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"They call me Blue, ‘cause I stay depressed

I’m suicidal and my mom says I’m a mess
Sometimes I feel like just cutting myself
I go to rehab, ‘cause my mom says I need help"

— Blue's verse of the Angry Birds rap

Blue is one of the Angry Birds that appeared in the Black Yoshi and the Birds series. He is the son of Skittles and Big Red Sr. and the younger brother of Big Red, Speedy, Taliban, Toni, and the older brother Poof. He is depressed and suicidal, and is quieter than the other birds, but still happy around with his brothers. He also has the ability to make two copies of himself. He is based on the Blues from Angry Birds.


He appears to be a small blue bird with a triangle shaped beak, 2 red eyelids, two feathers on his head, and two black ones on his butt.


His personality is a parody of the phrase "Feeling blue" (meaning sad) in which he is always depressed and feeling like he needs to kill himself. However, these feelings may not be his fault and instead may be the result of neglect from their father Big Red Sr. or from his brother Taliban's anger.


In Black Yoshi and the Birds Episode 1, he, along with Big Red, Speedy, and Taliban, broke into and trashed Black Yoshi's room as revenge for killing their mother. They originally planned to kill him as well, but agreed to live with him instead.

Later, when Mario showed up, Taliban got angry that Mario wouldn't let the birds stay at his house. Blue tried to calm him down, but he failed, and Taliban exploded. Blue explained to Black Yoshi that Taliban would be back in the next episode.

The next day, the pigs attacked the birds. Blue used his cloning ability to distract the pigs while Speedy attacked.

In Episode 6, Blue played cards with Big Red and Taliban, although he admitted he had no idea what he was doing. When Female Big Red visited, Blue told her not to insult Big Red, because "he gets emotional." This prompted Big Red to tell him to shut up.

In the finale, Blue was playing Operation with the other birds when Mario asked them to help him fix a leak. It turned out to be a trap, and the pigs attacked. Blue used his cloning ability to attack the pigs, killing two of them. He was last seen bidding Black Yoshi farewell after Mario made the birds leave.


  • In the Angry Birds series, he is three birds named Jay, Jake, and Jim.
    • Also despite being 3 birds in the Blues in the real Angry Birds, there is instead only 1 bird. This is most likely because Logan only had one plush of Blue.