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"Happy Halloween!" is the 251st episode of SML Movies.


It is Jeffy's first Halloween! Meanwhile, Junior and his friends go trick or treating with killer clowns everywhere!


Junior (in his pig costume) runs over to get the door for his friends so they can go trick or treating. When he gets the door, Joseph and Cody show Junior their costumes, Joseph as Deadpool, and Cody as Darth Vader. Then it comes to Bowser’s room where he is watching TV. Then a news report comes on and says Killer Clowns are everywhere and killing people. Bowser then tells Junior he is not allowed to go because of the Killer Clowns and he can pass out candy instead. Meanwhile in the kitchen Mario and Jeffy are there getting their costumes on. Mario is The Joker and Jeffy is a chicken.

Jeffy makes chicken noises as always. Mario tells him he gets it because he is a chicken. Jeffy asks who Mario is and Mario explains. Jeffy then tells Mario to tell him a joke because he is The Joker. Mario asks why the chicken crossed the road. Jeffy says he doesn’t even know. Mario’s says he is supposed to know that because he is a chicken. Jeffy says he is not a chicken and doesn’t even know what a chicken is. Mario says he is a chicken, and he has been making chicken noises all night. Jeffy says he doesn’t even know what a chicken sound like. Mario asks Jeffy who he is. Jeffy says he is a raccoon.

Jeffy says a raccoon sounds like an elephant. Rosalina comes into the room, and she is Harley Quinn. Mario says they Rosalina is ugly and not hot like Harley Quinn is in the movies and comic books. Rosalina gets upset and says Mario doesn’t look like The Joker. Despite there being killer clowns, Mario and Jeffy still go trick or treating. It then goes to the dining room and Junior and his friends are there. Cody says there should be a challenge for who can pass out the most candy. Junior says that is lame and that since he is Cody’s mom he will be chewing on a lot of candy. Then Junior decides to put razor blades in the candy. Joseph and Cody agree.

Mario and Jeffy arrive at the first house. Jeff the Killer answers the door wielding a chainsaw. He and Jeffy scream at each other. Then Junior and his friends are done putting razor blades in the candy. Junior says somebody’s going to have a sore throat. Then a laugh track plays. Junior says it is a double joke because the throat is going to be sore, and it is flu season. They then sneak out and still go trick or treating. Before they go, they put they candy in the bowl. Junior then makes a lot of candy puns. Then Jeffy and Jeff are still screaming at each other. Mario then tells them to stop, and Jeffy says Jeff started it first. Jeff says he is afraid of chickens and Jeffy says he is afraid of hippopotamuses. They then scream at each other again. Then Junior and his friends are at their first house. Then a killer clown comes up behind them. Joseph then tries to attack him. However, Joseph dies and the clown chases after Junior and Cody with a mallet. Then Jeffy and Jeff are making uh noises.

They then diaper pat. Mario asks Jeff to give them candy so they can leave. Jeff then says fine if they can get out of his house. But instead of Jeff putting the candy into Jeffy’s bucket he throws it on the ground. Jeff then says he is scared of pumpkins as an excuse.

Junior and Cody run back to the house before the clown can catch them. Then the clown then asks them if they want candy then he pounds on the door. Junior and Cody realize that Bowser was right about the killer clowns. However, Junior realized he forgot to lock the door and the clown breaks in. Then the clown chases them all around the kitchen table in a circle. They then decide they can go out the back door and make a run for it. They slam the door in the clown's face and they say that he wasn’t expecting that. Suddenly, they spot a another clown in the backyard. They try to get back in the house but the first one knocks them out with a mallet. Then Mario and Jeffy chase Jeff all around his house begging him for candy with Jeff backing away at the same time because he afraid of Jeffy’s pumpkin and Jeff drops all the candy on the floor. Jeff than makes a run for it out the back door. In the secret room in the house (see trivia) Junior and Cody wake up with the room pitch black.

The clowns are there with evil laughter. It looks like they are trying to kill Junior and Cody but the gun they used was a prank one. It turned out the clowns were playing a trick on them. Jeffy then picks up the candy at Jeff’s house and then they leave. Then out of nowhere Jeff comes up behind them and swipes the candy. Mario is furious and commands Jeff to give the candy back but Jeff refuses while telling Mario get out of his house, despite not even being in his house. Jeff dumps the rest of the candy on his head and runs off. Mario could only give Jeffy one piece of candy that was on the ground. Then Jeff, out of nowhere, appears on a truck, sneaks behind Mario, and takes the last piece. Mario and Jeffy head home with Jeffy crying because he didn’t get candy. The episode ends with Chef Pee Pee mad that the door was left open and then realizes the candy on the ground. Chef Pee Pee eats a piece of candy and gets stabbed in the throat from the razor in the candy bar and screams.



  • Joseph - Crushed to death by one of the Killer Clown's mallets.


  • This is the last episode to be released in October 2016.
  • The costumes that were shown:
  • This episode was uploaded a year after "Bowser Junior's Halloween Problem!", two years after "Bowser Junior's Halloween", and seven years after "Shrek's Costume".
  • The killer clowns are a reference to the wave of "clown sightings" that occurred in the fall of 2016.
  • At the 1:38 mark, a killer clown can be seen looking at Junior, Joseph, and Cody outside from the door.
  • This is one of the few times Mario is openly rude to Rosalina.
  • This is the first Halloween special to not feature Toad.
  • This episode marks the 7th time Joseph has died, 1st was Bowser Junior's Sleepover, 2nd was The Burger!, 3rd was The Ouija Board!, and 4th was Cody The Magician!.
  • This marks the third Halloween special.
  • This marks the first appearance of Jeff The Killer and the Killer Clown.
  • It is possible that the killer clowns only wanted to play a joke on Bowser Junior and Cody, but they killed Joseph for no reason. They possibly did this in attempt of scaring them.
  • This is the second time Jeffy has a very different picture/pose than the usual 2 other poses on the thumbnail, the first being Jeffy Sleepwalks.
  • Jeff the Killer's house is possibly the same house as the guy who dressed up as the weird old man's house in Bowser Junior's Halloween.
  • On the thumbnail, Jeffy's hand was coming out of his sleeve.
  • This is the 4th video to be filmed at the new house.
  • This is the first time Jeffy and Rosalina appear in a Halloween Special.
  • Mario thought about the Harley Quinn in the movie Suicide Squad, but Rosalina dressed as the Harley Quinn from the DC Animated Universe.
  • This is the first holiday video to be set in the new house.
  • At 10:02 and 10:32, Jeff The Killer is in the shadows and him coming out of the truck to steal Jeffy's candy.
  • This is the first video to have a scene filmed in the secret room.
  • Junior was originally going to call the police to arrest the clowns. Since Mario was disguised as the Joker, it would've ended with the police confusing Mario for one of the evil clowns and arresting him as result. This was removed to avoid fan backlash, especially considering the controversy of Jeffy's Bad Word!, and later Locked Out.
  • The Jeff the Killer guy was later revealed to be played by Logan & Lance's cousin Matthew Reber.


  • Lance's face could be seen really closely at 10:10.
  • Bowser should have told Mario to not take Jeffy trick or treating because of the killer clowns. This shows that Bowser is much more caring and protective of others than he seems to Mario.
SML Movies