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"Cody's Report Card!" is the 350th episode of SML Movies and the tenth episode of the Days of School Series.


Cody is worried about his report card!


The video starts with Jackie Chu saying that all the students will get their report cards. Junior is not so happy, but Cody says that he is excited, because he believes that his report card will have straight A's. Jackie Chu hands Junior and Cody their report cards. Junior gets 2 D's (in Math and Spelling), 1 F (in Science), 1 C- (in History), a B+ (in English), and an A- (in Attendance).

Cody looks at his, he has mostly A's, but starts crying when he gets a B+ in Spelling. Junior asks him what's wrong. Cody cries to him saying he got a B in Spelling. When Junior decides to look at it. He tells Cody it's a B+ which shouldn't be that big of a deal. Cody starts saying all of the horrible things that might happen to him (Example: Not getting accepted into a college, his parents kicking him out of the house, etc. Junior tells him he has to figure it ) Junior tells Cody to calm down, but he still cries.

Meanwhile, Jackie Chu hands Jeffy his report card, to which he got all F's (in addition to Jackie Chu stating he's dumb). Jackie Chu begins his speech, but Jeffy throws his desk, almost hitting him (luckily, Jackie Chu ran quickly) Jackie Chu comes out from hiding under his desk, yelling angrily "WHO THREW THAT DESK?!" Everyone begins to look at Jeffy. To which Jeffy denies it was him.

Junior and Cody go home and Cody states that he's scared about going back to his house because of his parents. Junior says he has bad grades, but Cody says that he shouldn't worry cause his dad already knows Junior is stupid and doesn't expect him to get straight A's.Someone rings the doorbell, and Cody is worried that it might be his parents. It turns out to be Joseph. Junior explains the entire situation that happened with Cody's report card to Joseph. Joseph gets his report card handed by Cody, and Cody states that Joseph's grades are horrible (since Joseph got a D in Attendance). Joseph complains to Cody that it's not his fault he can't get to school on time, because not everyone has parents like Cody does.

Junior compares his grades with Joseph's, by stating that he got an F in Science while Joseph got a D in Science. Then, they call him out, saying that Cody got a B, thus making him cry again. Junior asks Cody what his parents will think when they see his report card. In Cody's mind, his parents insult him and call him bad names (Loser-Woser). Cody still cries, when Junior brings up the idea of photo-shopping his grade to an A+. Cody says no. Junior challenges Cody to test his spelling skills. Junior only chooses words that have different forms and meanings to confuse Cody. Cody tries to ask what he means by both meat and meet, but Junior tells him he has to figure it out for himself. Cody tells him to use a sentence, but Junior uses both words, thus making Cody angry and starts tackling Junior out of anger for using both the words in sentences. Joseph breaks them up, and Junior tries to prove to him that it won't be a big deal. Since Junior gets grades way worse than Cody does, so Junior agrees to show his grades to his dad. His dad gets angry about his low grades, and we get a joke about Logan getting censored/age-restricted (In the form of Bowser resorting to whipping a pillow with a belt instead of Junior, telling Junior to imagine it's him and to make screaming noises)

After this happens, Junior comes back to Cody asking what happened. Junior says his dad started beating his pillow, and Cody says "Well that's not too bad I guess." Cody still thinks his parents will be angry saying they're pretty strict. So they ask Chef Pee-Pee what he thinks about Cody's grades, Chef Pee-Pee says Cody's grades are pretty good, except the B throws the streak off. Cody cries and Junior asks what Chef Pee Pee's making. Chef Pee Pee says "You know what, I don't actually know?" and Junior asks if he can throw an egg in. Pee-Pee agrees and Junior picks up an egg, but he drops it right onto Cody's report card. "Junior, you ruined my report card!" Cody cries out, but Junior looks on the bright side of the situation and says he can now Photoshop Cody's grades. Cody agrees and says "Just make it believable". We then cut back to the couch with Cody's "photo-shopped" report card, it looks pretty good. But Cody realizes Junior spelled "Attendance" wrong. Junior disagrees, but Cody proves him wrong. Junior says he will go fix it, but Cody explains it won't matter because when he lies he farts. We then get a joke where Junior asks "Are you straight?" Cody says "Yeah" and farts, much to Junior and Joseph's disgust.

The doorbell rings, and Junior says he will make a signal for Cody to hide if it is his parents, then Cody's parents show up. They ask if Cody's there, and Junior says he's upstairs. His parents respond with "We were worried he might have gotten bipped". So Cody's parents come upstairs and Cody asks "What happened to the signal?" Junior confused asks "What signal?" "The Ca-Caw!". Junior then screams "Oh yeah, CA-CAW!!" after the fact his parents were already there. Cody's parents talk to Cody about how worried they were that he might have gotten "bipped" and ask Cody where his report card is. They look at his grades and say "Looks like you got straight A's" Cody says he did and farts, Junior covers for him saying "That was me, I cut the cheese". His parents ask him more questions, and Cody responds with lies while farting. Junior keeps covering for Cody until Cody breaks-down and says he can't lie and tells them the truth. His parents say that its okay, and that they don't care about him getting a B+. But they do say "We care that you lied, that's why we don't love you as much now."

The next day, Cody is still worried about his grades, and thinking what is the point of going back to school. Then, Jackie-Chu goes towards Cody's desk to tell him that there was a typo on his report card, and it turns out Cody's real grade was an A+ after-all. Cody happily says to Junior "When people go down a roller coaster, what do they say?" When Junior asks. "AAAAAAAAAH!" Cody screams. We get a few more "AAAAAAH!" jokes, then Junior says "Hey Cody when people see your mom coming down the street what do they say? AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Junior awkwardly explains the joke, and the video ends on Junior's words "She's fat."



  • This episode reveals that Bowser will no longer whip Junior with a belt because it would cause the video to get age-restricted, making this the fifth episode to have an age-restriction joke; the first being "Bowser Junior Gets Sick!", the second being "Jeffy Plays Minecraft!", the third being "The Remote!" and the fourth being "Jeffy's Bad Christmas".
    • To compensate, Bowser uses the belt to swing at the pillow and tells Junior to pretend he is the pillow. Due to the awkward silence caused by this, Bowser asks Junior to scream in pain as if he is getting whooped with the belt.

This is the last time Bowser abuses Junior. In later episodes, Bowser would sometimes punish Junior by grounding him.

  • Cody reveals that he has a medical disorder that makes him fart when he lies.
  • This is the 8th time we see Jeffy without him being in the thumbnail.
  • Junior is shown to still think the sun is a planet, even after what happened to him in "Bowser Junior Goes To The Sun!".
    • However, the episode might have been non-canon because Bowser Junior dies.
  • This video marks the 1 year anniversary of the school series.
  • This is the last video to be filmed in 2017.
  • This episode is similar to the Hey Arnold episode, "Olga Comes Home", where both Cody and Olga acted very upset when they saw that they had a B on their grades. But in the end, both Cody and Olga found out that they had all A's all along.
  • This is the first time that Jeffy has one line.


  • Joseph says that he hasn't been the same since he got bitten by a rabid dog, but he is shown to be very fine.
  • Jeffy already got his report card in "Jeffy's Bike!" but it's possible that this takes place before that episode.
  • Cody lied before that he is straight but he doesn't seem to fart. However, he farts in this episode when he admits he is straight.
  • Cody states that he's never gotten a B before, however he previously got a B- on his drawing in Bowser Junior's 1st Grade! Part 5. It is possible that he forgot or could be referring to his third grade year.
  • In the background when Cody gets yelled at by his parents, you can see attendance misspelled as "atendance"


SML Movies