"Black Yoshi's Kids!" (AKA: "Duggie's Kids!") is the 449th episode of SML Movies.
Black Yoshi has kids.
Duggie has a son??
Black Yoshi is playing Call of Duty in the game room. Mario arrives with his Joy-Cons and tells him to end his turn on the TV. Black Yoshi refuses to let Mario play then the doorbell rings and Mario asks Black Yoshi to answer, but he refuses again. So, Mario answers it and finds a baby Yoshi with a note at the door.
Mario brings the baby into the house and shows him to Black Yoshi. Black Yoshi denies that it's his kid and says he looks nothing like him. Mario then shows him the included letter, claiming the baby to have been sent by a woman named Bookeykey. Realizing that Bookeykey sent him the letter, Black Yoshi says he'll take care of his son by tossing him out the window. Luckily, the baby survives. Mario angrily brings him back into the house and berates Black Yoshi for throwing him out the window.
Eventually, Black Yoshi's son gets hungry and asks Black Yoshi to talk to his son while he prepares the baby's bottle. But behind his back, Black Yoshi tosses the baby in the trash, claiming that it's where he belongs. As soon as Mario brings Black Yoshi's son back to him, he chews him out for his atrocious treatment of his son, causing Black Yoshi to go on a tirade that he doesn't like him, need him, calls him ugly, claims he looks nothing like him, and makes it very clear he would rather play Call of Duty. Mario feigns acceptance, before he gives him a welfare check of $1,500. It turns out the government gave him that money because they know that Black Yoshi has a kid and gave him the appropriate amount of money, he needs to take care of his son.
However, Black Yoshi steals twenty-four more kids to get more money and Mario is shocked. Mario tells him that he can't keep them all. Eventually, the news came out and reveals that Black Yoshi actually kidnapped the babies from the park because he wanted more money. Eventually, Brooklyn T. Guy arrives but Black Yoshi hides the babies in the couch and in the microwave.
But eventually, one of the babies' cover is blown, and Black Yoshi tried paying Brooklyn Guy some money, but he refuses. Eventually, all the babies came out of hiding and Brooklyn Guy proceeds to take Black Yoshi to jail. But then changes his mind after realizing that he actually has a son, but Black Yoshi's money is going to get confiscated. So Black Yoshi decided to go to jail, his hatred for his own son being that great.
- Mario
- Black Yoshi
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Goodman (cameo)
- The Babies
- Big Bwah
- Moof
- King Kong Keesha
- Skaags
- Salad Dressing Tongsra
- Quika
- Rock Paper Scissina
- Shatananananananananananananana Batman
- Fried Chickenisha
- Burger Kingwuh
- Stone Cold Steve Ashley
- Salt
- Pepper
- Parmanginika
- Kool-Andria
- Croutondra
- Black Yoshi's Son (debut)
- This is Black Yoshi's first appearance on SuperBowserLogan.
- This is the first episode on Superbowserlogan where Jeffy does not appear.
- Out of the 24 adopted babies, he named 15 of them.
- Skaggs is most likely a reference to Tyler Skaggs, a former Los Angeles Angels player of the MLB who passed away on July 1st, 2019.
- The baby used for the baby "Big Bwah" is the same baby that was used by Charleyyy in "Gravity!".
- This episode marks Brooklyn T. Guy’s 200th overall appearance.
- Black Yoshi references a song from Blue's Clues, "We Just Got a Letter", parodied as "We Just Got Some Welfare".
- The plot of the episode could be taken from the Futurama episode "The Cyber House Rules". As Black Yoshi kidnapping the kids to get money from the government near-mirrors Bender's actions in the episode.