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"Jeffy's Escape Room!" is the 1,000th episode of SML Movies.


Jeffy makes an escape room!


Jeffy walks into the living room where Marvin and Rose are sitting, explaining that his cat piano is broken and that he needs a new one, Marvin tells him that he doesn't have the money to buy a new one, Jeffy begs him for money to buy a new one, and Marvin tells Jeffy to get a job to get some money, Jeffy says that its too hard. Rose exclaims that the news is on.

Mr. Goodman on the news that there is a new phone app that will let you adopt a pet from your phone. Marvin shows Jeffy this and tells him that he needs to make a cool business idea like that to get money, Jeffy says that he will start his own business and he walks away. Jackie Chu runs in and asks Marvin and Rose if they just saw the new food delivery app on the news, explaining that they deliver cats and dogs right to your door.

In the playroom, Junior, Joseph and Cody are playing a board game called "Doo Doo Kangaroo" Jeffy walks in and asks them what they are doing, Cody makes a joke saying they are playing a "shitty board game" Jeffy asks them for help starting a business, Joseph says that Jeffy can sell drugs, but Jeffy says its too hard. Junior says that he can start an escape room, Jeffy misinterprets what an escape room is, thinking that an escape room means locking someone in a room and not letting them leave until they pay him, Cody asks what room they will use for the escape room, Junior says that they can use the playroom, Cody says that the room doesn't look like an escape room, Junior explains that they will tell people the playroom is an escape room, they lock the person inside, and they never get out until they pay to leave, saying that they will keep coming back to be locked in the room again to find the exit, Junior tells Jeffy to make a commercial.

Meanwhile, at Brooklyn Guy's house, Brooklyn Guy is calling for Karen from the living room, asking her to get a bag of tootsie pops from the pantry, Karen denies this request, explaining that he hasn't had dinner yet, and that they can't have candy before dinner, Brooklyn Guy has a tantrum but Karen says that Guy will spoil his appetite, Karen wants to go somewhere fancy for dinner like Olive Garden, Brooklyn Guy explains that he isnt hungry, Brooklyn Guy turns on the TV and sees a commercial for Jeffy's escape room. The commercial is Cody with a sombrero and a birthday pinata, Explaining that he is El Chapo, saying that he is currently in maximum security prison, saying that it still isnt as hard to escape as Jeffy's Escape Room, Saying that you would have to get help from the cartel to escape. Cody says to come on down to Jeffy's Escape Room to try it out, But before the commercial ends, Cody explains that he isnt actually El Chapo. Cody tells Junior that he doesn't want El Chapo to be mad at him, explaining that they cut peoples heads off with chainsaws, "CHAINSAWS, JUNIOR!"

Brooklyn Guy gets excited, Telling Karen that they have to go there. Karen doesn't wanna go and she wants to go to Olive Garden instead. Brooklyn Guy manages to convince Karen, and they go to Jeffy's house for the escape room.

They make it to Jeffy's house and they knock on the door, Jeffy opens it and tries to scare them, Brooklyn Guy explains that they are here for the escape room, and Jeffy says that is 100 bucks each, Brooklyn guy and Karen pay and then Jeffy leads them to the escape room, Jeffy explains that the only rule is to not touch the crusty sock in there, Jeffy says that they have one hour to try and get out. Brooklyn T. Guy and Karen enter the room, and Jeffy slams the door behind them.

Brooklyn Guy and Karen run to the Doo Doo Kangaroo board game on the table, Thinking that its they're first clue, Karen and Brooklyn guy count the donuts on the floor, Brooklyn guy counts 5, and he realizes he has 5 fingers, Thinking this means that he can use his 5 fingers to open the door. Brooklyn Guy tries to open the door, but it doesn't open. Jeffy is holding the door shut from the outside. Brooklyn Guy runs back to the room looking for clues, Brooklyn guy sees that there is 4 donuts on a toy, and that there is a Magic 8-Ball, Putting the numbers together, he gets the numbers 5-4-8. Thinking that its some kind of code, he sees the microwave on the kitchen playset, he puts the code in on the microwave, but realizes its just a sticker, Karen tells Brooklyn Guy to open the microwave, He opens it, and finds a watch, Karen asks what time it is on the watch, Brooklyn Guy realizes that its 5:48 on the watch, He puts the 5-4-8 code on the microwave sticker again, realizing its still a sticker. Brooklyn guy realizes that 5:48 is the time, which must mean that it is time to leave, He runs to the door and tries to open it, but it still wont open. Brooklyn guy looks around for clues, and he explains to Karen that she has to help him too, Karen helps out, telling Brooklyn Guy to try opening the oven door. Brooklyn guy sees 4 slices of plastic toy pizza in the oven. Saying that now the code is 5-4-8-4, Karen says that the oven is set to 350, Making the code 5-4-8-4-3-5-0 Brooklyn Guy thinks its a phone number.

Brooklyn Guy calls the number, Jackie Chu answers the phone. and Brooklyn Guy asks him if he is part of the escape room, Jackie Chu asks him what the fuck he is talking about, Brooklyn Guy asks if the code is 5-4-8-4-3-5-0 Jackie Chu tells him to never call this number again, Brooklyn Guy calls the number again, Jackie Chu is utterly pissed. Jackie Chu tells Brooklyn Guy to fuck off, hanging up. Karen tells Brooklyn Guy to look at a sticker that says "Step-2" Brooklyn Guy runs to the door to ask what Step-1 was. Brooklyn Guy knocks on the door and says that he has a question, Jeffy answers the door and asks him if he gave up yet. Brooklyn Guy says that he found Step-2 and he asks what Step-1 was. Jeffy says getting in the room, And then Jeffy slams the door. Brooklyn Guy runs over to Karen, saying that the new code is 3-5-0-8-4, Brooklyn Guy notices a yellow bowling pin, Brooklyn Guy thinks that this means the new code is 3-5-0-1-8-4, Brooklyn Guy knocks a toy over, and sees the boardgame twister,

Brooklyn Guy lays the twister boardgame on the table and asks Karen if she sees anything weird with it. Karen points out that there's 4 colors. Brooklyn Guy sees that the colors are Green, Yellow, Blue and Red. Brooklyn Guy sees there's also 4 colors on a toy in the room, Red, Green, Blue, and Purple. Karen sees a purple toy moped on the ground, Brooklyn Guy sees the yellow bowling pin, thinking that they need to ride that purple moped into the door while holding the yellow bowling pin. Karen and Brooklyn guy get on the moped.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Marvin walks up to Jeffy while he is holding the escape room door shut. Marvin is suspicious of Jeffy because of this. Marvin explains that maybe they could buy a new cat piano if Jeffy is good for a week. Jeffy says that it is too hard. Marvin is incredibly suspicious of Jeffy holding the escape room door, Marvin pushes Jeffy out of the way and opens the door up, As soon as he does this, Brooklyn Guy and Karen ride out of the room on the purple moped while holding the yellow bowling pin. Marvin is confused and Brooklyn Guy tells Marvin that Jeffy makes the best escape rooms, Brooklyn Guy explains that he is the master of escape rooms, comparing himself to Houdini. Marvin is still confused, and Brooklyn Guy hands Marvin the yellow bowling pin, But Brooklyn Guy says he's keeping the moped, Brooklyn Guy tells Karen that they are going to Olive Garden. Karen celebrates, but Marvin is still confused. But before Marvin can ask what's happening again, Brooklyn Guy and Karen ride down the staircase on the moped as the episode ends.




  • In the thumbnail, Brooklyn T. Guy is seen in a anxious expression and yet in the video itself, he is enthusiastic about it.
  • The white door has a watermark in the thumbnail.
  • The sentence in the SML Question has a shadow behind it.
  • The thumbnail is misleading as Jeffy wasn't holding the key in the video.
    • This was that Jeffy was going to lock the door but instead he was just holding the door handle.


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SML Movies