"Jeffy's Scream!" is the 1,075th episode of SML Movies.
The video starts with Jeffy, making random noises infront of Marvin and Rose. Marvin asks Jeffy why he's making those noises, which Jeffy says it's because it's November 26th and his "Yogurt Slinger" hasn't sneezed yet. Marvin is confused about this as he says "What?", which Jeffy tells him he has gone the entire month of November without firing his "Milk Canon" and it's about to overheat as he makes some groaning sounds. Marvin is still confused as he asks Jeffy what's a "Milk Cannon" and what's he talking about, which Jeffy says he's part of the "31st Gooner Battalion" and he's edging, which Marvin was about to ask Jeffy what's he talking about as the power then goes out. Jeffy screams as he says it's dark and scary, which Marvin tells him to calm down and it's that the power just went out as the power then comes back on. Rose then asks why the power went out, which Marvin says he doesn't know, and it maybe be a power surge or maybe someone's pet hamster chewed on the powerlines. Marvin then asks why a hamster would even be on the powerlines, which Rose says she doesn't know and she was taking a guess before the power then goes out again, causing Jeffy to scream some more until the power goes back on again, which Marvin tells Jeffy that the power is back on as he then asks why he's screaming, which Jeffy tells him that it's because he's scared of the dark as Rose then asks Marvin why it's happening, which Marvin tells Rose he doesn't know and it might be the weather's bad and maybe the telephone wires are being knocked down from the wind. Marvin then says "Let's turn on the news" so they can see if the news knows, which he turns it on to the news channel, where Mr. Goodman is reporting that the United States Power Grid was attacked by Russian hackers, and there's now a nationwide power shortage. He then says in order to resupply the Power Grid, all US citizens with children will be given Monsters Inc canisters and they will have to scare their children to collect their scream because if they have seen the movie Monsters Inc, children's screams can power a whole city. After the news report, Marvin is shocked about this as he says "Russian hackers?". Rose then asks where they are rushing too as Marvin then says "What are they talking about a scream can" as the doorbell then rings, which Marvin gets up and then leaves, saying "Who's at the door".
Marvin opens the door to reveal it's Brooklyn T. Guy, who is there to give him his government-issued scream can, which he tells him to have his kids scream into it, which Marvin tells him he doesn't have a kid and Jeffy's 20, but Brooklyn Guy tells him that it doesn't really matter how old he is as he says it goes by mental age and not physical age as he then says "Let's be honest, Jeffy is not mentally 20 years old". Marvin then says ok as he asks what he needs to do, which Brooklyn Guy tells him to have Jeffy scream into it, but it has to be genuine scream like he's really afraid for his life, which Marvin says it's easy as he says Jeffy gets scared easily, but Brooklyn Guy tells him that laughter works better than scream according to the Monsters Inc movie as he then tells him it's even better if he can make Jeffy laugh, but Marvin tells him Jeffy doesn't really laugh. Brooklyn Guy then says it's a good thing he's looking at Jokey McJoker Steen, which he says that's what they used to call him in high school because of how funny he was. Marvin tells him he can make Jeffy laugh if he wants to, which Brooklyn Guy makes a joke as he says he'll give it a shot, which he explains that it's because he's a cop and they frequently shoot people, but Marvin says it was a kind of a stretch, which Brooklyn Guy makes a joke out of that. Marvin then tells him to try to make Jeffy laugh, which Brooklyn Guy makes a joke as he says he'll take a crack at it, which he explains that it's because he's a cop like he said earlier and he arrests crack addicts as he then says "Don't do Crack" before Marvin tells him to just come in and try to make Jeffy laugh, which Brooklyn Guy says ok as they then proceed to go upstairs to the Red Couch.
At the Red Couch, Rose asks Marvin who was at the door, which Marvin was about to say something before Brooklyn Guy comes in and says "Hey there everybody" as he then says he's Brooklyn T. Guy but they can call him Jokey McJokester Pants, which Marvin says he thought it was Steen, but Brooklyn Guy says "Yeah, I got a Steen in my pants" as he makes a DooDoo Stain joke. He then does a joke interview with Marvin about what he does for a living, which Marvin says he sits at the couch all day. Brooklyn Guy then proceeds to turn it into a couch-moon crater joke about his ex-wife. Brooklyn Guy then does a joke interview with Rose, which he starts off with asking her what's her name, which Rose says her name. Brooklyn Guy then tells Rose he bets he can guess her mother's favorite flower, which Rose says ok as Brooklyn Guy then says "Is it a tulip?", which Rose says no as Brooklyn Guy explains that he switched it up on her. Brooklyn Guy then asks Jeffy "How'd you get here, a car? as he then says it looks like he got there on a vehicle that would require a helmet as he then asks "Is that right?" only for Jeffy to not answer him. Brooklyn Guy then asks if they want to hear some jokes, which Marvin and Rose says yeah to that. Brooklyn Guy then proceeds to start telling jokes, where each time he tells a joke, Rose laughs. Brooklyn Guy then asks Marvin "Why did the Birds attack the dog", which Marvin says "Why?", which Brooklyn Guy says it's because he was pure bread as he explains that it's because Birds like bread, which both Marvin and Brooklyn Guy say they do as Rose then laughs at that joke. Brooklyn Guy then asks Jeffy "What do you call four Mexicans in quicksand?", which he answers it with "Cuatro Sinko" as he then laughs while Jeffy says "I just came". Brooklyn Guy then says he got to do one more and then he goes as he says "What's the difference between the world's biggest hippopotamus and my ex-wife?" as he then answers it with "Absolutely fucking nothing" as he then laughs, but then rephases it to "What's the difference between the world's biggest hippopotamus and my ex-wife?" to have the answer be "I'd want to have sex with the hippopotamus" as he then laughs, but says that's his time as he's got to get going as he thanks them while leaving. Brooklyn Guy then asks himself "What was that, what was that?" as Karen and Steve Staleburger then come in, which Karen tells Brooklyn Guy he did so great, but Brooklyn Guy doesn't think so as he tells her he sucked. Karen doesn't agree as she says he was hilarious and she was laughing the whole time, which Brooklyn Guy asks "Really?" as he says he was hearing crickets up there and he was dying up there. Steve then tells him that he did good, but Brooklyn Guy doesn't think so as he tells him that he doesn't think he's cut out for that kind of thing as he says he was bombing, and the one girl didn't even know why she was laughing, and the one guy "came" as he then asks "What was that even about?" as he then questions if he help as he says that's not what he going for, but Karen tells him that he just needs more practice, which Steve agrees as he says it's his first gig. Brooklyn Guy agrees with them as he says they are right, but then asks if he go on too long with all the DooDoo Ass stuff as he says it felt like too long, but he did the chant and he thinks they liked that. Karen then tells him that she loved his hummus joke, which Brooklyn Guy is confused as he asks what's she talking about, but Karen tells him "No, the chickpeas like in hummus like oh who wants hummus all over their face I mean unless you're eating it, it gets really messy and it gets crusty in the corners of your mouth", which Brooklyn Guy gets it as he then says he'll write that down.
Brooklyn Guy then comes back in, dressed in his cop uniform, telling them he's back as he was in the bathroom. He then asks if there was a guy who looks kind of like him as he then says that was his brother Jokey McJokester Steen Pants Ste, but Marvin says that was just him in a suit, which Brooklyn Guy says no as he checks the scream can, only to see nothing, which he assumes it's defective as it should be overflowing with giggle power, but Jeffy says "Face it Brooklyn Guy, you're never going to feel that can" in Roz's voice, but Brooklyn Guy tells him "Shut up Roz" as Jeffy then continues saying in Roz's voice "Don't forget to file your paperwork correctly, for once", which Brooklyn Guy says now he sees like Mike Wozowski doesn't like them. Marvin then says "So we just have to make Jeffy scream them?", which Brooklyn Guy says yeah as he then says they just got to make him scream in the can, which Jeffy makes a joke as he says "I can do that, but without the S", but Brooklyn Guy tells him to stop it as it's November and he's not supposed to be doing that, only for Jeffy to tell him he already failed. Marvin then says "So we have to find ways to scare Jeffy right", which Brooklyn Guy confirms it as Marvin says it's kind of like the video "Jeffy's Hiccups", only for Brooklyn Guy to tell him to shut up as he says they are halfway through and maybe he should of said it sooner. Marvin then asks if he knows a way to make Jeffy scream, which Brooklyn Guy says he knows exactly how to do that as he brings in a Ice Cream cone, which he proceeds to scream, and then says "Now you", which Marvin doesn't scream as Brooklyn Guy says "You see Marvin, I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream", only for Marvin to get upset as he says "That was your big plan to make him scream!?", which Brooklyn Guy says to him "Okay, let's see your plan" which Marvin proceeds to do so as he tries telling Jeffy that the whole world's going to stop making food, and the only thing he can eat is green beans, along with telling him that he's grounded for the rest of his life, and no video games or anything, only for those to not work as Jeffy didn't care, which this upsets Marvin as he asks if anyone have anything else, which Rose tells him that she has a idea as she explains to him that earlier, Jeffy screamed when the lights went out, which Marvin says he did as he tells Brooklyn Guy to turn the lights off, which Brooklyn Guy proceeds to turn the lights off as he tells him not to call him by his full name. Rose then tells Marvin "Wait, his name's crazy?" as Marvin then says "Jeffy, I really hope the power doesn't go out" as the lights then go out, which Marvin and Rose scream while Jeffy doesn't care. Marvin tells him that he screamed the last time the power went out, which Jeffy says he did, but he can't really think about it right now because he just shot a "Bucket of glue" out of his "Gummy worm", which this upsets Marvin as he tells Brooklyn Guy to turn the lights on, which Brooklyn Guy turns them back on as he says "I told you not to call me that, it's weird", which Rose asks him if he prefers Crazy, but Brooklyn Guy tells her that they can be fun, but when they start blowing up his phone, it gets to be a problem, and then they show up at his house when his wife is there, and he can't be doing that, which this confuses Rose as she tells Marvin she's confused. Marvin then asks Brooklyn Guy if he has anything else to make him scared and scream, which Brooklyn Guy says he does as he says he thinks he got something as he leaves.
Brooklyn Guy the comes back, telling Jeffy that nothing makes kids scream like roller coasters, but they don't have any roller coasters around, so he bought Roller Coaster Tycoon for the iPad, so they are going to ride a roller coaster on the iPad as he then starts the ride in first person view, which he makes fake screaming noises. Brooklyn Guy then asks Jeffy what noise he would make if he was on it, which Jeffy answers it by moaning. Brooklyn Guy says that's what he would not do as he would go "ahh!" because it's scary, but then says they are upside down as the roller coaster goes upside down. Brooklyn Guy then says "Isn't that crazy, isn't that just bananas?" as Marvin tells Jeffy to scream as he fake screams when the roller coaster goes down, but Jeffy says something about banana cream pie, but Brooklyn Guy tells him to focus on the roller coaster. Marvin tells him that maybe it's not working, which Brooklyn Guy agrees as he stops the ride, and says they need a crazier roller coaster as he then goes to a custom roller coaster with a big climb and drop, which Brooklyn Guy says it's going to be a good one and it's going to scare the pants off him as he then starts the ride in first person view, which he says "Aren't you just excited?" as the roller coaster goes up, which Marvin says it's a big climb. They then continue to act like it's scary as the roller makes the big drop but then crashes and explodes as the track isn't finished. Marvin asks Jeffy what he thinks about that, but Jeffy gives no reaction, which Brooklyn Guy says he doesn't think it worked. Marvin then asks if there is anything else he can do to make him scream, which Brooklyn Guy says he does as he brings in a gun, and acts intimidating, but Jeffy still doesn't give a reaction as he says he's going to stick a yellow crayon in his ass, which Brooklyn Guy asks does it have to be yellow, which Jeffy says no and it could be purple as he doesn't give a fuck. Brooklyn Guy then puts the gun down as he tells Marvin he doesn't think they are going to make Jeffy scream and they got a defective can, but Marvin says no as he says he haven't made him scream or laugh, which Brooklyn Guy says "Oh well, there's the problem". Marvin tells him he was supposed to be doing that, which Brooklyn Guy says he knows as Marvin was about to ask something, but he stops talking as a fly comes in, which Brooklyn Guy says "Stupid fly get out of here", which the fly causes Jeffy to scream and say "Daddy! There's a fly, it's going to eat my face!" as he then runs out, screaming. Brooklyn Guy tells Marvin to look at the scream can as it's full now as he comments about how full it is. Brooklyn Guy then tells Marvin that it looks like he did his duty as he then says "Speaking of duty" as he opens his cop uniform shirt to reveal a suit under it as he then asks if anybody got any doody stains there. Brooklyn Guy then says "Hey, when I say doody, you say ass" as he then starts the chant with Marvin and Rose, which after the chant, Brooklyn Guy says "Yes Sir!".
- Jeffy
- Marvin
- Rose
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Steve Staleburger
- Karen
- Mr. Goodman
- Junior (poster background appearance)
- Joseph (poster background appearance)
- Cody (poster background appearance)
- Chef Pee Pee (poster background appearance)
- Alien's Wife (indirectly mentioned)
- This video was uploaded 4 years after "Pregnant Jeffy!", 6 years after "Ghost Jeffy!", 9 years after "Mario's Thanksgiving Problem!", and 15 years after "A Crappy Thanksgiving".
- This is Karen's first appearance since "Trick Or Treat!".
- Aside from Marvin referencing that this video's idea is similar to "Jeffy Has Hiccups!", Jeffy gets scared by a fly just like in that video.
- This is one of the rare videos where Jeffy says Brooklyn T. Guy’s name.
This video makes references to Monsters Inc.
- When Marvin makes a comment about this video being similar to the video where Jeffy gets hiccups, he says the video title as, "Jeffy's Hiccups", when it is actually "Jeffy Has Hiccups".
- Marvin tells Brooklyn Guy that Jeffy doesn't really laugh, even though Marvin has seen Jeffy laugh before in at least a few videos before this one occurred. Additionally, Brooklyn Guy was with Marvin while watching Jeffy laugh one time in "Jeffy's Club!".
To see full results of this poll, see here.