"Goodman's Heart Transplant!" is the 942nd episode of SML Movies.
Goodman needs a heart transplant!
When Mr. Goodman visits Marvin's house to collect his house payment, he discovers that his wife Rose bought an expensive Louis Vuitton purse. Goodman gets a heart attack from being shocked of the price, prompting Marvin to take him to the hospital. Goodman finds out his heart is too small for him to survive long, and is recommended to get a heart transplant.
Goodman tries using Chives as a heart donor, but is not allowed to as the donor has to be dead. He tries tricking his maid into dying of natural causes, but fails. His son Richard comes over, so Marvin takes him to the doctor. He isn't allowed to donate his heart either as he is too young. Meanwhile, Rose returns her purse only to get in-store credit.
Goodman asks to use the heart of Marvin's son, Jeffy, but he refuses despite him being eligible to donate. Furious, Goodman hires an assassin by the name of Gooper to kill him, and he breaks into their house to do so. When he aims at Jeffy, he points the gun the wrong way and shoots himself. Shortly after, Goodman finds out that the x-ray taken of supposedly "his" heart is actually a sticker.
- Mr. Goodman
- Marvin
- Jeffy
- Rose
- Brooklyn Guy
- Susan
- Chives
- Richard
- Patricia
- Barbara Guy
- Penelope (indirectly mentioned)
- Gooper (debut; death)
- This is the first appearances of Richard, Patricia, Chives, Susan, and Barbara in 2024.
- This is Chives' first appearance since "The Dance Marathon!".
- This is Richard's first appearance since "Junior's Loyalty Test!".
- This is Barbara's first appearance since "Jeffy and Junior's Hotel!".
- This is Patricia's first appearance since "Marvin The Intern!".
- This is Susan's first appearance since "Junior's Scary Bump!".
- This episode was uploaded five years after "Jeffy's Imaginary Friend!", seven years after "The Bake Sale!", fourteen years after "Toad's Mistake 2", and sixteen years after "Everybody Hates Toad "Animation"".
- This is the first Goodman-centric episode in 2024.
- The fact said by Brooklyn Guy that the Grinch's heart exploded after growing 3 sizes could be a reference to the Mean One horror movie, mainly the Grinch's death scene.
- Barbara Guy tells Brooklyn Guy that his stethoscope is sown to his shirt just like Jeffy did in Jeffy Gets Help!.
- Logan said in a Chilly vlog that this was supposed to be "Jeffy's Heart Transplant!".
- Coincidentally, Mr. Goodman is another character that Lance plays who makes a Mike Snickerpippets joke. The first was Jeffy in Jeffy's Cereal Prize! when he calls PJ "Mike Snickerpippets".
- When Goodman was telling Marvin that he will get a job despite already an intern in "Marvin The Intern!". It is possible that Marvin quit his job or Logan forgot.
- In "The Business Deal!", Marvin is still an intern.
- When Goodman was telling Brooklyn Guy to get Patricia killed, he says "he" instead of "she".
- Susan says that Barbara is 78, but in "The Funeral!" she was 75, so this would make her over 76 years old.
- At 4:00, part of Elaina's face could be seen.
To see full results of this poll, see here.