"Kenzel Washington!" (Stylized as "KENzel Washington!") is the 1,098th episode of SML Movies.
Ken is a movie star!
The video starts with Junior, asking Cody and Joseph what they want to do today on the Red Couch. Cody asks if they want to go to the movies and watch Gladiator 2, but Junior says he's never seen the first one or heard of it, which shocks Cody as he asks if he's never heard of Gladiator. Junior says he hasn't because he doesn't like watching old black and white movies, but Cody says it's not black and white and it's from 2000. Junior tells Cody it took 25 years to make a sequel, but Cody says the last one was good, and this one's going to be good too as it has shirtless, hunky guys fighting, which Junior disagrees as he says if the first one was good, then it wouldn't have taken 25 years to make a sequel unless he's Pixar with the Incredibles, which Joseph agrees with Junior as Cody then tells them to trust him that it's going to be cool. Junior asks if there's any actors that they know, which Cody says it has Denzel Washington in it, which interests Junior and Joseph as Junior then asks if he's Equalizer in the movie, but Cody says he's not The Equalizer in Ancient Rome. This shocks Junior as he says "So the movie is black and white, you said ancient", but Cody says "No, it's not black and white, it's color", which offends Junior and Joseph as Joseph tells Cody he knows better than to say "that word" while Junior tells Cody he don't say the word anymore as he says it's a racist term. Joseph then says they aren't in the 1960s as Cody then defends himself, saying that's not what he said, but Junior says he said the movie's colored because it has Denzel Washington in it, but Cody says that's not what he meant as he meant the movie has the full spectrum of colors. Junior doesn't like this as he says "Oh it's one of those LGBTQ movies" while Joseph says it's too "Woke" for him. Junior then says he said the full spectrum of colors, and spectrum as he then asks if Denzel Washington plays a "Gay, Autistic, Black guy", but Cody says he means it's not black and white. This shocks Junior as he says there's obviously no segregation in the movie because it has Denzel Washington in it, which Joseph agrees with Junior as he says "Right right right", but Cody says no as he then asks if they want to see the movie or not, which Junior says he definitely wants to see Denzel Washington try to play an "Autistic, Gay, Black guy", which Joseph agrees with Junior as he says he has the range dude. Junior agrees with Joseph as he says he's the only guy actor that could do that, but Joseph says he doesn't know about that as he says they got Robert Downey Jr., which Junior says in Tropic Thunder he played that, which Joseph says he was awesome in Tropic Thunder as Cody then says he doesn't want to see the movie. Junior says they want to see it as he says he wants to go see Denzel play the role as Junior and Joseph then leave while Cody grabs Ken, which he then leaves after grabbing Ken from the Red Couch.
At the Movies, Junior says he can't wait to watch Denzel Washington be an "Autistic, Gay guy", which Joseph says he knows and this should be his best role yet as Junior then says let him get some popcorn as he then asks if they want anything, which Cody says he wants some JuJubes, which this offends Junior and Joseph as Junior tells Cody to stop saying racist stuff, but Cody says it's not racist; it's candy as Junior then leaves while Joseph says he's not even Jewish and that's offensive nor bee as the camera then pans to Margaret, telling Harold that she's excited to see Denzel Washington in the new movie, which Harold says he heard that he's "hung like a horse". Margaret says she bet he is as she tells him that every time Denzel Washington is on the screen, she wants him to hand her a wad of paper towels, so she doesn't stain the seat, but Harold says she's already staining the seat, to which Margaret says she's like Gary the Snail as Cody then scoffs at this, saying "Talking old people", which Joseph says he knows and they always ruin the movie as Margaret then turns around and sees Ken, which she tells Harold to look as she says "Look right there, there's Denzel Washington right there", which this excites Harold as he says "Oh my god, it's Denzel". Margaret says she's going to see if she can get a picture with him as she then goes towards Ken, and says "Excuse me Mr. Denzel Washington". Cody says "What?", which Margaret says "The guy sitting right next to you, Denzel Washington", but Cody says that's his friend Joseph and he knows he's black, but he's not as old as Denzel, which Joseph says "Appreciate the compliment thought" as Margaret then says "Oh I get it, he's on the cover because this is new movie premiere", but Cody says no and that's his boyfriend, not Denzel Washington. Margaret asks if he minds her getting a picture with Denzel Washington, which Cody says "You know what, sure yeah" as Margaret then picks up Ken while Cody picks up his phone, and takes the picture. Cody then puts the phone down, and says he took it, which Margaret puts Ken down and tells Cody to upload it on "The Book of Faces" for her. Cody says he'll do that as Margaret tells Harold she's so excited that she got a picture with Denzel Washington as Junior then comes in, and says they didn't have any popcorn. Cody asks if the theater ran out of popcorn, but Junior says he got the popcorn, but dropped it walking up the stairs, and he doesn't have any more money. Cody then tells Junior what happened with the old people and them thinking Ken is Denzel Washington while he was away. Junior says "But he's white", which Cody says he knows as he then says now that he's really looking at it, he can kind of see it in the smile, which Junior agrees, saying he has Denzel's smile, but Joseph asks if they are blind as he says he doesn't look like Denzel at all, maybe Tom Cruz. Margaret then says "Excuse me Mr. Washington, my husband would love if he could watch us bang", causing Cody to say he thinks they need to go as he grabs Ken, but Joseph says "No! that's Denzel ain't it?", but Cody says "Come on, let's go" as they then leave. Margaret then lets a fart out and says "See Denzel, I was holding in that queef the whole time".
Back at the Red Couch, Cody says it was a waste of time, which Joseph agrees, saying he can't believe the old people thought Ken was Denzel Washington. Cody says he doesn't know and he can kind of see it especially in the smile, which Junior agrees as he says "Yeah, the smile". Joseph gets upset and asks what is wrong with them as he says he looks nothing like Denzel and he looks more like Denzel then anybody, but Cody says he doesn't know while Junior says "The face and the smile", which causes Joseph to pull out a piece of paper with a picture of Denzel Washington on it and says "Look at this, this is Denzel Washington, he looks nothing like Ken, but Cody says he doesn't know and now that he's really looking at it, it looks like Ken, which Junior agrees, saying "Yeah like the cheekbones, the eyebrows, the nose, the ear, it looks all like Ken", but Joseph says it doesn't and to look at the lips as he then says "Nothing like Ken, look at me", but Junior and Cody still insists that it looks like Ken as the doorbell thing rings, which Junior says "Hold on guy, you keep arguing, I'ma answer the door" as Junior then leaves while Cody and Joseph continue arguing. Junior goes to the front door and see it's Steve Staleburger, who asks if his client Denzel Washington is here. Junior says no, but Steve says "Well don't lie to me son" as he pulled out a piece of paper with a picture of Junior, Cody, Joseph, and Ken at the front door, which he says TMZ took the photo of him and his friends, entering the house with Denzel. Junior asks who took it, which Steve says TMZ took it and the paparazzi's outside as a paparazzi asks where's Denzel, which Steve says he's inside as he then asks Junior to tell him where Denzel is as he has to talk to him about all the movies he has coming out. Junior says if he's really Denzel, then he's upstairs on his, which Steve thanks him as he and Junior then go upstairs, which back at the Red Couch, Cody asks Junior who was at the door, but then Steve comes in and says "Oh thank god Denzel, I was looking all over for you. Joseph says it has to be the worst nightmare ever while Steve tells Ken to stop looking at pictures of himself as they have movie roles to discuss. Junior asks what movies he's going to be in, but Steve tells him he can't talk about that with them unless Denzel says it's ok as he then says "What do you says Denzel", which Cody says "Denzel says it's fine". Steve says they want to start work on a new Equalizer movie, which Junior says he loves The Equalizer movies as Steve then says after that, they want to do a Remember the Titans sequel called "Remember the Titans 2: We forgot the Titans", "Remember the Titans 3: Those guys look familiar", "Remember the Titans 4: Oh yeah, those are the Titans", "Remember the Titans 5: Okay we get it, we know who the Titans are", and then "Remember the Titans 6: Christmas with the Titans". He then says the prequel movie "Titans to Remember" and they also want to do a TV series called "Kicking It with the Titans". Junior says it would be really awesome as he says he always wanted another Remember the Titans movie as Steve then says "Okay Denzel, come on, we got to get you down to the studio to work on The Equalizer", but Joseph questions there's no way that they all think Ken is Denzel. Cody asks if he can come as he is his boyfriend, which shocked Steve as he says he didn't know Denzel is gay, but then says "Whatever" as Junior then says he wants to come too because he likes watching Equalizer movies as Junior, Cody, and Ken then leave while Joseph says "Seriously!?". The video then cuts to later, where Junior, Cody, and Ken return, which Junior tells Joseph he missed the movie set as he says it was so cool, watching Ken film action scenes, but Joseph sarcastically says "What did he do? Stand in one place?", which Junior says yes while Cody says they got CGI and stuff, meaning it looks really cool, but Joseph says Ken doesn't look like Denzel, and it's a waste of a movie, but Junior says after he saw Ken's acting skills, he truly thinks he's Denzel Washington while Cody says he didn't realize he was dating Denzel Washington the whole time. Joseph says he's a doll and he's not Denzel Washington, but Cody says he's not a doll and he is Denzel Washington. Junior then tells Joseph they gave them an early release of the trailer, so he has to watch him act as he was about to hit the play button, but stops and asks if Denzel is the old, black guy in the old All State commercials, which Cody says he's not Denzel while Joseph says it was some other black guy, which Junior then hits the play button as the video shows the trailer. After the trailer, Junior asks Joseph if that was the sickest movie he's ever seen, but Joseph says he can't believe they really think Ken looks like Denzel Washington as he then says it's a waste of time, it's time he will never get back for watching the movie, and he's outta of here as he then leaves as Cody then says he's jealous for not dating Denzel. Junior then tells Cody he has an idea, which is since Ken is Denzel Washington, he has access to all of Denzel Washington's money at the bank. This excites Cody as he asks what is Denzel's net worth, which Junior looks it up and says it's $300 Million, which excites Cody even more as he says he's dating a rich hunk as Junior then says they can take him to the bank, and withdraw money to get millions of dollars, but Cody says he doesn't know if Denzel would want them to do that, but then says "He says we can, he says we can take all the money we want" as he then says "Come on!" as Junior, Cody, and Ken then leave to go to the bank.
At the bank, Junior tells Cody if it doesn't work, it'll be so embarrassing, but Cody tells Junior to shush and not bow their cover as Cody and Ken then go to the bank teller booth, which Mr. Goodman says "Thank you for choosing Goodman Bank and Trust before seeing Ken, which he believes is Denzel Washington as he says "Denzel Washington! my man", which excites Cody as he tells Junior "Oh my god, it worked!". Goodman then says "What can I do for you Mr. Washington? You came to look at your $300 Million?", which Cody says yeah as he then claims he lost his voice. Goodman then says "Oh from all the acting?", which Cody says yes as he then says he would like to withdraw some money. Goodman asks how much would he like to withdraw, which Cody says all of the money, which Goodman says he has a box of about $30 million that he can box up for him if he likes, which Cody says it would be great while Junior says to put it in the briefcase as he claims that's what Mr. Washington likes his money in, which Goodman says he'll put the money in the briefcase and give it to him as he proceeds to do that while Cody and Junior get excited about their plan working. The video then cuts to later at the Red Couch, which Junior tells Cody that they literally have millions and millions of Denzel Washington's money, which Cody says he loves dating a rich man. Junior then says he truly believes with his entire heart that Ken is the real Denzel Washington because they walked right up into the bank, and they just gave them all of his money from his bank account with no questions asked, which Cody says they did as he then says "Just look at him, that's Denzel Washington" as they both excitedly say "That's Denzel Washington!". Suddenly, Cody asks "Wait is that my phone?", which Junior says his phone is ringing as Cody then asks where's his phone. Junior then says he's got to find it as if it's his mom, he can't miss it the call as they then start searching for Cody's phone, which Cody finds it on the floor, and gets it as Junior says if he misses his mom's call, she's going to make him go home. Junior and Cody then look at the phone, which Junior asks Cody if he missed his call, but Cody says he has a voicemail from Denzel Washington. Junior says Ken doesn't have a phone, which Cody says no as he then says "Who is this" as Junior then says "Oh no Cody, what if Ken's not the real Denzel Washington, and we just stole the real Denzel Washington's and he's mad and he's calling to yell at us", which Cody says "Oh no, I think we better listen to this" as he played the voicemail to reveal a message from an angry Denzel Washington, which causes Junior and Cody to worry as Junior then says "Let's return the money" and Junior and Cody then grab the money and leave as the voicemail then continues, with Denzel Washington saying "Yeah that's-you better walk away, go walk away cuz I'ma burn this motherfucker down".
- Junior
- Joseph
- Cody
- Ken
- Steve Staleburger
- Mr. Goodman
- Harold
- Margaret (Hispanic variant)
- Will Townsend
- Denzel (Voice Only)
- This is the first Ken pun video of 2025.
- This video was uploaded 2 years after "Junior's Black Eye!", 3 years after "Cody's NFT!", 4 years after "The Pink Couch!", 5 years after "The Imaginary Girlfriend!", a decade after "Bowser Junior's Sleepover", and 11 years after "Luigi's Mansion Episode 1".
- This is the 7th video to be uploaded on January 20th.
- This video was uploaded on Martin Luther King Day and on Inauguration Day, in which Donald Trump took office as president, even though the video doesn't feature the character.
- The voicemail that plays in the video is used from the 2001 movie Training Day.
- Harold was reused from a doctor puppet from The Burger Problem! and from Stuck!.
To see full results of this poll, see here.