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This article is about the remake. For the original, see "Jeffy's Parents!".

"Jeffy's Parents! (remake)" is a remake of "Jeffy's Parents!", and is the 16th episode of SML Remakes.


We finally get to meet Jeffy's real parents!


The episode starts off with Marvin and Rose trying to get Jeffy to eat his green beans. Jeffy then puts on a bib saying 'I'm not eating that s**t. Suddenly, The Breaking News report plays with Goodman stating that world-renowned Painter, Jacques Pierre François has died, and states that he had fell off a bridge, and with his last dying breath, he named his last painting "The Ugh". The painting then sold for $200,000,000 and is hanging in Goodman's living room, he then left his million dollar fortune to his only child whose identity is currently unknown at this time. Rose states that the news is sad but Marvin doesn't know who the painter is and while Rose is telling Marvin about how he got famous for stuffing paint up his nose and sneezing them on a canvas, Jeffy was dumping his Green beans behind the couch and then told Marvin that he ate all of his green beans which prompts Marvin to ask if the Green Beans are behind the couch which Jeffy replied "Nope", Marvin Looks behind the couch while Jeffy says that he lied and Marvin will be mad, Marvin then sees the green beans on the carpet and Jeffy denies dumping the green beans behind the couch.

Rose wants Jeffy to tell the truth but instead, Jeffy tells Rose and Marvin that he rubbed his Pee pee all over the remote. Marvin then gets a call from Brooklyn Guy, who is actually Does Bad Things Guy, and before he answers it, he tells Jeffy to go into the corner again, to which Jeffy responds "What's a Corner?". Marvin answers the call and Does Bad Things Guy tells Marvin that a woman in the station just spoke with him and is looking for Jeffy. Upon hearing this, Marvin instantly gets overjoyed, but Does Bad Things Guy thinks his name was Jerry, Marvin tells Does Bad Things Guy He described Jeffy perfectly and that he has Jeffy and tells Does Bad Things Guy to send the woman over quickly.

Jeffy's mom shows up at the door and is revealed to be an alcoholic, a smoker, and a prostitute. She has a raspy male-sounding voice and wears heavy makeup. She introduces herself as Nancy, and asks for alcohol, despite being pregnant. She then proceeds charge Marvin a dollar to burp on his face, even though Marvin said no to that. Marvin asks Nancy why Jeffy was dropped off with him, to which she responds that she just needed somebody to watch him while she was at the grocery store. Marvin asks her why it took her a year to go to the grocery store, in which Nancy said it was hard to find. But Jeffy ends up telling what really happened:

One year prior, Nancy drives Jeffy to the apartment complex, where she intends to abandon Jeffy at. Jeffy doesn't want to leave Nancy, but Nancy does, because she thinks Jeffy is ugly, stupid and a waste of her time. Jeffy asks what to do if he forgets his name, so Nancy writes it on his shirt (which pretty much explains that). Nancy then puts a note on Jeffy's shirt that says "Please Babysit....sorry", and lies to Jeffy by saying it says he's a good boy. Nancy drives off, leaving Jeffy at the apartment, so Jeffy looks for a door to knock on. He then tries to knock on Brooklyn Guy’s door but Brooklyn Guy tells him to go away, a sad Jeffy then walks away from the apartment and heads to Marvin’s house, and we then see the scene from Jeffy! that shows Marvin meeting Jeffy for the first time.

Back in the present, Nancy beats Jeffy for "lying". Marvin tells Jeffy to leave with Nancy, but Jeffy and Rose are both reluctant. Rose then tells Marvin that Nancy neglects to take care of Jeffy. Nancy eventually forces Jeffy out. Marvin says “Well, he’s gone now!”, but Rose is now furious at Marvin for letting Nancy take Jeffy away. She reminds Marvin that Nancy beats Jeffy, and when Marvin coldly responds “GOOD!”, Rose breaks up with him and leaves in anger. Meanwhile, Jeffy still does not want to go with Nancy. Nancy then tells Jeffy that his father was a famous painter who passed away that day and that he left millions of dollars to Jeffy, so when Jeffy turns 18, all the money would be Nancy's. She promises him that Jeffy could live with whoever he wants once he turns 18. Jeffy says "I don't want to live with you, Mommy. I don't like you!". Nancy hits Jeffy again and then tells Jeffy that he is going to live with her and he is going to like it.

Meanwhile, Marvin is glad that Jeffy is gone he then hears Jeffy's cat piano and thinks that Jeffy is back but it turns out to be God and Marvin orders him to leave. Meanwhile, Jeffy tells Nancy that he is hungry, to which Nancy says that he must wait a week until the check comes in before he can eat again. Back at Marvin's house, Marvin is playing Jeffy's Cat Piano and claims that it's fun, he then stops because he wants peace and quiet. Meanwhile, Jeffy escapes out the car window and runs back to Marvin's house. He begs Marvin to let him stay, but Marvin still refuses at first, but decides to let him in until Nancy returns to pick him up.

A few minutes later, Nancy arrives and lies to Marvin that she was getting Jeffy a Happy Meal from McDonald's and he ran away. Marvin then makes a call and tells Nancy and Jeffy to sit down. Nancy starts beating Jeffy senselessly, only for Does Bad Things Guy to arrive and arrest Nancy for prostitution, child abuse and some other things. Marvin considers sending Jeffy into foster care, but feels bad for him and reluctantly decides to adopt Jeffy. Does Bad Things Guy then gives Marvin a ripped piece of paper he found in Nancy's purse. Marvin realizes he has the other piece to it. The note was from Jacques Pierre François and Marvin and Does Bad Things Guy find out he was his father. Marvin thinks Jeffy could live with Jacques but Does Bad Things Guy reminds him of his death and how he left all his money to Jeffy but he doesn't actually get it until he's 18. Marvin then states that he is a good person for adopting Jeffy before he knew about the money. Meanwhile, on the couch. Rose and Marvin are back together again and Jeffy is playing his cat piano. Rose asks if Marvin is going to tell him to quiet down but Marvin tells Rose "No, not this time, unfortunately", thus ending the video


Differences from the original[]

  • The reason that Jacques Pierre François died was changed. In the original, he shot himself to create a painting called “The Suicide” from the blood splatter, but in the remake, he fell off a bridge onto a canvas.
  • The name of François’s last painting is changed to “The ‘Ugh’” from the sound he made as he hit the canvas.
  • Unlike the original, Goodman says he has François’ painting hanging in his living room.
  • Unlike the original, God and Karen appear in the remake.
  • Jeffy did not say "I thought you ate it." when Marvin gave Jeffy the cat piano.
  • In the original, Goodman called Mario about Nancy, but in the remake, it was Does Bad Things Guy who called Marvin. This is because Goodman is the landlord of the old apartment complex, which the group never lived in in this version of the timeline.
  • Because footage from the original video is reused in the remake along with new footage, Nancy’s cigarette only appears in reused scenes in the car.
  • Among the reasons Nancy is arrested, Does Bad Things Guy does not mention prostitution, contrary to the original
  • The plastic plate of green beans and Jeffy's bib that says "I'm not eating that shit." are different.
  • Unlike in the original, Jeffy goes to Brooklyn T. Guy's apartment first, this is because in this version of the SML timeline, they have always lived in the new house.
  • Unlike the original, Jeffy does not say "Toot toot, fuck shit." and instead asks Marvin if he knows how to spell hippo, and says "H-I-P-P-OH yeah, Harder daddy!”
  • The remake is shorter than the original by 30 seconds.
  • Unlike the original in the thumbnail Jeffy uses a newer pose and his parents are seen rather than them being silhouetted figures. It’s likely that Logan assumes most people had already seen the original and thought it would make sense.
  • In the original, Jeffy says “I’m rich as fuck.” In the remake he says “I’m rich AF."
  • Marvin does not recall Jeffy's painting when Jeffy's father was revealed to be Jacques Pierre François, that is, mentioning his Mona Lisa painting, unlike the original.
  • Unlike the original, Jeffy walks to the New House after not getting an answer from Brooklyn Guy or anyone else at the apartment because as mentioned above, this version of the SML timeline shows that they always lived at the new house.
  • In the original, Pee Pee Suck plays the cat piano when Marvin is sitting alone, but in the remake God is the one playing it. In the BTS, it was revealed that this was because Logan didn’t want to use animals in his video.


  • This remake was uploaded three years after "Jeffy's Summer School", four years after "The Magical Button!" and six years after "Bowser Junior's Broken Leg!".
  • This is the first Jeffy episode to be a remake of an episode that was originally filmed in the new house.
  • This is the first remake (not counting "The Remote!" or "Chef Pee Pee The Robot!") to reuse footage from the original, as all of the scenes involving Nancy and Jeffy in the car (without Marvin or Rose) were reused from the original.
  • This remake reveals that the remakes actually take place during their original upload date, as it was said that Jeffy is 12 like in the original, in the 2 previous remakes before this, it was implied that the remakes actually take place in the present day.
  • The Honda Civic returns but that scene was ripped straight from the original version.
  • It was planned that on this day, SLL and the original SML channel would be taken down, meaning that it was assumed that this was going to be the last SML video made before their deletion. This seems intentional, given that the original video was a milestone for Jeffy, who is the face of SML.
  • This is the first time Jeffy appears in a remake since "Jeffy's Bedtime".
  • Mario reminded Jeffy about the time he locked him out of the house. However there was yet to be a remake of Locked Out. But this is unlikely as it was hated.
  • This marks the return of Jeffy moaning from "Jeffy's Anger Management"


  • At 8:54, Marvin mistakenly says "responsible" instead of "responsibility".


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SML Movies