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"American Idol Mario Edition" is a series that aired in 2008 created by Logan Thirtyacre, based off the singing competition show American Idol. It was revived on October 23, 2015. However, two of the episodes were deleted on December 11, 2017, for "violating" the YouTube community guidelines. As of July 8 2021, this SML Plush Show is been deleted from cease and desist letter to YouTube Channel.


Season 1[]

  1. American Idol Mario Edition. Episode 1 (deleted July 8 2021)
  2. American Idol Mario Edition. Episode 2 (deleted July 8 2021)
  3. American Idol Mario Edition. Episode 3 (deleted December 11 2017)
  4. American Idol Mario Edition. Episode 4 (deleted December 11 2017)
  5. American Idol Mario Edition. Episode 5 (deleted July 8 2021)
  6. American Idol Mario Edition. Episode 6 (deleted July 8 2021)
  7. American Idol Mario Edition. Episode 7 (deleted July 8 2021)
  8. American Idol Mario Edition. Episode 8 (deleted July 8 2021)

Season 2[]

  1. American Idol Episode 1 (deleted July 8 2021)


  1. American Idol Mario Edition. Lost Episode




  1. Mr. Pig
  2. Woody
  3. Goofy
  4. Minnie Mouse
  5. Daisy Duck
  6. Goomba
  7. Mr. M&M
  8. Hot Potato
  9. Toad
  10. Wario
  11. Bowser
  12. Luigi
  13. Timber Creek

