"Jeffy's Penny!" is the 723rd episode of SML Movies.
Jeffy throws a penny off the top of the Empire State Building!
The episode starts off with Junior asking what everyone wants to do. Cody suggests they go to the arcade and play. Junior asks if anyone have quarters. Cody has four quarters, two nickels and a penny. Junior asks who has pennies anymore. Joseph says if someone throws a penny of the Empire State Building, they will die. Everyone says they should try it, the building being in New York City. They ask Chef Pee Pee to buy plane tickets to go to New York. Cody doubts, Chef Pee Pee preparing his bag to go to Hawaii, having the money from selling a kidney. Junior steals his cash.
Chef Pee Pee comes into the living room, asking where the money is. Junior says he doesn't know. Chef Pee Pee asks why he is laying down. Junior saying his back hurts, in reality, Junior is laying on top of the money to hide it. Cody kisses Junior, causing Chef Pee Pee to leave. They go to New York, and Jeffy throws the penny off. It hits someone. Brooklyn T. Guy comes in and takes Jeffy to jail. Rose asks Marvin if he have seen Jeffy. A text message comes to Marvin, it saying he threw off a penny from the Empire State Building and hit someone, who turns out to be Pooby. The police come, telling Marvin Jeffy did that. Brooklyn tells he is charged with 2 charges, and that the guy he hit is suing Jeffy for the "boo-boo" on his head.
They hire a lawyer, it being Brooklyn T. Guy. Judge Pooby hears the case of Jeffy Jeffy vs. Pooby, having no relation to the judge. Pooby is suing him for 1 million dollars, telling the prosecution to do its thing. Mr. Goodman tells that he was innocently walking down walking down a New York City Street, when a penny fell down, and clocked his client. Pooby tells that he was wondering who threw the penny. Judge Pooby saying he didn't hear anything due to being distracted with the wound. Jeffy threw bandages onto Pooby's head. Mr. Goodman puts it on and continues, saying his client is having headaches and migraines. He is now blind in his left eye, and woman are not going on dates with him due to being ugly from the scar.
Defendant does its thing, Brooklyn T. Guy saying Jeffy is only 17, who heard a rumor, and asks which child wouldn't do that. Mr. Goodman wants to up the charges, Brooklyn saying he busted a myth, making him a myth-buster. Mr. Goodman shows proof Jeffy is guilty, being a screenshot of Jeffy's phone, a conversation from Jeffy and Junior and reads it out. Brooklyn pulls up a picture of the Empire State Building, saying a few people threw pennies off the building. Brooklyn Guy's point was that what if somebody else threw the penny and not Jeffy. Mr. Goodman tells another piece of evidence, being a conversation from Jeffy and Marvin. He reads it out, Brooklyn T. Guy talks, while Jeffy is taking pictures of Pooby to show Marvin who he hit.
Brooklyn T. Guy tells that "Why did the penny hit him?" Mr. Goodman shows the penny, Pooby being scared. He hands Brooklyn Guy the penny and asks some questions. Judge Pooby had enough, and Jeffy is then guilty. Mr. Goodman and Pooby celebrates, Jeffy throwing a penny into Judge Pooby. Brooklyn lies that he won, Brooklyn rushing to go to Applebee's. The news come on, Mr. Goodman saying that he won a case. Marvin says that he lost, Brooklyn saying its fake news and goes the bathroom, bringing a massive plate of food, and the video ends.
- Jeffy
- Marvin
- Rose
- Junior
- Joseph
- Cody
- Judge Pooby
- Chris Netherton
- Mr. Goodman
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Chef Pee Pee
- Abraham Lincoln (mentioned)
- Penelope (indirectly mentioned)
- This is the first episode of July 2022.
- This episode was uploaded six years after "Bowser Junior Goes to Military School! Part 2".
- This is Judge Pooby's first appearance since "Cody's Lawsuit!".
- This is also Judge Pooby's first appearance without his intro playing since "Cody's Lawsuit!".
- In the first part of the BTS, Logan mentioned an upcoming video about Brooklyn Guy's father. Shortly after the announcement, the episode was released as "Brooklyn Guy's Dad!". [1]
- At 13:21, Chris' shades shows some of the crew members in its reflection.
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