Jeffy is sitting at the table and Rose and Marvin come in saying is he ready for dinner in which he says yes. Marvin then gives him a giant bowl of green beansand pead, Jeffy becomes mad and says he hates green beans and Marvin starts yelling at him to eat his green beans and peas. Jeffy refuses and Marvins ends up forcing green beans and peas down Jeffy's throat. After forcing green beans and peas down his throat, Marvin then says to Jeffy he's done and he can go now but Jeffy is unresponsive, Rose becomes distraught saying he killed Jeffy but Marvin denies it saying he's sleeping. Marvin then tries to shake Jeffy awake, his voice becoming louder, distraught and angrier as he tries to wake up Jeffy, even tries waking him up by violently hitting him while Rose yells at him to stop and calling him a murderer in a distraught, traumatized and hysterical voice. We then cut to black and a text pops up on screen reading "12 days later" and we then cut to Marvin in a prison solitary confinement cell and is in a very mentally and clinicly unstable state, groaning and moaning in fear, mumbling words such as "Green beans and peas are the healthiest.", "Green beans and peas can't kill." and "Jeffy's gonna be eating green beans and peas for the rest of life." in a very shaky, angry and distressed voice and rocking back and forth and shaking violently. He gets a knock on his cell door and it happens to be Brooklyn Guy telling him that his son is in a coma and is going under a stomach transplant, Marvin then tells him he needs to get out so he can feed his son green beans and peas but Brooklyn Guy refuses saying he's serving 11 days for attempted murder via green bean overdose and that green beans and peas are permanently banned and are now illegal. Brooklyn Guy tells Marvin that all green bean and pea farms are being shut down. This causes Marvin to snap and straight up goes berserk and begins attacking Brooklyn Guy, even tries to literally eat him alive all the while yelling saying that Jeffy needs his green beans and peas to live and they are the only food he's allowed to have and that he's not allowed to eat junk food nor fruit because he thinks they are not healthy and poisonous, Brooklyn then calls out for help and soon other officers and Simmons rush to his aid and subdue Marvin with tasers. They end up punishing Marvin by force feeding him green beans and peas which results in him getting green bean poisoning, the same way he did to Jeffy. Marvin collapses and starts convulsing and foaming from his mouth, he begs the officers to save him and cries out in pain while bragging and complaining about how green beans and peas are suppose to be the healthiest vegetables an not the most deadly and poisonous and then falls into a coma. Marvin awakes in his cell and is feeling groggy and feverish and is on an IV, then Brooklyn Guy enters his cell and tells him he's just had a stomach transplant and Jeffy had his done at the hospital and is currently recovering. He tells Marvin that Rose is here to see him and leaves. Rose walks up to Marvin's cell and the two have a emotional talk through the open slat in the door. The conversation ends when Rose tells Marvin that what he did was unforgivable and he can't tell Jeffy what to do anymore nor force him to do anything and if he keeps mistreating Jeffy they will divorce and leaves. Marvin walks over to his bed and starts to cry and screams a loud "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" that echos through the entire prison. It's Marvin 11th and final day in prison, he's now in a wheelchair and still on an IV, he barely speaks and his voice is starting to sound like an elderly, thus he's started to become an elderly. Brooklyn Guy comes in and tells Marvin his sentence is up and he's being released. The video ends with Marvin being taken back home by Rose, during the trip home he does not say a word as he begins to fall into a deep clinical depression.
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