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"Brooklyn Guy's Christmas Tree!" is the 1,083rd episode of SML Movies.


Brooklyn Guy needs a Christmas Tree!


The video starts with Rose asking Marvin if he's ready to go Christmas Caroling, but Marvin says no as he then says he ripped his sweater because of how it was too small for him as he then asks where she got the sweaters at, which Rose says she got them from the thrift store because they don't have any money because of Marvin quitting his Mall Santa job. Marvin tells Rose that they are not going to make any money, doing Christmas Carols, but Rose tells him he'll never know as if they sing very well, then they might tip them. Marvin says no-one has ever tipped a Christmas Caroler ever as Rose then asks Marvin if they want to practice their song, which Marvin agrees to do so as they start practicing, singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas, which they do this until Marvin messes up, saying "And I hate my fucking life" instead of "And a Happy New Year", which causes Rose callout Marvin as she then goes to the next verse, which she sings it until she asks Marvin isn't he singing "Figgy pudding", which Marvin says he is not going to say "Figgy pudding" because he finds it gay, but Rose tells Marvin he just said it as she then tells Marvin to sing it as Marvin then asks what's "Figgy pudding", which Rose says it's a pudding made from figs. Marvin says he's never heard of it, and it sounds gross to him as he asks why they can't say Chocolate Pudding, which Rose says it's because if they don't sing the right words, they might not tip them, but Marvin says they're not going to tip them anyway and Chocolate pudding's actually good. Rose then demands Marvin to sing the words, which Marvin does as they continue singing until Marvin stops and asks what's the song even about as he asks if it's only about pudding as he says he thought it was about wishing them a Merry Christmas, which Rose says it's about both, but Marvin says it sounds about demanding pudding from them. Rose then tells Marvin that it's fun and to sing it again as Jeffy comes in, and says "Hey daddy, why you dress like that", which Marvin tells him that he and Rose are going to go sing in people's front yards, and hopefully someone shoots them, but Rose stops him as she asks Jeffy if they want to go caroling, but Jeffy says no as he says he's literally going to do anything else. Marvin hears this as he asks Rose if he can go do that with Jeffy, but Rose says no as she tells Jeffy they'll be back in a few hours, which Marvin doesn't like this as he says "Hours!?", but Rose tells Marvin "Let's go" as they then leave, but Marvin comes back in to ask Jeffy if he can hire that "Luigi guy" to shoot him in the back, but Jeffy says "Hey! I thought we couldn't say that", which Marvin then leaves as he asks Rose how many houses they are going to sing in front of, which Rose says only the whole neighborhood, which shocks Marvin as he says "The whole neighborhood!?", but Rose tells him to hush as they then leave the house to go caroling.

At Brooklyn Guy's House, Karen tells Brooklyn Guy that it's almost Christmas and they don't have a Christmas Tree, which Brooklyn Guy says he knows as he says they are saving money by not getting a Christmas Tree this year, but Karen begs for Brooklyn Guy to get her a Christmas Tree, which Brooklyn Guy questions the point of having a Christmas Tree as he says it's messy, it takes forever to set up, and then stare at it for a few weeks, just to take it down anyway as he says it's a waste of time as he then says "Like wiping your ass, it's just going to get dirty again anyway, so what's the point". Karen says she loves decorating tree, but Brooklyn Guy tells her to then go outside and decorate a tree as he says there are millions of them, but Karen says she wants Christmas inside this year. Brooklyn Guy tells her that they probably sold out of trees anyway as Karen tells Brooklyn Guy to get her a tree as she is putting her hand down, which she puts her hand down as she demands Brooklyn Guy to get her a Christmas Tree or no more smooches, which Brooklyn Guy doesn't care as he sarcastically says "Oh no, I guess I'll just have to go smooch-less". Karen then threatens to invite his mother over for the holidays if he doesn't get her a tree, which shocks Brooklyn Guy as he tells Karen to calm down as he then says he'll get her tree as he then leaves and goes to Marvin's house, where he rings the doorbell and gets answered by Jeffy, which Brooklyn Guy asks Jeffy if his parents are home, which Jeffy says they aren't as he's home alone. Brooklyn Guy says "Oh really" as he asks if he has a Christmas Tree, which Jeffy says he does as he says it's in the living room, which excited Brooklyn Guy as he says he's at the right house as he says his name is Christmas Tree Chris, and he's with the "Christmas Tree Company" that he bought his Christmas Tree as he explains that they sold some faulty trees that can spontaneously explode burst, so he has to inspect his tree to make sure it's not one of those. Jeffy says "Ok" as Brooklyn Guy tells Jeffy he can't watch him do it as if it does catch fire, it would be dangerous, and he doesn't want to be liable as he asks Jeffy if he can hide somewhere, which Jeffy agrees to do so as he says "Okay, like in the attic?", which Brooklyn Guy says that would be great. Brooklyn Guy then goes in as Jeffy tells him to let him know when to come down, which Brooklyn Guy says "Will do!" as Jeffy goes to hide in the attic. Brooklyn Guy, now admiring the tree, says "There it is, there's my Christmas Tree" as he says his wife will finally shut up as he then questions how's he going to carry the tree out of the house as it's really big, which he decides to call Simmons for help. Simmons then comes in, saying "Hey mate, you called and said you needed help moving a Christmas Tree, which Brooklyn Guy says "Yeah this one" as he points to the Christmas Tree as he then asks Simmons why he's wearing a hardhat. Simmons says he's wearing it in case one of the ornaments falls down and hits him in the head, but Brooklyn Guy says it wouldn't even hurt if it happened, which Simmons says it's better to be safe than sorry as Brooklyn Guy tells Simmons to help him carry the tree back to his house, which he tells him to be quick, which Simmons thinks it's suspicious as he asks Brooklyn Guy if he's trying to steal the Christmas Tree, but Brooklyn Guy says no as he claims that he bought it off Facebook Marketplace, and the people said he could come pick it up while they're out, but they also said they get really attached to stuff, so if they see me physically take it, there might be a scuffle. Simmons still thinks it's suspicious as he tells Brooklyn Guy it really sounds like he's trying to steal the tree, which Brooklyn Guy says the "truth" is that their kid was bad, and they said that he doesn't get a Christmas Tree this year, so they wanted him to take it while he's at school, but Simmons says it's dark outside, causing Brooklyn Guy to admit that he's stealing it as he asks Simmons if that's what he wanted him to say and hear as Brooklyn Guy says "You take the top, I'll take the bottom", but Simmons says he likes being on the bottom as he tells him he can ask his mom, causing Brooklyn Guy to feel disgusted as he tells him he can take the bottom as he doesn't care as they then start taking the tree back to Brooklyn Guy's house, which Jeffy sees this as he says "The Christmas Tree got up and ran away".

Back at Brooklyn Guy's House, Simmons takes the tree into the house as he then tosses it, saying "Fuck that tree" as Brooklyn Guy comes inside and locks his car. Brooklyn Guy turns around and sees the Christmas Tree, now tossed, which upsets Brooklyn Guy as he tells Simmons not to just throw his Christmas Tree on the ground as he tells him to have some respect, but Simmons says he carried the tree down the road for five neighborhoods as he then says "Screw that tree!". Brooklyn Guy tells Simmons it wasn't that bad, but Simmons says he would rather drag the tree all the way to Australia, but Brooklyn Guy tells him to be real as he says there's no roads to Australia from America. Simmons then says he's out of here as he leaves, which Brooklyn Guy says "Oh come on Simmons, aren't you going to help me set it up", only for Simmons to tell him to suck his "Kangaroo dick" as he continues walking away from Brooklyn Guy's House. Brooklyn Guy then says "Oh somebody's angy" as he sits down with a bottle of beer, saying he did good as he then drinks his bottle of beer, saying "Now for a well-deserved beer". Karen then comes in to ask Brooklyn Guy if he got her tree, which Brooklyn Guy says "Huh, did I get your Christmas Tree? I got the Christmas Tree right over there" as he points Karen to the Christmas Tree laying on the floor, which Karen is shocked about seeing it as she says it's perfect. Brooklyn Guy says "You're damn right it is" as he says he cut it down himself, which Karen is impressive as she says it looks so heavy, which Brooklyn Guy says it was, but he dragged it down five neighborhoods just for her. Karen then says "Oh my big, strong man" as she says "Boiney, you're not even sweating", which Brooklyn Guy says it's because of how cold it was as he then says "You know, I think your big strong man deserves a reward", which Karen agrees as Brooklyn Guy starts taking his overalls off before Karen leaves, saying "After I decorate my Christmas Tree", which disappoints Brooklyn Guy as he says "Aww, I'm not going to want it later" before then saying "That's a lie, I'm always going to want it" as the video then cuts to Marvin and Rose going back inside their house, which Marvin goans in pain while Rose says she's sorry that the family threw a brick at his face, which Marvin says he told her people don't want strangers in their yard, singing "Figgy Pudding", but Rose says she thinks they were mad because he got the words wrong, which Marvin says he's not saying "Figgy Pudding" because it's gay and he's going to say Chocolate Pudding as Rose says "Marvin, our tree's gone!" in shock as Marvin then turns around and sees their Christmas Tree is now gone. Marvin and Rose then go into the living room as Rose tells Marvin their tree is gone but it was at their house when they left. Marvin tells Rose that tree don't just disappear before turning around, saying "JEFFY!!" as he then goes to look for Jeffy, which he finds Jeffy in the attic as he asks Jeffy why he's in the attic, which Jeffy says it's because Christmas Tree Chris told him to hide in the attic. Marvin questions this by saying "Who!?", which Jeffy says "Christmas Tree Chris" as Rose then asks if that's like Saint Nick, but Jeffy says he's the Christmas Tree inspector. Marvin asks Jeffy where's the Christmas Tree, which Jeffy says it got up and ran away, only for Marvin to say "No the fuck it didn't, where's it at", which this starts an argument, which they argue until Marvin says they are calling the cops, which Jeffy says "I think you should do that" as Marvin and Rose then leaves, which Marvin says again he's calling the cops.

At the front door, Brooklyn Guy asks Marvin if he called the cops, which Marvin says yes as he explains that someone stole his Christmas Tree. Brooklyn Guy then says in his mind to make sure to act really shocked, so Marvin doesn't suspect he's the one who stole his Christmas Tree as Brooklyn Guy then says "What! somebody stole your Christmas Tree? Nuh-uh that's crazy", which Marvin says "No seriously, someone stole a tree like it's gone". Brooklyn Guy asks if it was there and now it's not there anymore, which Marvin says yeah as he then says somebody stole while Brooklyn Guy says in his mind "Damn it guy, you're being weird". Brooklyn Guy then says there has been a lot of Christmas Tree thieves like Christmas Tree Chris, who pretends to be a Christmas Tree Inspector, and says that their tree might explode as he then tells them hide in their attic, just so he can steal their Christmas Tree, which this shocked Marvin as he says that's exactly what Jeffy said as Brooklyn Guy then says in his mind "Damn it guy, why are you talking so much, you're just giving them clues" as he then says he has a nice Christmas Tree at his house that he bought, which Rose says they need a Christmas Tree, only for Brooklyn Guy to says "Well that's too bad cuz all the stores are sold out of Christmas Trees" as he says he called all the stores after he bought his tree to confirm he got the last one, only for him to say in his mind "What the fuck was that guy? Just get out of there before you ruin it". Brooklyn Guy then leaves, which this disappoints Marvin and Rose as they go back to the Red Couch, where Rose starts crying as she says they can't have Christmas without a Christmas Tree, but Marvin tells her that she heard the cop, and that he said all the stores are sold out. Rose then says "What are we going to do!?" as she cries some more, which Marvin says he guess not have a Christmas Tree then, which causes Rose to cry more as she says "Worst Christmas ever" as she then leaves. This makes Marvin sad as he says he hates to see Rose that sad that she didn't even notice her Santa hat fell off as Marvin asks "What are we going to do", until he gets the idea to steal Brooklyn Guy's Christmas Tree since he has a nice Christmas Tree and he's working, which he leaves as the video cuts to Brooklyn Guy, coming inside from work, saying "Honey I'm home", which Karen tells him she finished decorating the Christmas Tree. Brooklyn Guy says "That just looks so yeah", which Karen thanks him as she says "Say you got finished at work real quick", which Brooklyn Guy says he did as he had one quick call and that's it as he then says he's home now. Karen tells Brooklyn Guy if he showers, he'll get his reward, which interests Brooklyn Guy as he leaves to go shower. Karen continues to look at the Christmas Tree, saying it's so pretty until she hears the doorbell ring, which she answers it to reveal it's Marvin, who says his name is Christmas Tree Chris and he's with the "Christmas Tree Company". Karen says "Oh, nice to meet you", which Marvin says he needs to inspect her Christmas Tree as he explains that due to Global Warming, Christmas Trees have gotten really hot, and they might spontaneously combust info flames, which worries Karen as she says "Oh no, but my husband just cut it down today". Marvin says he knows as he says that makes it worse because a freshly cut tree is like a freshly lit bomb. Karen gets worried as she asks what does she need to do, which Marvin tells her to hide in the attic in case it blows up while he inspects it, which Karen goes to hide while Marvin goes to the tree, which he recognizes it as being his Christmas Tree as he says "This motherfucker! He stole my Christmas Tree, and then wanted to act like he didn't know what happened to my tree" as he then says he bets he made up the Christmas Tree Chris stuff as he then takes the Christmas Tree, saying he's taking it back. Brooklyn Guy then comes out of the shower, saying "Hey Karen, Brooklyn Guy Junior's all shampooed, and I think he hit his growth spurt", but gets no response from Karen, so he looks for her, only to find his tree is gone, but continues to look for Karen, asking here "Where's out tree?", which he finds Karen, hiding in their pantry, which Karen says she couldn't find the attic, so she was hiding in their pantry. Brooklyn Guy asks why she was looking for the attic, which Karen says it's because Christmas Tree Chris came over and said their tree was going to explode and that she should hide in the attic. Brooklyn Guy recognizes the name as he says he's Christmas Tree Chris, but Karen says he's not as he was in the shower, and Christmas Tree Chris was at the front door. Brooklyn Guy then asks her to tell him what happened, which Karen explains what happened with Christmas Tree Chris. Brooklyn Guy then thinks to himself about who would have known about his lie, which he gets shocked as he says "Marvin!" as he then tells Karen to wait as he says he's going to get their tree back, which Karen tells him to put clothes on first, but Brooklyn Guy says there's no time as he leaves.

Back at Marvin's House, Marvin puts the Christmas Tree up, which Rose is impressed by what she sees as she says "Oh my god Marvin, you got our Christmas Tree back!", which Marvin says he sure did as Rose then asks Marvin if he found out who stole it, which Marvin says he knows who stole it as he says they can deal with that later. Rose then tells Marvin she thinks he deserves a reward for finding their Christmas Tree, which Marvin asks what kind of reward, only for Rose to say "Oh you know", which Marvin is excited about it as he leaves, saying "Let me get in the shower". The doorbell then rings, which Rose goes to open the front door, revealing it's Brooklyn Guy, which Rose asks Brooklyn Guy if he's the cop as she asks why he's in a towel, which Brooklyn Guy says Christmas Tree Chris stole his clothes. Rose says she thought he only stole Christmas Trees, but Brooklyn Guy says now he steals clothes because he's now Clothes For Free Chris because he wants all his clothes for free. Rose is shocked about what she heard as she said "Oh no!", which Brooklyn Guy says he stole his clothes and ran into the house. Rose asks what does she do, which Brooklyn Guy tells her to hide in the attic because he also has his gun, which scares Rose as she goes to hide in the attic as Brooklyn Guy comes in, saying "Gonna get my tree back". Marvin then comes out from the shower, saying "Oh Rose, Little Marvin Junior is all conditioned" when suddenly, he encounters Brooklyn Guy, holding his tree, which Brooklyn Guy says "Conditioning your balls is crazy work Marvin, or should I say Christmas Tree Chris", which Marvin and Brooklyn Guy argue about the name until Marvin says "You stole my Real Tree", to which Brooklyn Guy says "Touché" as he then says his wife needs the tree as he says he shampooed his balls, only for Marvin to say he shampooed his balls, causing Marvin and Brooklyn Guy to fight over the Christmas Tree until the Christmas Tree splits apart, causing them to stop fighting as Brooklyn Guy then says "Marvin, look at us, look what we've become, monsters over some stupid Christmas Tree", which Marvin says "It's my tree", but Brooklyn Guy says that's how it starts as he says it starts with "My my my" as he then asks "Can't it just be our tree?", only for Marvin to say no as he says it's been his tree the whole time, and he broke it. Brooklyn Guy then says "Can't I just take the top half and you take the bottom half?", but Marvin says no. Brooklyn Guy then says "Well at least until we both get sucked off?", which Marvin sighs and says he guess they both deserved to get sucked off as they then give themselves a handshake as The Narrator says Marvin and Brooklyn Guy both came that night, to an agreement that they would share the tree.




  • In the description, "Christmas Tree" isn't capitalized.
  • In the thumbnail, Marvin and Rose are wearing their normal clothes, but not in the video.
    • Simmons is also seen wearing his police uniform in the thumbnail, but not in the video.
  • At 10:06-10:28 and 11:00-11:11 crew members can be seen in one of the ornaments.


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