"Jeffy The Country Singer!" is the 868th episode of SML Movies.
Jeffy is a country singer now!
Rose asks Marvin if she can get front row tickets to Trailer Park Danny's concert, but he denies, so she cries and leaves the room. Jeffy, inspired by him, decides to make a country song himself. Marvin disapproves of it for being to inappropriate, but Jeffy gets approached by a record label to sign a deal that offers him a lot of money. They take the deal, but Trailer Park Danny and his wife/sister Charlene come to their house.
Danny confronts Jeffy about replacing him in the record label, and demands half of the money he received in the deal. Danny leaves after Marvin refuses, but Jeffy and Charlene start flirting with each other. Danny goes back to check on Charlene, but sees her in bed with Jeffy.
Devastated, Danny makes another song about heartbreak with Tyrone, which hits #1 on the global billboard. Because of this, Marvin and Jeffy lose the money they received, and Danny leaves Charlene on the spot to make songs with Tyrone. Marvin asks Jeffy to make another country song to get the money back, but he refuses.
- Jeffy
- Marvin
- Rose
- Steve Staleburger
- Mr. Goodman
- Trailer Park Danny (debut)
- Charlene (debut)
- Tyrone
- Pumpkin II
- Feebee (indirectly mentioned)
- This is the last episode of July 2023.
- This video was uploaded two years after "Jeffy's Scavenger Hunt!", three years after "Jeffy's Big Mess!", and four years after "Bowser Junior's Crazy Sleepover!".
- The Trailer Park Danny puppet is actually a recycled Pooby puppet built by Elaina.
- Charlene was recycled from the first Karen puppet from 2015-2017.
- The song scenes were filmed at Anthony parents' farm.
- Jeffy's song was originally going to be Danny's song.
- This episode marks the third time Jeffy imitates Woody.
- This episode marks the first time Jeffy has said "Baboo bap, bap, baboo" since "Cops And Robbers!".
- This episode was released on the same date Pee-Wee Herman actor Paul Reubens died at the age of 70.
- At the start of the video, Jeffy says Dale Earnhardt’s car crashed into the wall in 2001 and burst into flames, however, there was barely any flames in the crash.
To see full results of this poll, see here.