25 Votes in Poll
Man I liked watching his stuff I feel like I was the only one who liked his stuff btw
25 Votes in Poll
27 Votes in Poll
Talk about one idiot
32 Votes in Poll
28 Votes in Poll
Junior cus he's definitely more tolerable cus he would definitely do something like hangout with his friends compared to Jeffy who would just annoy you alot
Lunchables will always have a soft spot in my childhood in which the knock offs and lunchly will never be able to obtain
(picked outta bias cus theyre so many vids people liked)
(note there were so many vids that people liked so I picked outta bias)
52 Votes in Poll
38 Votes in Poll
Locking cus of Necroposting
Jeffy if he wasn't kept well
It was probably the fact Cody said he bit the guys junk off
It had Cody come back after his encounter with the kidnapper and he says he killed the guy by "biting his junk off"
Well I cant watch it so I cant give ya my rating
I dont hate him i just dont like how most of the time hes just used to halt the story to explain some filler thing (mostly something related to btg)
Hey that's still impressive compared to most vids
Didnt see any of these cus these are toddler shows on Disney jr