"Brooklyn Guy's Last Hope!" (Stylized as "Brooklyn Guy's LAST Hope!") is the 1,093rd episode of SML Movies.
Jimmy Butler loves Coffee too much.
The video starts with Brooklyn T. Guy, cheering at a Heats game he is watching. Karen tells Brooklyn Guy to get his finger out of her face as he was waving his hands around, blocking her face. Brooklyn Guy tells Karen that it's Game 7 of the NBA Finals, and all Jimmy has to do is hit the game-winning shot to win the championship. Karen tells Brooklyn Guy she thought he hated Jimmy Butler as she claims he is back and forth from "I love him" to "I hate him". Brooklyn Guy then says "I freaking love this man, he's the GOAT" as he then tells Karen to look at Jimmy Butler as the video then shows Jimmy Butler, making the game-winning shot to win the NBA Finals. The video then goes back to Brooklyn Guy, who is really excited about Jimmy Butler making the game-winning shot as he says he loves him and he did it as he then starts bouncing on the couch and chanting "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy", which Karen joins in too as the video then cuts to Brooklyn Guy and Karen, in their bed, which Brooklyn Guy is still chanting Jimmy while taping on Karen's head. Karen wakes up and tells Brooklyn Guy to stop it. Brooklyn Guy wakes up and says "Jimmy! He actually did it Karen, he won the championship", but Karen tells Brooklyn Guy he's having the dream again. Brooklyn Guy asks what month it is, which Karen tells him it's January. Brooklyn Guy then says he should of known it was just a dream as he says Jimmy Butler is never going to win a championship with the Miami Heat. Karen tells Brooklyn Guy to stop monologuing as she's trying to sleep, which Brooklyn Guy says he doesn't get why Jimmy Butler loves Coffee so much as he says he gets paid $150 million dollars to play basketball, and all he cares about is Coffee. Karen says she knows, but Brooklyn Guy doesn't care as he says "Imagine somebody was paying you $150 million dollars to bake cakes, and you signed that contract and you said you know what, I don't want to bake cakes, I want to drink hot cocoa". Karen tells Brooklyn Guy that he's babbling and to go to sleep. Brooklyn Guy says she's right and he just needs something to distract him as he then says he's going to watch ESPN as he then turns the TV on, which the video cuts to the news, with Mr. Goodman reporting that Jimmy Butler has been suspended from the Miami Heat for being focused more on Coffee than basketball. Goodman says "Here's what he said at his press conference" as the news then cuts to Jimmy Butler, who says he wants out from the Miami Heat because they don't like Coffee as much as he does, and they don't support his Coffee dreams as he then tells Everyone to say it with him as he then chants out "Coffee, Coffee". The video then cuts back to Brooklyn Guy, now feeling disappointed as he says "Oh god damn it Jimmy!". Karen asks what's wrong, which Brooklyn Guy tells her that Jimmy Butler got himself suspended for 7 games because he won't stop talking about Coffee. Karen says "Good, I'm tired of hearing you complain", but Brooklyn Guy says now the Miami Heat is thinking about trading him to another team, which he questions what team would want him as he says "The Milwaukee Bucks just because their name rhymes with Starbucks and their colors are kind of similar?", which Karen says if he gets traded to another team, it's not his problem anymore, but Brooklyn Guy says the Miami Heat is going to suck without Jimmy Butler, which Karen says they already do, but Brooklyn Guy says they can at least make it to the playoffs and suck, but without him, they aren't going to make it and they are going to just suck as he then says he's got to find a way to stop him from getting traded. Karen asks how is he going to do that, which Brooklyn Guy says he already tried talking to Jimmy Butler, but he thinks him drinking all that caffeine done something to his brain and he's actually obsessed with Coffee as he then says he'll invite him over. Karen asks how is he going to get him to come over, which Brooklyn Guy says he's seen Looney Tunes, and he knows how to trap someone.
The video then cuts to Karen, saying "What the hell is this?" as she sees a trap that Brooklyn Guy set up, which Brooklyn Guy says it's a classic cartoon box trap as he explains that he places a Cup of Coffee in it to attract Jimmy Butler, which when he smells it and comes up to trey to sip it, he'll just pull the string to drop the box on him to trap him. Karen says it's ridiculous as she then asks what's he talking about because she claims it only works in cartoons, meaning there's no way Jimmy Butler is going to smell the coffee all the way in Miami, and then instantly get to their house and get trapped in his box. Brooklyn Guy explains that he has Coffee Senses and he's like Spider-Man, but instead of Spider Senses, he had Coffee Senses, which Jimmy Butler comes in, and sneaks a long straw into the Coffee to drink it. Brooklyn Guy was about to continue on his explanation on Jimmy Butler and his Coffee, but he notices that the cup empty, which he tells Karen to look when the Coffee is now gone from the cup. Karen asks where it go, which Brooklyn Guy says he doesn't know, but then follows the long straw with his eyes, which leads to Jimmy Butler. Brooklyn Guy sees Jimmy Butler and says "Jimmy Butler!", which causes Jimmy Butler to leave. Brooklyn Guy, now pissed off, saying "God damn it Karen, we were too busy arguing, and Jimmy Butler drank all the Coffee with his big, cartoony straw". Karen asks how she was supposed to know he would bring it, which Brooklyn Guy says it's because he had a big, cartoony trap as he then says it's Looney Tunes rules and that's how it works. Brooklyn Guy then tells Karen that they got to go back to the drawing board as the video then cuts to later, where Brooklyn Guy says he went to the Acme store and got an anvil as he explains that whenever Jimmy Butler comes to get his Coffee, they are going to drop it on his head and a big lump is going to grow out of it. Karen says it's not very nice as she asks what if it hurts his brain, which Brooklyn Guy tells her that his brain's already messed up from the Coffee as he then says "Oh my god Karen, there he is" as Jimmy Butler then comes in, acting like the Tasmanian Devil. Brooklyn Guy tells Karen that he's already geeked from the Coffee he already drank as he then says he turned into the Tasmanian Devil. Karen asks what do they do, which Brooklyn Guy tells her to drop it as Karen then drops the Anvil, but misses as Jimmy Butler runs off. Brooklyn Guy says "Damn it Karen, we were too late" as he then says he guess they have to go back to the drawing board, but Karen says they don't have a drawing board as the video then cuts to their dining room table, where Brooklyn Guy says "This is the drawing board" as he points to the crayon drawings he made that are sitting on the table. Karen asks how did he had time to do it, which Brooklyn Guy says he's been thinking about for a while as he then says they already did the box trap and the anvil thing as he then says now he wants to try painting a realistic looking Starbucks on the side of the house so whenever Jimmy Butler runs up, he smacks his face right into the wall and peel himself off like a sticker, but Karen says it's going to take forever, it's dark outside, and asks how does he know that he's going to run fast enough at it to go splat on the wall. Brooklyn Guy says she's right as he then asks where can he get a piano so he can drop it on his head and whenever he smiles his teeth are piano keys, but Karen says he already tried dropping something on his head and it didn't work. Brooklyn Guy says she's right as he then says he has the perfect idea, which he says he'll explain it to somebody who can actually help as he then leaves.
At the Red Couch, Brooklyn Guy runs in, saying "Marvin, Marvin, Marvin!". Marvin asks if he doesn't know anymore and just come in, but Brooklyn Guy says he knocks for business and just comes right in for "goofy fun stuff". Marvin says "I 'm assuming this is goofy fun stuff", which Brooklyn Guy yeah as he then explains that Jimmy Butler got suspended from the Miami Heat for 7 games because he likes Coffee too much, so now they are thinking about trading him to a different team, and if they do that, his life is going to suck, so what he has to do is go back in time to before Jimmy Butler had his first Cup of Coffee because that's where he addicted as he wants to stop Jimmy Butler from having that Coffee because if he does that, he'll never get addicted to Coffee and he will actually play Basketball. Marvin asks how he plans on doing that, which Brooklyn Guy says "You've been back in time right Marvin?", which Marvin says he doesn't think so, but Brooklyn Guy says he's been back in time plenty of times as he pulls out his Pocket Time Machine from between his couch cushions, and shows it to him. Marvin says he's never seen it in his life, but Brooklyn Guy says he's been back in time as Marvin asks how would he know when Jimmy Butler had his first Cup of Coffee. Brooklyn Guy says he likes talking about Coffee so much, so he sure he said it as he looks through his phone and reads that Jimmy Butler started selling Coffee back in 2020, meaning he would had his first Cup of Coffee in 2019 as he then sees that Jimmy Butler had his first Cup of Coffee in a gas station on September 18th, 2019. He then says all they need to do is go back in time at the gas station and stop Jimmy Butler from having that Cup of Coffee. Marvin asks if it would work, which Brooklyn Guy says "Yeah, it's worth a shot", but then says he shouldn't say shot or else Jimmy Butler would think he was talking about an Expresso shot as he then says "Come on Marvin, let's go back in time". Rose asks if she can go, but Brooklyn Guy scream out "NO! FUCK YOU!" as he and Marvin then use the Pocket Time Machine, as the video cuts to the gas station, Prince Abu Dhabi welcomes them and thanks them for choosing his gas station as he then asks how may he help them. Brooklyn Guy asks what's today's date, which Abu Dhabi says it's September 18th, 2019. Brooklyn Guy says "Perfect, we're here on the right day" as he says it means Jimmy Butler should be here any minute as Jimmy Butler then runs to the counter and asks if they have any Hot Dogs, which Abu Dhabi says it's in the back by the Coffee Machine. Jimmy Butler asks what's that, which Abu Dhabi says it's like a juice from beans. Jimmy Butler says "Beans are good for your heart, I got to try that" as he goes to the Coffee Machine, which Marvin and Brooklyn Guy follow him. Jimmy Butler then reads the "Hot Coffee" sign many times before saying it's a fun word. He then sees a Cup of Coffee sitting by the Coffee Machine. Brooklyn Guy tells him he shouldn't drink it as he claims that it's his, he spits when he drinks, and he has "Mouth AIDS". Jimmy Butler says he guess he'll get his own cup as he goes to get it, but Brooklyn Guy tells him he shouldn't get any Coffee as he's a basketball player and he claims that it will make him suck and never win championships. Jimmy Butler accepts what he says and leaves, saying he won't drink it then. Brooklyn Guy gets excited as he tells Marvin they did it and they stopped Jimmy Butler from drinking Coffee. Marvin says he can't believe it actually worked, but then tells Brooklyn Guy to look as Jimmy Butler is seen, buying a bottle of Mountain Dew, which he says it's so yummy, he's going to start his own Soda Company. Abu Dhabi says Coffee is so much good, but Jimmy Butler tells him that the guy at the back told him it was bad. Abu Dhabi says "My friend, you have to try this shit", which Jimmy Butler says "Ok" as he goes to take a sip. Jimmy Butler likes the taste as he says now he's going to start a Coffee Company and stop playing basketball as he then leaves. This disappoints Brooklyn Guy as he goes to the counter with Marvin, saying "No no, God damn it Marvin, we lost him", which Marvin tells him they already talked to him, and he just didn't listen as Brooklyn Guy then says now they have to go back in time before they talked to him as they have to try again. Marvin asks how he's going to try again as he already said Coffee was bad and he didn't listen, which Brooklyn Guy says he knows what to do and tells Marvin to come on as they use the Pocket Time Machine to time travel back to before they talked to him.
Back at the gas station, now at before Brooklyn Guy and Marvin talked to Jimmy Butler, The Past Version of Marvin asks what's today's date, which Abu Dhabi says it's September 18th, 2019. Brooklyn Guy and Marvin then appear, which The Past Version of Marvin says "Who's that", which Brooklyn Guy tells him that they are them from the future, and they did it wrong so they had to come back and fix it as Jimmy Butler the runs to the counter and asks if they have any Hot Dogs, which Abu Dhabi says it's in the back by the Coffee Machine. Jimmy Butler asks what's that, which Abu Dhabi says it's like a juice from beans, which Jimmy Butler says "Beans are good for your heart, I got to try that" as he goes to the Coffee Machine, but gets stopped by Brooklyn Guy, telling him not to try the Coffee, which Marvin agrees as he says it's bad for him. Jimmy Butler says it's made of Bean Juice, but Marvin says Beans makes him fart while Brooklyn Guy says he'll shit his pants on the court like Paul Pierce. Jimmy Butler says he doesn't want that, which Brooklyn Guy says he definitely doesn't want that as Jimmy Butler then leaves, saying he'll try something else. Marvin asks if he thinks it worked, but then hears Abu Dhabi drink his Cup of Coffee, saying it's so good. Brooklyn Guy tells him to pour it out and make sure Jimmy Butler doesn't drink the Coffee while The Past Version of Marvin asks what do they do, which Brooklyn Guy says they can go home and they got it from here, which The Past Versions of Marvin and Brooklyn Guy then go home while Marvin and Brooklyn Guy go to check on Jimmy Butler as the video cuts to Tyrone, saying the Coffee smells good, but then says his stomach hurt a little bit, so he says he's got to take a shit in the urinal as he then asks if somebody can watch his Coffee. Jimmy Butler comes over and says he'll watch it for him. Tyrone tells him to keep an eye on it as he has to shit in the urinal as he then puts a lid on it and leaves. Jimmy Butler then smells the Coffee and says it's good. Brooklyn Guy tackles Jimmy Butler and says "Jimmy don't you dare!". Jimmy Butler asks what he's doing, which Brooklyn Guy says "Stopping you from drinking Coffee" as the Cup of Coffee then spills, which a drop goes into Jimmy Butler's mouth, causing Jimmy Butler to taste the Coffee, which Jimmy Butler says it's the best thing he's ever had and he's going to start his own Coffee Company as he then leaves. This disappoints Brooklyn Guy as he tells Marvin that they have to go back in time again as the video then cuts to the gas station before it happened, where The Past Version of Brooklyn Guy tells The Past-Past Version of Brooklyn Guy that they did it wrong, so they had to go back and fix it as Brooklyn Guy and Marvin then appear. The Past Version of Brooklyn Guy says "Wait, we did it wrong", which Brooklyn Guy says they did, but they are going to do it right as Jimmy Butler walks to the counter, holding a Cup of Coffee, which he asks if he can buy the Cup of Coffee as he says it's the best thing he's ever had as he then says he's going to start his own Coffee Company. Brooklyn Guy is in shock as he says "What the fuck, how did it go even worse this time" while Marvin says they didn't even have a chance to intervene. Brooklyn Guy says he knows as Marvin then says they have to go back in time before they went back in time, but Brooklyn Guy says no because of how crowded it already is and there's going to be a million of them at this rate as he then says "Let's just go back in time before we decided to back in time and tell them what to do right so they do it right when they go back in time" as Marvin and Brooklyn Guy then use the Pocket Time Machine.
Back at the Red Couch, Brooklyn Guy asks why there are so many of them as he sees 3 versions of himself and 3 versions of Marvin, which a Version of Brooklyn Guy says they told them to go home as a Version of Marvin says so they did. Brooklyn Guy says that means they messed up so many times and they keep telling them to go back home. Marvin says he thought they were supposed to go back in time before they ever went back in time, which Brooklyn Guy says he doesn't remember that, and it's getting confusing as he then says "Let's just go back to my house" as Marvin and Brooklyn Guy then walk, but Brooklyn Guy notices the 3 Versions of Marvin and Brooklyn Guy follow them. Brooklyn Guy asks them what are they doing, which a Version of Brooklyn Guy says "You said to go back to my house", which Brooklyn Guy says "Yeah, I meant my house" as this starts a big conversation between him and the 3 Versions of Brooklyn Guy and Marvin. Marvin ends up fixing the problem by telling them to stay back and only he and Brooklyn Guy are going as Marvin and Brooklyn Guy then leave while the 3 versions of Brooklyn Guy and Marvin stay back. The video then cuts to Brooklyn Guy's couch, where Brooklyn Guy tells Marvin he has to help him find a way to get Jimmy Butler to stop drinking Coffee. Marvin asks why doesn't he accept that he likes Coffee, which Brooklyn Guy says "No, No Damn it, I'm not going to do that" as he says he doesn't understand as he says he could be the next Michael Jordan as he's good at basketball when he wants to be, but he's just too obsessed with Coffee. Brooklyn Guy then says his dream is to sell Coffee for $100 a cup, which he asks if he's out of his mind as he says no one's going to pay that much for Coffee, specially since Starbucks exists as he says "Starbucks is crack" and nobody is going to pay for "his shitty coffee" when they can buy Starbucks for way cheaper. Marvin agrees with Brooklyn Guy, saying it really is ridiculous to pay that much for Coffee as Brooklyn Guy then wishes that he can grab Jimmy Butler and shake him, saying "Wake the fuck up Jimmy, give up the Coffee". Marvin asks why doesn't he just talk to him by himself, which Brooklyn Guy says he would, but none of his cartoon traps worked. Marvin says "Well, isn't he right there?" as he points to Jimmy Butler, who says "Hey there, you wanted to talk to me". This shocks Brooklyn Guy as he stutters out Jimmy Butler's name. Jimmy Butler asks what did he want to say to him, which Brooklyn Guy says he just wanted to say one thing, which is to please give up the Coffee as he then hugs Jimmy by his shoe, which he tells him to invest in real estate, stocks, or crypto as he says he doesn't care, just no more Coffee. Jimmy Butler says he loves Coffee, which Brooklyn Guy says he knows, but he can invest in Starbucks because he thinks he's never going to beat them, but Jimmy Butler says "Well the heart wants what the heart wants". Brooklyn Guy then begs for Jimmy Butler to not leave Miami as he says he loves him, but Jimmy Butler says it's his misfortune as he then walks out to leave Brooklyn Guy's house, which Brooklyn Guy tries to stop him, saying where shall he go without him, but Jimmy Butler says "Franklin my dear, I don't give a damn" as he continues leaving as Brooklyn Guy then cries, but then says "No, No, I'm not going to worry about it today. I'll worry about it tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is another day" as the camera then pans away but comes back as Brooklyn Guy says it was from the movie "Gone with the Wind", which he says it's a really old movie as he then tells the viewers to ask their parents about it as he says he doesn't know.
- This video was uploaded a decade after "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Episode 2".
- Coincidentally, both videos are focused on Brooklyn Guy .
- This is Jimmy Butler and Prince Abu Dhabi's first appearances in 2025.
- This is Jimmy Butler's first appearance since "Brooklyn Guy Tries To Help!".
- This is Prince Abu Dhabi's first appearance since "Goodman's Turkey!".
- This is the first Brooklyn Guy-centric episode of 2025.
- This is the first video of 2025 where Marvin and Rose appear without Jeffy.
- This is also the first video of 2025 to not feature any children characters.
- Prince Abu Dhabi is the store clerk for this video, instead of Cameel Habib Habab.
- Brooklyn Guy misogynistically screams "NO! FUCK YOU!" to Rose, in the same manner he did in "Brooklyn Guy's Early Christmas!".
- Brooklyn Guy says that Marvin has time traveled before, which in in fact true, as he did in Chef Jeffy, Jeffy Loses His Head! And The Final Battle (though the latter was later retconned).
- Brooklyn Guy ends the video, saying "No, No, I'm not going to worry about it today. I'll worry about it tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is another day" when he was crying because of Jimmy Butler, leaving his house, saying he doesn't give a damn, which this is a reference to the 1939 movie "Gone with the Wind".
- Marvin claims he has never traveled back in time, but in "Chef Jeffy!", "The Final Battle" and "Jeffy Loses His Head!", he time traveled.
- At 7:43 during the scene when Jimmy Butler was running to the counter in the gas station, Chris's face can be seen.
- At 5:53, Prince Abu Dhabi says the current date is September 2019, but there is a calendar in the background that reads "December 2024".
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