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"Jeffy's Biggest Fear!" is the 414th episode of SML Movies and the fifth episode of Third Grade.


Jeffy has a huge fear!


Mario wakes Jeffy up and says they need to go to school. Jeffy obviously refuses, but when Mario points out that it's 7:00 AM, Jeffy screams. Jeffy explains that he's afraid of the number 7, but Mario does not seem to understand and gives him $7, which also makes him scream. Mario gives him $5 instead and Jeffy goes to school.

At school, Cody needs some gum from Junior because his breath smells like Ken's testicles. Junior says he only has 7 pieces, which causes Jeffy to scream again. Jeffy tells Junior and Cody the same thing, teasing him, until Jackie Chu comes in.

Nearly everything that Jackie Chu teaches involves the number 7, 7 continents, 7 deadly sins, 7 wonders of the world and 7 seas. Jackie Chu eventually got fed up of Jeffy screaming and threatened to spank everyone if he screams one more time. Junior told them not to say the number, but Cody said it multiple times, causing Jeffy to scream and Jackie Chu to get something to spank the whole class. Eventually, after Junior says that his iPhone 7 is at 7%, Jeffy screams and runs back home.

Mario attempts to resolve the problem by offering Jeffy a Happy Meal if he stops screaming, but it doesn't work. Mario gets the help of Dr. Brooklyn Guy to help Jeffy remember why he's afraid of something so scary.

Jeffy remembers a day in school (possibly the day before) when Junior tells Jeffy the classic "seven ate nine" joke. This joke scares Jeffy, thinking that seven will eat him. This obviously makes Mario incredibly angry, and demands Brooklyn Guy to fix it. He puts googly eyes on a 7 and says that he was framed and that 6 actually ate nine.

Unfortunately, this only succeeds in making Jeffy scared of 6. Mario scolds Brooklyn Guy for making Jeffy scared of 6. Eventually, Brooklyn Guy tells Mario to tell Jeffy to come to the front door where Brooklyn Guy stabs a 7 shaped balloon with a knife, thus making Jeffy no longer afraid of the number 7.

Jeffy says he will now skip the number 7, to which it would go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. Then, Jeffy ends up getting scared of the number 6 and Mario and Brooklyn Guy proceed to give up, ending the video.



  • This episode reveals that Jeffy has heptaphobia (fear of number 7). However it was revealed that to be was Jeffy's favorite number in Mario the Babysitter! It's possible that Jeffy's interest in that number deuterated overtime.
  • This is the 5th "Biggest Fear!" video to be made. The first 4 being: "Bowser's Biggest Fear", "Bowser's Biggest Fear 2", "Bowser's Biggest Fear 3", and "Bowser Junior's Biggest Fear!".
    • This was also the first "Biggest Fear!" video that was not about Bowser or Junior.
  • It is revealed the Brooklyn Guy has spent 315,569,520 seconds with his ex-wife, meaning they were together for 3,652 days, 10 hours, 12 minutes and 0 seconds, or for short roughly 10 years.
  • Running Gags: Jeffy screaming every time the number 7 is mentioned in front of him and Jackie Chu mispronouncing screaming as "creaming".
  • This episode was uploaded eleven years after "Mario Saves Someone "Part 1"" and one year after "Jeffy's Haircut!".
  • This video either takes place on December 7th or December 19th.
    • Coincidentally, this video was uploaded on December 21st, in which 21 is a multiple of 7.
  • Brooklyn T. Guy saying that 7 is getting the electric chair makes sense, since this was filmed in Florida, a state that still uses the electric chair as a method of execution (along with lethal injection).
  • This is one of the only times when Mario refers to the Brooklyn Guy as his name. The time stamp is 8:41.
  • This is the final 2018 appearance of Bowser Junior, Cody, Jackie Chu and Bully Bill.
  • Jeffy's fear of 7 could be a reference to Candace from Phineas And Ferb.
  • This is the first episode that features the running gag of Jackie Chu saying creaming instead of screaming.


  • This may or may not be an error, but Jackie Chu wrote, Deadly Sins as "Deady Sins". However, since Jackie Chu has poor eyesight, it may have been intentional.
  • Jackie Chu states that the date is December 7th. However, Junior's cell phone is dated December 19th if one looks closely. It's possible Jackie Chu was lying or Junior's cell phone date is incorrect.
  • At 4:24, a fraction of Pablo’s side can be seen.
  • At the end, when Jeffy is counting the numbers, he shouldn't have counted the number 9 because he said "But seven already ate the nine, Daddy!". Though Jeffy may have been exaggerating.
  • Before Brooklyn T. Guy popped the balloon that was shaped as the number 7, Logan, Lance, And Chris can be seen on the reflection of the balloon.
  • At 10:16, the 7 balloon cast a reflection of Lance, and a puppet rod can be seen right next to the 7 balloon.
  • Mario says if Jeffy stops screaming he would get McDonald's, but he is rewarded for saying ok instead of not screaming.
  • The 7 colors rule is no longer accurate.
  • At 1:03, Lance's right ear can be seen.
SML Movies