"Junior's New Year's Resolution!" is the 783rd episode of SML Movies, the first episode of Season 15, and the first video of 2023.
Junior promises to stop making fun of Cody!
The video starts off with Junior reminding his friends that it's 2023. Cody asks Junior and Joseph what their new year's resolution is. Junior and Joseph both say that they don't need to change anything about themselves. Cody says that his new year's resolution is that he wants to learn a new skill. Junior says that Cody's skill is being a pimple farmer with all of the pimples on his face.
Cody says that Junior's resolution should be that he should stop bullying Cody. Joseph and Junior both don't believe that Junior can't do that. Cody tells Junior to try, and Junior agrees. Then Judy calls Cody with a cringeworthy ringtone. Junior and Joseph both laugh at the ringtone.
Cody asks Junior if he has a problem with the ringtone but Junior declines. Judy asks Cody how her little piggy is going. Cody says "oink-oink-oink-oink-oink" and says that he's doing fine. Cody says that he's hanging out with his friends. Joseph and Junior both try hold in their laughter. Joseph says that Cody isn't making it easy for Junior to follow his resolution. Judy then says that she was reminding him to change his diaper incase he poops his pants.
Cody assures his mom that he won't shit himself. But then Cody shits himself and Judy gets mad at him. Junior and Joseph try to restrain their laughter. Judy says that Cody's a bad little piggy and tells Cody to bring the phone to his tushy so she can spank it. Judy tells Cody to be home by 9:00 so she can give him his suppository pills. Joseph and Junior keep trying to not laugh.
Judy and Cody keep telling each other "i love you," which then turns into them saying "hang up," which Judy then hangs up. After Judy hangs up, Cody starts crying because he loves her more. Then Junior finally laughs and Cody asks Junior if he is making fun of Cody. Junior says no, Junior was just laughing because Joseph told Junior a knock-knock joke. Cody doesn't find the knock-knock joke that funny but Junior says that it's an inside-joke.
Junior then asks Joseph what his new year's resolution is. Joseph says that he wants to be rich. Cody says that it's unrealistic and then Joseph gets mad. Joseph asks is it unrealistic for a black man to get rich in America. Cody says that it's unrealistic because they're kids. Joseph says that LeBron James was a kid and now he's rich. Cody said that he got rich after he was a kid. But then Junior says that he got rich when he was a kid because he played basketball when he was a kid. Cody just gives up and agrees with Joseph. Joseph says that he better believe in him and leaves to make money.
Junior asks Cody what his skill is going to be and Cody says that he wants to learn how to cook. Junior says that cooking is so "gaaaaa-" but stops because he doesn't want to lose his new year's resolution. Junior says agrees to help Cody learn how to cook and they go to the kitchen. Junior obviously doesn't want to cook.
Cody says that he hopes Chef Pee Pee is okay with them using his kitchen. Junior tells Cody Chef Pee Pee wouldn't mind and he loves when people use his kitchen. Junior then gets Cody some eggs and baloney for him to cook. Cody believes that he can make an omelette with it. Cody cracks an egg and falls to the floor. Cody doesn't pick it up and gets a new egg. Cody cracks the egg and only a little bit of yolk gets in the pan. Junior and Cody agree that it's okay. Cody gets some baloney and throws it on the pan. Junior says that it doesn't look like an omelete.
Cody asks for cheese and Junior gets string-cheese. Cody tells Junior to throw the string cheese in the pan and Junior does that. Cody then tries to flip the "omelete" but then drops the pan to the ground. Cody picks it up and picks up the egg off of the floor. When the camera comes up to the stove, the pan is on fire. Junior and Cody don't know what to do so they just run without putting out the fire. Chef Pee Pee comes in and sees the fire. Chef Pee Pee says that he was out of the kitchen for five minutes and now there's a fire. Chef Pee Pee puts out the fire.
Cody and Junior are back at the couch. Cody remembers that they didn't put the fire out. Chef Pee Pee comes in to yell at Junior. Chef Pee Pee asks who started a fire in the kitchen. Junior says it was Cody. Cody tries to come up with an excuse but agrees that it was him. Chef Pee Pee asks why he was even cooking in the kitchen. Cody says that he wanted to learn how to make an omelette. Chef Pee Pee tells Cody that he is the chef and if Cody wants lessons, just go ask Chef Pee Pee. Cody says he doesn't want to cook anymore.
Junior asks Cody what is skill is going to be now. Cody says that he wants to learn how to sew so he can make sweaters and stuff. Junior says that's so "gaaaaaaa-oood." Junior says it's such a good skill to have. Cody agrees and goes to get a sewing kit. Junior says "what is he, 80 years old?"
Cody comes back with a needle and a spool of thread. He says that it's going to turn into a sweater. Junior asks how but Cody says he doesn't know but starts anyways. Cody pulls on the thread and pokes it. He says he going to look on YouTube for answers. Joseph comes back and says that he found a way to becomes a billionaire. Joseph says that if Junior gives him a dollar, he'll give him two dollars. Junior gives him a dollar.
Joseph goes up to Cody and tells him the same thing that he told Junior. Cody gives him a dollar and Joseph goes back to Junior. He gives Junior his two dollars and says that he can give him three dollars if he gives him two dollars. Junior gives him two dollars and Joseph goes to Cody. Joseph gives Cody his two dollars and says that if he gives him three dollars, he'll give Cody four dollars. Joseph gives Junior his three dollars and says that if Junior gives Joseph four dollars, he'll give Junior five. Junior gives Joseph four dollars and them Joseph runs off with the money.
Junior asks where he went and then Cody says that he ran off with their money. Cody says that he invented a ponzi scheme. Junior asks what a ponzi scheme is and Cody says that it's what Joseph just did. Cody says that it's where you get other people's money to pay back other people and then run off with the money. Junior says that Joseph can become a billionaire. Cody says that he could but it's very illegal. Junior says that it's smart but dumb.
Junior says that Joseph's resolution came true. Junior asks if Cody finished making a sweater. Cody brings in a corny sweater that says "Happy Llamakkah." Cody says it's for Hanukkah but just Llamas. Cody says that he's wearing a yamaka, a little "llama-yamaka," a "llama-yama-yama-llamaka," and Cody keeps going with this because Junior can't make fun of him. Junior says that he thinks today was a success, Joseph made a lot of money, Junior didn't bully Cody, and Cody learned how to sew.
Cody agreed but Cody said that they had like three minutes left in the video. Cody said that they should see other people's new year resolutions. Then the doorbell rings. Junior answers the door and sees Joseph handcuffed by Brooklyn T. Guy. Brooklyn Guy asks if Junior knows Joseph and Junior says yes. Brooklyn Guy said he caught him running a ponzi scheme and he stole his 401k because Joseph said he'd double it. Junior asked why Brooklyn Guy was bringing Joseph to his house instead of jail. Brooklyn Guy explained that he made bail using his 401k.
Junior asks Brooklyn Guy what his new year's resolution is. Brooklyn Guy said that it was to retire, but now he can't because Joseph took his 401k. Brooklyn Guy said that his NEW new year's resolution is to work for 40 more years until he eventually dies. Joseph says that he could run a ponzi scheme. Brooklyn Guy tells Joseph to shut up. Brooklyn Guy says he going to drive onto oncoming traffic with his eyes closed, hoping he dies.
When Joseph and Junior get back to the couch, Cody says that they scared him. Cody then says that he fixed his sleeves. Joseph asks what the sweater is and Junior explains that it's his "Happy Llamukkah" shirt. Cody says he knitted it himself and he has a song for the shirt. Cody starts singing his "song."
Joseph asks Junior how he hasn't bullied him yet. Junior says it's been very hard and he's almost had a brain aneurysm. Cody asks Joseph where his money is. Joseph says that if Cody gives him 5 dollars, he'll give him 100 bucks. Cody says he's not giving Joseph any more money.
Judy comes back. Cody says hey mama-bear. Cody then looks at Junior to ask him if he wants to say anything mean. Junior says that Judy is a fat and ugly whale. Cody gets mad and says he wouldn't bully him. Junior says that he isn't bulling Cody, he's bullying Cody's mom. He said that he's perfect and there's nothing wrong with him. Junior says that his mom is a stinky, fat bitch.
Cody says that Junior found a loophole so he can let it slide. Judy asks Cody if he changed his poopy britches. Cody says yes but then Judy wants to smell his britches. Judy smells his britches and says it is very poopy. Judy asks Cody why he didn't change his britches. Cody says that he didn't want to change his britches because he didn't his friends to find out that he shit himself. Judy tells Cody to tell his friends that he shit himself. Cody tells Junior and Joseph (who are barely holding in their laughter) that he shit himself and that he's a stinky boy. Judy says that he's the stinkiest boy.
Junior and Joseph say sorry that Cody shit himself. Judy says that he has to do the "poopy-pants dance." Cody agrees to do it. Cody does the poopy-pants dance where he sings "I pooped my pants, I pooped my pants, I'm a stinky boy" and dances around. Judy says that he needs to go home to change his poopy pants. Cody apologizes about pooping his pants.
Junior and Joseph are both on the edge of exploding with laughter. Junior says that Cody is such a nerd and such a loser. Then Cody comes back and catches Junior bullying him. He said that he caught him breaking his new year's resolution. Judy asks if they got him and Cody says that they did. Cody says it would be worth it to shit himself. Junior and Joseph both laugh to end the video.
- Junior
- Cody
- Joseph
- Chef Pee Pee
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Judy
- LeBron James (mentioned)
- This is the tenth time that Brooklyn T. Guy has mad eyes. The first being "Brooklyn Guy's New Wife!", the second being "No Nut November!", the third being "Charleyyy Gets Arrested!", the fourth being "Jeffy Gets Arrested!", the fifth being "Duggie Needs Call of Duty!", the sixth being "Jeffy's Trophy!", the seventh being "The Cop Bet!", the eighth being "Junior's Pizza Company!", and the ninth being "The Santa Clause Problem!."
- This is the first appearances of Junior, Cody, Joseph, Brooklyn T. Guy, Judy, and Chef Pee Pee in 2023.
- This episode was uploaded on New Year's Day.
- This episode was uploaded five years after "Jeffy The Rapper 2", seven years after "Mario's Turtle Problem!", eight years after "Bowser Loses His Voice!", nine years after "Chef Pee Pee's Father", twelve years after "Shrimpo Hunter Episode 2", and fifteen years after "Mario and Tony: Happy New Year".
- This is the first SML video of 2023 and the first video of January 2023.
- This SML question was reused from "Jeffy's New Year's Resolution".
- Cody and Junior starting a fire in the kitchen is a reference to a vlog in 2018 where Tito and Logan tried to cook for Chilly, but started multiple fires. The video can be watched here.
- At 3:13, part of Pablo's legs can be seen.
- At 9:34, Pablo starts laughing.
To see full results of this poll, see here.