I want to know if it is true or not, and did Dhar Mann get Logan's permission to make a video about him?
Why Logan didn't get angry when Dhar Mann make a video about him without permission?!
What do you mean by inaccuracies?
I want to know if it is true or not, and did Dhar Mann get Logan's permission to make a video about him?
In the video called "LILLY GOT PUNCHED IN THE FACE!", Baby Lilly got punched in the face, but who, please tell me!
Will Chilly divorce Logan?
I tried restarting but it didn't work.
Cody loves Jackie Chu!
Thanks for loving my idea!
It is a amazing idea, and is more of a SML YTP.
Thanks! You want to watch the dog Charlie and Friends 2022 kids show?
Marvin is in big trouble, so the IRS aka Mr Goodman cannot get Marvin out of the house since they hide food so Mr Goodman's son, Richard will be the IFRS, this is a reference to what you eating in Woody woodpecker.
They are tired of Cody helping Jackie Chu making the students good.
Rose will be mean to Jeffy, and Marvin will be nice to Jeffy.
When I edit my wall greeting, it happens!
Braxton was watching something, and he found a ripoff TV-Y7 kids show called Charlie And Friends, he watched all episodes, and he got very mad that there is a ripoff of The Charleyyy And Friends, he tells someone who works for The Charleyyy And Friends, he tells them to sue the person that made a ripoff of The Charleyyy And Friends.
If you view wall greeting on my message wall on phone on this wiki, there is 2 of them, but why? How do I fix this error?
Part 1 release in morning, part 2 release in evening, Marin cheats on Rose with Nancy, and is also Summer School part 3!
The substitute teacher is Jackie Chu, Brooklyn T. Guy didn't finish Kindergarten, so he had to go to Kindergarten too, or summer school since summer school is not finished, Penelope also go with her father, Mr. Winkle tries to sneak into school, but Brooklyn T. Guy tries to arrest Mr. Winkle, but Mr. Winkle is too powerful, but Alex and Annabelle is rescued. Summer School is over. At Jeffy's house, Randy says to Rose that he has a son named Mikey. Mikey is now Jeffy's little brother, and Marvin is suprised. Mikey lives with Rose due to Randy being too harsh. Marvin finds out that Jeffy is in Kindergarten. And all the other kids tell their parents that they are in Kindergarten. All the parents got angry, Cody sue the entire School for 1 trillion dollars. Judge Pooby is the judge as usual. Parents and Brooklyn T. Guy help the kids as lawers. The School lose against Cody, the only way for the School to not pay 1 trillion dollars is to send Cody, Junior, Joseph, Penelope, and Jeffy back to their classes at a right age. And to cancel Summer School for all students. The School did what Judge Pooby says, Cody is sad no Summer School, Junior and Joseph beat up Cody. Cody, Junior, Joseph, Penelope, and Jeffy have to go to high school due to them being pretty old. Judge Pooby is the principal of High School, some parents have old kids hear about that Cody, Junior, Joseph, Penelope, and Jeffy is going to High School, to be continued.
And you forgot Jeffy's Adult Happy Meal, where Banjo-Kazooie and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate are there!