Not to be confused with "Junior The Thief!".
"Junior The Gift Thief! (Stylized as "Junior The Gift THIEF!") is the 1,071st episode of SML Movies.
Junior needs to steal a gift he gave to Penelope!
The video starts with Penelope, saying hey to Junior. Junior asks her if she's ready for their movie night, which he was thinking they could watch a Straight-To-Netflix Adam Sandler Movie, but Penelope says she actually came over and see what he wanted for Christmas this year, which Junior tells her that it's November, and to ask him again in December. Penelope then says she knows what she wants for Christmas this year, which Junior suggests she should tell Santa so she can get a head start, but Penelope says what she wants for Christmas is actually happening tonight; Tea Party Live, which she says it's the biggest tea party ever and she has to go. Junior asks her if she wants to go to a tea party, which Penelope says yes as she says she already asked her dad, but he said no because she has to wait till Christmas. She then says he doesn't understand that it's happening tonight, which Junior then asks her how she's going to get tickets, which Penelope says she was hoping he gets them for her as she then says he wouldn't have to get her anything for Christmas. Junior asks for the ticket prices, which Penelope says the tickets cost $20, and for both of them to go together, it would be $40. Junior claims he doesn't have $40, but Penelope says he does and it's next to him as the $40 is shown, which Junior says that's his lunch money for the rest of the month, but Penelope says he'll be ok and he should just eat school lunch, which Junior doesn't like that idea as he says he's not going to eat what the lunch lady makes because he says it's slop. Penelope then begs Junior for the tickets because she has to go, and she promise he doesn't have to get her anything else for Christmas. Junior then sighs as he says if he just hands her $40, it would feel weird, but Penelope takes this as a yes as she says she'll come back in an hour, and suggests to Junior that he get the tickets, wrap them in a box, and she'll pretend to be excited as she then thanks Junior and leaves. Junior says he didn't say yes, but then sighs as he then says he guess he's going to have to eat school lunch for the rest of the month. Junior then takes the $40, and leaves, saying "Let me go online and buy these tickets".
Junior then goes to the door to answer the doorbell, which he opens the door to reveal it's Steve Staleburger, telling him he got his two tickets to Tea Party Live. Junior asks him if he's the Ticketmaster, which Steve says he is as he then says he's also the SeatGeek because they are "basically the same shit". Steve then says he's really lucky as he got the last two tickets to Tea Party Live on earth as he explains that they are completely sold out as he then says the tickets must be for something special, which Junior tells him they are for his girlfriend for Christmas, but Steve tells him not to wait till Christmas to hand them out. Junior tells him that he knows and she told him about it. Steve then says he was just making sure as he hands him the tickets while Junior hands him the $40. Junior and Steve then continue to talk for a little bit before both of them went their ways.
Junior then finishes putting the tickets in the box. Penelope then comes in, saying she's back, but then pretends to be surprised about seeing her gift, which she comments about it being a huge present as she then asks who's it for, which Junior tells her that it's her Christmas gift. Penelope then pretends to be surprised to Junior until she asks if she can open it, which Junior says she can because it's for her today. Penelope then continues to pretend to be surprised as she asks if he doesn't want her to wait until Christmas, which Junior tells her that she knows she can't wait till Christmas, and she has to open it now. Penelope then pretends to guess what's in the gift until Junior yells at her to open it because she knows what it is, which Penelope opens it to reveal her Tea Party Live tickets, which she cries in happiness about getting the tickets to Tea Party Live. She then says she can't wait for them to go as she then hopes that Junior says he is going to Tea Party Live with her, but Junior tells her that she knows how the only thing she asked for are those tickets as he then says that the only thing he wants for Christmas is to not go because he rather sit on the couch while she takes someone else to the event. Penelope then asks if he doesn't want to go to Tea Party Live, which Junior says he doesn't because he really doesn't like Tea, and he rather sit on the couch while she takes someone else to the event. Penelope then says "Oh well, okay Junior, if you're sure" as she then says she's grateful for the tickets as she then thanks Junior as says he'll find someone to go with her. Cody then comes in, with a tape measure, saying hey to Junior, which Junior asks Cody if he's ready to measure and see who's bigger. Cody then laughs as he then says "I think you could say I'm ready" as he then says he has to warn you because "The peen monster" visited and snuck him a few extra centimeters. Penelope then asks Cody if he really wants to go to Tea Party Live with her, which Cody says "Holy fucking shit of course I want to go to Tea Party Live" in an energetic tone, which Penelope tells Cody that Junior doesn't want to go, which Cody asks Junior what's wrong with him and if he doesn't want to go to Tea Party Live, which Junior tells him he doesn't want to go because it sounds gay, but Cody says it's not gay because it's awesome. Penelope then asks Cody if he wants to go over to her house and get ready there as she then says they'll wear dresses together, which Cody says he does as he then asks Junior if he's sure it's ok he goes, which Junior says it is because he rather do anything else in the world then go to Tea Party Live. Cody then "Tea Live Party here we come!" as Cody and Penelope then leave. Junior then sits on the couch, saying he's so glad he doesn't have to go.
Joseph then comes in as he asks Junior what he's doing, which Junior tells him "This" as he points to the TV remove, which Joseph says it's pretty boring as he then asks for $40, which Junior says he had $40. This disappoints Joseph as he says he could have bought two tickets to Tea Party Live, but Junior asks him "What's a Tea Party Live and why would you want to go to a tea party?", which Joseph explains to him that it's the sickest concert ever as he says it has Tyler, The Creator performing there as he created it. Joseph then says that it's a concert inside of a teacup, which this shocks Junior as he tells Joseph that he's not going to believe this as he tells him that he had bought two tickets to it, but he gave them to Penelope and Cody. Joseph then questions why he would do that, which Junior says it's because Penelope said that's all she wanted for Christmas, it's a early Christmas gift, and he thought it was a Tea Party because it's called Tea Party Live. Joseph then asks if he can buy two more, but Junior says he can't because he bought the last two tickets on earth, meaning it's completely sold out. Joseph then cries for a bit, but then tells him that they can rob his girlfriend and steal the tickets, which Junior says he's not going to because he's the one who got her the tickets, but Joseph says he can because he doesn't love her anymore, which Junior sighs as he then says he can take them back as he did buy them in the first place. Junior then says "Let's just go over to her house" as he says they are getting ready, and they should see if he can take the tickets back as he and Joseph then leave.
At Penelope's house, Cody asks Penelope what she thinks of his dress, which Penelope says he looks "totally gorge", which Cody thanks her as he then says it would be crazy if the guy at the Tea Party Live event invites him back to his house, and he lifts up his dress and then it would be "winky alert". He then says it would be crazier if he was like "Well, I'm already here so I might as well go through with it" and they would start "bumping winkies". Penelope then says she is so excited for Tea Party Live, which Cody agrees as Junior and Joseph then come in. Junior says "Hey guys", which Penelope asks him what he's doing here while Joseph says "What's up bitch", which Penelope says to him "Hi Joseph, what are you doing here". Joseph then immediately goes to the tickets, trying to take them, but Junior pushes him away, telling him to calm down. Joseph then says to Junior "Dude, I thought we were supposed to be here to steal the tickets", which Penelope overhears that, saying "What!?", which Junior plays it off, saying that Joseph doesn't know what he's talking about. Junior then says that he just found out what Tea Party Live is. Penelope then says she sees what he's doing as she says he's here to take the tickets away, which Cody tells Junior it's not fair as he said he can go, but Junior says he's not taking the tickets away, which upsets Joseph as he asks what's the whole point of being there as he says he thought they were stealing stuff, but Junior tells him to zip it as Junior then says he kind of need to sell the tickets and get his money back, which Penelope asks why, but Junior pretends to breakdown, crying as he makes up a story about his great, great, grandmother, who lives in Poland, which she has a sinus infection, and her doctor's is on the other side of the Berlin Wall. He then says the only way she can get over the wall is if she pays $40 to get catapulted over the Berlin Wall, and the Catapult guy only takes $40 USD, and the $40 he gave her, he thought he didn't need it, but turns out, he needed to send it to his great, great, grandmother. He then studders as Cody then stops him as he tells him it doesn't make sense because the Berlin wall hasn't been up in some time, and Penelope then tells Junior that the Berlin wall isn't even in Poland, it's in Germany. Cody then says he wouldn't need a catapult to get over the Berlin wall. Joseph then asks since when did he have a grandma, and Cody finally asks why does the catapult guy want $40, which Junior then pretends to breakdown, crying again as he says "Okay, you guys got me, the real reason actually really worse" as he then makes up another story, this time about his Great, Great, Grandfather, who is vacationing in Egypt, but he lost his wallet, and he said it's really hot there because of the sun, and he needs to buy a Sombrero, but they cost $40 because of Nigerian scammers overpricing them, so he really needs to send the $40 to his great, great, grandfather to buy one of those hats or he's gonna die because he also has a sinus infection. Penelope then says "Great, Great, Grandfather Junior!?" as Cody then asks why there are Nigerian scammers in Egypt, which Joseph adds on, saying they don't sell Sombreros in Africa. Penelope them asks what's really going on, which Junior looks around, but then tells Joseph to grab a ticket and run as Junior and Joseph proceed to take the tickets and run away, which pisses off Penelope and Cody.
Junior and Joseph then make it to Tea Party Live, which Junior says he can't believe they are at Tea Party Live, which Joseph says it's going to be fun as Earl welcomes them to Tea Party Live, which he asks for their tickets, which Junior and Joseph present him their tickets to the event. Earl says "Very good" to each of them after looking at their tickets, which Junior asks if he can let them in now because it's raining, but Earl says no because he wants to see their IDs, which Junior says they don't have IDs because they are 16, only for Earl to tell them that they need to be 18 to come to the event. Junior tries tricking him by saying they are 18, but Earl doesn't believe them as he says that he just said he was 16 as he then tells them to get out or he'll arrest them. Junior and Joseph try making up a story, but Earl says he doesn't care as he then tells them to get out. Junior then tells him that he paid $40 dollars for the tickets, which Earl asks him to let him see. Junior then shows him the tickets as Earl then rips his ticket, and then Joseph's ticket, which upsets Junior and Joseph as they then leave, saying "Let's go watch on TV". Junior and Joseph then walk on the couch, which Junior says hey, but Penelope says "Oh no Junior, do not talk to me" as she says she's there to watch Tea Party Live on TV, which Cody says he's pretty pissed. Junior then asks them why they are upset at me, which Penelope says it's because he stole her Christmas present from her so he and Joseph can go to Tea Party Live without her, which Cody says he was going to bump "winkies" with a stranger. Junior then asks them why they aren't at Tea Party Live if he and Joseph stole their tickets as Junior then claims he sold the tickets for his grandfather's sombrero, which Joseph claims he saw it with his own eyes. Penelope then says it's a good point while Cody says he's not buying it. Junior then asks them seriously why he wouldn't be at Tea Party Live if he took the tickets as he then says he sold them for his $40, which Penelope tells Cody that he maybe telling the truth, but Cody nods no. Junior then says "So let's watch Tea Party Live" as Junior then turns the TV to Tea Party Live, where Tyler, The Creator performs a song. Penelope then says it was so amazing as the TV then shows Steve Staleburger, who thanks the viewers for watching Tea Party Live, and a special thanks to everybody who was 18 or older who was able to come out tonight, but then says sorry to everybody who wasn't 18 or older who couldn't come because they were turned away at the door. Penelope, Cody, and Joseph then slowly turn to Junior as Penelope then yells out Junior's name, which Junior then asks her why she would even ask for something she couldn't even get into because she's not old enough.
- Junior
- Joseph
- Cody
- Penelope
- Steve Staleburger
- Brooklyn T. Guy (indirectly mentioned)
- Santa Claus (mentioned)
- Muriel (indirectly mentioned)
- Earl
- Tyler, The Creator
- This video was uploaded a year after "Five Nights At Freddy's 3".
- This episode aired on the same day as Mickey Mouse's 96th birthday.
- During the tea party live segment, the Junior puppet can be seen at 12:35.
- At 8:25, Cody claims the Berlin Wall hasn't been up since 1990, but the Berlin Wall had actually fell in 1989.
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