"Jeffy's Booger Ball!" (Stylized as "Jeffy's BOOGER Ball!") is the 1,092nd episode of SML Movies.
Jeffy has the biggest booger ball!
The episode starts with Jeffy, thinking he pooped himself because he farted and tells his parents about it. He decides to smell to see if it is Poop, but then Marvin points out he has a booger. Jeffy decides to use his fingers to pick it out, and when that doesn’t work, he uses a fork to get it out. Jeffy then decides to add his new Booger to his Booger ball, much to his parents’ confusion. Jeffy comes back on the couch rolling a massive Booger Ball on top of it, much to his parents’ shock and disgust. Jeffy says he’s been building the ball ever since he first arrived. His parents tell him to get rid of the Booger Ball, but to no avail. Rose points out Jeffy’s nose is bleeding, most likely due to the fork that Jeffy used to get the Booger out, so Marvin calls the doctor.
Brooklyn T. Guy, wearing his doctor outfit, then comes in and asks if somebody called an "Otolaryngologist", but Marvin says no, and they called a Doctor. Brooklyn Guy says that "Otolaryngologist" is just a big word for Nose Doctor, which Marvin asks if he's a Nose Doctor as Rose then says "Of course he knows Doctors Marvin, he's one". Brooklyn Guy says yeah and he's a Nose Doctor as he then makes nose puns, saying he knows all about Noses as he then says he just got back from Pinocchio's House, which he makes a nose joke about Pinocchio's Nose. Brooklyn Guy then says "So what you guys call me?", which Marvin tells him that Jeffy's Nose is bleeding. Brooklyn Guy says it's not supposed to do that, and asks how it happen, which Marvin tells him that Jeffy picked his Nose with a fork. Brooklyn Guy then asks what is going on, which Rose says it's January. Brooklyn Guy then sarcastically thanks her for stating what month it is as he then asks if she has "Month-Tourettes". Marvin asks him to tell Jeffy to not pick his nose with a fork, which Brooklyn Guy says he can write him a Doctor's Note, telling him not to pick his nose with a fork if that helps, but Marvin says he doesn't know as Brooklyn Guy then makes another nose pun. Marvin then tells him to just tell Jeffy not to make Booger Balls, but Brooklyn Guy says he hasn't seen one since High School. Marvin says "You've seen a Booger Ball before?", which Brooklyn Guy says yeah and he used to know a kid who'd make them, which he says his name was Noah Pickens the Nose Picker as he then tells Marvin about the story of Noah Pickens the Nose Picker.
After Brooklyn Guy tells his story, Booger appears behind him, laughing and tells Brooklyn Guy it was a great story. This disappoints Brooklyn Guy as he says he said Booger way more then three times. Booger then says he remembers the kid and says "Man, he sure could pick some Boogers" as he then says "You know one Booger he could never get? Me, your best pal, Booger", which Brooklyn Guy says it's because he's his imaginary friend. Booger then says he must of wanted to hang out with him, but Brooklyn Guy says no and he was just telling a story that required him saying "Booger" a lot. Marvin asks Brooklyn Guy who he's talking to, which Brooklyn Guy says he's talking to his imaginary friend Booger, who shows up if he says "Booger" three or more times. Booger then says since he's here, they have so much catching up to do as he says he visited his mom, grandpa, great grandpa, and his great great great great great uncle because they don't die. Brooklyn Guy then asks what happens if he dies, which Booger says he'll move on to the next kid, which Brooklyn Guy tells him he can leave now since he's not a kid, but Booger asks why he would want to do that as he says they're having so much fun. Brooklyn Guy then tells him that he needs gas in his car as he then asks if he can run it up to the gas station for him, which Booger says "Oh yeah, of course buddy" as he then leaves. Brooklyn Guy then tells Marvin and Rose to make it quick as he didn't give Booger his keys, but Marvin asks who he was talking too and if he has an imaginary friend, which Brooklyn Guy says he does have an imaginary friend, and his name is Booger as he then tells him not to worry about it. Marvin says he didn't see Booger at all, but Brooklyn Guy says that's because he's imaginary. Marvin asks what he was saying about Jeffy's Booger Ball, which Brooklyn Guy says he was saying he should enter it into the Booger Ball Competition as it is today. Marvin doesn't believe it, saying there's no way it just happens to be the day he came over, talking about Booger Balls. Brooklyn Guy says it is January 5h, meaning it's National Booger Ball Day, but Marvin says he's not going to enter Jeffy's "Big, Stinky Booger" into a contest, which Brooklyn Guy tells Marvin that the reward is a bunch of money, but Marvin says he doesn't need money as he and Brooklyn Guy then talk about how much he owes him, which goes on until Marvin says "I don't have that much money, how am I going to get that much money?" since Brooklyn Guy told him he owes him $400,000, which Brooklyn Guy says the reward for the contest is a $20 Best Buy gift card. Marvin says it's not going to pay off his $400,000 bill he gave him, but Brooklyn Guy says he'll take the gift card since he knows that he's not going to give him $400,000. Marvin then reluctantly agrees to enter him and Jeffy to the Booger Ball Contest, but Marvin says he's not going to touch the Booger Ball, but Brooklyn Guy says he's going to need a Bigger Booger Ball because he's entering the contest too as he then leaves, picking his nose. Marvin then tells Jeffy to roll that to the Convention Center as Marvin and Jeffy leave, taking the Booger Ball with them.
At the Convention Center, Steve Staleburger welcomes everyone to the National Booger Ball Contest, where people from all over the world have picked their nose, collected their Boogers, and rolled them up to a Ball. Steve says the winner is going to win a $20 Best Buy gift card that is going to be delivered in the mail in two weeks. He then says he'll be around to judge shortly as Jeffy finishes rolling his Booger Ball. Marvin says it looks like he has the biggest Booger Ball in the contest, which Jeffy says "What can I say? I'm fucking disgusting" as Patrick says he has the biggest Booger Ball ever. Zack then says "You guy really think you can beat Me and my Booger Ball?" as he says even though their Booger Balls is bigger than his, his Booger Ball is more pure. Steve comes back and says he's ready to come around and start judging, which he starts with Tom Brady. Tom Brady explains that his wife got pregnant from another man, so he's been picking his Nose a lot, and he tried making his Booger Ball into a Football. Steve says it's pretty nice as he then moves on to Patrick, which Patrick explains that his mom tells him not to pick his nose, but he does it anyway, so he took all his boogers, and rolled them into a Booger Ball. Steve says it's pretty good as he then moves on to Zack, which Zack proclaims that his Booger Ball is made out of 100% premium, pure Boogers. Steve says it's pretty good as he was about to say he's the winner, but then notices Jeffy's Booger Ball. Steve asks how long it took him to make it, which Jeffy asks Marvin how long it's been since he showed up at his house, but Marvin tells Steve he's been working on it for years. Steve then says he guess he has no choice but to declare Jeffy the winner of the Booger Ball Competition, but Brooklyn Guy says "Not so fast". Steve says "What in the booger ball?" as Brooklyn Guy says he presents to him, the World's Biggest Booger Ball. Steve is shocked about seeing it as he says it looks like a whole new planet, which Brooklyn Guy says he picks his Nose a lot. Steve then says he guess he has no choice but to name him the winner of the Booger Ball Competition, but then, everybody in the room starts shaking. Steve asks what was that, which Brooklyn Guy says he may have pulled the Booger Ball out of the dam, so now the whole town is going to flood as Steve then says "Sweet Jesus Fan Booger Ball, Everybody run for your lives; get to higher ground!" as Marvin and Steve then run away. Brooklyn Guy asks about the gift card, but Steve tells him 2 weeks, which disappoints Brooklyn Guy as he then runs away. Marvin stops and tells Tom Brady to run as he's going to drown as Marvin then continues running away, but Tom Brady doesn't care, saying his wife got pregnant from another man as he says he'll go down with the ship.
Back at the Red Couch, Marvin, Brooklyn Guy, and Jeffy then land onto the Red Couch. Rose asks what's going on, which Brooklyn Guy says some asshole took the Booger Ball out of the dam. Rose questions who would do such a thing as she says everyone knows how important the Booger Ball is to their town. Brooklyn Guy says "I don't know, sounds like a real asshole to me", but Marvin says "It was you!". Brooklyn Guy tells him not to tell her that as he claims she doesn't know, but Rose says "Boiney!", which Brooklyn Guy asks how does she know that name as Marvin says there's something on the news as the video then shows the news, with Mr. Goodman, reporting that the town is flooded because someone took the Booger Ball that was clogging the hole in the dam, which he says they don't know why anyone would do it because the town knows how important the Booger Ball was to holding back the water. Goodman then says if anyone has any solutions to clogging the hole in the dam, the Mayor of the City is offering a $20 Best Buy gift card, however it'll take 2 weeks to arrive in the mail. After the news report, Brooklyn Guy says he needs the $20 Best Buy gift card, but Marvin tells him he already won a $20 Best Buy gift card, which Brooklyn Guy says he can have 40. Marvin sighs and says to think of ways to clog the dam as he then asks Brooklyn Guy why he didn't grab the Booger Ball and put it back, but Brooklyn Guy says he can't because he left it at the Convention Center, and it's now all flooded as he says the water probably destroyed it. Marvin asks why the water didn't destroy it when the Booger Ball was clogging the dam if the water destroyed the Booger Ball, but Brooklyn Guy tells him to shut up as Jeffy then says he's got an idea, which is a "Shit Ball", but Marvin tells him not to say it, it's the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard , and it wouldn't even work as there's no such thing as a "Shit Ball". Marvin then looks back at the TV as the video goes back to the news, where Goodman reports that the hole in the dam has been filled by a local citizen, which he says he filled it with his "Shit Ball". Goodman then says "Here's a statement from him now" as the news report cuts to Shrek, who says he saw the town needed a new Booger Ball to fill the dam, which he says he doesn't have boogers, but he does have shit, so he sat there, knowing that sometimes he gets constipated and has "Little Balls of Shit" come out of his ass. So, he collected them, made it into a "Shit Boulder", and went down to the dam and used it to clog the hole. Shrek then says he's feeling a little rumble in his stomach, and he thinks there's going to be another "Shit Ball" as he then shakes while using the Toilet. After the news report, Jeffy says "Who's ridiculous now?" while Brooklyn Guy says "Of course, a Shit Ball" as he then questions why he didn't think of it, but then says "Who am I kidding, I can't shit that much" as he then says nobody can except for a kid he went to High School with, named Shit His Pants Shane, which he says he would shit all the time, and he shit his pants so bad one time before being cut off by the SML Question.
- Jeffy
- Marvin
- Rose
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Noah Pickens the Nose Picker (animation)
- Mayor McKneely (animation)
- Shit His Pants Shane (mentioned)
- Booger
- Steve Staleburger
- Tom Brady
- Patrick
- Zack
- Mr. Goodman
- Shrek
- Spider-Man (animation)
- Clarissa Fitzpatrick (indirectly mentioned)
- This video was uploaded a year after "The Golden Nugget!", 6 years after "The Pantry!", 7 years after "Bowser Junior's Allergy!", and 8 years after "Substitute Teacher!".
- This is Shrek, Steve Staleburger, Patrick, Zack, Tom Brady, and Booger's first appearances in 2025.
- This is Shrek's first appearance since "Goodman's Bodyguard!".
- This is Steve Staleburger's first appearance since "The Grinch Happy Meal!".
- This is Patrick's first appearance since "Junior's Big Playtime 4".
- This is Zack's first appearance since "Jeffy's Naughty Magazine!".
- This is Tom Brady's first appearance since "Brooklyn Guy Gets Robbed!".
- This is Booger's first appearance since "Jeffy The Lawyer!"
- This is Goodman’s first appearance as a news anchor in 2025.
- This episode reveals that Jeffy has in fact been working on a booger ball since 2016 when he showed up at Mario's house.
- When Brooklyn Guy asks Rose what's going on, her response "It's January", is a reference to the fact that YouTube pays less that month, something Logan said in a recent Chilly vlog.
- This is the first Jeffy-centric video of 2025.
- This is also the first video of 2025 to have a character's name in the title.
- At 8:22, Rose calls Brooklyn Guy "Boiney", which is an obvious reference to his wife Karen's nickname for him, since her and Rose have the same voice actor and identical voices.
- This episode was incorrectly titled "Jeffy's Booger Ball!".
- However, this was fixed as the apostrophe is supposed to go between y and s, making it "Jeffy's Booger Ball!" instead of "Jeff'ys Booger Ball!"
- From 3:34 to 3:37, during the newspaper scene, it says “who selflessly used his booger ball to patch the hole in city’s dam!” instead of “who selflessly used his booger ball to patch the hole in the city’s dam!”.
- The thumbnail had Brooklyn Guy wearing a black shirt but the video does not show him wearing a black shirt.
- From 3:05 to 3:07, Spiderman had 6 fingers instead of 5 fingers.
To see full results of this poll, see here.