SML referenced the cease and desist again, they might get sued by Nintendo again.
Nintendo said after sending them the ceased and desist that Logan cabt mention their properties after they delete their original channel.
But They can't reference Mario on the SML channel after February 10, 2021, and they can't reference it on Chilly's after July 8, 2021.
I know that, but Logan might still get sued for showing it for more than 2 seconds, especially on the Chilly channel.
I know that, but this channel is actually the chilly channel, because that's were Logan uploads his vlogs.
But thankfully that it happened on the Chilly channel instead of the SML channel, and it was shown in the Latest SML Vlog video.
SML referenced the cease and desist again, they might get sued by Nintendo again.
Good Bye.
I did stop complaining.
I did stop already.
You can either unprotect the latest video template but Auto confirmed users will be the only non–admin accounts to edit it, or create a bot account to update it automatically, every time a new video comes out.
This Time from Jeffy's Piano Lessons! to Jeffy Ball Z Episode 5 because Jeffy Ball Z 5 is currently the latest SML video.
10/10, this is the best SML video of 2024.
Some Criminal knew the password to this account, and I had to change the password today to prevent anymore edit farming.
Logan will be 82 by the time Mario and Donkey Kong enters the Public Domain.
Logan will be 86 by the time Super Mario Bros. enters the Public Domain, and Mario won't enter the Public Domain until 2077, because he first appeared in Donkey Kong, which came out in 1981.
I apologize for the edit farming in the past, the main reason why this account was edit farming then is because it was hacked, and I am the main owner of the account.
How about in 3 to 6 months from now.
I know that, but I promise that I will no longer edit farm, and then I can get the rollback rank in a week from now.
I read it, and it looks like that I have meet the requirements to be rollback, because I have made more than 150 edits, I have been active for more than 2 months, I revert vandalism, and I have been active on the content side for the past month.
And it Looks like that my block has finally expired.