"Junior The Boxer!" is the 1,070th episode of SML Movies.
Junior boxes Mike Tyson!
The video starts with Junior asking his friends what they want to do today, which Joseph was about to say something, but gets interrupted by Cody, saying "Hold on guys, I got something" as he's seen, bringing in Grouch Couch. Junior gets upset as he tells Cody that he just interrupted Joseph, but Cody says he got Grouch Couch. Junior then tells him to let Joseph finish as he then asks Joseph what he wants to do today, but Joseph says he doesn't know and he's bored. Junior then asks Cody now if there's anything he wants to do today, which Cody says "You guys want to play Grouch Couch?", which this excites Junior as he says "What's Grouch Couch?", which Cody explains to him that it's a board game about a Grouchy Couch, which Joseph makes a Chef Pee Pee joke about the Grouch Couch game. Junior then notices it's red like their couch as he says "This couch is red just like my couch" as Joseph makes another Chef Pee Pee joke about the Grouch Couch game. Cody then turns the box around as he says that the Grouch Couch will come alive and eat their treats as Joseph makes another Chef Pee Pee joke about the Grouch Couch game again, but Junior tells him that they heard him, it's that it wasn't funny, which Joseph says "Well damn" as Junior then asks Cody how do they play, which Cody tells him "Oh well, I think you just feed treats or whatever". Junior then gets shocked as he says that the box says you can play with five or more people, but Cody says it means you have to be 5+ to play the game as he then says 5 or more people would be insane as he then says 100 people could play the game, claiming that it would be the entire world could play it but four people. Junior then says he sees it now as Cody then asks if they want to play Grouch Couch, but Junior and Joseph decline, resulting in Cody putting the game away. Junior then says "Let's just watch TV" as he then turns the TV on. The TV turns on to a commercial with Steve Staleburger, who is with Mike Tyson. Steve says "Hey there, would you like to make 100 million dollars or give it to charity?" as he then says that tonight, they are going to box Mike Tyson for charity event, and if they submit their name, they are going to have a raffle, and if their name is chosen, they get to box Mike Tyson. He then says if they win, they get 100 million dollars, but if they lose, it goes to charity. Mike Tyson then says that he has one thing to say, which was they are going to die as he then says he's going to eat their children, step on their testicles, and when they are at the brink of death, he's going to bottle it to release to the sea, and let it wash up to an island that has a guy who's also at the brink of death, who would consume it, only to get possessed by them, causing them to be stuck on the island for some time until they are at the brink of death, and then he's going to go on the island, hoping out of a plane with a parachute, and box them again. Steve then says if they want that to happen to them, then submit their name now.
After the commercial, Junior gets excited as he says they should enter their name into the drawing so one of them can fight Mike Tyson, but Cody and Joseph don't want to as Cody says he's not entering while Joseph says he's asking to get buried, but Junior tells them they could win 100 million dollars. Cody then says "If you beat Mike Tyson" as he then says that's not what he's going to do, but Junior says what if he punch him in the right spot of his temple like the side of his head, but Cody says he's not going to let him do that and he's just going to beat his ass. Joseph then says he eats ears for a living, but Junior tells that that they could win 100 million dollars, but Cody says he could also die. Junior then tells him that if he dies, they donate 100 million dollars to charity, and he's going to be in the history books for the big donation, which Cody says yeah, but then says he doesn't understand how much of a killing machine Mike Tyson is as he then shows him his fight with Archibald "Put up your Dukes" Hamilton III, which he puts it on as Joseph says that was a sick knockout, which Cody responds to that, saying "Yeah, he killed him". After they watch that fight, Joseph says "Woah dude, he killed his ass, there go big mike" as Cody then tells Junior that Mike Tyson punched all the water out of his body, resulting in Archal dying from dehydration. Junior then says it was a brutal knockout as Cody then shows him his fight with Baby Hands McGee, who was a boxer with a normal sized body, but baby sized hands. After they watch that fight, Cody asks Junior if that convinces him to not fight Mike Tyson, but Junior says no because he had very tiny hands, and he didn't have a chance, which Cody says ok as he then shows him his fight with Clarence the Giant, who was a boxer with a huge height advantage, which Joseph says he was favored to win as Cody then tells him to watch the outcome as he then puts it on. After they watch that fight, Cody tells Junior "See Junior, there he goes, eating up ears left and right", which he says he means it literally like their left and right ear. Joseph then says he can't be stopped as Cody then asks him if he really wants to fight Mike Tyson, which Junior says he doesn't want to fight him, but he thinks he should at least enter his name into the raffle, and if God picks his name, then he'll fight him. Joseph then asks him if he's going to leave it up to God as Cody then says it's not God deciding, it's a raffle, which Junior says he knows as he then says if his name happens to get picked, then it's his turn to try to get 100 million dollars and knock out Mike Tyson. Cody then says he doesn't have to do this, but Junior says he wants to because he wants to win 100 million dollars. He then leaves, saying he's going to let God decide.
Junior then comes back, saying he put his name in the hat as he says they are downstairs with a hat. Junior then gets shocked as he says "Look, the result of the drawing" as the episode cuts to Steve Staleburger and Mike Tyson, where Steve says it's time for the drawing to see who gets to fight Mike Tyson as he explains that he has a handful of names in a hat, but not a lot as he says he thinks it because not many people want to get beat up by Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson then points to the hat, saying there are a lot of idiots in the hat as Steve draws a name from the hat. Steve ends up drawing Junior's name from the hat, which he says that there is no last name or address or anything, but if their name is Junior, come on down as Mike Tyson then gets the cameraman to get a lot closer to say "Hey Junior, your going to fucking die" to intimate Junior. He then repeats what he said earlier before getting stopped by Steve, telling him that he already said it. Mike Tyson then says "Get cash, get ready buddy" as Steve then says "Come on down in the next 5 minutes. Mike Tyson then says "Practice taking your last breath" as the video cuts back to Junior, who tells his friend that he won, but Cody asks him if he really win, which Joseph joins in as he asks Junior if he wanted to win, which Junior tells them that God picked his name, and it's his turn, but Cody tells him that it's his turn to get brutally murdered. Junior then says he could possible win 100 million dollars if he hits Mike Tyson on the side of his head, but Cody says he doesn't know anything about boxing and he hasn't trained. Junior tells him that he at least knows "that" as he taps the side of Cody's head, but Cody tells him to at least have a training montage so he knows something, which Junior agrees to do it as the video then shows a montage of Junior doing some boxing training.
After the montage, Junior says he feels really good and it was a really good montage, but Cody says it should of been longer. Junior then asks who's going to come with him to his fight, which Cody doesn't say something while Joseph says he's going to watch it on TV. Junior then asks if he's not really coming to be in his ring and rub his shoulders, and be like "Come on champ", which Joseph says he's not rubbing a dude's shoulders and he doesn't want to see him die as he then leaves, saying he got to place a parley on him. Junior then asks Cody if he's betting against him, which Cody says he think he is, which Junior says "Oh ok" as he then asks Cody if he's coming to watch him fight. Cody says he is as he says he can give him CPR as both Junior and Cody then leave. Junior then goes to the table at the event, where Mike Tyson and Steve Staleburger are at, which Junior says to Steve "Hey it's me, Junior, I'm the guy for the Mike Tyson event". Steve tells him to wait a minute as he pulls his name out of the hat to asks if that's him, which Junior confirms that's him. Steve then says "Okay, good!" as he says they have been waiting for him. Junior then says "Oh, well, you don't have to check my ID to make sure I'm the real Junior?", which Steve says no as he says they don't have time for that because the fight's tonight and they got to get started. He then says they are doing a press conference, so he's going to ask him a few questions to get people interested in the fight because not a lot of people know it's happening. Steve asks him what he's going to do to Mike Tyson, which Junior says he's going to hit him in the face a lot, which Steve says it's big words as he asks Mike Tyson what he thinks about that, which Mike Tyson says "How sweet" as he then says he reminds him of a Teddy bear that he ripped the head off of when he was 4, and he got mad when it wasn't cotton candy as he then says he's going to rip his head off and eat his insides like cotton candy, and if it isn't cotton candy, he's going to murder his whole family. Steve asks Junior what he thinks about that, which Junior says he thought it was a boxing match, which Steve says it is as he then asks how many rounds he think the fight is going to go, which Junior says it's going to last 12 rounds, only for Mike Tyson to laugh at him as he says "In his sweetest fucking dreams' as he then tells Junior to say Mississippi, which Junior says it before he laughs and says he's going to be dead before "ippi". Steve then says "You hear that folks, dead before ippi" as he says let's go to the rink to get the fight started.
At the ring, Steve says "Hello and welcome to the Mike Tyson charity boxing match" as he first introduces Mike Tyson from the blue corner, being 5'10, and weighing 220 pounds, which Mike Tyson laughs as he says "Yes I'm Mike here, Mr. Melatonin Mike" as he says it's because he's about to put his ass to sleep with Tylenol PM and NyQuil as he laughs some more. He then says it's going to be the easiest night of sleep his opponent has ever had. He then says he's going to rip his ear off and put seasoning on it to eat it, and he's going to wash it down with Sprite. Steve then introduces Junior from the red corner, which Junior says "That's right, it's me, Junior" as he then says he's about to knock him out and get paid. Steve then says let's get the fight underway as Brooklyn Guy says he wants a nice, plain fight, no hitting below the belt, and no biting ears off, which he says "I'm talking to you, Mike Tyson". Mike Tyson says they are biting ears off today as he then says it's a all you can eat ear buffet. He then tells Junior to bring his ear, but Brooklyn Guy says none of that as he then says the fight is going to be 12 rounds, but then says let's be honest as he then says it's going to be like 4 seconds, and he would last longer in bed with Margo Robbie then this. Brooklyn Guy then asks them if there is anything they would like to say to each other, which Mike Tyson says it's going to be real quick and he's going to tuck Junior in nicely, give him his pacifier, and knock him out. Brooklyn Guy then says "Get ready" as he then counts from 3, and says "Fight!" to start the match, which Mike Tyson instantly knocks Junior out by punching his face, resulting in him flexing about being the best and being the Champion. Brooklyn Guy then says "Hold on, let me see if I can get him up" as he goes to Junior, who is laying on the floor. Brooklyn Guy says "Holy shit, two black eyes with one punch" as he sees Junior has two black eyes. He then asks Junior if he's sure he wants to do this, which Junior says yeah. Brooklyn Guy then asks him what day it is as Mike Tyson tells him to stay down, which Junior responds to Brooklyn Guy, saying July. Brooklyn Guy tells him that he should probably quit, but Mike Tyson jumps on Junior and tries to bite his ear off, but Brooklyn Guy tells him to stop as he then asks Junior that he really shouldn't do it, but Junior says he wants to. Brooklyn Guy then says "Fuck it" as he then tells Junior to come on, which Junior then proceeds to get back up for another round. Back up now, Junior says he's ready, but Brooklyn Guy tells him to turn around as Junior was facing him and not Mike Tyson, which Junior turns around to face Mike Tyson as Mike Tyson wants him to line Junior up, which Brooklyn Guy proceeds to do that. Brooklyn Guy then starts the round as Mike Tyson instantly knocks him out again by punching his face. He then flexes for a little as he then jumps on Junior to try to bite his ear off again, but he wasn't able to as Brooklyn Guy distracts him by using one of Junior's gloves as a toy to get Mike Tyson away from Junior. Brooklyn Guy then tells Junior to get the hell away as he then takes Junior home. Steve then says their winner by knockout and eaten ear is Mike Tyson, which Mike Tyson flexes about this win as he flexes about being the best and then makes ear jokes as he then leaves the ring.
At the Red Couch, Brooklyn Guy lays Junior down on the couch as he tells Junior that he brought him home. Junior asks him if he won the fight, but Brooklyn Guy says no as he then says he did get his ear bitten off by Mike Tyson, which he calls it a rare privilege. Joseph then comes in, saying "Dang it dude, I lost my bet", which Cody asks him if he actually bet on Junior to win, which Joseph says no as he says he actually bet on him to get knocked out in the first punch, but he lasted two punches as he then says he can't believe it. Junior then asks if he get the money, but Brooklyn Guy says no, but he did get is CTE; Brain Damage as he then says he has that to look forward to as he then leaves. Joseph then says he's so grouchy right now as he then makes a Chef Pee Pee Grouchy Couch joke, which Cody laughs at that joke as he then says "Fucking What?"
- Junior
- Joseph
- Cody
- Mike Tyson
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Steve Staleburger
- Archibald "Put Up Your Dukes" Hamilton III
- Baby Hands McGee
- Clarence the Giant
- Chef Pee Pee (mentioned)
- God (mentioned)
- This video was based on the Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson boxing match that aired on the same day as the video.
- This video was uploaded 5 years after "Jeffy's Commercial!" and 9 years after "Black Yoshi's Call of Duty Black Ops 3!".
- This is Steve Staleburger's first appearance since "Jeffy's Lego Competition!".
- Junior's ear wasn't bitten off in the boxing ring, but on the couch, it was.
- In the thumbnail, Brooklyn Guy wears a black shirt and is seen holding a camera, but those things were not seen in the actual video.
To see full results of this poll, see here.