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"A Fight To Remember" is the 8th episode of Mario & Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures.


Picking up where the last episode left off, Bowser and Donkey Kong are preparing to fight; Mario is encouraging Donkey Kong to kill Bowser. Bowser and DK start trading insults until Mama Luigi interrupts and starts making "Yo mama" jokes. Bowser knocks him out and resumes fighting Donkey Kong. However, Bowser halts the fight because it is currently late afternoon and in Bowser's words, "the perfect fight is at night". Mario questions what they are going to do while they wait for nighttime; Mama Luigi suggests more yo mama jokes. For 30 minutes, Mama Luigi continues making annoying yo mama jokes until Bowser gets fed up and knocks him out again. They proceed to sit still for 15 minutes until nighttime arrives. Donkey Kong and Bowser are ready to fight, but Mama Luigi interrupts the fight because "a fight this epic needs an epic intro." Mama Luigi announces the fight and introduces both fighters; when he is done. Donkey Kong and Bowser charge each other.

The two of them trade blows and talk trash for several minutes, with Mama Luigi providing off-color commentary throughout. Bowser then insults Donkey Kong by calling him Jimmy Neutron and Donkey Kong is enraged. Bowser knocks out Donkey Kong and puts his body in the freezer, then runs to destroy Mario. Before he can, an eagle sweeps in out of nowhere and attacks Bowser. Bowser regains his balance and starts fighting the eagle. Yoshi then wakes up and goes to save Donkey Kong. Once he does, Donkey Kong storms off to find Bowser, accidentally locking Yoshi in the freezer while doing so.

Bowser throws the Eagle into a conveniently placed lava pool. Donkey Kong returns and they resume the fight. Bowser then starts spilling Lava but Donkey Kong grabs him before he gets the chance and starts beating him to death. Bowser continues trying to fight back but is exhausted. Then he sees a can of his favorite soda, Dr. Wham, and drinks it, replenishing his energy. He throws the can at Donkey Kong, knocking him into the lava and securing Bowser's victory. A triumphant Bowser goes to take Peach; Mario tries to fight Bowser but is too weak and gets thrown onto the floor by him.

Mario realizes that Yoshi is stuck in the refrigerator and goes to free him. Mario and Yoshi then team up to confront Bowser; Mama Luigi joins the duo and they challenge Bowser 3 to 1. They each charge Bowser but get knocked back multiple times. Bowser grabs Mario, then gets punched in the balls by Yoshi and knocked near the lava. Bowser then starts flying and knocks out Mario and Yoshi. Mama Luigi then starts beating Bowser to death. Bowser hits Mama Luigi in response; Mama Luigi tells him he made a big mistake. Mama Luigi goes insane and starts tossing Bowser around, and finishes by knocking Bowser into the fridge and locking him in.

Five minutes later, Mama Luigi wakes up and lets Bowser out of the fridge to beat him up further to the point of rendering him unconscious. Yoshi attempts to finish off Bowser, but Toad shows up out of nowhere. He gives Bowser a mushroom, which restores all of Bowser's health and wakes him up. Bowser starts to brutally beat Mama Luigi; the intesnsity of the beating makes Mama Luigi defecate on the battlefield. Bowser is grossed out, which makes Mama Luigi remember what Bowser's Wikipedia page said about his weakness being poop. Contrary to what the Wikipedia page suggests, Bowser is not weakened in any meaningful way, and he destroys Mama Luigi, ending the video on a cliffhanger.



  • The title could be based off the title of the 1958 movie A Night to Remember, a movie about the RMS Titanic.
  • During Mama Luigi's epic fight intro, the announcer says Koopa, Bowser's Japanese name.


  • At 13:17, Mama Luigi does an attack resembling Luigi's Green Missile from the Super Smash Bros series.


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Mario & Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures
Season 1
A Retarded BeginningMama LuigiMonkey BusinessWHAT THE F*CKJust Like Saw
The Prison BreakThe Fight, That Ain't RightA Fight to RememberA Grilling Death
The Beginning to a Retarded Ending
Season 2
The Loss of a RetardThe Rise of BowserYoshi's CousinDoctor HairyLipBaby Mutant Turtles
Crazy MonkeyA GhostMad CellGhost ProofThe Death of Black YoshiThe Final Battle
Season 3
A New BeginningDiverse DimensionsReal Life Style