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"Black Yoshi's Koolaid Problem!" is the 425th episode of SML Movies.


Black Yoshi wants Kool-Aid, but he can't have it because it's illegal now!


The episode starts off with Black Yoshi annoying Mario with his empty Kool-Aid containers claiming to be a "Kool-Aid-ephant", until news about Kool-Aid being illegal because it's worse than crack popped up. Black Yoshi doesn't listen to the news and got some packs of Kool-Aid from the Loan Dolphin.

While driving home in Mario's car, the police pull over Black Yoshi prompting him to try and hide his Kool-Aid in his sock but Brooklyn Guy finds it. Black Yoshi then distracts Brooklyn Guy and quickly drives away.

Upon returning home, news about the Kool-Aid Man being on the FBI's most-wanted list pops up. At the house, the doorbell rings and Mario tells Black Yoshi to answer. When Black Yoshi answers the door, the Kool-Aid Man discusses to him that he is running away from the cops, the Kool-Aid Man arrives at Mario's house and gives Black Yoshi some Kool-Aid. Mario freaks out upon seeing the Kool-Aid Man in his house.

When the cops arrive, the Kool-Aid Man was hidden in the pantry but the cops find him. Mario tried distracting the cops but it fails. And both Mario and the Kool-Aid Man are arrested until news popped up about Kool-Aid being legal again because Dr. Finkleshitz lied about Kool-Aid being worse than crack because the Kool-Aid Man was banging his sister. Brooklyn Guy decides to let Mario and the Kool-Aid Man free. However, as the Kool-Aid Man celebrates, he punches Brooklyn Guy on purpose resulting him in getting arrested again. Brooklyn Guy and Simmons taze the Kool-Aid Man in order to prevent him from resisting. Upstairs, Black Yoshi's happy that Kool-Aid's legal again. Then Mario tells the viewers that they shouldn’t punch a cop and shouldn’t do bad things, much to Black Yoshi's sadness.



  • This is the first appearance of Black Yoshi in 2019.
  • This is also the first appearance of Kool-Aid Man as an actual character.
  • The color red appears in every scene in this video.
  • This episode reveals that Dr. Finkleshitz has a sister.
  • This is the first video in 2019 where Bowser Junior doesn't appear.
  • The word "fuck" is censored.
  • This is the first video where Blue M&Ms Officer does not fire Brooklyn T. Guy or Simmons for their actions.
  • This is one of the most critically acclaimed videos of 2019, along with "Bowser Junior's 11th Birthday!", "Black Yoshi's Chicken Sandwich!", "Jeffy's Imaginary Friend!", and "The Life of Brooklyn Guy!".
  • This was the last time that Anthony plays a character in a video as he was kicked out by Logan due to the breakup drama until returning during the remake of "Chef Pee Pee's Kids".
  • Goodman says that the penalty for Kool-Aid possession is the electric chair. However, the federal government doesn't use the electric chair in executions anymore. The last use of such execution was in 2002, and later executions are done by lethal injection. Plus, the penalty for Kool-Aid possession is apocryphal and the criteria isn't for death penalty.
  • This episode was uploaded one year after "Jeffy Loses His Arms!", eight years after "Crazy Monkey", and eleven years after "Mario and Tony: What Is Better? "Results"".
  • Originally, Simmons was supposed to have a normal face when he and Brooklyn Guy showed up at Mario's door instead of a face that Brooklyn Guy described as "Sucking on a Lemon" as revealed in the behind the scenes. However, his jaw stuck out in the original take, complete with Mario telling Simmons "Cover your mouth" and Brooklyn Guy explaining that the former had a jaw disorder and was very sensitive.


  • When Blue M&M's Officer asks Brooklyn Guy and Simmons for pictures of Spider-Man, it is a reference to J. Jonah Jameson from Spider-Man.


  • Loan Dolphin only gave him 1 pack when he was supposed to give 2 packs.
    SML Movie Black Yoshi's Koolaid Problem! error

    Chris' face can be seen

  • At 15:12, when Brooklyn T. Guy and Simmons arrest Kool-Aid Man for the 2nd time, Chris' face can be partially seen.
  • The Kool-Aid Man's arm is seen through his handle.


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SML Movies