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"Jeffy's Dinosaur Tooth!" is the 1,094th episode of SML Movies.




The video begins with Jeffy running to Marvin, screaming and crying about the death of his pet worm, Wormy, and wanting to provide a funeral for him. Unable to convince him of the reality that nothing really died and it's just a Cheeto Puff, Marvin complies with Jeffy's request and goes into the kitchen to ask Chef Pee Pee, who is making Chicken Nuggets if he has a shovel to borrow. Chef Pee Pee in fact does and permits them to use it, but stresses that it's an item that's been passed down from generations to generations, and that he wants it back when they're done. Jeffy asks Chef Pee Pee if he wants to come to his pet worm's funeral, but Chef Pee Pee declines, saying he doesn't care about funerals and he's just making Chicken Nuggets. Marvin and Jeffy then leave, which Marvin tells Chef Pee Pee he'll bring his shovel back, which Chef Pee Pee thanks him as the video then cuts to the back yard, where Marvin tells Jeffy "There's your hole for your Cheeto", which Jeffy says it's not a Cheeto; it's a worm. Marvin tells him to put it in there, which Jeffy does so as Steve Staleburger then comes, which he apologizes for being late. Marvin asks who's that, which Jeffy says he hired a minister to officiate the funeral, which Marvin says it's not a real funeral as he then asks how much it's going to cost. Steve tells Marvin he's going to send him a check in the mail as he then gets the funeral started. Steve then sings Amazing Grace, which Jeffy cries while Marvin says "What is that?", which Steve stops singing as he says it look's like a Dinosaur Tooth. Marvin tells Jeffy to grab it, which Jeffy proceeds to do so as Steve then tells him to run home with it, which Jeffy says "I will!" as he then runs back inside.

At the Red Couch, Jeffy screams and then puts the Dinosaur Tooth down. Marvin comes inside and asks Jeffy if he thinks it's worth any amount of money, which Jeffy makes a dick joke. Marvin then says maybe they should call a "Valuable Inspector" to see how valuable it is. Jeffy says "Okay" as the doorbell then rings, which Marvin says it must be him as he explains that they listen for things that maybe be valuable, so they show up to determine who valuable it is. Jeffy says "Good" as Marvin then tells him to bring the Dinosaur Tooth, which Jeffy grabs it as Marvin and Jeffy then go to the front door. At the front door, it's revealed to be Vincent Von Valuable, who introduces himself to Marvin. Marvin tells Vincent that they have something valuable for him to inspect, which Jeffy makes a dick joke, but Marvin tells him to stop it as Vincent says he knows and he smelled it from all the way across the town as he then asks Jeffy to give it to him. Jeffy says "Wait, my dick or this Dinosaur Tooth", which Marvin tells him the tooth, which Jeffy proceeds to hand the Dinosaur Tooth to Vincent, who takes a closer look as he uses his monocle to look at it closer. Vincent says it's a genuine Dinosaur Tooth as he then says "Valuable!!" in a high-pitched voice. Marvin asks what does it mean, which Vincent explains that the pitch of his voice indicates how valuable an item is, which he gives two examples: a Penny and a Ken Griffey Jr signed baseball, which he says "Valuable" in a normal voice to the Penny, and "Valuable!" in an interested tone to the Ken Griffey Jr signed baseball as he then says the Dinosaur Tooth is "Valuable!!", which he says it in a high-pitched voice. Marvin asks how much money it's worth, which Vincent says he estimates it to be worth $1 billion-dollars as it's a tooth from a dinosaur that he claims was hit by the meteor that killed the dinosaurs. This shocks Marvin as he tells Jeffy to grab the tooth, which Jeffy does so while Marvin thanks Vincent, which Vincent says "Glad to be of service" as he then leaves while Marvin and Jeffy go back upstairs to the Red Couch, where Marvin says "Oh my god Jeffy, we have a billion-dollar dinosaur tooth" as he then tells Jeffy not to let anyone know because someone is going to try to steal it, but Jeffy doesn't listen as he flexes it to Instagram Live. Marvin tells Jeffy to get off Instagram Live. Jeffy asks why, which Marvin tells him that he can't let people know they have it because people are going to want to steal it. Jeffy says they can stuff it, but Marvin says they are going to stuff it in their pocket when they sell it for billions of dollars, and they steal it from them. Jeffy says they are not going to steal it from them as the doorbell then rings, which this worries Marvin as he says he bet it's someone from his Instagram Live, wanting to steal from them as he then yells out "We're not answering the door". Jeffy says "Good" as Marvin's phone then rings, which Marvin picks it up, revealing to be Mr. Goodman telling him to answer the door as it's cold outside and his wiener is starting to look like a button. Marvin apologizes to Goodman, saying he didn't answer because he thought it was someone trying to steal from him. Goodman says "Steal from you!?" as he then asks what he could have that someone would want to steal from him, which Jeffy says "A billion-dollar Dinosaur Tooth". This shocks Goodman as he says "Fucking, Fucking, Fucking What!?", but Marvin tells him nothing and Jeffy didn't say anything. Goodman asks what did Jeffy say, which Marvin claims that he got done watching Jurassic Park, so he's talking about Dinosaurs as he then says he's coming, but then says he's on his way as Goodman thinks he's talking about something else. Marvin then hangs up and goes to the front door.

At the front door, Marvin says hello, but Goodman says his door is all sticky now as he wanted to see what the hype was. Marvin doesn't like that as he says "Oh god that's disgusting" as Goodman then says he can probably make an OnlyFans with the doorbell footage. Marvin asks what's he doing here, which Goodman says he was scrolling on Instagram and noticed that "Fuck Shit MaGoo" was on Instagram Live, showing the billion-dollar Dinosaur Tooth he found in the backyard. Marvin says he and Jeffy saw that, he's so lucky, and he happened to have the same Red Couches as them, which he says it's weird. Goodman agrees that it's weird as he says it's especially weird that he heard his voice tell Jeffy to get off Instagram Live, and his phone call in the background right after that. Marvin says it didn't happen, but Goodman says it did as he says "In fact, Fuck Shit MaGoo is still on Instagram Live right now". Marvin says he's not, but Goodman says he is as he shows Marvin the stream, where Jeffy is showing off the billion-dollar Dinosaur Tooth, which Marvin looks up the stairs and yells out "Jeffy get off Instagram Live right now, stop it!". Goodman then turns the Instagram Live off as he says he wants his billion-dollar Dinosaur Tooth. Marvin says it's his and he found it, but Goodman says it's his because he found it on his land, which his bank owns it and it's his until he pays it off, which Goodman says he seems to not do because he doesn't make his house payments. Marvin says it's still his because he found it, but Goodman says "No, it's mine" as he then says he's coming up as he then proceeds to go get it, which Marvin yells for Jeffy to hide the Dinosaur Tooth and put it in his ass, which Jeffy proceeds to hide it, but he eats it instead of putting it in his ass. Goodman asks where's the Dinosaur Tooth, which Jeffy says he ate it. Marvin asks if he really did eat it, which Jeffy says he did and it's in his stomach. Goodman tells him to poop it out or something, which Marvin says they have to wait for him to poop it out, which it's going to take a few days so he'll call him when it's out, but Goodman says he's not going to call him if that tooth comes out as he claims that he would want the money all for himself, so they are going to sit there until the tooth comes out. Marvin says it's going to take forever, but Goodman says they are going to call a doctor because he wants the tooth out right now even if they have to cut his stomach open as he then leaves while Marvin tells him not to do that. Brooklyn T. Guy then comes in, asking if somebody called a doctor. Goodman says he did as he needs him to stick his hand up Jeffy's ass, which Brooklyn Guy asks what he wants out of Jeffy's ass after he tells a short story about a friend who got a girl to do it. Goodman says he wants a billion-dollar Dinosaur Tooth out of it. Brooklyn Guy thinks to himself as in his mind, he says a billion-dollars could pay a lot of guys to stick their hands up his ass. Brooklyn Guy then stops thinking to himself and says he can help with that, but he's going to have to take him back to the hospital because he doesn't have an X-Ray machine to see where the Tooth is in his ass, and they need to stay here as he says there was a monkey-pox outbreak at the hospital, meaning they can not come with him. He then says he'll get the Tooth out of Jeffy's ass at the hospital and bring it back. Goodman asks if he thinks he's stupid as he says he's not going to let Jeffy out of his sight as he wants the billion-dollar Dinosaur Tooth, to which Brooklyn Guy says he also wants it now knowing that there's a billion-dollar Dinosaur Tooth in Jeffy's ass. Goodman tells him he didn't do anything for it, but Brooklyn Guy says it's now his problem because he knows about it. Marvin says they should split it four ways as in $250 Million each, but Brooklyn Guy says he wants all of it, which starts a conversation of who gets it.

Chef Pee Pee then comes in, asking Marvin what he did with his shovel, which Marvin apologizes to Chef Pee Pee, saying he left it outside as he was distracted from digging up a billion-dollar Dinosaur Tooth. This shocks Chef Pee Pee as he asks how much it was, which Brooklyn Guy says it was a billion dollars. This really shocks Chef Pee Pee as he says that is a lot of money before asking Marvin if he used his shovel to dig it up, which Marvin confirms he did, which Chef Pee Pee asks if that means he is inclined to some of the money, but Marvin says no because he's the one who found it as he uses the Finders Keepers rule and says he used it with his eyes. Chef Pee Pee then says "Fuck yo eyes, you used my shovel didn't you" as Jeffy then says they wouldn't have been digging a hole if it wasn't for his dead Wormy. Goodman then says none of them would have been here because the house is on his land as Steve then comes in and says he's the one who pointed out that it looked like a dinosaur tooth while Brooklyn Guy says he wouldn't be able to get the Tooth out of his ass if it wasn't for him, but then says not right now and he can probably wait a few days and Jeffy would poop it out as he then tells them not to kick him out as he wants to be part of it. Vincent then kicks the front door open and says he wouldn't know how valuable it was if it wasn't for him. Marvin then tells them to stop it as he's the one who found it, and he's the one who saw it, meaning it's his Tooth as he then tells everyone that they don't need it except for Chef Pee Pee, who he says will spilt some of the money with him. Marvin then says it's his Tooth and he doesn't think they should spilt the money and it should just be him. Brooklyn Guy then says he thinks they should spilt the money because he thinks he isn't going to get anything. Marvin questions what would even be a billion dollars spilt seven ways, which Steve says it would be able $143 Million dollars each. Everyone then gets disappointed as they say "Awww" in disappointment and talks amongst themselves except for Brooklyn Guy, who says they are being greedy and it sounds pretty good. Marvin thinks about it and says how about they all agree to split it, which everyone agrees as Jeffy then spits the tooth out, which causes a brawl as everyone fights for the Dinosaur Tooth. Vincent then comes back and tells everyone to hold on as he says his voice may have made a mistake as he asks for the Dinosaur Tooth, which Marvin says he'll get it as he tosses the tooth to Vincent who re-looks at the Dinosaur Tooth, which he finds it as not being very valuable as says "Valuable!" in a normal voice. Vincent then asks if they heard that as he says it's not very valuable as he says it turns out that the tooth belonged to the "Lickalotapus". He then says it's not very valuable and he'll be taking it to the trash as he then leaves. Brooklyn Guy then tells them to look at themselves as he says they were just trying to kill each other over a tooth that wasn't worth anything. Marvin says "Just a bunch of fools", which everyone agrees with Marvin. Brooklyn Guy then asks how do they know he's not lying, which Marvin says "Get back here!" as Marvin, Goodman, Brooklyn Guy, Steve, and Chef Pee Pee then go after Vincent as the video then cuts to Vincent, skipping and laughing on the road.




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