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"Cody's Lawsuit!" is the 711th episode of SML Movies.


Cody gets hit by a bus!


This episode starts off with Junior, Joseph, Cody, and Jeffy waiting for the school bus. Junior is telling Joseph how much he hates school. Cody tells them that school isn't as bad as they think, but Junior demands Jeffy to hit Cody. The school bus comes with Junior hoping that it runs Cody over, but it doesn't happen.

Cody finds a quarter and bends down to pick it up, but while he is getting it, the bus closes, causing him to get stuck in the door. Jackie Chu ignores it, and starts driving anyways. Junior asks everyone if they heard something, Joseph tells him that he always hears a voice in his head. Junior then peaks out the window, seeing Cody stuck on the door. Cody tells Junior to tell Jackie Chu to stop the bus. He does and Jackie Chu refuses. Cody then falls off and gets ran over by the bus's wheels.

Jackie Chu thinks he hit a cat or a dog, and goes down to see it's Cody. Cody goes to the hospital, with Brooklyn T. Guy saying he's lucky he is alive. Junior and Joseph comes visit him. Joseph finds a fly on Cody's head and punches his head. Junior asks how he's feeling, Cody says he is peachy, feeling like he got ran over by a bus. Junior talks about the flu, feeling just like Cody. Cody says he actually got ran over, and they tell him to stop bragging. Junior then asks if he would choose a train or a bus to get hit by, Cody chose bus, and Junior tells that he got hit by "what he wanted".

Nurse Jackie and Brooklyn T. Guy come in, telling them to leave to insert the needle in his "p-hole". Cody tells Brooklyn to do it, and he runs away saying he doesn't even need one anymore. Nurse Jackie tells that if he sues the school, he can get a lot of money. Cody thinks it's a good idea, and does it. Junior picks Cody up, then drops him to get rid of a fly, then picks Cody up again and go home. He throw him hard into the couch, despise saying to put him gentle. They ask how much he is going to sue the school for, Cody says 5 million dollars. They go insane, and Cody explains. Joseph then asks if he wants to play basketball, he denies, saying he is in a full body cast, then Joseph goes to the basketball court. A doorbell rings, Junior asks can he get the door. Then tells he is in a full body cast again.

Junior opens the door to find Judy and Tyrone, asking if Cody's there, since the tracker went offline hours ago. Junior tells that Cody's upstairs, and comes in. They see Cody in a body cast, asking what happened. Cody explains. Judy and Tyrone decides to sue to school too, and goes. Mr. Goodman reviews their case, saying that it's going to be a "slam dunk", getting paid.

Judge Pooby hears the case of "Cody vs Y U DUMB? Elementary School", suing for a million dollars. Mr. Goodman tells his procedure, being "Imagine this, your son just got done eating breakfast, and he waves goodbye. He walks out the door, and walks to the bus stop. He finally gets there and is waving for the bus stop, and out of nowhere, BAM. He gets hit by a bus, and is left to die." Judge Pooby then asks how will the defendant, defend their actions. Brooklyn tells it, saying “Jackie Chu is clearly Chinese, a simple eye test will show it. And being Chinese, unfamiliar with the America traffic laws. We are all humans, we all make mistakes. He still deserves a second chance." Judge Pooby ask what will the plaintiff respond.

Mr. Goodman says guilty, Judge Pooby saying it's not that part yet, and tells to respond to the defendant. He responds with ”Here is a photograph of my client before he got hit by a bus. A normal, ugly child. Now looking unrecognizable. Looking like that, he can't get a job, can't get married. But with 5 million dollars, he will be rich. Because men love money." Judge Pooby tells the defendant to defend.

Brooklyn says "He can use pictures too, and can tell what that is. Those are egg rolls, what Jackie Chu ate on the day he ran over the kid. So how would we know the ingredients could have caused this. Which is why he thinks, they should investigate, on the egg roll, What if the company put chemicals?, then Jackie Chu tells that his wife made them from scratch. Then Brooklyn drops the picture, then tells them to investigate his wife."

Judge Pooby asks the plaintiff to continue with the "plaintiffing". Goodman explains about being scared of school buses, something he likes to call “Schoolbusesphobia", then shows up a picture of a school bus, then Cody screams. Judge Pooby tells the defendant to defend, Brooklyn saying he is "sweating bullets", then borrows the picture of the school bus. He tells that this isn't the school bus that hit him, this is a stock photo of a bus. Then tells that he believes Cody doesn't have any physiological injuries, and should be lucky he is alive, and stop "bitching" about it. Judge Pooby tells the plaintiff, then Goodman tells that he will call one of Cody's friends that was there that day. Junior explains stuff not happening.

Judge Pooby tells the defendant to do its thing, taking Junior as a witness. Junior says he only could do it on purpose, then Cody tells that he was picking up a quarter on the ground and his hand got stuck. Brooklyn then says he is just on for the money all along. Junior tells that he also told him train or bus and he chose bus, and saying this was what he wanted all along. Judge Pooby tells the plaintiff to give a response. Goodman calls Cody's mother, saying that the judge is hot. Goodman asks if Judy wanted this, Judy says no, then kisses Judge Pooby, then saying Cody won. Jackie Chu then invites Brooklyn to his house to eat egg rolls.

Goodman tells he won the case, with Tyrone being proud, Cody saying technically his mom did because he slept with the judge. Goodman tells good news, being that the 5 million dollars is cleared in his account, and after removing necessary court fees and attorney fees, he is left with a quarter. Saying he should be lucky. After explaining the fees cost, he throws a swish, then the video ends.




  • SpongeBob SquarePants - The scene where Cody screams when Goodman shows him a picture of a bus is a reference to the Season 1 episode "Hall Monitor", where two police officers tease Patrick with a wanted poster of SpongeBob, which scares the dimwitted starfish.


  • At 0:43, Elaina's face can be seen, and at 3:01, her head can be seen.


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