The title says it all, man.
@Alex warwick You also need Tabletop Simulator to play it which is 20 dollars on steam.
@Alex warwick I'd have to publish it, which I haven't.
@Eaprobinson2001 I made it in Tabletop Simulator lol.
@Alex warwick basically you play as Junior, Cody, Chef Pee Pee, or Jeffy. You go around the board loosely modeled from the house and collect all the objective tokens.
Lunchables is good,but when you're working minimum wage and scraping by month-to-month, those lunch makers and cracker crunchers are a godsend.
The title says it all, man.
@WordWorld fan That video was a bit of an inspiration for this idea, only he doesn't work for Goodman and he'd have a new job every episode since he's just a temp worker. Overall I just want a change to the formula.
@NoEntertainment16 Jeffy truly is to Logan what the boulder was to Sisyphus
I, personally, am tired of the whole Marvin formula of him being a lower-middle class citizen with a first-class mansion, but a lower-class wallet. I'd really like to see a shake-up with his character that can also create a lot more potential for episodes.
Since Marvin has been ambiguously jobless for the past few years, there should be an episode where Goodman comes by to collect his month's mortgage, and obviously, he doesn't have it like usual. But Goodman, sick of this going on for so long, forces him to apply for Workers Benefit (or Welfare), and Marvin has to take up temp jobs for a Temp Agency to keep up his Workers Benefit to maximize his income without passing the threshold. For that episode, he would take up a temp job somewhere and complete the day with his money going to Goodman to pay off his Mortgage.
This way, there can be more ideas for episodes that involve Marvin getting off the red couch and thrown into new environments. I think this would be a neat idea for Logan to experiment with as it'll keep a little continuity, change the status quo, bring about new characters and locations, etc. I'd like to know what some of you would think about this change.
The concept is just awkward and really uncomfortable.
With the large amount of people (mostly kids) flooding the YouTube comment section with weird, vague, SML ideas, I am confident to say that he completely ignores them and put them on the backburner. And people, like myself, who create whole plots, scenes, and outlines towards SML ideas, Logan would probably ignore them because they're too long.
Or OR... They could have just gotten rid of Jeffy.
Hmmm personally I grew tired of Billy as a character early on, but they did kind of mix up his character a bit which I can give Kudos to Logan for that.
Honestly, I've never considered how Cody revealing the ceremony to Junior and Joseph and announcing they aren't invited to be a flaw of the episode. You do make a really good point though, why would Cody reveal that to them and not expect them to try and ruin it.
Definitely not the worst, but the sudden and abrupt ending truly ruined a lot it for me for some reason. I am really not a fan of SML videos ending unceremoniously.
@Just a normal Mike Stan Trick-or-Treating? no. Celebrating Halloween? Definitely. I'm hanging out at my friend's house for Halloween and watching scary movies and such.
It's no Fugget About It, but it's alright.
Seeing a parody of Black Christmas (1974) would be very interesting and a twist special for Christmas.
Like Trick-or-Treating, or celebrating Halloween in general?
I mean I don't disagree. I think SML's issues are more fundamental then the language and pop culture they reference (If that's what you're referring to when you say brainrot.)
Honestly I agree. I can never pass up a SML video that dives more into the history of a character, and one that isn't afraid to get a little emotional.