This ia a picture of SML videos always go to a Brooklyn Guy Episode
Is this relevant to SML.
Awful but the hot dogs looked delicious.
Character that caused problems like demonetization and the human puppets that caused a lot of chaos called the man that destroyed SML.
It will include Brooklyn Guy yapping with nicktendo.
Junior's Fortnite skin problem.
Thank god they don't overue the max keeble references that was so annoying not to offend Max Keeble Fans.
Logan should upload less than 4 or 3 videos a week.
I guess the Fuckerdoos are back Logan should retire them or so.
November and September are the worst months ive ever saw.
Why does Logan upload every 2 days instead of 4 days.
feel like December might be good because of the Christmas so don't really expect good episodes during non Holiday Months or normal months.
This ia a picture of SML videos always go to a Brooklyn Guy Episode
I also bet 5 Jeffy puppets and Goodman's and Elon Musk's Bank account that it is going to have the Huckerdoos or Jeffy acting like he always does or Brooklyn Guy coming over and ruining the fun or Junior and his friends with Penelope argue.
No Huckerdoos or Trash T Guy.
#BringbackChefPP I like Lovell's acting more than most of the crew because I feel like if Lovell voiced Brooklyn Guy it would've been different. This is not to offend other opinions or Pooby fans.
-10/10 I used to be a Jeffy fan, but Jeffy is starting to be a annoying character so that is why I wish Jeffy and Brooklyn Guy, Rose should never exist hopefully the thanksgiving won't involve the Fuckerdoos, Logan should remove Rose because Rose is just a useless side character feels like Logan is never improving I know 2025 is going to be worse because until then Logan might make bad videos even if the sun explodes or ww3 happens still Logan is going to make videos this bad Logan should save 4 days for Thanksgiving
The First Reason is that Logan is doing this for money, materialism because we should not only care for money we could care for others besides money because that is why Money corrupted Mr Goodman's Mind, Logan is just Marvin, Mr Goodman, Bojack Horseman, Homer Simpson and all the lazy and greedy characters together that is why Logan is addicted to Brooklyn Trash Terrible Guy and Jeffy the overused clickbait person
The Second Reason is that Rose is not needed because Rose is just whining and complaining and always sides with Jeffy, Elaina needs a break from SML and Elaina needs to use more of her creativity rather than Logan telling Elaina to make the worst characters. Logan what are you doing why don't you learn lessons that is why it is hard to learn lessons.
The Third Reason is that the cast members look so exhausted on most of the behind the scene thumbnails because the Cast Members might not have good sleep or relaxation that is why Logan should not overfilm or be a filmaholic because when we work too much the dizzy and sleepy we get so when we feel dizzy or sleepy we might feel like bad video ideas coming out.
The Fourth Reason is that Logan needs to use more action or use more interesting animators like Glider like its like a animation with more mashups that have more action because most of SML videos don't have a comic effect that is in Glider videos because in SML it is just Red Couch Rose complaining or Junior trio arguing with each other, Jeffy being a misleading character in most episodes thinking is this going to be Jeffy no its just Pooby Brooky Show that is why Logan doesn't know that how cast members don't look happy on the thumbnails on the Behind the Scenes that is why breaking character exists. Logan you need to use more of Lovell's characters like Chef Pee Pee, Braxton, and Charleyyy because it brings up the classical charm of SML look what is SML now this is just a Brooklyn Guy Show with Rose whining, Jeffy just being in a second of a video. Logan should stop making Jeffy videos and identify what is a Brooky video and a Jeffy video it is like Logan just lost his distinguisher of what is Jeffy and Brooklyn Guy episodes.
This is not to offend fans of Pooby, Elaina, Lance, Logan, Jeffy, Brooklyn Guy, Human Puppets, Huckerdoos, and etc. This is for constructive criticisms also this is not to offend other opinions no matter what.
I think Logan has also lost its Junior Era magic because nowadays the 2016-17 Jeffy like videos just involve Jeffy be a background character because I used to watch SML many years ago and I used to be a Jeffy fan, but now I stopped being one because he caused many trouble to the SML Channel so that is why I like Braxton and Charleyyy because Logan should use more of the Junior Era charm.
Overused references like the annoying big move it is not really funny anymore because it feels boring.
Red Couch
Brooklyn Guy
Lack of Lovell's characters
Marvin/Cody/Junior Torture
Female Characters avoiding torture because they usually do
Jeffy as a character that appears for a little bit and then disappears
Doctor Scenes
Strip Club
Overused Jokes
Lack of originality because most videos are based on recent trends except the diddy party that was the best recent event video ever