"Cody's Wisdom Teeth!" is the 1,095th episode of SML Movies.
Cody needs his wisdom teeth removed!
The video starts with Junior, asking Cody and Joseph what they want to do today on the Red Couch. Joseph says he doesn't know and he's bored, but Cody tells them that he has Cheese Sticks, and asks if they want to do a Cheese-Pull. Joseph says "Heck yeah dude" as he asks himself how far they can stretch as Junior then grabs his phone and records it. Joseph and Cody then stretch a Cheese Stick, which Joseph and Cody were impressed by how far they were able to stretch the Cheese Stick that they grabbed another one and stretched it. Junior, Joseph, and Cody became really impressed by the pull as Joseph asks how they filled it in there. Cody says he can't help himself and he's got to eat it as he then takes a bite, but feels pain in his mouth, causing him to drop the Cheese Stick. Junior asks what's wrong, which Cody says his back teeth hurt. Junior says maybe he has a cavity as he says he doesn't brush his teeth and they are "Yellower than SpongeBob", to which Joseph then makes a Bikini Bottom joke. Cody says they are yellow, but it's his back teeth that hurt, which Junior says if his front teeth are yellow, he would hate to see what color his back teeth are. Cody says maybe he has a cavity, and he should call his mom and see if she can take him to a dentist as he then leaves while Junior tells Joseph they could play Jump Rope with the stretched Cheese Stick, which Joseph says he knows and he saw that as Junior and Joseph then start jumping, which Junior says it's "Cheesy as shit". Cody then comes back, telling Junior and Joseph to hold on as he's calling his "Mommy-Roni". Joseph asks how many times does he get his ass beaten a day because he claims it's not enough, but Cody shushes him as Judy says "Hey Cody-Roni", which Cody says hey back as he asks if "Daddy-Roni" is there, which Tyrone comes over and tells Cody that he told him not to call him that, and if he calls him that again, he's gonna tie his ass up, and throw him up in his truck to drive it off the bridge as he then leaves. Cody asks Judy to tell him, but Judy says she doesn't think she's going to do that as she then asks Cody why he called, which Cody says he called because his back teeth hurt. Judy asks if he's been flossing, but Cody thinks she's talking about an emote as he tells her "You know I can't dance; I can barely even Hit the Quan". Judy then tells Cody if he "Crank that Soulja Boy" to the Dentist's Office, she'll meet him there, which Cody says "Okay" as he then hangs up the phone, and leaves, saying "Youuuuuuu".
At the Dentist's Office, Cody says "Superman that hoe" as Judy then comes in, saying "Now watch me youuu". Brooklyn T. Guy then comes in, asking if they are "Cracking that Soulja Boy", which Cody says they were. Brooklyn Guy says "Cool" as he then asks what brings him into the Dentist Office, which Cody says his back teeth hurts. Brooklyn Guy tells him to let him see as Cody then opens his mouth, which Brooklyn Guy takes a sniff, only to not like the smell as he says his breath smells like dick, which Cody thanks him as Brooklyn Guy then says "Let me see those teeth" as he takes a look, and notices his front teeth are yellow, which he says it looks like he's never brushed his teeth ever. Cody says it's not there, it's his back teeth that hurt, which Brooklyn Guy says "Okay" as he then says it looks like he has four wisdom teeth coming in. Judy asks what are wisdom teeth, which Brooklyn Guy says they are "The smartest of all teeth" because they hide in the back of their mouth, and come in when they want to. Cody asks why they hurt, which Brooklyn Guy says it's because they are coming in all crooked, which could get infected and fuck his teeth up, but judging by what he's seeing, it wouldn't be much of a change. Brooklyn Guy then warns that the surgery to take them out is really painful. Cody says he doesn't want them taken out that bad, but Brooklyn Guy says he doesn't want him to end up like "Wisdom Teeth Willy". Cody asks who's that, which Brooklyn Guy says he's on the clock, meaning he doesn't have time to tell a story, but then says "Okay I will" as he then tells the story about Wisdom Teeth Willy. After Brooklyn Guy tells the story, Cody says he doesn't want to end up like Wisdom Teeth Willy, which Brooklyn Guy says he suggests they pull his wisdom teeth out right now. Judy asks how much it's going to cost as she then rubs her chest, which Brooklyn Guy tells her not to worry about it as he says they are going to work it out later in private. Cody asks if the bills are really that high, but Judy tells him not to "cock-block" her as she says "He's a doctor". Brooklyn Guy then says "Okay, open your mouth", which Judy opens her mouth, but Brooklyn Guy says "No, not you, you silly goose, that's later" as he tells Cody to open his mouth, which Cody proceeds to do so as Brooklyn Guy says he sees the wisdom teeth as he then pulls out his wisdom teeth. After Brooklyn Guy finishes pulling the wisdom teeth out, he tells Cody he did great as they got them out, but he could of given him some anesthesia, but he didn't know how nasty his mom wanted to get as Judy then says "Poopa then mouth", which interests Brooklyn Guy as he says "Ooooh" and then says "I'm going to give you some good pain medicine.
Back at the Red Couch, Junior says he wonders how Cody's dentist appointment went, which Joseph says he really doesn't care as Judy comes in, with Cody in a wheelchair. Junior asks what happened, which Judy says Cody got his wisdom teeth pulled out, which Joseph asks if that means he's dumber now. Judy says the dentist loaded him up with Hydrocodone, which she says he's "Zooted like a motherfucker" as she then says he's in a future song right now and he's like "Juice World after his private and the police raided, except he's not dead" as she then says "Right Cody" as she taps his head, but Cody doesn't answer. Judy then says she doesn't feel like taking care of him, so she gives them his medicine, which Joseph takes and says he can make a nice profit on the street with them, which Judy agrees with Joseph as she says she used to have a pimp that made her sell them on the street, and if she didn't, he would beat her with a flashlight as she then says "Those were good times". Junior says ok as Judy tells him to make sure to give him one of the pills every 2 hours, which she says it's supposed to be every 8 hours, but she says "But hey, fingers crossed" as she then leaves, telling Cody bye. Junior asks Cody why he's chewing on a napkin, which Joseph says "Yeah dude, you know better, you could choke on that". Junior then says "That's not food", which Cody then talks, but is very muffled from the gauze pads he has in his mouth. Junior then asks why he's in a wheelchair as he says he can walk and he's not a paraplegic as Junior then says he's acting like those people in Walmart who get out of their car, and walk to the scooter, just to drive around because they're fat, which Joseph agrees with Junior as he says "Yeah like bitch get up, you know you want them Oreos" as Cody then talks some more, but still very muffled. Junior tells him to say words ad they can't understand him while Joseph says they don't speak in "grunch", only for Cody to be muffled some more as he tries to talk. Junior then asks what if when he got his wisdom teeth removed, they were attached to his brain and that was all his wisdom, and what if he's dumb now because of his wisdom teeth being remove, which this shocks Joseph as he says "Oh no, my friend is stupid!" in a worried tone as Junior then says what if that's why his mom dropped him off as he explains that she's already raised him once and they're going to teach him everything again as he says they're going to have to teach him how to speak, how to walk, and everything. Joseph saying it's going to be a lot, but they're his friends, meaning they have to do it.
Junior then starts of by saying "First, we don't need these pills" as he tosses Cody's medicine over the Red Couch, which Cody tries to talk, but it's still muffled while Joseph gets upset, saying he was going to sell those and make a profit, but Junior says he can sell them as his prize after they teach Cody how to be a human again. Joseph sighs and says "Okay" in a disappointed tone as he then sits down while Junior says they are going to teach Cody right from wrong, starting with Ken as he grabs him, and tells Cody "This is bad, this is a doll, this is plastic, you do not hump this", which Joseph agrees with everything Junior says as Junior then bonks Cody with Ken, and tosses him over the Red Couch. Cody then tries to talk, but he's still muffled, which Junior says "Oh he's trying to speak" as he then asks Cody to tell him what he has to say, but still comes out muffled. Joseph then says "If only he could form words", which Junior tells him to get a whiteboard, which Joseph says "Oh, oh, yes" as he then leaves while Junior tells Cody they are going to teach him how to say words. The video then cuts to later, where Junior and Joseph now have a whiteboard, which Junior tells him "Here's a whiteboard so you can learn words". Junior starts off with the ABCs, which he tells Cody to sing it with him as he starts singing it, but failed as Cody's voice is still muffled, which results in Junior doing it one letter at a time as he starts off with the letter A, which Cody manages to say the letter A. Junior then moves on to the letter B, but fails as Cody failed to pronounce the letter B because of the gauze pads he still has in his mouth. Junior then moves on to actual words, starting with Cat, which Cody fails to say it the first couple of times, but manages to say it in a way that Junior finds it passable as he moves on to Dog, which Cody says it in a way that Junior finds it close enough as he then moves to Bird, which he makes an example sentence to help Cody say it, but Cody fails to say it because of Cody, not being able to pronounce the letter B because of the gauze pads he still has in his mouth. Junior then moves on to vowels, which Junior asks if they are vowels, which Joseph confirms they are vowels. Junior then starts the lesson, saying "A E I O U, and sometimes Y", which he says the "Sometimes Y" part with Joseph, which Cody says them in a way that Junior finds it passable as Junior says he thinks that's good for his word lessons today, which Joseph agrees with Junior. Junior then says he doesn't think he said anything as he then asks how teachers don't hit their kids, which Joseph says he would have booted their ass out of the window as Junior says it's so easy. Cody tries to say something, but his voice is still muffled, which Junior says "What's that, you want to learn how to walk?", which Cody tries saying No, but Junior thinks it's time for Cody to learn how to walk as he tells Joseph he thinks he's ready to learn to walk as he then says "Here's the big deal: So if you're by a pool and you can't swim, my dad would just throw me in a pool, and I learn to swim" as he then says the only way to get Cody to learn how to walk is pushing him out of the wheelchair, onto the stairs. Junior and Joseph then grab Cody as they then walk to the stairs.
At the stairs, Junior asks Cody if he's ready to start walking, which Cody tries saying "Nuh-uh", but Junior explains to him that when they push him down the stairs, he's going to learn to walk as he's going to see the steps, thus he becomes a natural. Junior then says he's a pro at walking, which Joseph agrees with Junior as he says he seems him walk everyday as Junior then says even he sometimes stumbles down the stairs. Junior then says it's a little tricky, but each step is lower than the last as he then tells him to remember that while Joseph tells him not to look down because he'll fall because of him getting distracted from how high up he is. Cody tries to talk some more, but he's still muffled, which Junior tells him that it's for his own good as he says the sooner he learns to walk, the sooner he can be able to do anything like walk to the store, which Joseph adds on, saying he can run. Junior then asks if he's ready to learn to walk, which Cody tries telling them no, but because his voice is still muffled, Junior and Joseph count down from three as they then push him down the stairs, causing Cody to fall and land on a step while his wheelchair lands at the bottom of the stairs. Junior, seeing the results, says he didn't walk, which Joseph agrees as he says he fell down. Junior then says "Come on Cody" as he and Joseph then go down the stairs to Cody, where Junior tells Cody he didn't even try because he didn't even lift up his leg one time, which Joseph agrees with Junior as he says "No effort dude, come on", Junior says his wheelchair made it farther then he did, meaning the wheelchair is a better human as Joseph then says it doesn't even have legs. Junior then says "Come on Cody", which Cody tries to talk, but Junior thinks he's saying he wants to learn to swim as he asks if he wants to learn to swim, which Cody says no, but Joseph says he's such a fast learner and he likes the kid. Junior then asks if it's the saying "You learn to swim before you learn to walk", which Cody says no while Joseph says maybe. Junior then says ok as he then grabs Cody, saying "Come on Cody, let's go learn to swim" as the video then cuts to them, at the pool, which at the pool, Junior asks Cody if he's ready to swim, which Cody says no, but Junior says "That's the spirit" as he then tells a joke about a boy ant and a girl ant, after which he tosses Cody into the pool. Junior then says "Oh look at that, he's floating, he's swimming" as he tells Cody to move his arms and legs while Joseph says he's so advanced. Junior then tells Cody again to move his arms and legs while Joseph says "Come on dude", which Junior tells Joseph he thinks he's just having a good time as they then leave, which Junior tells Cody to let them know when he's done swimming.
Back at the Red Couch, Junior tells Joseph they are literally the best teachers. Joseph agrees with Junior as he says he can be a teacher's assistant as Junior says they thought Cody how to talk, walk, and swim, all in one day. Joseph then says they deserve a Purple Heart, which Junior agrees with Joseph he says Joe Biden should make them the "Medal of being Good", which Joseph agrees with Junior for that. Brooklyn Guy then comes in, telling Junior and Joseph that the neighbor's camera saw them throwing a sedated kid in a pool, which Junior, mishearing Brooklyn Guy, says they weren't dating. Brooklyn Guy explains that he said sedated like he was all drugged up, but Junior tells him Cody never did drugs, and he was a good kid while Joseph says he's a nerd and he would never do that as Junior then says "All A's and everything, he was too lame to do drugs". Brooklyn Guy says he means he wasn't "all there", but Junior tells him he understands that he didn't know a lot, but they had to teach all that in one day as he then tells him not to make fun of their parenting as Junior and Joseph then cry. Brooklyn Guy then explains that he tooted Cody's wisdom teeth out earlier, and he was drugged up from the pain medicine. This upsets Junior as he says "So you made him like that!?" as he claims that he messed up his life, he had a future, and he was going to go to college as he then tells Brooklyn Guy he's under arrest as he lays him on the couch, attempting to arrest him as Joseph then puts his hat on. They then talk for a little bit before Junior then says he's taking him to jail as Junior and Brooklyn Guy then leave, which Joseph comes along with them, saying "Those damn officers".
- Cody
- Junior
- Joseph
- Judy
- Tyrone
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Ken
- Wisdom Teeth Willy (Animation only)
- God (Animation only)
- Braxton (Indirectly Mentioned)
- Joe Biden (Mentioned)
- This video marks Cody, Junior, Joseph and Ken's first appearances in 2025.
- This is also Junior, Joseph, and Cody's first appearances since "The Grinch Happy Meal!" after an eight-episode absence.
- Conversely, this is the first video of 2025 and the first video since "The Grinch Happy Meal!" to not feature Marvin.
- This video was uploaded a year after "The Tornado!" and 3 years after "Sleepy Jeffy!".
- This is the first Cody-centric video of 2025.
- This is the third video centered around Cody's teeth. The other two are "The Cover Up!" and "Cody's Cavity!".
- Additionally, this is the eight video revolving around teeth (or the ninth, if counting the unreleased SML Movie "Bowser Junior's Cavity"), including previous videos like "Bowser Loses a Tooth!", "Jeffy Loses His Teeth!", "Jeffy Gets a Cavity!", "The Cover Up!", "Cody's Cavity!", "Junior's Teeth!", "Jeffy's Dinosaur Tooth!" and this video.
- Coincidence or not, this video came after "Jeffy's Dinosaur Tooth!" was released.
To see full results of this poll, see here.