!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Summer School"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Nanny!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Cat In The Hat"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Birthday SURPRISE!!!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy and Junior Skip School!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: SpiderKen"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Cody's Accident!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Junior's Sleepover Mission!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Junior Kinda Goes Camping!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Junior The Simp!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Invisible Jeffy!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Brooklyn Guy's Thanksgiving!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Commercial!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Bad Christmas"
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Chain Letter!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Drawing Jeffy!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Saw 2"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's New Shoes!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Broken Up!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Doctor Jeffy!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Locked Out"
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Pantry!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Stuck!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Junior's AirPods!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Junior's Big Mistake!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Internet Lag!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Jellyfish!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy Breaks His Helmet!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Restraining Order!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Kids!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy Plays Fortnite!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Taco Tuesday!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy Gets Potty Trained!”
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy’s Trap!”
- "Lance & Audrey React: Happy Halloween!”
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Elevator!”
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Life Of Goodman!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Elf On The Shelf!”
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy Loses His Arms!”
- "Lance & Audrey React: Cody’s Curse!”
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Favorite Song!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Mario's Beautiful Date!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy Plays Grand Theft Auto 6!
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Opposite Ray!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Spring Break Disaster!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Yes Day!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Biggest Fear!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy Gets Stung by a Bee!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy Gets a Job!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Couch!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Purge!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Junior's Midnight Snack!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy The Clown!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Junior's Playtime 4!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy Breaks His Leg!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Junior's Breakfast!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's 18th Birthday!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Juniors Goes to the Future!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Cat Piano Problem!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy Goes to the Arcade!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's 19th Birthday!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Junior The Crazy Boyfriend!
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Junior Goes To Military School Part 1!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Junior Goes To Military School Part 2!
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy's Wifi Problem!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Junior's Curse!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Junior's Crazy Girlfriend!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Ring!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: The Powerpuff Jeffy's!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Junior Gets Rabies!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Fat Jeffy"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Junior's Cup!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Who Built The Pyramids?"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bowser Junior's Credit Card!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Chef Pee Pee Pees Peas!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Pop Rocks and Coke!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Jeffy Get's Help!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Junior's Valentine's Day Gift!"
- "Lance & Audrey React: Bad Super Bowl Commercials!"
Anthony Reacts[]
- "Anthony Reacts: Jeffy's 18th Birthday!"
- "Anthony Reacts: The Tee Ball Championship!"
- "Anthony Reacts: Jeffy The Sketch Artist!"
- "Anthony Reacts: Junior's Sad Disney Trip!"
- "Anthony Reacts: Judge Jeffy!"
- "Anthony Reacts: Jeffy Plays Soccer!"
- "Anthony Reacts: Junior's Deadly Idea!"
- "Anthony Reacts: The Spring Break Disaster!"
Anthony and Lovell React[]
- "Anthony and Lovell Reacts: SuperPowers (remake)"
- "Anthony and Lovell Reacts: Junior's Embarrassing Video!"
- "Anthony and Pablo Reacts: SpiderKen 2"
Audrey & Elaina React[]
- "Audrey & Elaina React: Home Alone 2"
- "Audrey & Elaina React: Cool Cody!"
- "Audrey & Elaina React: Jeffy's Homework!"
- ”Audrey & Elaina React: Bowser Junior’s Cookies!”
- "Audrey & Elaina React: Rosalina's Parents!"
- "Audrey & Elaina React: Mario's Date!"
Lance & Will React[]
- “Lance & Will React: Jeffy Gets Chicken Pox”
- ”Lance & Will React: Jeffy Gets Bullied”
Audrey & Crystal React[]
- “Audrey & Crystal React: Jeffy’s Scooter”
- Audrey & Crystal React: Jeffy’s Parents (Remake)”
Will Reacts[]
- "Will Reacts: Jeffy's 18th Birthday!"
- "Will Reacts: Cody's Drawing!"
- "Will Reacts: Bowser Junior Kinda Goes Camping!"
- "Will Reacts: Brooklyn Guy's Thanksgiving!"
- "Will Reacts: The Diamond!"
- ”Will Reacts: Jeffy Gets A Job!”
- “Will Reacts: Jeffy Plays Baseball!”
Character Reactions[]
Timmy Reacts[]
- "Timmy Reacts: Marvin the Pool Boy!"
- "Timmy Reacts: The Firework Problem!"
- "Timmy Reacts: The Taser Problem!"
- "Timmy Reacts: The Huckerdoos!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Junior's Big Playtime!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Don't Wake Jeffy!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Brooklyn Guy the Waiter!"
- "Timmy Reacts: The Broken Crown!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Babysitting The Huckerdoos!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy's Stealing Problem!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy's Balloon Company!"
- "Timmy Reacts: The Opposite Ray!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Junior The Crazy Boyfriend!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Brooklyn Guy's Ball!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Cody's Boy Band!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy's YES Day!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy's Yes or No Coin!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy The Uber Eats Driver!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Neighborhood Watch!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Junior's Macaroni Art!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Junior's Cup!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Junior's Stolen Birthday Present!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Texas Chainsaw Massacre!"
- "Timmy Reacts: The Monster Mash!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Five Night's At Freddy's 2!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Boy's Night Out!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Joseph Get's Adopted!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Five Nights at Freddy's 3!"
- "Timmy Reacts: The Celebrity Crush!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Joseph Falls in Love!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy's Country!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Cody's Love Triangle!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy Catches a Predator!"
- "Timmy Reacts: The Golden Nugget!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy's Piano Lessons!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Bad Super Bowl Commercials!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy Attacks The Judge!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Junior's Valentine's Day Gift!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy's Mad Cow Disease!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy's Club!"
- "Timmy Reacts: The Talent Show!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Cody Goes To Kindergarten!"
- "Timmy Reacts: The Acorn!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Goodman's Apple Vision Pro!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Duggie's KFC Pizza!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Chef Junior!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Shrek's Endless Cheesecake!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy and The Jeffmunks!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Part 2"
- "Timmy Reacts: Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Part 3"
- "Timmy Reacts: Five Nights At Freddy's 4"
- "Timmy Reacts: The Pot Of Gold!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Jeffy's Shooting Star!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Easter Bunny Goes To Jail!"
- "Timmy Reacts: Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Part 4"
Jonathan Reacts[]
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy's Hotdog Eating Contest!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Cops and Robbers!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Awaken!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Cody's Drawing!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy's Ball Pit!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Handsome Jeffy!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy's Disney Trip!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy's Jellyfish!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Couch The Rapper!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Duggie's Robot Scam!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Nightmare On Jeffy Street!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: FRANKENSTEIN!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy Ball Z Episode 3!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy Ball Z Episode 4!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy's Witness Protection!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy's Gamer Girl Problem!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Everything The Rapper!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy Gets Ignored!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy's Kiss!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy's 19th Birthday!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Junior's Crazy Girlfriend!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy's Rubik's Cube!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: The Bully Solution!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy's Mind Control Helmet!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Marvin The Intern!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Five Nights At Freddy's!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy's Doll!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy and Junior's Hotel!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy The Lawyer!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Brooklyn Guy's Missing Wife!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Jeffy Ball Z Episode 5"
- "Jonathan Reacts: The Grinch!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: Sister Location!"
- "Jonathan Reacts: The Hostage Situation!"
Mickey Reacts[]
- "Mickey Reacts: Junior Goes To Legoland!"
Ronald Reacts[]
- "Ronald Reacts: Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Part 5"
Lil' T Reacts[]
- "Lil' T Reacts: Junior's Big Playtime 3"
Jonathan & Brooklyn Guy React[]
- "Jonathan & Brooklyn Guy React: The Life Of Brooklyn Guy!"
- "Jonathan & Brooklyn Guy React: Jeffy's Green Bean Allergy!"
- "Jonathan & Brooklyn Guy React: Jeffy's Pregnancy Scare!"
- "Jonathan & Brooklyn Guy React: Saw 2"
Planned Reactions[]
The following is a list of reactions that were planned to be reacted to by the SML cast, but didn't actually happen.
- Bowser Junior's Summer School series - Logan, Pablo and Lance were intended to react to the summer school series as a trio. It is unknown why they didn't react to it but they probably just forgot. The first video they may have reacted to was "Bowser Junior's Summer School".
- "Bowser Junior Goes to Disney World! Part 1" - Logan wanted to react to this video, but didn't end up reacting to it due being time consuming, which was approximately 30 minutes long. He would have reacted it with Tito.
- SML Reacts is the newest series, longest series and the most common series on SuperLuigiLogan.
- Logan started this series as a means of maintaining a steady income when YouTube began demonetizing his videos again (and eventually removed him from the YouTube Partner Program).
- Some of the videos that they react to with "inappropriate titles," such as "The Dead Body!" are titled differently, so the video doesn't get demonetized as easily.
- Some videos have Jeffy or Junior’s names added to them, some for the above reason and some to increase the likelihood of people clicking on them.
- In some videos in which Pablo was in, his shirt would be invisible. This is because his shirts blend in with a green/blue screen; and if the same color shirt blends in with the green/blue screen, only his head can be seen.
- Logan was in Ohio during the reaction to "Spoken", so Lance and Pablo did the video together without Logan. As a result, the video was called SML Reacts instead of Logan Reacts.
- And the series has since been renamed to SML Reacts.
- Their excuse was that Logan was crying in the bathroom over his channel getting demonetized.
- And the series has since been renamed to SML Reacts.
- Only Elaina Keyes didn't react with Logan or any other member of the SML casting crew. This is due to her being kicked out by Chilly and she was away from Florida.
- Here is a list of Logan's SML reaction companions in frequency order:
- "Black Yoshi's Blank Check" is the first reaction with James.
- The Alien is the first reaction with Anthony.
- This (except "SML Reacts: Jeffy's Favorite Song") and SML Movies on SLL were privatized on August 2nd, 2021 due to the impending deletion of the channel.
- Lovell also makes reactions in his personal youtube channel with the occasional video where he plays one of his characters reacting to it.