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The Kidnapper is the main antagonist of "Bowser Jr's Playtime Problem", and "Jeffy The Karate Master!", !". In "Bowser Jr's Playtime Problem", he kidnaps Junior in an Oldsmobile Ciera sedan, but he throws him out of the car because he was too annoying, since Junior was screaming. He later kidnaps Bowser. He later makes another appearance in "Jeffy The Karate Master!", but is seen with a Toyota RAV4. Here, he tries to kidnap Jeffy but fails at it. At the end, he was arrested .


The Kidnapper first appeared in "Bowser Jr's Playtime Problem", where he was seen wearing a blue plaid shirt. He later appears again in "Jeffy The Karate Master!", where he was seen wearing a black suit and hat, and he was also seen with a mustache.

