"Black Yoshi's Birthday!", also known as "Chef Pee Pee's 30th Birthday!", is the 443rd episode of SML Movies.
Black Yoshi really needs money, so he says it's his birthday!
Black Yoshi is playing video games until Mario arrives with money. Unfortunately, it's for Chef Pee Pee since it is his birthday. This gets Black Yoshi an idea.
At Chef Pee Pee's party, Junior and Cody are celebrating it with him. They got him a cake shaped like a cheeseburger and both of them gave him spatulas for presents. Bowser comes in an also gives Chef Pee Pee a spatula. Junior then gives Chef Pee Pee a message from Snoop Dogg saying his cooking sucks before bringing in Screwball. Mario gives Chef Pee Pee the money, which makes him happy, while Junior brings Chef Pee Pee an 'OLD DUDE' necklace. Insulted, Chef Pee Pee says the party sucks and that Mario's gift of money was the only good thing about it.
Black Yoshi arrives and tells Mario that it's his birthday. Mario doesn't believe him at first, but after Black Yoshi's begging, Mario decided to set up the party with the help of Chef Pee Pee.
At Black Yoshi's party, him and Mario played Pin the Watermelon Seed on the Watermelon and hit a Watermelon piñata. All the while, Black Yoshi is wanting money. After blowing out the candles of his watermelon-shaped cake, opening his presents which is KFC and grape kool aid along with a card Mario gave him, Black Yoshi pleaded Mario for money so Mario gave him twenty bucks.
Brooklyn Guy then arrives and brings Black Yoshi's driver's license. Mario notices the date of birth on the driver license is not the same as the one seen of Black Yoshi's 'Birf Sertifisis' (Birth Certificate). When the driver's license is shown to him, Black Yoshi denied that it's his and said that it was his cousin Rufus'. But neither Mario nor Brooklyn Guy believes him. Mario confiscates Black Yoshi's money before Brooklyn Guy takes it from Mario. Mario tells him that he will never have a birthday party ever again since he will never trust him. But Black Yoshi hasn't learned his lesson. His next scheme is to lie and say it's his 'bar mitzvah'.
- Black Yoshi
- Mario
- Chef Pee Pee
- Bowser Junior
- Cody
- Ken
- Bowser
- Snoop Dogg (debut)
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Rufus (debut)
- Screwball
- Andrew Jackson (mentioned)
- Michael Jackson (mentioned)
- This is the final SML video in May 2019.
- This is the second on-screen birthday video of Chef Pee Pee
- This is Screwball's first appearance in 2019.
- Running Gags: Chef Pee Pee receiving a spatula for his birthday and Black Yoshi asking "Where the money at?".
- Black Yoshi's birthday is revealed to be October 23, 1992, making him 26 when this episode took place.
- This is the first time Snoop Dogg makes an appearance in an SML video.
- Logan got Snoop Dogg to appear through a site called "Cameo" where anyone can pay celebrities to give them a personalized shoutout or message.
- He also got James White from the New England Patriots to tell Precious to eat her Meow Mix on his (Logan's) Instagram.
- Brooklyn T. Guy's foolish behavior at the end when he takes away the dollar is similar to how he behaved in "Jeffy's Birthday Wish!".
- He mentioned Andrew Jackson, a former American politician, and Michael Jackson, an African-American singer-songwriter who died in 2009.
- Black Yoshi is revealed to have a twin cousin named Rufus, so this could be a teaser to the upcoming video about Black Yoshi's family.
- Chef Pee Pee refused to make Mario a cake because it was his birthday, similar to "Jeffy's Birthday Surprise!" when he refused to make Mario a cake for Jeffy because it was his off-day.
- This is Black Yoshi’s last appearance on SuperLuigiLogan.
- Chef Pee Pee's birthday is inconsistent each video. First in was June 1, then July 27, and finally May 30. This is unknown why.
- Although this is the first time Mario has grounded someone other than Jeffy, who didn't appear in this episode, it's in fact impossible to ground someone unless it's a child of yours. It could be possible that this episode is non-canon or he might have went too far on Black Yoshi. It may also be possible Black Yoshi got grounded because of his "immature" behavior.
- Chef Pee Pee incorrectly claims he's 30, however, on "Chef Pee Pee's Birthday Surprise!", which was uploaded three years ago, he says he's 26, which would make him 29.
To see full results of this poll, see here.
Birthday Specials | |
Bowser Junior | 5th Birthday • 6th Birthday • 7th Birthday • 8th Birthday • 9th Birthday • 10th Birthday • 11th Birthday • 12th Birthday • 13th Birthday • 14th Birthday • 15th Birthday • 16th Birthday |
Jeffy | 12th Birthday • 13th Birthday • 14th Birthday • 15th Birthday • 16th Birthday • 17th Birthday • 18th Birthday • 19th Birthday • 20th Birthday |
Cody | 8th/2nd Birthday • 10th/2.5th Birthday • 12th/3rd Birthday • 16th/4th Birthday |
Chef Pee Pee | 24th Birthday • 26th Birthday • 30th Birthday |
Penelope | 2022 • 2023 |
Other | Bowser • Margaret • Scooter • Karen • Hank • Susie |
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